If it wasn’twhat had happened last night, perhaps Mrs. Cheng would send someone to fetchher daughter to entertain their relatives. But she wasn’t going to disturb herdaughter’s rest just to chitchat with them.

Mrs. Chengdid has her own bottom line after all!

Even though Luo Yujie wasn’t happy about it, she dare not show herdiscontent. She still remember clearly what had happened last night, how couldshe still be her arrogant self in front of the Cheng’s? She was even a littlemore frightful and kissing up to her sister Mrs. Cheng.

After waiting what seemed like forever to the Tian’s, Cheng Xiao Xiao finallyshowed up.

She came over to see her parents and didn’t expect the living room wasfull of guests. Cheng Xiao Xiao frowned lightly, ignored their looks, andcurtsied toward her parents, “Mom, dad, what’s the matter?”

“Xiao Xiao, sit, sit. Join us for lunch!” nodded Cheng Biyuan.


After taking her seat, Cheng Xiao Xiao swept across the Tian’s with herglance and asked, “What do you want to talk about?”

“Nothing, Xiao Xiao. We just want to come and see how was your rest!”

Fawning on Cheng Xiao Xiao, Luo Yujie said with a smile, “Xiao Xiao ah,you youngsters shouldn’t stay home all the time. You should go out more. Yourcousins are going to take a trip to the town today. Xiao Xiao, you should gowith them!”

“Are you making arrangements for me?” Cheng Xiao Xiao looked at hersternly, a shred of anger could be detected in her voice.

Did that woman really just tell her to accompany her sons?

“Ugh, no…”

Startled by Cheng Xiao Xiao’s look, Luo Yujie’s face turned red andwhite, but she said defiantly, “Xiao Xiao, how could you say that? We arefamily. What’s wrong with hanging out together? I only have your best interestin mind!”

“Family?” A shred of sarcasm flashed through Cheng Xiao Xiao’s eyes andshe rejected her directly, “I don’t have time. I can arrange my own agenda.They can go wherever they want to. We will send our men to take them, I am nota servant!”

Her bluntness brought darkened look on the Tian’s. Especially TianFusheng, one could already detect anger on his face. He never expected ChengXiao Xiao to be so unyielding. After all, he did rush to back up and help outthe Cheng’s the previous night.

That was exactly why the Tian’s had talked about how to collect thisfavor and build relationship with Cheng Xiao Xiao. After all, they have learnedin the last few days that Cheng Xiao Xiao’s authority almost rivaled that ofCheng Biyuan at the Cheng’s.

She made all the calls around the house!

Having this knowledge, the family had shifted their attention to ChengXiao Xiao. Even though they knew it wasn’t going to be an easy feat, Luo Yujiebelieve that the Cheng’s owed them a favor after last night.

And that was why they waited the entire time for Cheng Xiao Xiao to showup.

She did show up finally, but her mannerism was not what the Tian’s hadexpected. It was exactly the same as it was a few days ago – that she had norespect for them at all.

“Xiao Xiao, how could you say that, what….”

Before Luo Yujie could finish what she was saying, Mrs. Cheng stood upabruptly, looked straight at her older sister and said, “Yujie jie1, XiaoXiao was up all night last night, can’t you just let her rest for a few days?Jiang’er and Feng’er wanted to take a trip, I will send Danhuang and Tianshanto accompany them. Xiao Xiao is not going anywhere today, she needs to rest!”

Seeing her mother got upset for the first time ever, Cheng Xiao Xiao wasgenuinely startled. She has always been a total pushover. She’d rather take theshorter end of the stick than to confront anyone.



1. Added behind someone’s name as a respectful form of “older sister”.Can be real sister, or just referring to a female a few years older.


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