The joyouslaughter filled the entire valley. The mystical crane rolled its eyes on oneside. Its new mistress must be a saint, to be able to put up with this idiotmaster.

Lucky forhim, Cheng Xiao Xiao was already long gone. Had she known, she would definitelyhave pulled out her fly swatter and smashed him into ground meat. This d.a.m.nidiot….

Cheng XiaoXiao rested for an entire day in the dimension before she started feeling alittle better. After she had a hearty meal, she realized that the dimension hadlevelled up, and all the way to level 46. She was pleasantly surprised.

Even thoughthey have collected so many items in the valley, and she almost died in theprocess, but being able to go up eight levels still surprised her a lot.

After goingup eight levels, there weren’t a lot of newly added facilities. The area insidethe dimension increased by 1/3, the buds on the crystal fruit tree becamefuller, like they would blossom at any moment.

The numberof fields also increased by quite a bit. In short, it was worth the price shehad to pay.

“Oh yeah,Yuteng, what’s with that idiot?” Thinking about the man made her feel murderousall over again. She immediately have an angry look on her face.

Thementioning of the genius mathematician made Yuteng doubled over from laughing.She recounted what happened between the two of them through her laugh.

He fed herpriceless revival pill to bring her back?

Cheng XiaoXiao was surprised about that.

But thenYuteng got to the part where he was going to wake her up by kissing her, hereyes almost rolled out of her socket. That jerk, where the heck did he get thatfrom? How could you kiss someone on their lips when they were unconscious?

Which jerkof a master trained this jerk?

Cheng XiaoXiao was so angry her hair was about to stand up on her head. Idiot! An utteridiot!

“Oh yeah,what’s that ‘genius mathematician’ thing that he kept talking about?” ChengXiao Xiao did not forget how the man referred to himself as the genius mathematician.

Yuteng hadfinally quiet down a bit from her laughter. Wiping away some of the tears fromher laughing, she replied, “Young Mistress, the genius mathematician probablycame from the Temple of Devine Plans. Do you still remember Temple of Divine Plans?”

“Temple ofDivine Plans? They are one of the top four powers, right?”

“Yup, andthis genius mathematician was most likely from Temple of Divine Plans. YoungMistress should know by now that Temple of Divine Plans is like Palace ofMystical Beasts, they are organizations that are well respected and wellfeared.”

“Why fearthem? Aren’t they just a bunch of scam artists?”

Cheng XiaoXiao didn’t believe in fortune-telling, or the so-called peering into thefuture. To her, these were all nonsense. No way she’d believe in anything likethat!

“YoungMistress, don’t be so skeptical. Those from Temple of Divine Plans really havethat kind of abilities. They are able to use their talents or innate abilitiesto see others’ future. In particular, they can locate a person or see theirluck. They have their special ways to achieve what others can’t.”

“Really?”She couldn’t not believe words from little Yuteng.

The ideathat the idiot outside was someone from Temple of Divine Plans made her feelthat there was something very messed up about this whole world.

“YoungMistress, you and that genius mathematician really could a couple in thefuture!” teased little Yuteng.

“Don’t beridiculous!” Cheng Xiao Xiao gave her a stare, “If he dares show up again,watch me smash hi with my fly swatter. n.o.body had ever treated me that waybefore!”

“Hehehe,Young Mistress, he did wake you up with his kiss…”

“You want meto smash you too, little Yuteng?!”


The look ofCheng Xiao Xiao turning mad from embarra.s.sment made little Yuteng laughed evenharder. Luckily barriers have been set around the house and those from theoutside couldn’t hear them.


Chapters 1 - 27 now available!


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