“What scoundrel was sneaking around here?!” said Zhou Jinjiang sarcastically.

“How dare you!”

An angry cry from the old man and a strong qi came from hisbody. Even Cheng Xiao Xiao inside the dimension could feel the threat of his qi.

No only her, even the other three felt it as well. Tien Fusheng criedout uncontrollably, “A martial king? Oh my G.o.d, there really are martialkings?”

“Nonsense, you think there aren’t any of us just because you don’t knowabout us? If you leave now I just might let you live; otherwise, death for all!”

Standing straight up proudly, the old man in grey robe looked almostmajestic when he said that. That’s the strength that radiant out naturally froma truly powerful person.

“My name is Cheng Biyuan. Pardon me, I wasn’t aware that senior ispaying us a visit!” Cheng Biyuan struggled to speak while fighting the qifrom the old man.

“Oh, so you are that Cheng Biyuan kid!”

After hearing his name, the old man in grey gradually reduced his qi.The three of them finally felt a bit of relief.

Cheng Biyuan let out a sigh of relieve secretly. Facing an elitemartial artist like the one in front of him was like an ant looking at anelephant – unsurmountable.

Cheng Biyuanbrought his emotions back under control quickly and cupped his hands at the oldman again, “I am, indeed, Cheng Biyuan. Greetings, senior!”

“Good, good.Now that you are here, I will be frank with you. Everything that belong to you,I am taking them!”


Cheng Biyuanwas shocked, as were the other two with him. Observing as a pa.s.serby, ChengXiao Xiao was angry but wasn’t shocked. It was more or less what she hadexpected.

“What, youdon’t think I will be able to just take what I want?” A vicious voice, afrightful air, mixed with indescribable anger pressed down on them likethousands of mountains.


Immediately,the incredible qi pressed down hard on the three of them. Their facesbeet red. Under the pressure created by the old man in grey, none of them couldtalk even if they wanted to.

Seeing howthey look, Cheng Xiao Xiao immediately remembered hat had happened to her inthe valley. She was enraged and told little Yuteng, “Use any means you can, wewant to keep this man!”

All of herangry had transferred onto this man. Even though she knew full well that theyare not the same person, but she was angered by this shameless bandit!

Histhunderous voice, along with the qi accompanying it had woken up theentire village.

All theCheng’s came running out. When they arrived, they saw what they would neverforget in their lifetime – an old man high up in the air like some sort of diety;an incredible qi generated by him making Cheng Biyuan and Zhou Jinjiang,the most powerful of them all, stood there motionlessly.

Everybodycould tell that the old man in grey was forcing them to drop on their knees.

“Let go ofmy dad!” shouted Cheng Zheng Yuan angrily!

“Let go ofour master!”

“Who areyou! Let go of our master and instructor!”

“Let go,didn’t you hear?!”

Even thoughthey were trembling, Cheng Li and the lot were still shouting at the man in themiddle of the air! “Oh, all you ants, better shut up now. If you want to diethough, I don’t mind taking care of you first!”

A savage andferocious voice came rumbling down above everyone’s head like thunder.


Chapters 1 - 43 now available!


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