After his.e.xplanation, Ying Ziliang looked very remorseful and continued to say, “I gotgreedy. I targeted Miss because I wanted to take over the mystical well. Pleasea.s.sign me my punishment, Miss.”

“I will let Yuteng take care of yourpunishment. Now that you are in the dimension, you will have the opportunity ofleaving here one day. But you are not allowed to tell anyone anything aboutthis place.”

“Yes, Miss!”

“Yuteng,lock him up and don’t let him cultivate for a while. At least not until he hasappropriately atoned for his sins, perhaps then we will give him anotherchance!”

“Yes, YoungMistress. I will arrange for that!” Little Yuteng accepted her a.s.signmenthappily!

“It’s almostday time outside, I should go back. I trust that you can handle this!”

“I got this.You go!”

Day breakcame right after Cheng Xiao Xiao flashed out. She immediately ordered Yuteng toretrieve all the vines.


All thevines were gone in no time, leaving just Cheng Xiao Xiao standing in themiddle.

Now thatthis was all taken care of, she was just about to go back to her room and getsome rest when two people appeared in front of her. It was her father ChengBiyuan and Zhou Jinjiang.

“Xiao Xiao,how did it go?”

“Xiao Xiao,are the mystical beast alright?”

Even thoughthey weren’t part of it, they have been waiting here in case she needed extrahelp.

They didn’texpect her to reappear after merely four hours. Not only did the vinesdisappeared, as were all the injured mystical beasts. They were both curiousand worried.

“It’s allgood. I have put them away for the time being. They just needed some rest andthey will be fine!” smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao without elaborating any more.

She lookedat Zhou Jinjiang and collected her smile. With a serious tone she said, “UncleZhou, I am not going to say anymore, but please help keep this a secret!”

“Xiao Xiao,don’t worry. I think I will be able to do at least that. I won’t tell anyone!”Even though Zhou Jinjiang was both stunned and have so many questions, he alsoknew that this was not something he could find out.

On top ofthat, from his perspective, the stronger and more mysterious Cheng Xiao Xiaowas the better. After all, his future was now bound with the Cheng’s.

“I trustyou, Uncle Zhou!” smiled Cheng Xiao Xiao.

No morewords, and nothing else was exchanged. They said goodnights to each other andeach retired into their own quarters.

ZhouJinjiang returned to his own courtyard and there were still torchlights fromhis main quarter. When he went inside, he found not just his wife but also hisconcubines were still awake.

Ye,you are back!”

Ye,is everything okay?”

Ye,have a seat and rest!”

The womenstood up to greet him. Zhou Jinjiang was surprised and asked, “Didn’t I tellyou to go to bed first? Why are you guys still up?”

Ye,you were still out. How could we sleep? We were worried about you!” Mrs. Zhoupulled him over and seated him in the main seat.

The entirefamily sat around and madam Na, the youngest of them all, patted her own chestand said, “Ye, it doesn’t seem that the Cheng’s days are very stableeither, should we….”

“Shut up!”said Zhou Jinjiang with a darkened face. His stern look brushed over his wifeand concubines and he said with a deep voice, “Do not ever bring this up again.Remember, from now on, this is our home. And it will never change, understand?”

“Yes, ye!”

Ye,we understood!”

Ye,we know now!”

“We willlisten to you, ye!”


Chapters 1 - 44 now available!


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