“Oh, simple!Mr. Mo is weird and Miss Cheng is odd. I am surethey will make a good couple!”



Amused byJun’er’s simple reasoning, the palace mistress and her daughter couldn’t helpbut snickered and laughed softly.

Cheng XiaoXiao, far away in the village of Willow, would never in her dream imagined thatthe sister she had only met once was so enthusiastic to set her up!

That beingsaid, back at the town of Daling came another grandiose troop. Undereverybody’s watchful eyes, they arrived at Lai Yue Inn.

Upon hearingthe news, Deacon Bai rushed to welcome him. He bows at the mysterious youngmaster and led him the most elegant courtyard in the back.

Two hourslater!

Themysterious young master summoned the two Deacons, with great respect Deacon Baicupped his hand and greeted the man sitting in front of the table with a cup oftea, “Eldest Young Master!”

“Where theheck is Innkeeper Zhu?” This mysterious young master was, indeed, Zhu Xiangyu.Following his father’s order, he had arrived at the town of Daling on his wayto make the delivery!

Being asked,Deacon Bai immediately updated the eldest young master with the status ofInnkeeper Zhu.

“He’s at theCheng’s?”

Obviouslythis was the first time he had heard about this, he was a bit surprised.Squinting his eyes a bit, he said, “He was able to stay at the Cheng’s. Verynice, there’s certainly some accomplishment. I hope he won’t disappoint me!”


The twodeacons present dare not add anything to his comment. Zhu Xiangyu took a lookat them and, slightly dissatisfied, said, “Don’t just stand there like a pieceof log, anything special happenings in Daling or Willow lately?”

“Yes, ElderYoung Master, according to the scouts we’ve sent out, all the people fromSchool of Divine Condor was kept at the Cheng’s to help them with physical labor!”Deacon Bai reported the most interesting news that took place recently.

Upon hearingthat, Zhu Xiangyu’s hand that was holding the tea cup paused in midair. He wastoo surprised, “They are doing physical labor? How is that possible? Tell meexactly what had happened, don’t spare any details!”

“Yes, EldestYoung Master. Words had it that three students of the School of Divine Condorwas handicapped by the Cheng’s. So the a.s.sociate dean rushed here from theSchool of Divine Condor and took with him an instructor and a bunch of studentsto reason with them….”


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