After theirdeparture, First Elder personally inquired about Eleventh Elder’s whereabout!

Theinformation he obtained did not make him happy; quite contrarily, he lookedangry. Obviously things did not go as he had planned.

Finally,First Elder pa.s.sed down another order, “Keep an eye out on him, and let himexperience some hardship. Hrm!”

Other thanthe Cheng’s, the two at the city of Yin also had very different reaction. WhenGu Gaoyi’s wife Yan Qingqing heard about the treatment of her son at theCheng’s, she was so angry she started shouting about them loudly, cursing justabout every member of the Cheng’s family!

Gu Gaoyifound that hard to believe. In his memory, Cheng Biyuan was someone who valuedfriendships and relationships. Knowing how he treated his son upset him a lot!

“Gu Gaoyi, Iam going to make it clear right here right now. There’s no way this unruly bratof the Cheng’s is marrying to our family. You go immediately to Willow Villageto cancel this engagement. I will never accept such an untalented and unkind bratas my daughter-in-law!”

Gu Gaoyi didnot respond to his wife’s words. When he told her about the award from theroyals, her arrogance diminished by quite a bit.

After a longwhile, the unreconciled Yan Qingqing said through gritted teeth, “I don’t care!You must ask for justice for our son. My son was not to be insulted by that unrulybrat!”

“Stopcalling her an ‘unruly brat’, her status is higher than yours now. Hrm!”

“What youhrm’ing me for? If you are so great then why don’t you go get yourself thet.i.tle of a count too? You couldn’t, could you? Then you have no grounds to saythat to me!”

“You! Youare unreasonable!”

Gu Gaoyi,who was in a foul mood, got up and left!

Now that hewas gone, even if Yan Qingqing wanted to continue with her tantrum, she nolonger has an audience. She still felt unjust and continued to mumble toherself, “That d.a.m.n brat Cheng Xiao Xiao, you think you could be so arrogantbecause of your dad? Hrm, just wait till you married into this family. I’ll letyou know what it meant by obeying your husband. How dare you treated my sonthat way? Have you no respect for me at all?”

After ChengXiao Xiao had settled all the family matters on hand, she decided to go walkaround the towns nearby and see if she could find anyone who would be of use toher family.

“Xiao Xiao,you are going out?”

Mrs. Chengwas plenty surprised when she found out. She didn’t think her daughter would beleaving the house at this hour.

Cheng XiaoXiao nodded at her mother, “Yes, mom. I am going to take a trip outside. I willbe back in a few days!”

“No! You area girl, what do you mean to take a trip? I don’t feel comfortable with that. Ifyou have anything matters that need taking care of, have your dad do it foryou, or one of your shi xiongs.Anyone, but you can’t go by yourself because you are a girl!”

Mrs. Chengdidn’t even give it a thought but objected vehemently. After her daughter’s.e.xplanation, she continued to say, “Xiao Xiao, you have never left the housebefore. You have no idea how dangerous it is outside. All the cultivators, theywill blow up over a verbal altercation and kill others. Others have badintention and they will target girls like you. No matter what you have to takecare of, listen to your mother, you can’t go out!”

“Mom, itwill be alright, okay?” said Cheng Xiao Xiao while holding her mother’s handand smiling, “Mom, am I the type that let others take advantage of me? Nocommoners are my match. On top of that, mom, you know that I have a lot ofmystical beasts with me. I can just scare a bunch of people to death. Even ifthey are dumb and want to fight them. Okay, they maybe able to take on one. Butwhat about two? Three? Eight? Ten? What about several dozens or even severalhundreds?”


Chapters 1 - 16 now available!


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