“You are just a kid, what do you know?”Said Cheng Xiao Xiao while giving him a stare.

Cheng Zheng Yuan didn’t care about the lookthat she gave him, he grinned at her, “Big sister, I think Danhang ge likes you though!”

“Nonsense, maybe it was you who like somegirl in the village!”

“Nonsense, I don’t like any of those uglygirls!”



“Then don’t go play in their village anymore!”

“Big sister……”

Mrs. Cheng was standing in front of the kitchenwatching the two of them bantering with each other. She looked at her now fullgrown daughter and seemed a bit sad. If they weren’t stuck in this place, shealready at the age to look for a husband, but now…..

Cheng Xiao Xiao placed the herbs in theyard, turned and saw her mother standing in front of the kitchen. She smiledand asked, “What’s the matter, mom?”

“Oh, nothing, just a little tired. Youguys go clean up with some water, dinner will be ready soon!” Mrs. Cheng puther worries aside for now and smiled at her.

“I’ll go bathe at the river!” Shouted ChengZheng Yuan as he darted inside the house to get some clean clothes.

The two boys enjoyed very much bathing inthe river not far from the house. Their parents never told them they couldn’tdo it, and it had became an enjoyment for the two of them.

“Mom, I’ll go into my quarters to get cleanedup!” Smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao.


Mrs. Cheng looked at her 16-year-olddaughter and sighed slightly. She wasn’t sure what to do with her daughter’shappiness. Of course she was aware that Liu Danhang was fond of her daughter. Itwasn’t that fact that he was poor, but she really didn’t think he measured upto her daughter in terms of his intelligence or his look.

Entering into the dimension, the system soundrang immediately, “Discovered a new species of black lingzhi, dimension has increased from level 3 to level 8. Added 10more fields!”

“Discovered new species of dendrobiumn.o.bile, dimension increased from level 8 to level 14. Added 15 more fields. Addedjade vine!”

“Jade vine?” Cheng Xiao Xiao wa.s.surprised, she hadn’t expected something called “jade vine”. She hasn’t made itinside the cottage before she noticed the strange looking vine sprout in frontof the cottage and growing bigger and bigger in front of her eyes. Before long,it had climbed all over the cottage. Making the original plain-looking cottagea much more attractive look.

Although the jade vine were pretty, ChengXiao Xiao had no idea what it was. She was a bit curious. She approached it mindlesslyand reached out to touch its lush, green leaves.

It was light, cool, and smooth to the touch,almost jade-like.

No wonder it was called jade vine, thoughtCheng Xiao Xiao to herself, and her smile brightened. For some reason, she feltthat this jade vine was a bit unusual, but she couldn’t quite put her finger onit.

She stayed a bit longer before she walkedaway from the jade wine to go examine her now 40 ploughed fields. Other thanthe original 15 that were now filled with rice ready to be harvested, the 25new fields were her biggest accomplishment today.

“Harvest the rice crops and turn them intowhite rice, convert rice seedlings into hay!”

She gave her orders and immediately the goldenrice fields disappeared in front of her eyes immediately.

Without wasting anytime, she replanted all40 fields with rice crops.

Afterward, she went over to the farm sideto collect all the chickens and rabbits. Now that the dimension has reachedlevel 14, she could raise chickens and rabbits in much larger quant.i.ty.

She went inside the cottage to check onthe market place; other than chickens and rabbits, she could also raise sheep,cows, ducks, deer, etc.

Finally, she decided to stay with chickensand rabbits for now, but tens of them.

“Big sister, dinner is ready!”


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