Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 46 I Am Mo Yawei, Heng"s Fiancee

Chapter 46 I Am Mo Yawei, Heng"s Fiancee

Li Qianluo noticed that Si Jinheng went gloomy, who was as cold as ice.

"What"s the matter?" Having no time to identify the comer, Li Qianluo asked Si Jinheng curiously after sensing his sudden change of mood.

Si Jinheng pulled Li Qianluo down onto his laps again and cuddled her, as if no one came in just now.

Li Qianluo turned to that woman and asked awkwardly, "h.e.l.lo, who are you?" Meanwhile she was struggling to loosen Si Jinheng"s grip on her under the table.

"Heng, I miss you." Mo Yawei took off her and looked at her man earnestly, while being satisfied to see the surprise look on Li Qianluo"s face.

My G.o.d! Who was that? International superstar, Mo! Ya! Wei! "Boss Si, it is really Mo Yawei!" Not realizing what had happened, Li Qianluo had no sense of the awkward situation in the office.

Something"s wrong. She said she missed Si Jinheng.... Li Qianluo was on full alert right away.

Tightening her grip on Si Jinheng"s arm, she gazed at Mo Yawei vigilantly.

"Si Jinheng, what"s going on?" Li Qianluo asked this gloomy guy in a low voice, but received no answer.

Li Qianluo thought for a while, wondering if this international superstar is the one named "Wei" in Si Jinheng"s contact list and the one nicknamed "Weiwei" by her mother-in-law.

Thinking that it"s not beyond the bounds of possibility, Li Qianluo took a deep breath and stood up. "Darling, I wanna eat hot pot!" Her voice trembled slightly.

"Hi, I am Mo Yawei, Heng"s fiancee!" Mo Yawei introduced herself gracefully.

If she had nothing to do with Si Jinheng, Li Qianluo would fling herself upon Mo Yawei excitedly like any other fans to ask for a autograph and take a group photo. However, this woman was hostile. Si Jinheng"s fiancee?

"h.e.l.lo! I am Li Qianluo, Si Jinheng"s wife!"


The office fell into dead silence. No one dared to go in or make a noise. Yu Qi had already hidden himself away from this war. Mo Yawei"s a.s.sistant knew their relationship more or less. So he chosed to stay with the secretary outside.

These two women confronted each other for the first time. Yun Qu, hiding on another floor, bet that Li Qianluo would lose this battle to that superstar.

It was not until Lian Qianluo introduced herself that Mo Yawei looked her up and down. Li Qianluo, who wore her pitch-black hair into a bun, was just smiling at her. Her bushy eyebrows, big eyes, Roman nose, rosy lips and white teeth all highlighted her charm, her features like the masterpiece in the sculptor"s hands. Mo Yawei must admit Li Qianluo was really pretty!

Li Qianluo looked young in the pink dress. Her temperament indicated that she came from a well-bred and wealthy family. She was absolutely not a tramp, and Si Jinheng must have a thing for her.

"Miss Li, do you wanna eat hot pot? My treat." Mo Yawei moved two steps forward, with her fascinating smile.

"You are so nice, Miss Mo. We should play the host since you have travelled so far." Li Qianluo was not a woman to be trifled with. It was not difficult to be a smiling tiger.

"Miss Li, don"t I, the acknowledged fiancee of Si family, deserve your respect? Do you go a bit too far in calling him darling in front of me?" Mo Yawei didn"t prepare to fall out with Li Qianluo in front of Si Jinheng. But she needed to know Li Qianluo"s place in Si Jinheng"s heart.

"Maybe the law works better than their acknowledgement. After all, we live in a law-based society." Li Qianluo said while giving the silent Si Jinheng a hard pinch. Si Jinheng signed soundlessly out of pain.

"You are right, but Jinheng....doesn"t love you at all! Can you accept this fact?" Mo Yawei was pretty sure about his love to her. How can he let their love go easily? They had been into each other for a dozen years.

"It doesn"t matter. I love him and what I need is just to stay beside him." Li Qianluo made efforts to ignore the pain in her heart, forcing a bright smile.

Without his love, she had no weapon to fight with others.

"How endurable you are to stay with the guy who doesn"t love you. Or do you have any other purpose?" Mo Yawei sat on sofa gracefully, giving no care to this simple woman.

Si Jinheng rose from the chair, his coldness frightening others away. Putting his arm around Li Qianluo"s shoulder, he took her out of the office.

Watching their receding figure, Mo Yawei told herself not to take it seriously.

However, she trotted to catch them up and hugged Si Jinheng from behind in the public before they two went into the elevator.

It seemed as if time stood still at the moment. Those secretaries were shocked and hurried to lower their head under the pretence of working, while the others dared not even make a sound.

Seeing Mo Yawei"s arms around Si Jinheng"s waist, Li Qianluo got furious and took her hands off and pushed her aside.

"Miss Mo, I am his wife! Do you take your brain with you? You"d better take it!" Li Qianluo got angry right away and coldly watched the woman who staggered and leaned on the wall.

"Heng...." Mo Yawei didn"t feel embarra.s.sed at all. Instead, she called his name in a weak voice.

Li Qianluo sensed that Si Jinheng was not as cold as before after Mo Yawei called him in such a way.

She felt hurt in her heart. Those women around him in the past were not threatening at all. This one must be his true love! Li Qianluo was overwhelmed by crisis.

"Heng, I miss you..."

The voice of Mo Yawei is so pathetic that even a woman like Li Qianluo would feel sorry for them.

"You go first and I will be back soon." Si Jinheng pressed the b.u.t.ton of the elevator and let her in.

"No, I would like to be here with you." There was a voice in her heart, telling her not to leave any private s.p.a.ce for them.

"Honey, trust me. I will go home as soon as I finish." Si Jinheng rubbed her hair and said gently.

... Li Qianluo dove into the elevator in anger, casting not even a glance at Si Jineng.

"Get off work now!" All secretaries scattered upon Si Jinheng commanded coldly.

The door of the CEO office was slammed. Only Si Jinheng and Mo Yawei stayed in there. Si Jinheng stood in front of the window silently, overlooking the whole city. Mo Yawei walked towards Si Jinheng sadly and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Heng, I am back and will be with you forever. Please don"t leave me alone, okay?" Mo Yawei begged tearfully, snuggling up to his back. This long-lost frangance appeased her.

If he hadn"t come to this city and met Li Qianluo, he must marry her immediately after hearing those words. However, nowadays, it was... "Too late".

"Heng..." Those two words nearly beat Mo Yawei down. She was sobbing too bitterly to say a single word.

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