Not knowing what the Cheng’s capable of, he feared to take anymore actions. He had no choice but to wait for orders from his employer. He hadalready informed his employer of what had been going on through the fastestmean possible.

From this point on, everything was out of his hands other than towait. Naturally, he felt regretful that they weren’t able to negotiate a dealwith the Cheng’s. Had that happened, he’d be set for the rest of his life. Nowthat things had escalated to this point, he’d had to accept the fact that itwasn’t meant to be.

Speaking of, the Cheng’s was not just lively, but super festive.Even the village women who just swung by to chitchat ended u staying for lunch.That and the villagers who came to help, of course it’d be festive!

Mrs. Cheng slaughtered chickens, ducks, and rabbits for lunch andeverybody was extremely satisfied with the meal.

The meal wasn’t a big deal in and of itself, it was the fact thatthe villagers half seriously and half jokingly trying to set up Cheng Xiao Xiaoand Liu Danhang that made Cheng Xiao Xiao felt minorly irritated and helpless.

She especially found it difficult to facet the way that LiuDanhang looked at her. The only saving grace was that her parents didn’t seemparticularly interested in marrying her off to Liu Danhang. That made her feelslightly better.

In order to avoid those who were still lingering around in theirhouse, Cheng Xiao Xiao made up some reasons and excused herself from thecourtyard. She couldn’t handle being there any longer and didn’t want to blurtout anything that would make everyone felt awkward.

After leaving the house, she went to the bamboo forest. It wasthen when she remembered she had imprisoned three people inside the bambooforest and she wondered how they were doing.

Cheng Xiao Xiao slowly approached the other side of the bambooforest. When she saw the three prisoners, she couldn’t help but to smile. Ithad been two days and the two deacons looked about the same as she had last sawthem.

Her appearance also got their attention. They couldn’t speak sothey just stared at her with deadly intent. If they could, they’d kill her withtheir eyes.

“Say, how you all doing?” Cheng Xiao Xiao walked up to them. Thesnaked all looked up at her and hissed as she walked toward them.

Feeling the welcome from the snakes, Cheng Xiao Xiao smiled, “Nicesnakies. Help me guard them for a few more days!”


The snakies hissed again. Everything seemed normal but the twodeacons turned pale. They stared at the 15, 16 year old girl in front of themincredulously. If could they could speak, they would be shouting out, “You area beast tamer!”

Even though they couldn’t speak, they were all thinking of thesame thing. At this moment, they were no longer looking at Cheng Xiao Xiao withdistain and hatefulness. Those had been replaced with fear and dismay, and ashred of regret that they have yet to realize.

They knew full well how stupid it was to offend a beast tamer.They asked for this. Forget about them, even their master dare not offend abeast tamer. Even the royals regard them as royal guests!

And now, they have offended the youngest beast tamer in history.It’s too late to even regret….

Cheng Xiao Xiao read their thought from their eyes, smiling shesaid, “You are right, I’m a beast tamer. Should I summon a few other friends toplay with you?”


She wanted to kill them?

The three prisoners shook their head and pleaded for her mercywith their eyes.

“Oh, so now you are afraid? Why didn’t you think about that whenyou came to bully me?”


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