Tsuki Tsuki

Chapter 02: A heartfelt Duplicate Key

Chapter 02: A heartfelt Duplicate Key

…Ah, such a nice dream. I thought so with still drowsy eyes.
An unusual sweet fragrance hung over the bed. I was sleeping with my cheek on the pillow, which gave off a pleasant fragrance, whereupon my shoulders were lightly shaken. When I opened my eyelids,
“Ehm, good morning, Master <>
My vision fell onto a girl with cool and finely chiselled features. For some reason, Gogyou Hijiri was wearing maid clothes and her prideful black hair sparkled from the morning sun. She smiled shyly.
“Breakfast is served. Please get up soon, Master.”
“…Good night, Maid.”
“Ehh!? Such a weak reaction!? That’s not what Kaoru-san promised me!”
Apparently even the Hijiri in my dream was being tricked by Kaorun. She made a slightly surprised voice and mumbled about something like “Guess I have to do that to please him after all…”. I had my eyes closed and this time she called out to me with a bashful voice from above my head.
“Shin.o.bu-kun--- No, I mean, Master, if you do not get up soon, I will do something amazing.”
“This situation itself is already amazing. I have nothing to fear anymore. Thanks for the sweet dream.”
But soon I would have to wake up from this dream. Or so I thought, but today’s dream seemed rather long. Hijiri’s voice still reached my ears.
“…I’ll really do it, you know? Just to tell you, I’m really embarra.s.sed too.”
“Throw away your shame, Babe.”
I replied a bit cool now. I could do so precisely because it was a dream. I felt somewhat satisfied, whereupon I suddenly received a squishy soft sensation on both my cheeks. Moreover, these two round things started to move bouncing on my face.
Warm and abundant swellings. A balmy fragrance like flowers tickling my nasal cavities. And Hijiri’s voice coming from above again was extremely bewitching with moans mixed in with it.
“Mm… Master, if you do not get up… Hah… I’ll get more vehement.”
“---Come on.”
“I, I don’t know why you’re using English, but okay. This is just like Kaoru-san predicted. This makes you happy, right Shin.o.bu-kun— I mean, Master? Then I’ll be more vehement now.”
Along with a somewhat animated voice, the bewitching vibrations became stronger and a sweet sensation dashed over my whole face.
“Uah… Somehow, I’m starting to feel good… too… Hah… What about you, Master? Does it… Ahh… feel good for you?”
An inexpressible feeling for sure. This dream was way too sweet. I could feel an incredible elasticity from the voluminous round swellings and I inadvertently wanted to enjoy the warm sensation of these swellings some more. When I modestly nuzzled my face against them,
“Hahn… Mastah… I’m servicing you… so don’t move… Yahn…”
Even though I had only moved my face a tiny bit, the soft swelling trembled writhing on both my cheeks, then slowly got away from me.
Aw, over already? When I opened my eyelids regretfully, there were absorbing huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s in front of the tip of my nose. Oh. Hijiri had shaken her b.r.e.a.s.t.s on my face while I was sleeping on the bed, huh. No wonder it felt so pleasant.
However, I timidly looked up to Hijiri while opening my eyes wide.
“…Hijiri? Watcha doing?”
“G- Giving you a Puff Puff, Master.”
“—Once more please.”
This must be a dream for sure. There was no way Hijiri would say “Puff Puff” with a red face like that. Since this was a dream, I excitedly put up my index finger with the request, but unfortunately a continuation didn’t come. Hijiri knitted her eyebrows troubled, fixed her posture and looked at me.
“Uhm, are you still not quite awake? Usually you get all bashful too, Shin.o.bu-kun…”
“Aw, no more calling me Master? Quite the unsympathetic dream.”
“I- It pains me to see you so disappointed, but you must be hungry. Breakfast is all done, so get up now, okay?”
Gently pulling away my blanket, I straightened up my upper body with Hijiri’s help and looked around again while sitting on the edge of the bed with a yawn. I spotted cute accessories and decorative plants, obviously this wasn’t my own room. This should be Kaorun’s room, if I wasn’t mistaken.
However, how did I end up here? When I stared in puzzlement on this cloudy situation, Hijiri rested her hand on my shoulder with a giggle.
“Shin.o.bu-kun, please recall yesterday— wait, don’t go back to sleep. What about breakfast? Both Kaoru-san and Hisame-chan are waiting, you know?”
Giving me a fair warning, Hijiri moderately shook my shoulders, but I was strangely sleepy and closed my eyes again while I absent-mindedly recalled the last day like she told me to…

…Could I get friendlier with Hisame-chan from now on?
The orange sunlight shone into the Gogyou Dojo. Conducting my exorcist training there by myself, I recalled the earlier happening and made a small sigh.
A gentle evening. At the return to the Gogyou Mansion, Kaorun exchanged warm words with Hisame-chan. I had watched over them and then Kaorun took my arm to introduce me to Hisame-chan.
But apparently Hisame-chan had previously heard about me from Kaorun.
“I saw you in a picture that Kaoru-sama carries around with her. You are Nanjou-sama, correct? I heard that you are a manly gentleman that not only has Hijiri-sama as his lover, but Kaoru-sama as well. Kaoru-sama was happily telling me: ‘Shin.o.bu-sama is my one and only.’ In other words— You are my enemy!”
As soon as she recognized me, she suddenly gave me a declaration of war. I thought about breaking the ice first.
“Oh, jealous? You don’t have to worry about that. I won’t take your beloved Kaorun away.”
I gave my idea of a mature reaction, but she was either embarra.s.sed about me hitting a sore spot or simply scared… as she totally snarled at me.
Amidst that, Kaorun gave her a weird advice of “Hisame-chan, if you are going to bite him, you better make it play-biting” and during the self-introduction after that, Hisame-chan kept giving me a pa.s.sionate scowl with an inexpressiveness face… I was really worried if I could hit it off with her from now on.
But I renewed my spirits and thought about doing some training since I was already here before going home, so I visited the Gogyou Dojo and thus was conducting my training like this now.
…But thinking back on it now, I could have gone back to my normal life with Luna if I had simply went home back then. While I diligently trained, Sougo-san suddenly showed up in the Dojo. With an expression of mixed feelings, he said isolated while looking at me.
“You’re… Itsuki-san’s son alright.”
Itsuki was the name of my father. But I never expected to hear it from Sougo-san, so I blinked my eyes a bit, whereupon he called out to me surprised.
“…Hijiri told you nothing?”
Being asked that made me remember. Previously Hijiri told me that Sougo-san had been surprised about me not taking over my grandfather’s dojo and starting exorcist training. He must be familiar with our family. While recalling the contents of my conversation with Hijiri quite a while ago, I casually replied to Sougo-san.
“Reminds me, that stupid and random father of mine is your friend, isn’t he?”
“Unfortunately he is. Nowadays we’re just quarrelling, but in the past we often let our fists speak. That said, Itsuki-san wasn’t just talented in martial arts, he also has a gift for exorcism. As a result, I never won against him even once.”
“Let’s go beat up that idiot together next time— Is what I would like to say, but seeing as he has a talent for exorcism, he must know about the exorcists.”
“Because the Nanjou family is originally a branch family with exorcist roots. Your grandfather is informed too, not just Itsuki-san. They even worked as exorcists once.”
I never heard anything from my father or grandfather. Why didn’t they tell me? While I became doubtful, Sougo-san knitted his eyebrows a bit and opened his mouth.
“I’m sure he didn’t tell you out of parental love. The exorcist work is dangerous after all. Without doubt he didn’t want you to get dragged into it. Anyway, Itsuki-san always did what he wanted like not taking over the family dojo, seducing female devils during work or trying to make them his lovers…”
Interjecting a sigh in the middle of his sentence, Sougo-san knitted his eyebrows even deeper.
“The next thing I hear from him at the wedding with his wife is ‘I’m quitting the exorcist job! I don’t wanna work anymore! I never wanna work again! I’ll be Tomoe’s pimp!’. To the bitter end, he only cracked jokes without being serious once, so I can’t deal with him. He’s a fool beyond help.”
“I guess we really should beat up that idiot together next time?”
Sougo-san showed a pale expression, but his words were somewhat filled with warmth. So he replied to my joke with “I’ll think about it” and a serious expression, then continued with “By the way” just like that.
“That fool called me the other day.”
“Called you? Even though he rarely calls or texts anyone expect my mother or sister?” with that I asked back surprised, whereupon Sougo-san showed a wry smile and nodded short.
“I’m sure he was worried about you. I don’t know where he heard it from, but he apparently knew about you getting exorcist training here. But it seems like he doesn’t want you to become an exorcist after all. He yelled at me angrily as soon as I picked up the phone.”
“…I’m getting a bad feeling, but what did he say?”
“I think he spouted something like ‘b.a.s.t.a.r.d! How do you dare to s.n.a.t.c.h away my beloved Shin.o.bu-kun! Give him back at once or I’ll set your house on fire, d.a.m.nit!’.”
“I think that was his idea of a joke?”
“Of course I know that, but I go way back with him, so I reflexive answered with ‘Go die, Sc.u.m!’ and then ended up telling him everything about you.”
It might be that Sougo-san quite liked my father. As he remembered his exchange with my father over the phone, he looked up to the ceiling of the dojo and showed a faint smile on a rare occasion.
“Still, Itsuki-san is treasuring you a lot. After hearing me out, he joshed with ‘Then my Shin.o.bu-kun is living with a devil right now!? That’s not good! I have to return at once! Though I actually only want to see Tomoe. Tehe~’ and hung up.”
“Next time he calls, please ask him ‘When will you die at last?’… Oh, right, didn’t you say I’m my father’s son alright when you came in? What did you mean by that?”
I felt my own expression getting somewhat stiff, whereupon Sougo-san averted his eyes from me a bit awkwardly and opened his mouth hesitantly.
“Well, I thought at first that you don’t resemble him. Because you’re sincere, unlike him. But well, you got a gift for exorcism too and like to joke around as well… And you’re a natural gigolo like Itsuki-san.”
“Uhm, excuse me if I sound rude, but may I smack you on the head?”
“…Itsuki-san was often cracking a joke like that too. And he often attracted the affection of women. Just like you.”
Personally, I wanted to think differently. But Sougo-san said with mixed feelings again.
“Earlier in the living room, Kaoru happily told me how nicely you treated her when she stayed at your house. Hisame was present too and got a bit sullen, you know?”
“…Sounds like she’ll snarl at me again.”
“I’m afraid I can’t deny that. Actually, I’m off to work again now. I’ll be gone for two or three days with my wife, but when I told Kaoru about it, she asked a favour of me.”
“It’s rare for Kaorun to ask a favour.”
Most likely Kaorun was fawning on Sougo-san too. While giving an agreeable response, I felt my cheeks forming a faint smile, whereupon Sougo-san lightly shrugged his shoulders for some reason and continued with a sigh.
“To requote her: ’I am worried about leaving no man in the house. I would like to have Shin.o.bu-sama stay over while you are away. There is a possibility that he will turn me down, so please ask him for me, Papa Sougo. Come on, please hurry up already. It is a favour for your cute daughter’.”
“Haha, you sure have it tough too. Then I’ll excuse myself now. A blonde lady and a happy family are waiting for me at home…”
Swiftly turning on my heels, I tried to go home in an escape, but Sougo-san grabbed my shoulder from behind with “Wait, Nanjou-kun”.
“I’m sure Kaoru wants to thank you somehow for taking care of her. Besides, Hijiri had sparkles in her eyes too. I don’t want to disappoint my daughters and I believe it’s fine to entrust them to you. So I ask you to grant Kaoru’s wish, please. I beg you, Nanjou-kun, no— Shin.o.bu-kun.”
“I, I don’t know why you’re suddenly calling me by my first name, but I see that you’re an unexpected doting parent. Well, I don’t mind if it’s only for a few days.”
There was no way I could turn him down when he was lowering his head. Still, she was worried about having no man in the house… Just what was Shuu-kun then? To be honest, I felt rather doubtful, but I resisted to retort and decided to take on Sougo-san’s request…

Still sitting on the bed with my eyes closed, yesterday’s memories went by in my only half-awake head while Hijiri in maid clothes gently shook my shoulders.
After the Dojo, I had went to the living room and told the members of the Gogyou Family that I would be staying over for a few days, whereupon Hijiri had shown a bright smile, Hisame-chan had made a slightly displeased expression, Shuu-kun had shown a bitter expression with “I’m a man, you know? So you have a man in the house, right?” and Kaorun had left for somewhere as soon as she had heard my words.
But it seems that she went to my house. When she came back, she had a bag with my change of clothes and apparently even told Luna and the others about my circ.u.mstances versed.
Afterwards, next to dinner and a bath, I played a game in Kaorun’s game until late at night upon her invitation, so I had fallen asleep without even noticing it. Maybe I had even slept together with Kaorun?
I didn’t clearly remember that part. I felt a bit regretful. When such thoughts crossed my mind, Hijiri moderately shook my shoulders and called out to me hesitant.
“Shin.o.bu-kun, if you don’t get up already, then, well… I’ll change your clothes of my own accord.”
“Take my socks off lastly.”
“Ehm, I would say the socks come first of all… Ah, you were sleeping with your socks on! Please wait a moment. I’ll properly do it for you.”
…What was she going to do?
A bit curious, I opened my drowsy eyes, whereupon my vision fell on Hijiri still in her maid clothes. She formally sat down on the spot with grace. Next she took my foot, as she was going to take off my socks, and lead it onto her thighs.
…In no time, my foot ended up on Hijiri’s thigh. Feeling the elastic sensation of her thigh on the back of my foot, my sleepiness was blown away at once.
“Hijiri, I’m feeling bad about this. You don’t have to go this far. Or rather, this manner is…”
“Kaoru-san taught me. I don’t really get it, but boys prefer it this way, right? Don’t worry about me and fully rest your foot on my thigh.”
Then I would truly step onto her thigh. I wasn’t so shameless that I could do such a feast. But still, first the maid clothes, then the breast squeezing. Most likely Kaorun talked her into something weird again.
But Hijiri herself made a face like she was happy about taking care of me, and gently slipped off the sock from my foot on her soft thigh in a somewhat pleased mood. It made me afraid to stop her.
However, being serviced by a cool beauty like Hijiri made me rather restless or more like my heart was making flips… Either way, it didn’t change the fact that it was embarra.s.sing.
Indifferent to these feelings of mine, Hijiri remained seated after taking off the socks on both my feet, and suddenly flushed her cheeks for some reason. She touched my thigh caressingly with her slender fingertips, only to then look at me with an upturned glance, whispering quietly.
“…Shin.o.bu-kun, I’ll do this properly too.”
“Be gentle— As if. What do you even want to take my pants off for? I don’t remember raising you as such a lewd… wait, reminds me, weren’t you a sullen pervert?”
“I, I wasn’t trying to do anything weird! Please don’t get the wrong idea! I’m just changing your clothes! Even Luna-san does it for you every morning, right!?”
“Nah, not at all. Luna isn’t that extreme.”
She just often woke me up by play-biting my ear. I added so in thought, whereupon Hijiri raised an agitated voice even while blinking her eyes in surprise.
“But Kaoru-san told me ‘I saw it at Shin.o.bu-sama’s house. Luna-san was waking up Shin.o.bu-sama by giving him a Puff Puff breast squeeze while wearing maid clothes, and even helped him to get changed. Moreover! During the evening bath, she washed his back with her huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s. You cannot let her beat you, Hijiri-chan.’.”
“…After hearing this, what were you going to do in the evening bath?”
“Kaoru-san pointed it out too, but it’s not really genuine when I do the exact same as Luna-san, right? Therefore, well— I’ll wash your chest with my b.r.e.a.s.t.s! It’s embarra.s.sing, but I’ll do my best!”
“S- So bold. I don‘t dislike that characteristic. But just how much do you love Koarun? I know that you want to trust your older sister, but you better doubt her a little bit.”
When I told her somewhat gentle, Hijiri turned even redder and looked down with her hands still on my pants.
“Then… Kaoru-san was lying to me after all?”
“Mh? Wait a sec. What you mean by ‘after all’? So you too were kinda aware of it? That means, you actually just wanted to do something perverted to me after all…”
“N- No, Shin.o.bu-kun! I only thought it was something Luna-san would do!”
Apparently losing her cool, Hijiri jerkily pulled on my pants with a red face.
“I only wanted to please you… But now that you mentioned it, it seems like it was only for my pleasure so far. Wh- What should I do, Shin.o.bu-kun? I guess I’m more perverted than I thought?”
…Only so much that you would lay hands on my pants right now. Thus I can’t deny it. Swallowing down a joke like that, I reached out my hand for Hijiri and petted her head in an apology for teasing her. Upon that, Hijiri seemed to calm down a bit, flushed her cheeks and smiled faintly.
But on a closer look, this posture was extremely risky. Hijiri, still sitting formally on the floor, leaned her cheek against my thigh with her hands on my pants while I sat on the bed. And I was petting her head like that. An outsider would misunderstand this situation for sure. I should separate myself from Hijiri as soon as possible.
Like that, I got a bit impatient in my heart, whereupon the door suddenly yanked open without even a knock and an inexpressive girl aka Hisame-chan came inside right away. As soon as she did so,
“Shin.o.bu-sama, how long do you intend to sleep in Kaoru-sama’s bed? The breakfast Kaoru-sama made will get—”
Hisame-chan started to speak displeased at once, but when she noticed our situation, her eyes widened and her inexpressive face turned bright red, as she might still be innocent. Turning on her heels, she raised a hysteric voice while rushing out into the hallway.
“K- Ka- Kaoru-sama! Hijiri-sama is being indecent! So very indecent! Nanjou-sama is holding back a disgusted look, yet Hijiri-sama tried to forcefully remove his pants! To think the all so gentle Hijiri-sama would be actually so indecent—!”
“Ehh!? H- Hisame-chan! That’s going too far! It’s a misunderstanding! An incredible misunderstanding! Please don’t report weird things to Kaoru-san!”
Hastily raising a falsetto voice, Hijiri ran out into the hallway in chase after Hisame-chan.
In regards, I laid down on the pillow once more and went back to sleep to escape reality— Nah, if I were to do that, Hisame-chan might snarl at me again. Feeling a chill, I swiftly stood up, dressed myself quickly and went to the living room of the Gogyou Mansion…

In a way, it was like a dreamy state even after waking up.
Breakfast time in the living room of the Gogyou Mansion. Lined up on the table were steaming white rice, clear miso soup with wakame seaweed, fish with an aromatic fragrance and somewhat charred omelettes. And in my field of vision were three girls in maid clothes: Hijiri, Kaorun and Hisame-chan.
Well, in Hijiri’s case it was a cosplay instigated by Kaorun, but it wasn’t all too bad to be surrounded by maids. Inadvertently forming a faint smile, I talked big while nodding short.
“Mhm, if Luna were here too, it would be heaven.”
“…Shin.o.bu-sama, I can understand that you are lonely without your beloved Luna-san, but please only have eyes for us now and make do with only us.“
While hitting my sore point, Kaorun lightly slapped my cheeks somewhat sulking.
“I want to take you to heaven as a thanks for taking care of me the other days. Taking advantage of Papa Sougo’s leave, I will service you plentiful, okay? Please look forward to it. For starters, let us take a bath together tonight.”
“Haha, can’t wait for it. But next to you, a scary girl is glaring at me, you know? Seems that scary girl will snarl at me again, so I’ll pa.s.s, sorry.”
“Scary girl? There is no one of this description here. Next to me is only a cute girl from whom we seemingly can expect adorable contractions in her exhibited characteristics in the future. She even helped me out with cooking this morning, you know? Even if Hisame-chan snarls at you, please forgive it with a smile.”
“You’re pretty soft on her. Just like this omelette.”
I believed that Hisame-chan helping out with the cooking meant that she made this lightly charred omelette. Even while I replied with a sigh to Kaorun, I ate that omelette and smiled with “So good”, whereupon Hisame-chan lightly flushed her cheeks and jerkily pulled on the sleeve of Kaorun’s clothes.
“…Kaoru-sama, what should I do if Nanjou-sama asks me ‘Cook for me every morning’ now?”
“Please sink your teeth into his carotid artery with a smile then.”
“—I understand. I will do so and not stop until he cries.”
What a scary conversation. Moreover, Hisame-chan’s eyes were serious. I looked at Hijiri next to me for help, but she looked somewhat sleepy and when she noticed my gaze, she seemed to get the wrong idea, as she smiled sweetly and dropped her gaze onto the fish.
“Should I take out the bones for you?”
“—After that I’ll feed it to you mouth-by-mouth. I wuv you, Shin.o.bu-kun <>
Must have been her usual joke. Kaorun interjected with an imitation of Hijiri. On the other hand, Hisame-chan inexpressively rocked her eyes upon hearing that, as she was innocent after all, and quickly averted her eyes from us.
“…I will keep my eyes shut, so please do not mind me and enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.”
“Nah, not really working if you say it with a red face like that. Anyway, stop it, Kaorun. We have a little girl present here.”
“I, I am not little!”
I might have stepped on a landmine. Hisame-chan unusually exposed emotions and shouted at me with a glare.
“Sure, it may appear small at times! But they will grow bigger from now on! They will be all bouncy! Just wait, they will definitely become as big as Kaoru-sama’s!”
While shouting, Hisame-chan dropped her gaze onto her own chest and made a rather bitter expression. Looking at her humble chest, I cheered her on with “Don’t lose hope” in my heart, whereupon Kaorun fiercely glared at me for some reason.
“Shin.o.bu-sama, what is up with these eyes saying ’The developing type isn’t bad either. Let’s do it the Hikari Genji way. Nibble me all you want, my green fruit’. I will not forgive you if you lay hands on Hisame-chan. If you want to lay hands on someone, please make it me. Or rather, why are you not laying hands on me!”
“Hisame-chan sure’s fond of you. Even though you’re a full throttle perverted maid just like right now.”
“Kaoru-sama is not a perverted maid!”
As I ended up stepping on another landmine, Hisame-chan temporarily stopped her words, then continued with a louder voice.
“---Kaoru-sama is a h.o.r.n.y b.i.t.c.h!”
“Even worse! What’s wrong with you! Even Kaorun’s crying now!”
When I inadvertently retorted at full power, even the sleepy Hijiri widened her eyes and Kaorun had indeed teary eyes, but Hisame-chan tilted her head puzzled.
“I previously heard on TV that a h.o.r.n.y b.i.t.c.h is an incredible woman, who is popular with men, though… Could it be, that is wrong?”
For her own sake, I should properly tell her now without brushing it off. I told her the meaning of the word h.o.r.n.y b.i.t.c.h with a gentle tone, but as soon as she heard it, she became totally crestfallen… and things got a bit awkward.
Kaorun petted her head to console her. Being glared at by Hisame-chan again, I made an heartfelt apology, then brought up a subject to Kaorun to change the atmosphere.
“A- Anyway, where’s Shuu-kun? I haven’t seen him today yet.”
“He is… currently living in a park now, I guess?”
“Why’s he suddenly homeless! Don’t tell me you chased him out?”
“I would not do something so cold-hearted. I was joking about the park. This morning he left with lowered shoulders saying ‘I lost the DVD I borrowed from my friend. Ah, but it’s not a S&M DVD or anything! There’s no dominatrix appearing or so, so rest a.s.sured! But to make up for the DVD, I have to work as a butler at the house of my friend for a while’.”
…Oh my G.o.d. I had a clue about the DVD Shuu-kun mentioned. The day before yesterday, when we infiltrated the Gogyou Mansion, Kaorun should have seized a S&M DVD from the fainted Shuu-kun.
While recalling this sad memory, I faced Kaorun wearily.
“You haven’t given that DVD back to him yet?”
“Ah, no, there are unavoidable and painful circ.u.mstances to it. I will tell you all about it, so uhm… please do not get angry, okay?”, after empathizing on that part, Kaorun started talking with a sigh. About the reason why she couldn’t return the DVD to Shuu-kun…

It happened yesterday at dusk. When I heard that my beloved Shin.o.bu-sama would stay over at our house, I went in high spirits to the Nanjou house with the car. Next I explained the circ.u.mstances to everyone in the Nanjou Household with a smile, so that I could borrow some change of clothes for Shin.o.bu-sama. Incidentally, everyone was incredible depressed upon hearing it and while I feel terrible sorry about it, that is not important now.
After giving my regards to Luna-san and the others, I secretly infiltrated Shin.o.bu-sama’s room. Since I was already there, I should go home after I got a hit off my favourite smell. I rested my cheek on my favourite pillow from Shin.o.bu-sama and after forgetting about the time for a while, I took out a DVD from my pocket.
It was the light S&M DVD that Shuu-kun was holding onto last night. I did not remember raising my little brother into a S&M lover, but I was glad that I secretly brought it with me then. I should place this under Shin.o.bu-sama’s bed now.
I was certain that Shin.o.bu-sama would give me the usual sweet abuse and then smile at me with “There‘s no help for you.“ without doubt when noticing my prank.
As a matter I fact, I happened to love that smile to no end. While imagining Shin.o.bu-sama’s smile, I quickly tried to hide the DVD under his bed, but it seems my delusions took too much of my attention, as I did not notice her presence. The door suddenly opened and Luna-san showed up.
I thought my delicate heart would stop beating. Well, Luna-san widened her eyes as well, but suddenly a certain premonition swept over my mind and I called out to Luna-san rebuking.
“Seems you are natural erotic after all. Making use of Shin.o.bu-sama’s absence, you planned to do perverted things on his bed, correct? I cannot approve of that.”
“W- Wh- Wha- What are you saying, Kaoru-san! Sure, I am lonely without Shin.o.bu-san! But I only wanted to lay down a bit on his bed! Anyway, what are YOU doing here…” with that, Luna-san blushed fl.u.s.tered, but as soon as she looked down onto my hands, she turned bright red this time.
“K- Kaoru-san, did you… find that beneath Shin.o.bu-san’s bed?”
“…Want to see it?”
“No, I should not wilfully take a--- wait, S&M!?”
It was a bad habit of mine. Her fl.u.s.tered appearance was just so cute that I ended up teasing her.
Slowly standing up, I showed her the cover of the DVD, whereupon Luna-san coloured herself surprised here and there, but she would surely forgive me if I apologized and cleared up the misunderstanding later on. So I proudly cracked a joke at once.
“Luna-san, each person has it’s own tendencies or tastes. Even if Shin.o.bu-sama is fascinated by S&M, please treat him like you always have. That said, I could gladly offer him my a.s.sistance in his S&M plays at any time and any place.”
“Even I--- will gladly partic.i.p.ate in the S&M play!”
“A- An unexpected opposition!?”
That was beyond my expectation. However I could not back down. If this girl with the soothing aura at maximum, would even dominate the abnormal parts… then my character would fade into the background. Cladding myself in composure, I called out to her persuading.
“Luna-san, please think about it carefully. It is S&M, you know? Dominatrix and all, you know? Is that not too much for a soothing character like yourself? Please leave that kind of field to me and pleasure Shin.o.bu-sama in a different way.”
“Th- That will not do! I also want to satisfy Shin.o.bu-san with the best method and make him smile at me! Even I can be a dominatrix! Please watch me!”
S- Seemingly Luna-san could become as bold as Hijiri-chan when it comes to Shin.o.bu-san.
Pretty much like putting up something like a gla.s.s mask, she slowly closed her eyes and whispered numerous times “…I am a Dominatrix.”. When she slowly opened her eyes again, her usual gentle emerald green eyes showed a clear s.a.d.i.s.t colour and she looked at me with them.
“---Kaoru, I want to see that DVD. Hand it over.”
“Y- You just called me casually? Even though you are always kind and polite? H- Huh? You are Luna-san, right? Could it be that you are angry?”
“Shut up, Kaoru. Less talking, more moving your hands. Give me that DVD.”
“Ah, no, what can I say, it might come a bit late, but this DVD actually belongs to Shuu-kun…”
“---Kaoru, do not make me repeat myself.”
“M- My deepest apologies! Please forgive me! I present you this DVD, Queen Luna!”
My body would not stop trembling. As a matter of fact, I did not enjoy to be chastised unless it was done by Shin.o.bu-sama. Forgetting to clear up the misunderstanding in my fear, I ended up offering her the DVD, whereupon Queen Luna smiled at me peacefully, as she apparently finally return to being herself.
“Thank you, Kaoru-san. I will get Tomoe-san to teach me how to watch this DVD right away. I will give my best at studying it, so that I can please Shin.o.bu-san once he comes back.”
“Uhm, permit me to remark, it seems you are already rather familiar with S&M…”
“---What did you say, Kaoru-san?”
“Nothing. Please give your best at studying. I wish you the best of success.”
Fleetingly s.a.d.i.s.tic eyes. In front of these eyes, I could not say anything. In that moment I vowed in my heart to never again play a weird prank on Queen Luna.
But even though I brought this on by myself… I did something really outrageous, did I not?
I had no idea how to make it up to Shin.o.bu-sama and Shuu-kun. Shamefully getting close to tears, I thought while I laid down once more on Shin.o.bu-sama’s pillow to forget this painful reality, that I should repay Shin.o.bu-sama with my own body.

“---That is what happened and thus, Luna-san is currently studying about S&M.”
As she was remembering yesterday’s happenings, Kaorun smiled awkwardly even while shivering a bit.
“Shin.o.bu-sama, Luna-san’s S&M play awaits you on your return. Good for you.”
“…So this will be your last words.”
Swinging my fist with a joke, I asked “Any other last words?”, whereupon Kaorun smiled uneasily with “T- Teheporo?” and I kneaded her cheeks in a non-serious mood.
“Ahh! Please stop, Shin.o.bu-sama! I was really paralysed by fear and could not say anything! I will do anything to make up for it, so please forgive me--- wait, why is Hisame-chan biting onto Shin.o.bu-sama after this story now? That is out of sorts!”
Yeah, I wished she would stop. While I was in the middle of working on Kaorun’s cheek, Hisame-chan suddenly attacked me. Hearing Kaorun’s warning, she reluctantly stopped biting me, but she glared at me with eyes that were saying “I will bite you again if you tease Kaoru-sama”.
…What was up with her? Just how much did she love Kaorun? To seek help again, I looked at Hijiri next to me, but as she probably lacked sleep, Hijiri had been rather quiet for a while now, because she was dozing off on a rare occasion.
As she usually had her act together, seeing her so off-guard was incredible heart-warming. While I smiled faintly, Kaorun slowly got closer to Hijiri and softly called out to her by placing her hand on her head.
“Hijiri-chan, instead of forcing yourself to stay awake, why not take a little rest in your room?”
“Ah, but Shin.o.bu-kun specially came over…”
“He will not leave so easily. Besides, you cannot play with him sufficiently in your state, can you? I will properly wake you up at noon, so please get a bit of rest. They say that everything comes to those who wait and sleep. Please look forward to the noon. I will guarantee you that there will be something wonderful.”
Contrary to her extremely kind tone, Kaorun made a suspicious face like she was hatching a plot, but Hijiri didn’t notice that and left the living room with faltering steps, leaving behind the words “Thank you, Kaoru-san. I’ll go sleep for a bit then”.
After watching Hijiri leave like that, Kaorun giggled and shifted her gaze back to me.
“Hijiri-chan must have been really happy that you came over, Shin.o.bu-sama. It seems she could not fall asleep from the excitement while she thought about various things in her room to please you.”
“…I barely got any sleep last night either. Because you wouldn’t let go off me.”
“We indeed played quite a lot. But you did not let go off me in the bed either. You were fast asleep, so I carried you to the bed, but you suddenly kicked up and forcefully hugged onto me… Ah, I am joking, you know? Stop it, Hisame-chan.”
Hisame-chan had quickly taken a pose for another bite attack. While stopping her and petting her head, Kaorun returned her gaze to me and declared by showing a bright smile.
“I will properly thank you as well for taking care of me before. Please look forward to this noon. Especially after lunch, something wonderful will be waiting for you. Though if you cannot wait that long, I would not mind giving you a kiss right here and now.”
“…Hisame-chan would bite me again, so no thanks.”
But speaking of a thanks from Kaorun… I could only feel anxious about it, as rude as it might be. I should be especially careful after lunch. Let along looking forward to it, I decided to wait a bit warily for the noon…

…I might have let my guard down since it was still before lunch.
The Dojo of the Gogyou Mansion lit up by the bright sunrays. In the middle of it, Hijiri was hung up beautiful. Moreover, in just her underwear. Both her hands tied up above her head, the rope that restricted her was attached to a hook on the ceiling and Hijiri was standing partly on her toes.
Also, since she was in her underwear, I could see her deep cleavage of her voluminous fruits clad in a black bra.s.siere and even her slender waist, beautiful thighs and black panties were in plain view.
Undoubtedly because of this situation, Hijiri had flushed her smooth cheeks… Not good. This wasn’t the time to get fascinated. I quickly averted my gaze and looked at the nearby Kaorun.
“…Hey, what’s this? Is that the thanks you mentioned?”
“Shin.o.bu-sama, the real thing will come after lunch. This is some light special training.”
First time I heard about the light part, but Kaorun had told me about some special training before lunch. I thought for sure that it would be some exorcist training, so I went from the living room to the dojo together with Kaorun… only to find Hijiri hung up here like this. I really had let my guard down. Moreover, this was a light.
What was waiting for me after lunch then? When I broke out a cold sweat, Kaorun plainly started to explain the special training, indifferent to my worries.
“As you may know, Shin.o.bu-sama, Hijiri-chan is an exorcist. Her profession is to seal or exorcise devils. As such, exorcist often incur their enmity and sometimes end up being caught by devils on a failed mission. Rather scary, would you not agree?”
“…You’re the scary one. What are you doing to Hijiri?”
“I also had great difficulty in doing it. When caught by a devil, the exorcist gets tortured for information--- That is what Mama Misaki speculated before.”
“I’m not the least bit envious about this kind of imagination.”
“However, Mama Misaki mentioned that it does actually happen. It would be devastating if Hijiri-chan were to get tortured by devils while she is still pure. I believe it would be better to train her mentality against torture while she still can.”
“…Wouldn’t it be better if we train you a purer mentality?”
This too probably was part of Kaorun’s repayment. And I admitted that in a way it certainly was a situation that attracted a boy’s heart. However, I had no confidence to accept this overly bold good will and retorted half wearily, but Kaorun wasn’t affected at all and threw a glance at Hijiri.
“Well then, Hijiri-chan. Shin.o.bu-sama will torture you now. Please think of it as special training. I am sure you are happy about it, but please do not forget to act opposing, okay?”
“Uhm, I was already tied up when I woke up… but will this really please Shin.o.bu-kun?”
“…Arguably, you might be the one getting pleased, Hijiri-chan.”

Smiling roguish, Kaorun returned her gaze to me just like that.
“Shin.o.bu-sama, this is for the sake of Hijiri-chan’s special training. I am sure it must be hard for you, but please steel your heart as much as possible and play the villain role. Well, it should suffice if you behave like always.”
“What do you mean by that? Stop taking me for a brute. To begin with, I’m a gentleman. You think someone as tender as powder snow like me would do that to a girl that can’t resist?”
“…Incidentally, if you insist on refusing to help out on the special training, I will hang you up from the ceiling just like Hijiri-chan and conduct the service called torture myself.”
“Actually, it has always been my dream to torture a captive beauty.”
Even while telling such an obvious lie, I still couldn’t bring myself to torture her. I should release Hijiri behind Kaorun’s back. I gallantly went over to Hijiri.
Upon that, Hijiri, in her underwear, faced her eyes filled with a rather complex expression of shame, yet a bit of antic.i.p.ation for the torture, at me while her arms were still tied up above her head, saying “Shin.o.bu-kun…”.
“—I got aroused. The school idol Hijiri was exposing herself so defenceless in front of me. All the other boys at school must be envious of me. I could do whatever I wanted now to the body of that idol. First I should remove the bra.s.siere to release the constrained b.r.e.a.s.t.s.”
“Hey, Perverted Maid. Stop making up dirty monologues for me.”
When I turned around at the same time I gave that reprimand, Kaorun held a rope, wherever she got it when I wasn’t looking, in both her hands like a whip and declared with a smile.
“Shin.o.bu-sama, you will not be able to untie Hijiri-chan so easily. Should you show any strange behaviour, I will gently tie you up right away too. I would like to confirm if you are S or M on this occasion anyway. Because it would allow me to please you in various ways in the future.”
If possible, I would like to keep it at the thought alone. Neither did I want to torture, nor get tied up.
…For now I should pretend to torture Hijiri. Since it was Kaorun, she surely would then join in with her usually perverted Maid tendencies at full power and get distracting by s.e.xually hara.s.sing Hijiri. I would use that chance to constrain Kaorun instead, then release Hijiri. Afterwards Kaorun would get a small lecture.
Nodding firmly in my heart, I returned my gaze to Hijiri and changed my tone for the act.
“Kukuku, finally got my hands on an exorcist girl. What should I do with you?”
“…Please be gentle.”
An exorcist that didn’t resist from the very beginning was questionable. Hijiri rocked her eyes with still red cheeks. Since she was usually dignified, this expression was a bit brisk. Moreover, on a closer second look, her defenceless underwear pose with both her arms raised was incredible erotic.
The thick rope extended from Hijiri’s ankles straight up to the hook on the ceiling. Due to that, she was robbed of her freedom in her arms. If I wanted to, I could do any— wait, not good. Hang in there, my reasoning. While strongly keeping my act together, I softly placed my hand against Hijiri’s cheek and said with a soft tone.
“Hijiri, tell me right away when I’m going too far. I’ll properly stop then.”
“Okay, as long as you’re gentle… it’s fine.”
When Hijiri dampened her eyes somewhat, her cheek got hotter and I slowly moved my hand caressing to her neck even while I was a bit agitated.
“Ahn… It… tickles a bit…”
Hijiri leaked a rather sweet voice. In regards, I let my fingertips crawl down to her waist, avoiding her chest, but feeling her slender waist made me inadvertently widened my eyes.
…This was amazing. Even though it looked pretty firm, her skin was super soft, warm and extremely smooth. It might become dangerous if I kept touching it.
But I was doing it to deceive Kaorun. Mustering my reasoning, I let my fingertips go even lower, cautiously reaching out for Hijiri’s thighs, albeit hesitant.
“Ahh… Your hand… is really big… Mm…”
Like ma.s.saging her, I stroked her beautiful firm thigh, whereupon Hijiri gradually started to leak bewitching moans. I was sure that Kaorun would join in any moment now. I gave her a fleeting glance to check upon her, but… to my surprise, Kaorun remained composed.
“Shin.o.bu-sama, that will not do as torture. Hijiri-chan would not get angry about it, so this much is nothing.” with these words, Kaorun swiftly got behind Hijiri and to show me how it’s done… she started to fondle Hijiri’s bottom.
“Yahn… K- Kaoru-san, suddenly going for my… Kyahn…”
“To explain it for you, Shin.o.bu-sama, since you cannot see it, I am currently tightly grabbing Hijiri-chan’s juicy hips and lewdly fondling her bottom. Hijiri-chan must be sensible here. Every time I move my hands, her bottom trembles shivering.”
“Uah… Kaoru-san… Stop… Ahh…”
“This is also part of the special training, Hijiri-chan. Let us have Shin.o.bu-sama take a look at this perverted bottom as well.”
Sweetly smiling, Kaorun grabbed Hijiri’s tied up ankles, placed her other hand on her shoulder and turned her around to me. Instantly my vision fell onto a beautiful bottom with soft b.u.t.tocks. Probably due to Kaorun’s fondling, the black panties had wedged into her bottom. While my agitation grew more intense, Kaorun casually brought up.
“As the opportunity arises, why not touch her bottom without reservations too, Shin.o.bu-sama?”
“Ah, no, I’m in the mood for b.o.o.bs today.”
The words I spontaneously spilled to flinch from it, seemingly brought about the worst case scenario. Kaorun placed one hand on Hijiri’s back and tried to turn around Hijiri to the front again with the other hand.
However, her fingertips seemed to have gotten caught in the hook of the bra.s.siere. The hook loosened while Hijiri was turned around and her voluminous b.r.e.a.s.t.s spilled out of the underwear jumping, bouncing around innocently like that.
Right away, Hijiri turned bright red and twisted her body upon noticing that.
“Aww, my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, so embarra.s.sing…”
Since her hands were restricted by the rope, Hijiri could only shake her body to the left and right with red cheeks, even if she wanted to cover her chest. At the same time, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bounced around again and the black bra.s.siere slowly fell onto the floor of the dojo. This wasn’t good. I would feel bad for Hijiri if they weren’t covered quickly.
Her well-formed and voluminous b.r.e.a.s.t.s. As soon as I confirmed that their pinnacles were coloured in a light pink, I reached out my hands with att.i.tude after a panic, and covered Hijiri’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s by pressing my palms on them. Problem solved. Perfect. Well done, if I may say so— As if.
“Hahn… Your hand… on my… Nhah…”
“C- Colour me surprised. It happened as an accident, but you are grabbing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as soon as you see them? You are rather wild today, Shin.o.bu-sama.”
“…Naw“ with that, I inadvertently resorted to the Kansai dialect in my agitation. However, it was understandable. After the s.e.xy underwear and bottom, I was even shown her b.r.e.a.s.t.s as a finishing blow. Even my reasoning was about to be blown away.
Amidst that, Kaoru suddenly got behind me and whispered into my ear.
“Shin.o.bu-sama, you are still holding onto her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, so please fondle them just like that.”
“No, no. That’s certainly going too far.”
“It still falls under training. Besides, Hijiri-chan said ‘I think I wouldn’t mind if Shin.o.bu-kun were to get aggressive with me’ before, so she should not be all that opposed to it.”
C- Certainly, Hijiri had tightly closed her eyes in shame, but her expression showed no signs of repugnance. Was she really not opposed to it?
My reasoning crumbled more and more. On top of that, even though I had wanted to restrain her, Kaorun had gotten behind me instead. Now it would prove difficult to achieve the initial goal. But when I eventually tried to take my hands off Hijiri’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s,
“You sure are shy, Shin.o.bu-sama. Let me lend you a hand. This is out of my grat.i.tude as well.”
She might have tried to be nice, but as soon as Kaorun whispered into my ear again, she pressed her beautiful b.r.e.a.s.t.s against my back and next she let her palms overlap with my hands, blocking my own movements.
This might resemble the situation a bit where we played the King’s game with Luna and the other in the karaoke box during my date with Hijiri before. Back then, Kaorun had blocked my movements like this too and I had ended up fondling Hijiri’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s over her clothes.
If I recalled correctly, Hijiri hadn’t been angry then either, but it was different now. Hijiri was tied up and couldn’t move. She only wore her panties. Regardless of that predicament, Kaorun fondled her b.r.e.a.s.t.s through my palms, whereupon
“Nhaaah. Shin.o.bu-kun, if you do that, Ahhn.”
The firm sensation of the pinks buds I felt on my palms. The peaks of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were directly touching my hands. Moreover, Kaorun was gently laying a finger on them through my palms and fondling her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, so Hijiri’s seductive voice became louder.
“Ahhhhn, not there, Sto… Haahn.”
When Kaorun took away the hands from the b.r.e.a.s.t.s a bit, the light pink buds of each breast boldly perked up to say that they wanted more.
“Noo, so embarra.s.sing, no mor… Ah, Ahh, Yaaahn!”
Unable to finish her protest, a bewitching soprano voice resounded midway. Making a hollow back, Hijiri shivered her body and made a seductive rough breathing. But Kaorun still didn’t stop.
“Stop alrea… Ahhh, Nhaaah.”
Every time Kaorun moved her hands, Hijiri shook her head in denial and shivered her body greatly again.
“Uhn… Really, no more… Please stop… Shin.o.bu-kun…”
…Eh? Me? Not Kaorun?
Hijiri raised a bittersweet voice. Suddenly returning to my senses, I took a closer look, whereupon Hijiri had erotically flushed her cheeks, but the tears that had dwelled up in her eyes seemed to overflow any moment.
Confused from the shame in addition to the blurry vision from the tears, Hijiri maybe mistook me for the initiator of all these continuous s.e.xual hara.s.sing actions.
I, I too was at fault for not stopping Kaorun. Recovering my reasoning, I wanted to reprimand Kaorun right away, but when I turned my head around, she continued the s.e.xual hara.s.sment in a spellbound state like she had forgotten about the initial purpose for this. With no time for me to stop her,
“Nhaah, no, no. Again, I, Ah, Ahh, Yaaaahn.”
Bending her back even more than before, Hijiri shivered her body convulsive.
“…Shin.o.bu-kun, so mean… Even though… I told you… to stop…”
Mumbling so fragile, she started crying of all things by spilling big tears and now Kaorun must have regained her senses too. Swiftly getting away from my back, she nervously looked around confused… then broke out a cold sweat and made a thump up.
“R- Rest a.s.sured, Shin.o.bu-sama. I believe Hijiri-chan is the type to spill tears when overcome with emotions. It is proof that she felt good. These are loving tears.”
“…Stupid… Kaoru-san…” with that Hijiri spilled even more tears, as Kaorun had hit bulls-eye, and I, completely agitated, shouted towards Kaorun right away.
“S- So, ehm, well— Untie the rope, Kaorun!”
Maybe she was even more muddled than me. She raised a high-pitched voice like a shocker fighter and went over to Hijiri, albeit a bit stumbling. She apparently noticed something upon seeing her and shifted her gaze back towards me, saying with a shrill voice.
“Sh- Shin.o.bu-sama, excuse me, but could I have you leave? I never expected Hijiri-chan to be this sensetiv— *cough* Forget that. Please leave this to me and kill some time outside the dojo. I will get her changed— No, it is nothing.”
Kaorun hid Hijiri’s body by spreading her arms covering. From her fl.u.s.tered actions and words, I could guess various things, but I felt sorry for Hijiri, so I decided to not think about it too deeply.
After that, I obeyed Kaorun’s request and immediately left the dojo behind me, standing awkwardly in the broad garden of the Gogyou Mansion without anything in particular to do. During that, Kaorun went back and forth between the dojo and the mansion to probably get a new set of clothes, but I remained standing still in the garden.
…Would Hijiri forgive me if I apologized? When I waited for a while worried, the door of the dojo opened and Hijiri in casual clothes came out, as she finished changing clothes. For starters I took a deep breath. Facing Hijiri, I called out to her reluctant.
“Hijiri, that earlier… wait, huh? Hijiri? Hijiri-san?”
St- Strange. This never happened before. Hijiri looked away sullen and pa.s.sed by me wordless. She must be angry after all. Anyone would be offended after something like that. But I wanted to somehow cheer her up.
I sincerely called out to her without the slightest hint of a joke in my tone.
“Hijiri, I’m really sorry about earlier. Even though you raised such a loud voice, shook your hips so fiercely and shivered your body numerous times, I… Mh?”
W- Why? Regardless of my sincere apology, Hijiri flinched her shoulders every time she heard my words of “loud voice”, “shook your hips fiercely” and “shivered your body”. When she turned around, she had turn bright red and on top of that, she was glaring at me with teary eyes.
“…To h.e.l.l with you. I hate you, Shin.o.bu-kun.”
O- Ohh? H- Huh? Somehow, something hot dwelled up in my eyes.
Let alone a joke, I couldn’t say anything at all. While I stood there dumbfounded, Hijiri once again looked away sullen and went away. At that moment, Kaorun came out of the dojo with a gesture of wiping away sweat from her forehead, as she probably cleaned up the dojo, and widened her eyes as soon as she saw my face.
“Sh- Shin.o.bu-sama? What is the matter? You look like you are about to cry any moment?”
“…Shinomun’s going home now.”
“Regressing into a child!? Just what happened!? Did Hijiri-chan say anything to you?”
“You see, she said ‘I hate you, Shin.o.bu-kun’.”
“Im- Impossible!?”
After gaping her eyes wide open this time, Kaorun rested her hand on my shoulder and said rea.s.suring.
“Rest a.s.sured, Shin.o.bu-sama. I will go talk to Hijiri-chan now. I am sure she will cheer up in no time, so please do not cry anymore, okay? I am here for you.”
When I told her my frank impression “…That worries me” without any flourish, forget about getting angry, Kaorun lightly kissed my cheek with “Mm, *kiss*” to apparently comfort me.
“Shin.o.bu-sama, please wait in the living room. I will bring Hijiri-chan there right away.”
Turning on her heels with these words, Kaorun swiftly rushed away. So reliable. For now I should leave things to her. I headed for the living room of the Gogyou Mansion… wiping away my dwelled up tears.

—Hijiri and I were in a relationship of supporting each other. I had a strong bond called trust with her. So she would surely forgive whatever I do.
That thought of mine might have been somewhat naïve.
Lunch time in the Gogyou Household. A heavy atmosphere lay over the broad living room, Koarun and I leaked a sigh at times, which prompted Hisame-chan to look at us. Her inexpressive face filled a tiny bit with worry and she mumbled isolated by looking up to the ceiling, probably the direction of Hijiri’s room.
“…Hijiri-sama sure is not coming down.”
“Not really surprising, Hisame-chan. After all she said ‘I hate you, Kaoru-san’…”
Unfortunately Kaorun had come back earlier without any success. Tearing up a bit, she gave Hisame-chan an agreeable response and dropped her shoulders just like that.
“My apologies, Shin.o.bu-sama. I had planned to make you happy in the form of some special training. Besides, Hijiri-chan had mentioned before that she would not mind if her beloved person would get aggressive with her, so I thought she would like it as well…”
Temporarily stopping her words, Kaorun interjected another sigh.
“The gentle way would have been better in the beginning. I really guessed wrong… Tehepero.”
“First time I heard such a sad ’Tehepero’.”
“That happens when it does not go like planned. I knew that Hijiri-chan is sensitive, but your hand must have felt extremely pleasant. As far as I know, two times at least from just her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she… *cough*”
“Two times what? She felt like killing me?”
“Please do not joke about it when you already know it.”
It was more of a self-torture than a joke. Tempted by her, I too sighed and Hisame-chan tilted her head with “Two times from just her b.r.e.a.s.t.s?”, but Kaorun apparently hadn’t the leisure to heed it and just shrugged her shoulders.
“Well, in other words, if she had felt good to a certain level, it would have ended with ‘Shin.o.bu-kun you pervert’, but she was forcefully made to feel incredible good instead of the gentle approach she desired, which probably was a shock to her, so Hijiri-chan ended up in the ‘To h.e.l.l with Shin.o.bu-kun’ state.”
“…The ‘to h.e.l.l’ part was a shock for me too.”
“Earlier when I explained it to her, she also told me ‘I hate you’… Uhh, I simply wanted to make her happy. Yet it ended up making you cry and Hijiri-chan shut herself into her room… I am a failure as your maid and Hijiri-chan’s older sister.”
“You aren’t the only one at fault. Stop prostrating yourself. Please never do that. Listen, it’s true that you started it. However, I didn’t try to stop you for real either. To my shame I have to admit that I got swept away and couldn’t stop. So you aren’t at fault alone.”
That said, if my reasoning had more tenacious, the situation could have been avoided. But there was no use crying over spilt milk. Staying depressed wasn’t good either. Kaorun still looked closed to tears, so I rested my hand on her head this time.
“Kaoru, instead of grieving, we should think about what to do from now on.”
“How kind of you, Shin.o.bu-sama. Especially the part where you casually call me without any honorific is the best. And to think that I caused you troubles instead of thanking you, I want to die a bit… but you have a point. Let us come up with a way to cheer up Hijiri-chan together now. However, just how…”
Kaorun dampened her eyes from being impressed, but shook her head troubled, whereupon
“—Kaoru-sama, please leave this to me.”
Hisame-chan had listened in to our conversation. She calmly interjected.
“I have an idea in mind. I heard it yesterday from the Mistress, when I helped her to pack her things…”
As she wanted to help Kaorun, Hisame-chan started to talk with serious eyes. However, I felt a strange unrest before even hearing her out and only got a bad feeling about it, as rude as it may be.

…Just like I predicted, something bad occurred after a couple of minutes.
After being made to cross-dress by Kaorun, I was now wearing maid clothes and a cat-ear hairband on my head. I stood in front of the door to Hijiri’s room in that outfit while a s.e.xy cat and an inexpressive kitten at both my sides were meowing at each other.
Apparently having found it in Misaki-san’s room, Kaorun was wearing a separated tiger-pattern outfit while showing off her navel, and was also equipped with a chocker, a cat-ear hairband and even with cat paws and a tail, all together in a tiger-pattern.
On the other hand, Hisame-chan wore a black one-piece outfit. Her cat paws, tail and hairband were black too. Her silver hair looked attractive over the black outfit and as she was happy to be in the guise of a cat, she looked somewhat satisfied.
However, how did it come to this?
According to Hisame-chan: “The Mistress told me that these outfits are the most suited to cheer up a depressed person. I am certain that if we happily play around in these in front of Hijiri-sama’s room, then her interest will be piqued and she will come out of her room right away.”.
And according to Kaorun: “If that is the case, then let us show Shin.o.bu-sama in a maid outfit with cat-ears and Hisame-chan in a kitten outfit to Hijiri-chan. That should cheer her up a bit.” or something like that.
Well, odds are that it works, but… what was up with this abnormal atmosphere? Would this really work? I couldn’t cast off my worries.
Kaorun and Hisame-chan had been quite into it for a while now. Kaorun snuggled up her slender body to my arm, raising bewitching meowing like seducing me. But without biting me out of jealously from seeing that, Hisame-chan was in a good mood, as she liked cats after all. She kept talking to us cattish the whole time. Needless to say, I had no clue what she was saying.
However, I would feel bad for ignoring her, so I should play along for a bit. Somehow keeping the worry in my he

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