The candlelight was dim, but a few red eye-catching scratches across the Emperor"s chest could still be seen under the light.

At this moment, the blood had dried up, but it stuck to the middle clothes. Consort Yue did not notice it when she unfolded his clothes, so the wounds bled again.

Yuan Lianniang covered her mouth subconsciously, and her tears could not stop falling.

She did this with a jealous mind originally, but she did not expect to see such a scene. No wonder when she fell into Emperor Chunjia"s arms just now, he was clearly stiff for a moment. She thought he had psychological reactance to her at that moment, but now she knew it was just because she pressed these wounds.

"That b.i.t.c.h!!!" Consort Yue who originally hated Yun Fenghuang very much wanted to rush to Xi Xing Building immediately and tear up that b.i.t.c.h! Fortunately, she kept the sanity in her mind.

As an experienced woman of s.e.xual life, she had had relatively fierce situations sometimes when making love, but Emperor Chunjia"s current injury couldn"t be explained by "forgetting myself when making love". Yun Fenghuang must have done this deliberately!

At least, Yun Fenghuang didn"t care about the Emperor"s body at all, and only enjoyed herself... How dared this b.i.t.c.h?!

Even the Empress never had treated Emperor Chunjia like this!

… Yun Fenghuang was sleeping well when Consort Yue was hysterical. It was not a very good experience for both Yun Fenghuang and Emperor Chunjia this night. The gap between the physical strength of men and women made her fall asleep immediately after making love. She did not wake up until Nian Xuan awakened her at dawn.

At this time, Emperor Chunjia had lain back to her side. The young Emperor seemed to be sleeping, but he slightly frowned. She didn"t know it was because he was in a bad mood or... Yun Fenghuang narrowed her eyes to look at him for a moment, pretended to get up dazedly, and then was about to climb over him again.

Then the Emperor woke up.

He woke up subconsciously with cry of pain.

"My Majesty, I am dazed. I didn"t mean to awaken you!" Yun Fenghuang was happy inwardly, but she pretended to bow down on the step tread and apologized anxiously, "How are you, My Majesty? Would you like to summon an imperial doctor?"

Emperor Chunjia took a deep breath and said with no expression, "Don"t bother. I"m fine. You just go to Yan Fu Palace to pay respects."

He was not a fool. He knew this Cheng Gui was intentional.

There were just some flesh wounds, and it was unnecessary to summon an imperial doctor. If this news was spread out, it might cause some other troubles… and it might increase pressure on Consort Yue then, so he had to bear Yun Fenghuang now.

This mean daughter of Yun"s Family was too restless!

The Emperor secretly gritted his teeth and wondered what Yun Fenghuang"s biological parents were like. Anyway, they were from a n.o.ble family, but how could they teach such a daughter?

Yun Fenghuang got away smoothly and didn"t care about the Emperor"s thoughts. After washing and dressing up, she complacently went to Tong Xia Palace to find a shield. Ah no, she was gonna find n.o.ble Consort Shu to pay respects.

"My Lady, help me!" Before she entered the door, n.o.ble Consort Shu heard her voice. She rushed to n.o.ble Consort Shu and cried, "His Majesty requested to sleep with me yesterday, but I dared not ask him to go elsewhere. What should I do now? Her Lady Zhao Yuan will surely beat me to death!"

n.o.ble Consort Shu said ironically, "You are scared now? But you seemed perky when you served His Majesty yesterday."

"I was wrong. My Lady, please help me!" Yun Fenghuang raised her sleeves to cover her face, and kept crying. "My Lady, I need your help..." She started to sob constantly.

n.o.ble Consort Shu had a headache hearing her cries, pinching her brows and saying, "Rise before you talk!"

Yun Fenghuang didn"t stand up. Instead, she walked on her knees towards to n.o.ble Consort Shu and pulled her skirt, complaining tearfully. According to her implicity, she stood with n.o.ble Consort Shu. If she were repeatedly bullied by Zhao Yuan, n.o.ble Consort Shu would lose her face. So, n.o.ble Consort Shu had to help her.

... n.o.ble Consort Shu didn"t know what happened in Ning Bi Hall, so she didn"t care even if Yun Fenghuang pulled her skirt, and asked angrily, "What do you mean? Are you threatening me?"

"I dare not." Yun Fenghuang said with crying, "Even an ant still wants to live, let alone a person. If I really seduced His Majesty and deliberately win His Majesty"s favor, I have nothing to say if Zhao Yuan punishes me out of anger. However, I did nothing, but Zhao Yuan wants to punish me. Of course, I feel wronged! I am merely an insignificant Cheng Gui, and am friendless and helpless in this Imperial Harem. If I don"t beg for your pity, My Lady, who else can I rely on? Anyway, although I am not a real daughter of Yun"s Family, all the people in the Imperial Harem thought I am. If I am aggrieved by Zhao Yuan, the whole Duke Yi"s Mansion would not be dignified for this."

n.o.ble Consort Shu sneered coldly, "I had said before. Although you are not a biological daughter of Yun"s Family, I regard you as my cousin, so I will help you! But if you dare to threaten me with your ident.i.ty as a daughter of my tribe, that"s impossible to happen!"

Yun Fenghuang"s eyes widened, as if she were greatly wronged, and she said surprisingly, "I don"t mean that! I dare not threaten you, My Lady! I… I am begging you..."

The sincerity of her expression, the tears on her face, and the unstoppable helplessness between her eyebrows made n.o.ble Consort Shu think for a while, and then her tone softened, "After I heard that His Majesty slept at Xi Xing Building yesterday, I"ve already begun to consider how to beg for you. Go and dress up yourself now. You can"t show such appearance in Yan Fu Palace later!"

Of course, n.o.ble Consort Shu knew that this so-called sister was not as simple as her naive sister. The latter"s character was shaped under her biological mother"s purposeful cultivation. However, Yun Fenghuang was only fifteen years old. She joined the Imperial Harem without any preparation, and was in a very embarra.s.sing and dangerous position now. So, it was reasonable that she was terrified under such situation.

In this case, it was understandable for her to talk and behave inappropriately... If she were still calm in this case, she would be suspicious then.

Therefore, after criticizing her for a while, n.o.ble Consort Yue started to behave kindly, instructing someone to lead Yun Fenghuang to the rear hall to freshen up, lest Yun Fenghuang lost the etiquette when seeing the Empress and the Queen Mother later.

However, Yun Fenghuang cried too hard before. Even if she powdered a lot, her eyes were still red.

n.o.ble Consort Shu sighed after looking at her for a while, saying that she was still young and naive, "Her Highness and others would definitely ask you when seeing your red eyes... I thought I could say something else first to distract Zhao Yuan"s attention later, but I don"t know if it will work now."

When Yun Fenghuang heard the words, she seemed to cry again. n.o.ble Consort Shu quickly warned her to control emotions, "If you cry again, I will not take you to Yan Fu Palace!"

At this time, Yun Qingman came in. She was not alone, but was followed by a concubine a half-step behind her. The concubine in green clothes had thin eyebrows and narrow eyes. Her appearance was only moderate, but her figure was good. After she entered the hall, she saluted to n.o.ble Consort Shu immediately.

n.o.ble Consort Shu first said to Yun Qingman, "Why are you late today?"

Then she glanced at the concubine in green clothes, and asked, "Yu Wan Chi? Why do you come here?"

n.o.ble Consort Shu had a good reputation in the Imperial Harem and was generally recognized as one of the kindest hostesses to other concubines in the Imperial Harem, but this kind of kindness was only compared with other hostesses. Anyway, her kindness was not enough for the concubines in her palace to disrespect her: no concubines dared to enter the inner hall without being called unless they had an emergency.

Of course, Yun Qingman was her biological sister after all, and Yun Fenghuang was also her so-called sister, so they had no such limitations.

Therefore, n.o.ble Consort Shu was naturally surprised when she saw Yu Wan Chi followed Yun Qingman to come in rashly.

"Sister, Sister Chi said that Feng Yi Kou of Xing Feng Guan had a fever last night, and she even drooled." Before Yu Wan Chi replied, Yun Qingman explained first, "In order to prevent the illness from spreading, the maids of Xing Feng Guan did not dare to report to you directly. They contacted Feng Yi Kou who lives next to them through the door for delivering a message to you this morning. I happened to meet her on the road, so I bring her in incidentally."

n.o.ble Consort Shu thought for a while, and said, "I got it... Why is Kou sick suddenly? She was fine yesterday."

"I don"t know." Ms. Chi said with her head down. "When the maids of Xing Feng Guan explained the situation through the door, I did not get up. The gatekeeper is young, so she could not tell me clearly. I"m afraid that I will delay your routine to Yan Fu Palace, My Lady, so I had no time to go to Xing Feng Guan for more details and get here directly. My Lady, please forgive me."

Feng Yi was only a Deputy Seventh-Grade. All the low-grade concubines of Emperor Chunjia"s Imperial Harem were not from n.o.ble families, and were of course insignificant when the Emperor didn"t favor them. Therefore, n.o.ble Consort Shu was not very concerned about her. After asking a few words, she enjoined her trusted attendant, "Send someone to have a female doctor here to have a look."

The Imperial Harem had rigid stratification. The concubines below Fifth-Grade could only be diagnosed by the imperial doctors if they were specially granted. Generally, all of them were diagnosed by female doctors.

The female doctors were actually the maids who serviced in the Imperial Hospital. They learned a few medical skills from the imperial doctors in the ordinary days... Even if there were talented and intelligent female doctors among them, they couldn"t compare with the imperial doctors who were professional.

However, the low-grade concubines were not dignified at all, and that"s how the rules set, so Ms. Chi dared not say anything. Besides, she had to salute to n.o.ble Consort Shu to thank her on behalf of Feng Yi Kou.

Yun Fenghuang looked at this scene aside, feeling that her grade of Cheng Gui was too unreliable, so she had to find an opportunity to gain higher grade as soon as possible.

Since Ms. Chi interrupted them, and Yun Fenghuang deliberately stood in a place where the lights were not so bright, Yun Qingman did not find any traces of her cries but talked with her casually. During the communication, Yun Qingman wanted to ask something a few times. From her expression, Yun Fenghuang could tell that she wanted to ask why Emperor Chunjia slept at Xi Xing Building last night again. However, since n.o.ble Consort Shu and others were on the spot, she didn"t say it in the end.

Afterwards, the concubines in Tong Xia Palace arrived at the Empress"s Palace in time. As soon as they entered, many concubines" eyes focused on Yun Fenghuang with various meanings.

However, Empress Ji said nothing, and even didn"t mean to ask Yun Fenghuang although she found her slightly red and swollen eyes. She only spoke to n.o.ble Consort Shu, "The servants sent some cloths yesterday, and the colors are extremely bright. I think they are right for the newcomers. You can distribute the clothes for them on my behalf later."

All the people were stunned after hearing this statement, including n.o.ble Consort Shu. It was a trivial matter to distribute something to the newly concubines, but this was the power of the Empress. Since Empress Ji gained the t.i.tle and took charge of the Imperial Harem, she had held the Seal of the Empress tightly and hadn"t given any chance to n.o.ble Consort Gui or n.o.ble Consort Shu. This time, however, she actually took the initiative to decentralize her power. Although it was just a trivial matter, the information revealed made others think more!

n.o.ble Consort Shu quickly reflected and said, "I haven"t done this before, and I"m afraid I can"t do it well. Maybe with the help of your maid, Your Highness..."

"Don"t improperly underestimate your own capabilities." The Empress interrupted her and said, "We were both born in a big family, so you must be able to handle such a trivial matter. I"m a bit tired recently, and want to have a rest. Aren"t you willing to help me deal with such a trivial matter?"

"I..." n.o.ble Consort Shu felt quite suspicious, because she couldn"t think of any reason why Empress Ji gave her such a chance.

Could it be a trap?

She tentatively said, "Then I will consult with Sister n.o.ble Consort Gui when she gets here and figure out a regulation. After that, may I bother Your Highness to give us some suggestions?"

Empress Ji"s mouth slightly tilted. She leaned towards her n.o.ble throne, lazily saying, "You"re so careful... But n.o.ble Consort Gui may have no time to work with you."

What she said seemed to have implying meanings.

n.o.ble Consort Shu was secretly vigilant. When she was about to speak, the Empress casually said, "n.o.ble Consort Gui sent someone to bring a ma.s.sage just now. She has been pregnant for more than a month, and I have allowed her not to pay respects in the next two months. If you want to consult with her, you can go to Yan Lan Palace alone later."

Chong Chang Hall was silent within a moment!

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