The reunion brought about another round of fresh emotions!

Mrs. Cheng and Cheng Huihui hugged and cried and neither one of themwere able to talk for a long while. So much had happened that they didn’t evenknow where to start.

Finally, it was Cheng Xiao Xiao, who had been standing by quietly,filled her parents in on the what had happened to Eleventh Elder and hisfamily.

Once Cheng Biyuan and Mrs. Cheng found out what had happened, theyexpressed to Eleventh Elder that he had been way too stubborn of his own good.Had he turned to them sooner, his family wouldn’t had been murdered, leavingjust the three of them.

Cheng Yu was distressed but didn’t say much. What had happened hadhappened, being remorseful would not bring his family back.

They walked for longer and comforted each other about the days to come.No matter what, Cheng Yu was felt lucky that he still has a grandson left. Atleast he would still be able to pa.s.s on his family line.

The three of them had been arranged to stay at the guest quartersimmediately outside of the Cheng’s main house. They have now officially joinedthe Qing’an Cheng’s.

Words that Eleventh Elder had been taken to Willows by Cheng Xiao Xiaoand Mo Xuanzun had quickly travelled to Emperor City’s Chengs. When the FirstElder heard about it, he did not seem excited, but merely reacted nonchalantly.

The other elders dared not question him, not even Housemaster Cheng!

After a long while, First Elder finally broke the silence, “As far asCheng Yu is concerned, let’s let him stay at with Cheng Biyuan peacefully forthe time being. We will reach out to him after he had grew fond of that Cheng’sfamily!”

“That….” Housemaster Cheng looked at the First Elder quizzically; hewasn’t entirely sure what the First Elder has in mind.

The First Elder gave every one a cold look and slowly elaborated, “It ishuman nature to grow complacent when life is peaceful. We will give him achance to grow attached to his peaceful life first, then he will have to paythe price to keep that peaceful life.”

His few words had enlightened everyone there immediately. Even thoughFirst Elder had nothing on Eleventh Elder, but he would be able to threaten himwith what was close and dear to him when the time came.

Cheng Yutang, Housemaster of Emperor City Cheng’s, nodded and said, “Wewill follow your lead, First Elder. Let’s just monitor the development atWillows and leave them alone for the time being.”

“Good. And, don’t ever let me find out if anyone has the stupid idea tointerrupt my plans. Or else!”

A cold and vicious qi exuded from First Elder and, immediately,everybody presence felt gooseb.u.mps. The difference between a martial king and amartial emperor was simply too great.

n.o.body showed signs of going up against him and a look of contentmentcrossed First Elder’s face. Slowly, he recalled his qi.

“Alright, you are all dismissed. Remember to keep your men under controland n.o.body is allowed to go to Willows!”

“Yes, First Elder!”

Everybody got up and cupped their hands at First Elder as they leave theroom.

This time, the First Elder did not take off right away. He stayed on hisseat so, naturally, Housemaster Cheng dare not leave before him either. He juststood by his side respectfully.

“How is Bihua’s cultivation? Has he broken through to the next levelyet?” asked the First Elder as he turned toward the Housemaster.

“Yes, First Elder, to answer your question….” Cheng Yutang frowned a bitand said, “This ungrateful brat has not been ambitious at all. He cares moreabout having fun all day long instead of focusing on cultivating. He is still anovice martial master.”

“Hrm, martial master? A 30-year-old martial master? And with all theresources at his fingertips? How is he not even a martial spiritualist yet? Areyou really doing your job as a father?”

First Elder’s voice was deep, as though he was very unhappy about whathe had just heard.

“Yes, First Elder. I will do all I can in the future to get him to focuson raising his cultivation level!”


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