
Happy new year and good news! With the support of patrons on my Patreon page, I was able to hit the $100 goal so, as promised, I will be moving the update schedule from 3x a week to every other day!

With the highest tier going to ch 35, we are officially half way through the volume 1 of the 3-volume series!

Now back to our normal programming!


“Thank you, Innkeeper. Our quality won’tdisappoint you!” Mrs. Cheng smiled and looked at him appreciatively.

“No problem, no matter how many goods youhave, I can make that call!” The innkeeper was a straightforward person. Hedidn’t want to barter with the mother and daughter that he was already quitefond of. “Madam, I can buy all these from you right now. How about three taelsand 30 wen?”

“Sure, no problem!”

Even though they had more items this time,and they didn’t fetch a sky-high price like they did last time, but Mrs. Chengwas more comfortable with what they were offered today. After all, this was themarket price these days.

The innkeeper quickly had the server cameand moved all the goods inside and paid Mrs. Cheng right away. Mrs. Chengthanked him again.

The five of them bid the innkeeperfarewell and left in their wagon. They needed to purchase items for their ownneed.

They circled around the streets a fewtimes and made a lot of purchases. In the meantime they have pa.s.sed several ofthe servants of Ning House. Unfortunately they didn’t know these were thepeople they were looking for. They were looking for a mother and daughter, anddidn’t expect a mother with four kids!

After they have left town in their wagon,a young special guest of the inn had rose and placed his lunch order. He neededto get on his way after lunch. He told the innkeeper to bring him a coupledishes of whatever he’d recommend.

The innkeeper dared not serve the specialguest slowly. After placing the order, the kitchen prepared his food and wineas fast as possible and served them to him.

They made him an order of stirred friedchicken, braised rabbit meat, and an order of cabbage.

More or less the freshest food they havejust bought. The special guest didn’t think these dishes were too simple. Afterall, at this day and age, and in a remote village, these were not shabby items.

He picked up his chopsticks and gracefullyput a piece into his mouth. He didn’t think much of it after his first bite andkept on eating. After a few bites, there was finally a suspicious look on hishandsome face. He looked at the food on top of the table, puzzled and bewildered.

Right about this time, the innkeeper cameto deliver the bowl of steamed rice in person. He entered the room and saw theyoung man staring at the food. He was concerned and asked carefully, “Sir, doyou not like these dishes?”

“Ugh….” The young man looked up at him,saw the steaming bowl of rice in his hand, and ordered, “Bring that over!”

“Okay!” Carefully the innkeeper looked athim and delivered the rice.

The young man took the rice from him, tookin the aroma of the steamed rice and put a mouthful into his mouth with hischopsticks. He chewed and swallowed, and, as though something had beenconfirmed, he put down his bowl and chopsticks.

“Innkeeper, where did you get these food?How come the cabbage and the rice was different than those from yesterday?”

Facing the solemn-looking young man, theinnkeeper turned slightly page and started to break out in sweat. He did tastethe food himself and made sure they were alright before he served them. Hedidn’t understand why the young man was questioning him about the food.

He wasn’t dare not to answer his question,so immediately he replied, “Sir, I just purchased these vegetables and itemsfrom a farm woman. Is there something else that you need?”

“A farm woman?”


Find advanced chapters on my Patreon site! I am currently offering three different tiers.

Currently offering on Patreon:

- 2 advance chapter parts

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