As they were not rushing back on the same day, Cheng Xiao Xiao and MoXuanzun walked out of the courtyard and slowly strolled along this small townof about 10,000 residents.

It was the afternoon time and the streets were not busy with manypeople. The handsome man and pretty girl combination walking down the streetscaught a lot of attention, but the two did not worry themselves about that.They made occasional stops on their way and made purchases when they cameacross something that they liked.

There were, naturally, bad elements in town, but none of them dare targetthe two of them. They knew innately that it was best not to target them; theyonly followed them from afar but didn’t dare to move any closer.

The town wasn’t very big and only had one main street. The two of themhad been to all the stores before long; Cheng Xiao Xiao purchased a fewinteresting items and still felt that she didn’t have enough.

“If you enjoy this, I can come with you again next time!” Mo Xuanzunlooked at her with his deep and meaningful gaze.

Cheng Xiao Xiao casted him a glance out of the corner of her eyes andpouted her red lips slightly. As she continued to walk on, she said, “Who saidI like to shop? I can go anywhere all by myself!”

“But it’s better to have me with you!” smiled Mo Xuanzun. “It’s gettinglate, let’s get some food at an inn nearby. We will bring some food back withus for Eleventh Elder and his family afterward!”

“Alright!” Just from the look of the sky, it was getting late.

They quickly arrived at the inn in town. Cheng Xiao Xiao immediatelyfelt that this inn looked very familiar; it looked too much like Lai Yue Inn inDaling.

Sure enough, when she looked up, the identify sign said “Lai Yue Inn” onit. This was another property owned by Green Mountain Manor.

No wonder they were coined the wealthiest ent.i.ty in the world. No matterwhere they go, they would run into Green Mountain Manor’s properties. That wasquite impressive.

Walking into the inn together, there were quite a few guests alreadydining there. Many of the guests looked up at them curiosity when they noticedthem, but as soon as they made eye contact with Mo Xuanzun, they allturned awayimmediately, intimidated.

When the waiter noticed them, he quickly walked up to them, curtsied andasked politely, “Young master, Miss, are you here for dinner or overnightstay?”

Mo Xuanzun tossed him a small piece of silver and said, “Bring us somefood first!”

“Yes, Young Master and Miss, this way please…”

Following the waiter, they were just about to climb the stairs to thesecond floor when they ran into the two elegantly-dressed young men walkingdown the stairs as they were chatting and laughing at the same time.

One of them caught sight of Mo Xuanzun and did a double take to confirmwhat he had seen. Then, with an excited look, he ran up to Mo Xuanzun quickly.

His companion noticed that as well and, when he saw the man in white, hetoo was surprised by the who he saw. Then, with a happy look on his handsomeface, he walked towards them as well!

Shi xiong Mo!” Came an emotional and excited voice.

Mo Xuanzun, who was just asking Cheng Xiao Xiao whether they shouldspend the night there, was interrupted by the voice. He looked up anddiscovered the two familiar looking figures.

“Eh, what are you two doing here?”

Shi xiong Mo, it really is you! What are you doing here?” askedthe man in brocade with a big smile.

The man behind him chimed in slowly, “Shi xiong Mo is on a datehere. Are we interrupting, shi xiong Mo?”

“Chaoyu, Siwei, why are you two here?” Mo Xuanzun was equally surprisedat the encounter.

w.a.n.g Siwei took a look at Cheng Xiao Xiao and was stunned. He smiled andasked, “Shi xiong Mo, are you going to introduce your friend to us?”


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