“Yoursubject had never expected anything in return!” said Zhou Jinjiang in a serioustone.

“What youthink is irrelevant!”

The emperorglanced at him and said, “You had judgement better than any others. Right now,the Cheng’s at Emperor City must be the ones regretting the most. When ChengBiyuan was a talented genius, they treated him like a treasure and were veryarrogant in their ways in the city. Ever since the incident with Cheng Biyuan,they tossed him away like an old shoe. Giving him not a second look.

“Never in amillion years had they expected that would became a blessing in disguise for ChengBiyuan and his family, having accomplished what he had today. I wonder what theCheng’s would do with Cheng Biyuan!”

ZhouJinjiang could agree more with the words of the emperor, but he did not letthat show. What he said was so true, but he remember another news he had heardrecently and said, “Your Majesty, I have also heard that the 11thelder of the Cheng’s was also banished and had left Emperor City recently!”

“Hrm,banished the elder that was closest to Cheng Biyuan at this time? They may beable to conceal their intentions with others, but not with me. What they were trying to do couldn’t be moreobvious.”

“ChengBiyuan wouldn’t go along with whatever they had in mind!” said Zhou Jinjiangdecisively for some odd reasons.

The emperorwas neither happy nor unhappy at his response, nonchalantly he said, “We’llsee!”


“Okay, ifyou want to go to Qing’an Province, I won’t force you to stay. But I will saveyour position of Commandant of Guards. Regardless of whether you will bereturning to Emperor City, the position is still yours, but….”

He pausedhere, and his tone became much more severe, “You must pay close attention tothe events within Qing’an Province. If there are any unusual events takingplace, you must report them to me. Remember, any unusual events. I don’t wantto wait till it’s a small country of it’s own before dealing with it. Youunderstand?”

“Yes, yoursubject understood!” Of course he understood. Now that he had became a secretmove of the emperor, he’d have to accept the mission.

The two ofthem chatted for a little more before Zhou Jinjiang excused himself!

After thedeparture of Zhou Jinjiang, the emperor solemnly rubbed his temples and said,“Cheng Biyuan, Zhou Jinjiang, I hope you won’t disappoint me!”

Theresignation of Zhou Jinjiang did not bring about too much turmoil. It was verylow key, as though not very many knew about it. Even when Zhou Jinjiang and hisfamily left Emperor City, not too many had noticed; or, those who did pretendedthat they didn’t.

Cheng XiaoXiao rested for half a day in her house inside the dimension. When she walkedout of the house, little Yuteng approached her immediately and she asked,“Yuteng, where are we now?”

“YoungMistress, I found a great place. Hurry up and go check it out!” Screechedlittle Yuteng excitedly.

“Oh? Let mego see!”

Exiting thedimension, Cheng Xiao Xiao immediately noticed that was inside a valley. Shedidn’t notice a whole lot except for the field full of all sort of medicinalherbs that made her ecstatic.

“Medicinalherbs! Oh my G.o.d! All of them the precious kind!” Even Cheng Xiao Xiao couldn’thelp but exclaimed loudly.

LittleYuteng came out as well. Looking at the medicinal herbs in front of them, herlarge eyes turned into the shape of new moon and she said happily, “YoungMistress, if we collect all of these herbs, the dimension will for sure go upquite a few level!”


Cheng XiaoXiao did not even think about where she was, or whether these herbs belong toanyone. The only thing she had in mind was to collect all of them into herdimension.

Never mindthat they will allow the dimension to go up several levels, even if therewouldn’t be any levelling, she wouldn’t pa.s.s up on these. These herbs were waytoo precious. They were all live-saving medicines. They were like panacea!


Chapters 1 - 26 now available!


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