Trapped with the CEO

Chapter 49 I"ll Send You Back Now

Chapter 49 I"ll Send You Back Now

"It has been a long time since we last met. Li Qianluo is now more attractive, which must be credited to her s.e.xual buddy - Si Jinheng" thought Qi Zeming. As such, Qi Zeming was more eager to bang her...

Though appeared to enjoy the dinner together, Fu Xinru and Qi Zeming were actually absent-minded, each having their own agenda.

After the dinner, Li Qianluo felt so good that she invited Si Jinheng to take a walk around for digestion. With injured feet, Li Qianluo hobbled forward, while she suddenly stopped in front of an ice cream shop. Struggling with her full stomach, Li Qianluo looked at the shop and said, "Darling, I..."

Si Jinheng caressed her head and replied, "Wait for me here." He then strode to the ice cream shop.

In excitement, Li Qianluo waited for Si Jinheng as he asked. Having nothing better to do, she took out her phone to take pictures of the surrounding. As Si Jinheng walked back, with his left hand in the pants pocket and right hand holding an ice cream, he was also captured on camera. Though that photo just showed his face in profile, Li Qianluo decided to post it onto Weibo later. Weee...

Si Jinheng handed Li Qianluo to the bench at the roadside, and sat down with her. Li Qianluo ate the ice cream cheerfully, and sometimes scooped some into Si Jinheng"s mouth. Although they were in the public, Si Jinheng did not mind the public display of affection and opened his mouth for the ice cream.

Just when they were enjoying themselves, Si Jinheng"s phone rang. He pressed the Answer key and said, "Mother."

"Si Jinheng, what have you done? How could you put Weiwei into a hotel? Go bring her up to the Pearl Spring now." Mu Ruoyan blamed Si Jinheng as soon as he answered the phone. She knew nothing about it before she called Mo Yawei.

"Did she complain to you?"

"Complain what? What kind of person do you think she is? I called her and asked you to come to the phone, or else I would not know that she was driven away by that tramp!" Mu Ruoyan got so angry that she pounded on the table, wondering how could his independent, inner-directed son be so infatuated.

"It is time to rest!" Si Jinheng was about to get off the phone. "Wait! Weiwei is injured!" Mu Ruoyan suddendly remembered the important thing.

"What"s wrong with her?" A note of impatience had entered his voice.

"She had a car crash when her a.s.sistant drove her to the hotel. Check up on her. Hurry up!" In Mu Ruoyan"s eyes, Mo Yawei was a girl with so little regard for her own well being that she should refuse to go to hospital when feeling blue.

"She doesn"t need me. Her a.s.sistant will take care of her!"

Li Qianluo got the general gist and wondered whether he would leave her again tonight...

"My boy, would you do me a favor to check up on her? I am worried about her. By the way, you two will attend the birthday banquet of Mr. w.a.n.g the day after tomorrow. Make sure that she is fine." Mu Ruoyan tried to persuade Si Jinheng in earnest.

"OK. I see." Si Jinheng hung up coldly. After some hesitation, he said, "I"ll send you back now." Si Jinheng avoided her gaze and lifted her up by her waist.

On their way home, neither of them spoke a word. After arriving, Si Jinheng carried her onto the bed and kissed her forehead. "I will be back. Wait for me."

The roaring sound of the car engine came from downstairs. After Si Jinheng left, Lu Qianluo felt empty.

Not in the mood to take a bath, Li Qianluo washed her face in the bathroom and went to sleep.

Being upset, Si Jinheng drove towards the hotel mentioned by Mu Ruoyan. When Mo Yawei opened the door, Si Jinheng found that her hair was messy and her clothes were scratched. Si Jinheng"s visit gave her a pleasant surprise. She hobbled forward.

"Heng." Li Qianluo hurt her left foot, while Mo Yawei hurt her right one.

"Go to hospital." Skipping greeting, Si Jinheng let out three words directly. All he wanted was to finish what his mother required and go home as soon as possible.

"No need. I am OK." Mo Yawei hobbled back into her room.

Being more upset, Si Jinheng followed her. "My mother asked me to check up on you for her. She would not rest easy unless you go to the hospital." Mo Yawei finally knew that Si Jinheng came here for Mu Ruoyan only.

"Mission complete. As you can see, I am fine. You can go now. My a.s.sistant will sent me to hospital." A displeased look appeared on Mo Yawei"s face.

"Yawei, don"t dawdle. I am in a hurry now." Si Jinheng struck her as being impatient, which made her feel so strange that she was heart-broken.

Mo Yawei got her handbag and stood up, seemingly back on her high horse again. "Let"s go!" What with her injured foot, Si Jinheng had to lift her up by her waist. Putting her arms around Si Jinheng"s neck, Mo Yawei smiled secretly and nestled her head against his chest.

Si Jinheng had planned to leave in a minute, so he parked his car at the hotel gate.

After going out, Si Jinheng headed for his Maybach. Before Si Jinheng carried her into the car, Mo Yawei intentionally blocked his view and sat in the car as if nothing had happened. Si Jinheng didn"t noticed anything exceptional.

In the hallway near the window outside the examination room

In the Chengyang Private Hospital.

After looking over the patient chart twice, Si Chengyang said, "Just some skin trauma. But her ankle is dislocated. A period of time for rest is needed."

Si Jinheng nodded. "Make it up with your ex-girlfriend?" Si Chengyang seldom gossiped about others" private lives.

Si Jinheng lit a cigarette, took a drag and said, "No. The girl I brought here last time is my wife."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Si Chengyang choked on his saliva. They had been acquainted with each other for fifteen years. But Si Chengyang had never thought that his old friend would get married without letting him know.

"How could you be so mean as to not even invite me to your wedding ceremony?" It was rare that Si Chengyang made fun of others.

"Just wait. It is not the appropriate time. I owe her a spectacular wedding ceremony." Si Jinheng turned soft as he thought of his little woman. Sensing his change, Si Chengyang felt really sorry for his ex-girlfriend in the ward.

They were a perfect match. But Mo Yawei blew it because she didn"t cherish Si Jinheng. With no interest in poking his nose into others" business, Si Chengyang patted Si Jinheng"s shoulder and went back to his office.

When Si Jinheng went into the ward, Mo Yawei was talking to someone happily on the phone.

"Aunty, Heng is here." It turned out to be Mo Ruoyan. Mo Yawei pa.s.sed the phone to Si Jinheng and gestured for him to answer the phone.


"Weiwei needs rest. Take her to the Pearl Spring and take good care of her." Mu Ruoyan hung up before Si Jinheng could open his mouth.

Si Jinheng closed his eyes and looked extremely displeased. He decided to bother his mother with more business in C Country so that she would be in no mood to mind his private affairs.

In the late night, Li Qianluo heard some noise outside. So she put on her slipper in a daze and opened the door.

The opposite room was lit up. Li Qianluo went forward and saw a man and a women cuddling in the room.

Her drowsiness was driven away at once. "Si Jinheng!" Li Qianluo became a volcano, ready to explode.

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