Everybody in the approaching group startedtalking as they walked closer and closer. The two dogs guarded them with alert.They seemed to have sensed hostility and started barking, “Woof Woof WoofWoof….”

The barking dogs startled everyone andmade them stopped in their steps. Everybody looked frightened by the two dogs.

Patriarch Liu hadn’t said anything yet. Hefrowned and examined An Hung niang.Cheng Zheng Yuan had already clued the villagers in the event on their way.Judging by what it looked it, he didn’t think the Cheng’s were making all theseup.

An Hung niang’s husband, Liu Sanzhen, looked quite displeased as well. Hestarted scolding An Hung niang, “Areyou crazy? Why did you come over the brother Cheng’s place to cause trouble outof the blue?”

“Liu Sanzhen, are you useless? They aresiccing their dogs to attack me! Why aren’t you killing them?!” Shouted An Hungniang in distress.

Liu Sanzhen’s dark face was turningdarker. He stared at his wife angrily. Everybody else were about to burst outin laughter.

“Okay, An Hung niang, why don’t you tell us what happened?” said Patriarch Liu ashe suppressed his laugh.

Everybody had a pretty good idea what hadhappened, but they had to ask An Hung niang,and gave her a chance to tell her side of the story.

By now An Hung niang,was already angered from embarra.s.sment, she only continued to shout, “What hadhappened? Don’t you guys see? The Cheng’s are bullying us Willow villagers.They told their dogs to drink my blood and eat my flesh. They are crossing theline. Patriarch Liu, you need to evict them at once! We don’t need theseungrateful people in our village! They are beasts! No wonder they had to runaway from where they were! We don’t know to keep these kind of people around inWillow Village!

“That’s enough!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao was angered all over again. The two dogs thatcould sense her emotion immediately turned their head and stared at An Hung niang with murderous intent and slowlyclosed in on her.

The abnormality alerted the hunters of Willow Village. They allturned pale. They saw that the two friendly-looking dog had suddenly turnedinto fierce wolves and could tear their targets up into million pieces in amatter of seconds.

An Hung niang, who wasjust about to throw out more insults, also noticed something was wrong. She sawthat everybody were now watching the two dogs alarmingly. She looked into themenacing eyes of the two animals and instantly felt a chill down her spine. Sheshivered and dared not to say another word.

Mrs. Cheng also noticed the change, the two tamed dog looked asthrough they had transformed into killer wolves in an instant. She was justabout to say something when Patriarch Liu looked suspiciously at the cold ChengXiao Xiao and spoke, “Maiden Cheng, don’t let the dogs harm anyone!”

“What’s wrong with thieves being bitten by dogs? Especially thosewith foul mouth worse than that of a toilet. They should be bitten by dogs!”

“C’mon, maiden Cheng, you can’t be serious!” Liu Sanzhen was agood hunter. Even though others found his wife annoying, he was well respectedaround the village.

Cheng Xiao Xiao turned and looked at him, nonchalantly she asked,“Third Uncle Liu, you had a good idea what’s going on. You know who’s the bullyhere. Not to mention that I had never offended her, I don’t understand why shewas targeting us. Not only did she come and steal our produce, she alsocontinued to insult my family and very adamant about evicting us….”

She turned and swept over everyone with her look and asked gently,“Be honest here, have my family ever done anything that have wronged you? Andher, not only was she insulting us, and she so righteously came and steal fromus. In addition to stealing from us, she also felt ent.i.tled to insult us to ourfaces. Can you please explain that to me?”


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