“Miss, Grandmaster Wudao and Nun Saochen would like to pay you a visit!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao was just about to go pay her mother a visit when Yesucame with this announcement. Surprised, she asked, “Didn’t they just leave afew days ago? How come they are back already?”

“Yes, the grandmaster and the abbess just returned!” smiled Yesu.

“Okay, I will meet with them and find out what is going on!”

When she arrived at the hall, Grandmaster Wudao and Nun Saochen werealready there waiting for her. The two of them stood up at the same time andsaid, “Greetings, Maiden Cheng!”

“Greetings, Grandmaster and Abbess. Please, have a seat!”

“Thank you, Maiden Cheng!”

After the three of them have settled down, the maid brought over icedtea for everyone and left.

Cheng Xiao Xiao took a sip of the tea and noticed that Nun Saochenseemed to have something she wanted to share. She smiled at her and asked,“Nun, what is the matter? Do tell!”

“Pardon me, Maiden Cheng!” Nun Saochen didn’t seem to have the serenityand calmness belonging to a nun. There was visible urgency on her look; itseemed something was truly bothering her.

Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled and said, “Abbess,we are familiar with each other. It is alright, you can share!”

“Maiden Cheng, pardon me!” Seemingly slightly embarra.s.sed, Nun Saochenbrought up her question, “Maiden Cheng, I would like to find out if you wereable to find that answer on the issue that you were looking into.”


After a slight pause, Cheng Xiao Xiao realized that she seemed to haveforgotten all about it and never asked little Yuteng what it was all about. Iflittle Yuteng didn’t have the answer, she certainly wouldn’t have any ideas.

“Abbess, I am so sorry. I haven’t found out about that yet. I am afraidit will take me a bit longer!”

“How much longer?” asked Nun Saochen with a sense of urgency.

Cheng Xiao Xiao was quite surprised by her seemingly unusual behaviorand asked, “Abbess, did something happen? For your age, I’d think it’d bealright to wait for another few years or dozen of years, what seems to be….”

“I am sorry, Maiden Cheng. I shouldn’t have. I am sorry!” Nun Saochenstood up and apologized with a bitter smile.

“What seems to be the matter, does Abbess wish to elaborate?”


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