With a cold look, Cheng Xiao Xiao walked over to the cage.Stroking the snakies, she regarded the three regret-filled faces and said tothem, “I have never offended you. You thought I was a push over, so you coulddo whatever you want, right?”

“…….” The three just kept shaking their heads. Before the fear wasmore fear in their eyes!

They knew, no matter how strong you are, if you were placed infront of a beast tamer, your only option was to run. n.o.body has yet has theability to stand up to a beast tamer!

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. I will release you when yourmaster come. Just stay in there like good little boys now!”

Cheng Xiao Xiao snickered. She didn’t feel bad for the three. Theyshould be happy she didn’t feed them to the snakes.

Just when she was about to turn around and leave, Cheng Xiao Xiaonoticed that Deacon Bai knelt down and kowtowed to her. He opened his mouth asthough he wanted to say something to her.

She only came because she was bored. Now seeing that he hadsomething to say, she squinted and told Yuteng to let him talk.

Sure enough, the next second Deacon Bai was able to say, “MissCheng, we know we are wrong. Let’s talk this over!”

“Oh, talk it over. How are you suggesting we do that?” Cheng XiaoXiao really stressed on the “talk it over” part and casted a look at Deacon Linat the same time.

Certainly Deacon Lin understood what she meant. They started outtalking over about a deal. The proud Deacon Lin didn’t think there was a needto discuss, and just decided to threaten them instead.

That being brought up now, even the expressionless Deacon Linblushed and couldn’t look her in her eyes.

Now, thinking about her status, Deacon Lin wiped away the lastshred of his pride and went to kneel down next to Deacon Bai. He lowered hishead and didn’t express any discontent.

As for the last one, after see the two deacons on their knees,also joined them. The three of them knelt in the cage begging for forgiveness.

“Miss Cheng, please forgive us this one time. We sincerely want towork with you. You list out your requirements, we will report back to ourmaster. And we can come to an agreement between us. What do you say to that?”Deacon Bai looked at her longingly.

Cheng Xiao Xiao studied their response carefully. She knew theywere telling the truth. Giving it a quick thought, she said, “I can let you go.Just know that next time you dare come to cause trouble again and I caught you,you won’t just be imprisoned. You will be fed to my snakies directly, okay?”

“Of course. We will never target the Cheng’s again. Please bea.s.sured of that!” Deacon Bai tried not to let his happiness show too much andagreed immediately.

Laughing coldly, Cheng Xiao Xiao stared at them, “I hope you cankeep your words. Just remember, I meant what I said. Think twice before you actif you don’t want to turn into snake food!”

“Miss Cheng. Believe us, there won’t be a next time!”

“Okay, I will trust you this one time!” After saying that, ChengXiao Xiao secretly told Yuteng to remove the vines and the snakies. The threewere released right away.

A flash in front of everybody’s eyes and everything was different.The three was scared but wouldn’t show it on their outside. Of course, the waythey looked at Cheng Xiao Xiao contained even more fear.

After regaining their freedom, they dare not just leave. The threelooked at the girl in front of them, as though waiting for her command.


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