“I didn’tsay I won’t join, I just said I don’t have any plans as of right now!”

“But..”Cheng Zheng Yuan frowned and said, “Big sister, the top four powers will berecruiting two years from now. If you don’t enter the selection pool then, youprobably won’t get another chance!”

Two yearslater, Cheng Xiao Xiao would be 18 years old. The top four powers did notrecruit anyone above the age of 18. Once you were over 18, regardless of howtalented you were, they would not accept you. This rule had been in place fortens and thousands of years; there had been no exceptions.

“Zheng Yuan,don’t you worry about me. I know what I want. Don’t worry. Since you want toget into the Xiaoyao sect six months from now, you need to work very hard. Ithink their minimum requirement was martial master, but I have faith in you!”

No wantingto continue the topic, Cheng Xiao Xiao quickly changed the topic.

The two ofthem chatted for a while longer. When he was taking off, Cheng Xiao Xiao handedher brother a snow ginseng and told him only to use when he had reached thebottleneck; that way he would be able to breakthrough and it wouldn’t cause anydamages.

Cheng ZhengYuan left happily with the snow ginseng.

“YoungMistress, how come you’d allow him to join a sect?” asked little Yuteng,baffled.

From ChengXiao Xiao’s perspective, as the dimension transform, her family’s cultivationlevel would increase. That wouldn’t be a problem at all, which was why littleYuteng was baffled.

Cheng XiaoXiao replied, “Everybody has their own path; I don’t want to confine him, nordo I want others to confine me. If this is the path he wanted to choose, I wanthim to go for it. If he succeed, he had earned it himself; if he failed, atleast he had given it his best and wouldn’t have any regret.

“If we don’tlet him leave, it doesn’t matter how fast he could go up in is cultivationlevel, he’ll never be truly happy. Not to mention, one must leave one’s nestand experience the real world before one would grow up!”

“YoungMistress, when had you achieved such enlightenment? You sound like an oldmonster that had been around for several hundred of years!” shouted littleYuteng from inside the dimension.

Youare the old monster!” said Cheng Xiao Xiao as she rolled her eyes. “You knowthese kind of things, I might not have pork before, but at least I have seenpigs run.”

“YoungMistress, you are so right. We can only help them so much; at the end, theywill need to leave the nest and follow their own paths. Not to mention thateach person has their own fate and will grow up at different rate!”

“Okay,enough of this chitchatting; I remember you mentioned something about alchemyyesterday, do you think we can really do that?”

“YoungMistress, I sort of feel that we might have that capability, but not quite yet.I think our dimension need to level up some more for that.”

“Ugh, are weback to the level issue again?”

Sect ofHuashan1, in some far away valley!

Inside theresidential hall of the leader sat a few high level officials, all of themstrong cultivators above the level of martial spiritualist. They were theelitists of Huashan Sect.

Today, theywere all summoned there by the leader of the sect, and none of them had anyidea as to the purpose of the meeting.

Sitting atthe leader spot was a middle-aged man around 40. He didn’t say a word, but inhis hand he held a leader water bottle; one that looked like you could buy atjust about any shops outside. Yet, the leader of Huashan Sect held onto it likeit was a priceless treasure, refusing to put it down.

n.o.bodyunderstood what was so precious about that generic water bottle.

n.o.body inthe hall dare utter a word; after all, n.o.body wanted to challenge the authorityof their leader.

“Fetch me 20cups!”



1.Technically can be translated to “Mount Hua”, but it doesn’t have a good ringto it, so going with Chinese p.r.o.nunciation of “Huashan”.


Chapters 1 - 38 now available!


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