Even though she didn’t remember any of them, she chitchatted withthem politely. She didn’t know where the patriarch’s house was, but luckily shebrought her sister with her and she was able to guide her to the patriarch’shouse.

She just arrived at the door when the patriarch heard theirarrival and came out to greet them. Seeing Cheng Xiao Xiao, the 60 somethingpatriarch smiled like a chrysanthemum, “Look, it’s the two girls from theCheng’s!”

“Grandpa Liu, I can to return your wagon. Thank you so much forletting us borrow it!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao bowed to him and gave him the steamed buns thatshe had brought with her. She smiled to him, “Grandpa Liu, here’s some steamedbuns that we bought from the marketplace for the kids. Please accept our tokenof appreciation!”

“Oh, the Cheng girls are so polite, you didn’t need to do that!You should save them for your brothers and sister!” Patriarch Liu took over thewagon and waved his hand and didn’t concern himself too much with the steamedbuns.

Little Lan Lan, who was still inside the wagon, stood up and saidloudly to him, “Grandpa Liu, we bought lots of steamed buns! Mom said to givethese to the big brothers and sisters in the Liu residence!”

“Oh, little Lan Lan is such a good little girl!” Smiled PatriarchLiu.

Right then, a woman around 40 or so walked outside from the house.She’s the patriarch’s daughter-in-law, people referred to her as Zhou Yu Niang.She smiled, “Xiao Xiao and Lan Lan are here, why didn’t you come inside?”

“It’s alright right, Ms. Zhou, we still have to go home and helpmom with dinner.” Said Xiao Xiao with a bow.

Looking at the elegant and graceful young lady in front of her, ZhouYu Niang couldn’t help but said, “The Cheng girls are so educated and wellrounded, any guy will be lucky to have you as their wife!”

“I think Liu Danhang will be a good fit for her. Yu Niang, whydon’t you help matchmake the two. Perhaps Zhen niangI1 (Liu Danhang’s mother) will buy a big pig headto thank you!”

The person who made that statement appeared in front of the group.She was a middle age woman in a floral outfit. She, too, was a resident ofWillow Village. Her name is An Xiao Hong, and people referred to her as Hong niang.

Hearing that, Zhou Yu Niang joined in to bicker with her, shesmiled and teased, “Look who wants to help her nephew find a wife. How come Ididn’t see you going to the Cheng’s to matchmake?”

Xiao Xiao felt awkward with the two women talking about her rightin front her. Had she known, she shouldn’t have come over and started this.

She was just about to bid them farewell when Lan Lan, who wasbeing carried off the wagon by Patriarch Liu shouted, “Nonsense, my big sisterwill marry a childe so she can be a n.o.ble woman. I won’t let you talk about mybig sister!”2

The two women were so engaged in their conversation they had notexpected that coming from Lan Lan. Zhou Yu Niang didn’t make any remark butHung niang looked unhappy. Sheglanced over at Cheng Xiao Xiao and said disdainfully, “You know, little LanLan, your sister might be fair looking, but judging from the current situationof your family, I don’t think she will be marrying into a wealth family as an.o.ble lady. Unless maybe as a concubine!”

“Nonsense, you will be concubine. Ching Ching (daughter of Hung niang) will be concubine!” The wide-eyedlittle Lan Lan shouted angrily at Hung niang.

Little Lan Lan is young, but she knew that being a concubine was abad thing, which was why she reacted like a kitten in distress, snarling andwaving it’s claws.

Unfortunately, little Lan Lan’s voice was a little too loud andattracted too much unwanted attention from the pa.s.sersby. Seven or eightvillagers surrounded them and waiting for the drama to unfold.

Cheng Xiao Xiao just wish she could dig a hole and bury her headinside.3


1.Means “woman”. Add behind the name of awoman, like a nickname of sort.

3.Common saying when someone feelsembarra.s.sed.


Random translator’s note:

2.Is it me or is she just rude? :S

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