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“Alright, I’ll wing it, just don’t complain after it is done,” smiledZhou Jinjiang.

“I won’t!”

After finishing planting her flower seedlings, Cheng Xiao Xiao stood upand asked, “Speaking of, Uncle Zhou, the servants that dad has the officialshelp us look, when will they be arriving?”

“Soon. In the next couple of days. If they don’t arrive soon, we won’thave enough manpower during the auction!”

“Yeah, we are a little short on manpower. After they have arrived, pickthe few smarter ones and train them!” nodded Cheng Xiao Xiao.

Zhou Jinjiang frowned and said, “Training them is not a big deal, it’sjust that with the newcomers, their loyalties are a bit questionable.”

“Oh that. Don’t worry, you do the picking, then let me take a look atthem!”


Zhou Jinjiang didn’t ask her the reasoning behind that and just agreedto her suggestion. Then he looked as Cheng Xiao Xiao as though he has somethingelse on his mind.

Noticing that, Cheng Xiao Xiao gave him a quizzical look and asked,“Uncle Zhou, what is the matter? Something bothering you? You have your eyes onsome girls?”

“Brat! What are you talking about!” Zhou Jinjiang didn’t know whether heshould laugh or cry from her comment, “This matter has a lot to do with you.Since you asked, I will just let you know. Gu Gaoyi from Yin are on his wayhere with his wife and son. They should be arriving Daling tomorrow and, if allgoes well, arriving at our place day after tomorrow at the latest!”

“Gu Gaoyi?”

“Yeah, your dad’s sworn brother, you are betrothed to his son verbally.Their family are on their way here!”


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