After the purchase, she clicked on decoration and converted the tinycottage into a white villa. Right after she finished clicking, the sight infront of her shifted, the inside of the house had changed completely.

Not only did the living room expanded a lot, even the furniture wasupgraded from what the ones before. Cheng Xiao Xiao looked across the room andcouldn’t help but to smile, “You surely get what you paid for. Now this finallylooks like a home!”

As she was talking, she started looking over the new house. Other thanthe living room, the first floor has bedrooms, a kitchen, and a bathroom. Itwas roughly 180 square meters.

After she had finished looking around the first floor, she proceededonto the second floor. Second floor was slightly smaller than the first sinceit has two small patios. It actually has six rooms! That’s more than enough tohouse the entire Cheng’s family.

Not to mention that some of the servants can stay in the first floor.Cheng Xiao Xiao was quite happy with what she saw.

She picked one of the room as hers. It came with all accessories sothere was no need to get anything else. Little Yuteng followed Qing Zhu and LuZhu into the villa when she returned to the first floor.

“Young mistress, this is such a pretty house that you’ve picked out!”said little Yuteng happily.

“I am glad you like it!” smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao and said two the twosurprised and curious kids, “This is where we will be staying for a while.There are four rooms on the first floor, you can each pick one. As for thesecond floor, don’t go up there if you don’t need to. I only need Lu Zhu to goupstairs to clean for me every day!”

“Yes, Mistress!”

“I understand, Mistress!”

Same responses as before, but Cheng Xiao Xiao had already noticedchanges in them. They were far from being intimidated and anxious like theywere before.

Now they look normal. Other than likeness for the house, there werealso pa.s.sion and affinity. Cheng Xiao Xiao had seen this kind of looks from hermystical beasts before.

So now one could conclude that the dimension could, indeed, alter aperson’s mind.

Little Yuteng seemed to have noticed her thoughts. She smiled at ChengXiao Xiao and said, “Young mistress, don’t worry, from now on Qing Zhu and LuZhu will be very loyal to you!”

“Good!” Cheng Xiao Xiao finally felt relieved. The most importantissue has been resolved. From now on, anyone she wants, she could collect theminto the dimension directly.

At this moment, Cheng Xiao Xiao’s eyes beamed. This was indeed aG.o.dsend. n.o.body could escape being brainwashed. Anyone who entered here willturn into her people.

“Yuteng, from now on you teach Qing Zhu and Lu Zhu to cultivate!” Nowthat they were her people, naturally they must practice cultivation. She wouldneed them beside her in the outside world in the future.

“Count on me!”

Little Yuteng promised right away. When Qing Zhu and Lu Zhu heardthis, they immediately kneeled in front of Cheng Xiao Xiao with a happy lookand said, “Thank you for your kindness, Mistress!”

Even thoughthe two were born to poor families, but they grew up in this s.p.a.ce time afterall. They knew what cultivators are. They had never had the opportunity tocultivate; that was never an option. Now that they have the opportunity, theyunderstood that it was truly a blessing.

“Okay, getup. Just be sure to work hard!”


The twostood up and Cheng Xiao Xiao said to Lu Zhu, “You come with me. I will teachyou how to cook in the kitchen. You will be responsible for preparing our mealsin the future whenever we are here!”

“Yes,Mistress, Lu Zhu knows how to cook!”


Chapters 1 - 21 now available!


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