“Oh, just some wild tea from the mountain. We would you’d enjoyit!”

“Oh, you can tell it’s great tea just from its smell!” He knew theCheng’s wasn’t an ordinary family and tried to suppress his surprise.

Cheng Biyuan smiled and drank silently. Cheng Xiao Xiao still hadthe book in her hands, only she knew whether she had looked up.

Soon as he had a sip of the tea, Ko Yang’s face froze from shock.This is mythical water.

Mythical animals, mythical water, where were they getting allthese?

What was the background of this family?

A million possibilities flashed through his head and he couldn’thelp but glanced at the father and daughter in front of him. Shaking the cup inhis hand, he asked, “Mr. Cheng, pardon me, but may I ask where this water camefrom?”

“Oh, this is from the well behind our house!” Cheng Biyuan had anidea why he asked, but he had no intention to lie either.

“Water from the well?” Ko Yang was delighted and couldn’t refrainhimself, “Mr. Cheng, may I please have a tour?”

“Oh…” Cheng Biyuan stood up, “Sure, this way please, Mr. Ko…”

“I appreciate your hospitality!”

Replying with a smile, Ko Yang stood up. While he was turningaround, he cast Cheng Xiao Xiao another glance. He couldn’t explain why he hadthe urge to see her reaction.

After they have walked out of the yard, Mrs. Cheng came out fromthe kitchen and asked with a worried look, “Xiao Xiao, you think it will beokay?”

“Mom, since we couldn’t hide it any more we might as well let themknow what we want them to know. I think it will be alright.” Answered ChengXiao Xiao confidently.

“Mom, big sister, who are these people and why did they bring usgifts?”

“Mom, can we open these gifts and see what they are?”

“I’m sure there are delicious food inside! Mom, open and show us!”

The little ones who were sent inside the house came running outand saw all the gifts on top of the table and were eager to wrap everything.

“Behave! These belong to our guests, don’t touch them!” scoldedMrs. Cheng. The little ones quiet down obediently.

Looking at their little faces, Cheng Xiao Xiao laughed, “ZhengBin, Lan Lan, you’ve got to at least wait till the guests have left beforeopening up the presents, right? The guests haven’t left yet!”

All the little ones laughed at her words. Mrs. Cheng shook herhead helplessly and said, “Go into the bamboo forest in the back and bring homesome bamboo sh.e.l.ls to burn. Stop hovering over here, make us look bad!”

“Okay, mom, we will head out right away!”

Following Cheng Zheng Yuan’s lead, the three young ones ran outagain. Cheng Xiao Xiao put the book down and said, “Mom, I think they mightstay for lunch, let’s start preparing!”

“You think so?”

“Yes, I think so. He’ll stay!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao was right, after Ko Yang had a tour of the entireCheng’s set up outside and in, it was around lunch time, and, sure enough, hewas staying for lunch.

The delicacies at the Cheng’s shocked him all over again. Henoticed that every dish at the Cheng’s exuded spiritualness, how could he notbe?

After lunch, Ko Yang, who came to purchase mythical animals didn’tbuy anything. He left the gifts and left in a hurry with the two servants.

His actions were confusing to Mrs. Cheng, but Cheng Biyuan andCheng Xiao Xiao had an idea of what was going on.


Translator’s rambling:

Okay, there better be a reason to her madness. Otherwise theyshouldn’t have given them the spiritual or keeping them for lunch! GRRRRRrrr.

“Oh, just some wild tea from the mountain. We would you’d enjoyit!”

“Oh, you can tell it’s great tea just from its smell!” He knew theCheng’s wasn’t an ordinary family and tried to suppress his surprise.

Cheng Biyuan smiled and drank silently. Cheng Xiao Xiao still hadthe book in her hands, only she knew whether she had looked up.

Soon as he had a sip of the tea, Ko Yang’s face froze from shock.This is mythical water.

Mythical animals, mythical water, where were they getting allthese?

What was the background of this family?

A million possibilities flashed through his head and he couldn’thelp but glanced at the father and daughter in front of him. Shaking the cup inhis hand, he asked, “Mr. Cheng, pardon me, but may I ask where this water camefrom?”

“Oh, this is from the well behind our house!” Cheng Biyuan had anidea why he asked, but he had no intention to lie either.

“Water from the well?” Ko Yang was delighted and couldn’t refrainhimself, “Mr. Cheng, may I please have a tour?”

“Oh…” Cheng Biyuan stood up, “Sure, this way please, Mr. Ko…”

“I appreciate your hospitality!”

Replying with a smile, Ko Yang stood up. While he was turningaround, he cast Cheng Xiao Xiao another glance. He couldn’t explain why he hadthe urge to see her reaction.

After they have walked out of the yard, Mrs. Cheng came out fromthe kitchen and asked with a worried look, “Xiao Xiao, you think it will beokay?”

“Mom, since we couldn’t hide it any more we might as well let themknow what we want them to know. I think it will be alright.” Answered ChengXiao Xiao confidently.

“Mom, big sister, who are these people and why did they bring usgifts?”

“Mom, can we open these gifts and see what they are?”

“I’m sure there are delicious food inside! Mom, open and show us!”

The little ones who were sent inside the house came running outand saw all the gifts on top of the table and were eager to wrap everything.

“Behave! These belong to our guests, don’t touch them!” scoldedMrs. Cheng. The little ones quiet down obediently.

Looking at their little faces, Cheng Xiao Xiao laughed, “ZhengBin, Lan Lan, you’ve got to at least wait till the guests have left beforeopening up the presents, right? The guests haven’t left yet!”

All the little ones laughed at her words. Mrs. Cheng shook herhead helplessly and said, “Go into the bamboo forest in the back and bring homesome bamboo sh.e.l.ls to burn. Stop hovering over here, make us look bad!”

“Okay, mom, we will head out right away!”

Following Cheng Zheng Yuan’s lead, the three young ones ran outagain. Cheng Xiao Xiao put the book down and said, “Mom, I think they mightstay for lunch, let’s start preparing!”

“You think so?”

“Yes, I think so. He’ll stay!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao was right, after Ko Yang had a tour of the entireCheng’s set up outside and in, it was around lunch time, and, sure enough, hewas staying for lunch.

The delicacies at the Cheng’s shocked him all over again. Henoticed that every dish at the Cheng’s exuded spiritualness, how could he notbe?

After lunch, Ko Yang, who came to purchase mythical animals didn’tbuy anything. He left the gifts and left in a hurry with the two servants.

His actions were confusing to Mrs. Cheng, but Cheng Biyuan andCheng Xiao Xiao had an idea of what was going on.


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