Suddenly familiar laughter rang from the riverside. Cheng XiaoXiao couldn’t help but turned her head toward the source of the noises. Lookingat her three sibling having fun in the river, the corners of her mouth liftedand forming a beautiful arc. A light smile appeared on her attractive face.

Up to this point she had only considered herself a visitor of thisplace. Even though she was living in this world, but she had always think ofherself as an outsider. But, right now, the beautiful village and the happylaughers gave her a sense of belonging.

Perhaps, ever since she had opened her eyes in this world, she wasmeant to be tied to here and never be able to part with it.

After dinner, Cheng Xiao Xiao returned to her house. She playedwith her younger sister for a bit before she put her to bed and entered intothe dimension.

She kept herself busied for a while. After taking care ofeverything, she sat in front of the cottage and started planning how she couldplough and seed the fields outside.

“Young master….”

She heard a soft voice. She was startled and immediately lookedaround but didn’t see anything. Was she mistaken about hearing a voice?

“Young master…”

The voice rang again. This time she knew she was not mistaken. Shejumped out and was both startled and suspicious. With the exception of theSystem, she was the only one that could talk in the dimension, but now there’sthis….

“Young master…”

This was the third time she had heard it. The shocked Cheng XiaoXiao finally discovered where the voice came from. She stared straightly in frontof her and walked toward it one small step at a time.

The very surprised Cheng Xiao Xiao stared squarely at the jadevine shaking in front of her. She swallowed her saliva, as though she wasworried that she’d startle the owner of the voice, she said with great caution,“Yuteng (jade vine), is that you talking to me?”

“It is me, young master!”

A soft and sticky voice. A flash in front of Cheng Xiao Xiao’seyes and suddenly a small girl in a green outfit appeared in the air in frontof her. The girl was the side of a doll, her face delicate and pink like thatof a baby. Her eyes were big and her lips a bright red color. She’s a smart andcute little thing.

“You are….?”

“Young master, I am the jade vine fairy or sometimes referred toas the fairy of the dimension. From now on, any matters related to thedimension, jade vine can take care of them for you. You won’t need to come hereevery day. Anything you need taken care of, just let me know through yourconsciousness. Yuteng will delivery for you.”

The smiley Yuteng yakked non-stop. The prideful way she talkedmade her even more loveable.

Cheng Xiao Xiao listened to her quietly and didn’t say a word. Shedidn’t expect the dimension would even give her a fairy. She certainlyappreciate having some company in this usually horribly silent place.

After Yuteng was done talking, the two of them sat down in frontof the cottage. Cheng Xiao Xiao told the fairy her most recent troubles.

After listening to Cheng Xiao Xiao’s problems, the fairy waved herlittle hand loftily and said, “Young master, that’s no problem. You want toplough some field outside, Yuteng will take care of that for you. As for awater source, we have a well in the dimension, we can clone one to the outsideworld. We can irrigate the field with the water from the well. The harvest willbe great!”

“We can clone the well to the outside world?”

Cheng Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded for quite a while before itregistered. But then again, she got the dimension, then there’s a fairy, anythingcan happen!”

Looking at the pond in front of her, Cheng Xiao Xiao asked,“Yuteng, what about the pond? Can we clone the pond to the outside world also?I would like to have a pond as well.”

“No problem!”


“Young master, if you don’t believe me, we’ll go right now. Let meshow you!”

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