The olda.s.sociate dean was embarra.s.sed, being kicked out so blatantly. It wasdefinitely humiliating, but he also know that facing the little monster ChengXiao Xiao, there was no point to get angry. The only way to stick around was tobe shameless.

Under theastonishing gazes from everybody else, he could not take more humiliation, sohe said righteously, “Maiden Cheng, I know you guys trade. We will buy yourmystical water and farm animls in the future. We will even buy your mysticalbeasts!”

“Wow, said the wealthy School of Divine Condor. You are quitearrogant, unfortunately, it’s not as rosy as you think!”

When she got here, her face turned cold suddenly and said, “Old man,I don’t care who you buy from in the future, but you aren’t buying anythingfrom us. I suggest you to leave right away before more humiliation!”

“WHAT?” said the a.s.sociate dean while suppressing his anger.

“Why what?”Cheng Xiao Xiao stared squarely at him and enunciated every single word, “Noreason, I simple don’t like you guys. You rub me the wrong way, so we are notselling you anything!”


“Cheng XiaoXiao, that was imprudent of you!” shouted Mu QIngtong, who have had enough. Hehad been holding all his anger in for days and finally exploded!

“Stopshouting! You want to be taught a lesson?!” Cheng Xiao Xiao glanced over at himand with a wave of her wrist, the fly swatter aimed straight at him!”


Thea.s.sociate dean shouted it, but it was already too late. The instantly enlargedfly swatter smacked Mu Qingtong directly into the ground with no chance ofevading it, much like someone swatting a fly.


Mu Qingtongfelt on the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood. Collapsing on the ground,he was unable to get up again.

The a.s.sociatedean could not have looked any worse than he was right now. Cheng Xiao Xiao,standing on one side, didn’t even care about him. Looking coldly at MuQingtong, she said, “Remember, do not show up in front of me every again.Otherwise, I will smack you every time I see you, let’s see how many times youcan take it. Now GET!”

“……” MuQIngtong struggled as best he could trying to get up, his eyes stared at ChengXiao Xiao with a deadly gaze.

Cheng XiaoXiao was unaffected by his look. She lifted the corners of her mouth some andput on a condescending smile.

“Very well!”said the a.s.sociate dean sternly. Picking up Mu Qingtong from the ground anddisappeared in no time.

“We willsee!” were words that came from afar. The coldness in them suggested that thea.s.sociate dean truly meant business.

ChengBiyuan’s look dropped a little, Mrs. Cheng looked worried. Only Cheng Xiao Xiaolooked as though nothig was out of the ordinary.

She didn’tcare. She knew very well that from this point forward, they would never befriendly with those from the School of Divine Condor.

In addition,the old man a.s.sociate dean might thought he was being stealth, but with thehelp of little fairy Yuteng, Cheng Xiao Xiao was well aware of every action ofhis. She merely didn’t point them out blatantly was all.

Just whenCheng Xiao Xiao was about to make a trip out of the house, another group ofvisitors had arrived.

Looking atall the visitors in their official garbs, everybody at the Cheng’s weredumbfounded. They didn’t think they had any interactions with theseindividuals, so why were they here?

These groupof individuals were from the royals!

The royals!This word reminded Cheng Xiao Xiao of another saying – My way or the highway. The royals have always been the legalbandits, they have free reins to everything!


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