“Xiao Xiao, we heard you are becoming more and more capable!”

Zhou niangzhi teased,then turned to look at Zhen niangzhi,smiling, “Zhen niangzhi, I heard yourDanhang was here to help out today eh?”

“Yeah, that kid. I have no idea why he wanted to come help out.But since he volunteered, I have no reason to stop him!” replied Zhen niangzhi was a smile, while looking atCheng Xiao Xiao up and down. She was quite happy with her.

How could she not know what was going on in her son’s mind. Eventhough she hasn’t seen Cheng Xiao Xiao a lot, but she knew she’s a fair maiden.In the past three years, everybody had a pretty good idea what kind of familythe Cheng’s were. But they also understand that most families didn’t reallymeasure up to them.

Not to mention that the girl in front of her was as pretty as aflower, with a distinguished air of elegance. If her son could score her, it’d definitelybe a good deal for him.

All the women had a pretty good idea what was going on. Mrs. Chengseemed a bit uneasy. Certainly she wanted her daughter to find a husband, butshe’s from a higher cla.s.s family; for now she was not interested in a familylike that of Zhen niangzhi’s, wherethey couldn’t even provide three meals a day on a regular basis.

But since they never really brought up the subject, she couldn’treally turn anything down This was Cheng Xiao Xiao’s second time round, shecould tell what was going on in Zhen niangzhi’smind. Looking at her own mother, she said, “Mom, why don’t you go chat with theother dainiang in the courtyard? I’llbe back after I picked some vegetables!”

“Okay, we will let you be!” said Mrs. Cheng, then to the villagewomen next to her, “Zhou niangzhi,Zhen niangzhi, why don’t you followme?”

“Okay, let’s go to your place!” said Zhou niangzhi with a smile.

Zhen niangzhi was justabout to start walking before she stopped and said to Cheng Xiao Xiao, “XiaoXiao, don’t take too long. Come and chat with us soon!”

“Okay!’ said Cheng Xiao Xiao with a smile.

While it was bustling inside and outside of the Cheng’s, insidethe Ning’s in town was quite the opposite. Inside one of the quarters, NingXunzong was in a discussion with his two shixiong while lying in bed.

Shi xiong Zhou, is thattrue?” Ning Xunzong’s eyes beamed. He looked a bit pale, but there was joycould be seen between his brows

“Of course it’s true, would I lie to you?” replied Shi xiong Zhou a bit impatiently.

Shi di Ning, don’tworry. We all got the message. School of Divine Condor will be sending theirrepresentatives When they got here, we will explain to them the situation ofthe Cheng’s!” Shi xiong Gu laughedcoldly.

With their recent defeat at the Cheng’s, they were dying to geteven. Nevertheless, they dared not take any actions right now since theyweren’t a match to the Cheng’s. All they could do was to wait for backup.

Thinking about the Cheng’s made Ning Xunxong felt painful allover. Granted, he was literally in pain all over. Thick hatred beamed out ofhis eyes, through gritted teeth he said, “When the envoys from School of DivineCondor got here, the Cheng’s will wish they were dead. Especially thatscoundrel Cheng Xiao Xiao, I am going to smash her into minced meat. That’s theonly way to retaliate!”

“You are right! We can’t let her off easily!” Recalling she hadalso smacked him with the fly swatter, his tone was murderous.

The other one also have murderous intent oozing out of him. Deadlyair fill the entire room.

Contrasting their murderous intent, Innkeeper Zhu was hystericaland perturbed. By now he was curtained that the two deacons plus the man hesent last night had all been killed by the Cheng’s.


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