Tsuki Tsuki

Chapter 71

Extra Chapter: Magical Girls don’t have it easy either

…How would Brother react if he were here now?
Looking at my reflection in the standing mirror in my own room, I raised the corners of my mouth a bit. A costume with lots of frills. A magic stick in my hand. My current appearance was the same as the magical girl from the anime that Miichan showed me before.
I wanted to show it to Brother too, if possible, but it seemed to be too late for today. He was already sleeping, so I’ll ask for his opinion tomorrow.
I shifted my gaze from the mirror over to my bed, where my admired enchantress named Kaoru-san and our kind family’s second daughter named Elni-oneechan sat. Kaoru-san was filming me with a video camera, whereas Elni-oneechan was taking photos with a digital camera. They both were smiling as they said.
“—And like this, Nazuna-chan fights every night as a magical girl to protect Shin.o.bu-sama’s peaceful life. Give it your best, Nazuna-chan. Do not give in, Nazuna-chan. You might be the only one that can protect Shin.o.bu-sama at this point now, or not.”
“Oh, I like that setting, Kaorun. I’m sure Shin.o.bu would as well. Since we’re at it, why don’t you cast some spell, Nazuna?”
Actually, the magical girl costume I was wearing right now, was a present from Elni-oneechan and Kaoru-san. I had been a bit surprised when the two of them came to my room shortly before bedtime, but now I couldn’t hold back my smile either.
I was really happy about the present. The costume was really fantastic, albeit a bit embarra.s.sing. When I stroke a simple pose while chanting my own made-up spell in these clothes, Elni-oneechan gave an applause and Kaoru-san softly called out to me with the video camera in one hand.
“Nazucat, the ‘meow’ spell is quite charming already, but how about a magic spell with an ‘infatuating sentence’?”
“An infatuating sentence? Ah, I know one. ‘I’m free tonight’. Like that?”
“W- Well, in a way it is not wrong, no, it is actually goo— COUGH”, there Kaoru-san coughed awkwardly and resumed smiling, holding up her index finger like suggesting something.
“Given how energetic you are, what do you say about something on the lines of ‘Brother, can we sleep together tonight’ or ‘Brother, I came to wash your back’ or ‘Brother, actually we aren’t blood related… Just kidding. Did your heart skip a beat?’?”
I learned something new. Putting the magic stick on the desk for now, I seriously took notes.
This might get me one step closer to becoming an enchantress. After listening to Kaoru-san’s advice for a while, I picked up the magic stick again and asked for Elni-oneechan and Kaoru-san’s opinion while musing about magic.
“Say, if you could use magic, what would you two do?”
“Mhm, I would love to fly freely through the sky! I would go to the castle in the sky then! And I want to eat lots of food with Shin.o.bu! What about you, Kaorun?”
“I would rob a bank at once. Getting rich through magic and philosophizing about love with Shin.o.bu-sama in a pool of banknotes… But that is just a joke. Please do not take me serious, okay? Let me see, I guess playing pranks with it. First off, Shin.o.bu-sama and the others would get…”
Kaoru-san’s magic sounded interesting, but it would be quite problematic if it were to really exist. Apparently she wanted to change the personalities of Brother and the others into something weird with magic. Then it would be no longer strange that she was a perverted maid. Well, she wasn’t one to begin with and I got the feeling that she was joking around like always.
Elni-oneechan and I gave agreeable responses while we listened to Kaoru-san and as fun as it was, time went by in no time… It was already late in the night and I got sleepy.
I regretfully wished Elni-oneechan and Kaoru-san a good night, put the magic stick on the desk, changed out of the costume and went to bed sadly.
I stayed up pretty late today, but tomorrow was a holiday, so no problem. I closed my eyes half-asleep and thought about magic once more before falling asleep.
…What would I do if I could use magic? Turn into an enchantress?
That was nice in itself, but I wanted to become cool like Brother. Moreover, I would love to help Brother with magic when he was in trouble, since he was always protecting me. Then he might praise me while petting my head.
While I was deep in thought, my consciousness gradually faded. Maybe it was thanks to the magical girl costume? I got the feeling that I would get to see a really nice dream. I let go off my consciousness with a smile and drifted into the world of dreams…

…Mh? Huh? I only went to sleep just now, yet it was already morning? My body was shaken gently and a voice sounded from somewhere distant.
“Nazuna, it’s morning. Get up already… Mm… KISS…”
The soft sensation I felt on my cheek in my slumber woke me up at once.
Luna-oneechan might have kissed me. She really loved physical contact like this. When I opened my eyelids while realizing that I started to smile, I saw the morning sun through the curtains and… an unexpected person.
Maid clothes with a bold opening around the b.r.e.a.s.t.s. For some reason, Machina-oneechan was wearing that. I jumpy sat up on the bed in surprise. Seeing me like that, Machina-oneechan called out to me worried.
“…Did you have a scary dream? What’s up that you’re so surprised?”
“Wh- What you ask… Actually what’s up with you, Machina-oneechan?”
It may be rude, but she was like a different person. Her usual strong-willed image was completely gone and she wore maid clothes and emitted a soothing aura like Luna-oneechan. Still surprised, I looked at her and openly spoke out my doubt.
“Machina-oneechan, why’re you wearing maid clothes?”
“Why’re you asking that at this point? There’s only one reason.”
Temporarily ceasing her words, Machina-oneechan flushed her cheeks rose-coloured and then declared without hesitation.
“—To serve my beloved Shin.o.bu. I’m his maid after all.”
“Brother’s maid? Eh? Huh? Since when?”
“And you’re a magical girl, Nazuna! You’re so pretty again today! We’re not related by blood, but I’m so blessed to have a little sister like you!”
“I, I’m happy you feel that way. But can you listen to what I say for a bi— wha, uwah! What’s this!?”
I unconsciously raised a hysteric voice.
Machina-oneechan firmly pointed at something. When I calmly dropped my gaze towards it, my own body, I saw the magical girl costume from Elni-oneechan and Kaoru-san. I was sure that I had taken them off yesterday, but why was I wearing it now?
A second surprise. I stiffed up a bit. But indifferent to my surprise,
“…You must be a magical girl guided by the sun.”
Saying a phrase like from a RPG, Machina-oneechan moved to in front of my desk. There was the magic stick I had put up there yesterday. She took it and returned to my bed, holding it out to my still confused self.
“Nazuna, protect the peace of the city pretty and cutely as the magical girl again today. With this, you’re invincible. Here, take this stick that Elni made out of non-burnable trash.”
“Trash!? It’s a magic stick, yet its made out of trash!?”
“…Or was it pa.s.sionate-burning trash?”
“S- So it’s trash either way.”
“Mhm? Maybe it was stardust?”
“That’s something entirely different! Which is it now!?”
How rare of me to retort. My first time seeing Machina-oneechan without her tricked & retort combo and just foolery instead. I felt a bit confused. However, Machina-oneechan ignored my bewilderment again and softly smiled like Luna-oneechan.
“Ufufu, you’re such an energetic magical girl today again. Use that energy to eat breakfast well. You can look forward to it. I’m quite confident in it.”
“…You made breakfast? Not Luna-oneechan?”
“Are you still half-asleep? My Sister hasn’t cooked even once since she was born. Besides, cooking is my job. I feel so blessed when Shin.o.bu compliments it every day with ‘So delicious’. So much that you can pretty much call it my reason for living.”
“Luna-oneechan often used to say that, didn’t she?”
“Hey, I’ll get angry when you say that in front of her. Come on, get up already. Here, take your magic stick. Good, perfect. I’ll see you down in a bit then, Nazuna. Let’s have breakfast together… Mm… KISS, KISS.”
Machina-oneechan kissed both my cheeks affectionately.
My chest felt somewhat warm. I inadvertently forgot to retort, whereupon Machina-oneechan put the magic stick into my hands, turned around and left the room in her maid clothes…
Seems like I have no talent for retorts after all. Something was really nagging at me, but I couldn’t ask about it. I should ask my Brother about the important points of retorting. I got off the bed and wanted to get dressed for now, but
“…Huh? Strange.”
strangely enough, I couldn’t let go off the magic stick. And not just that, I couldn’t even take off the magical girl costume. It wouldn‘t come off no matter how hard I tried while shouting “Meow!”. Oh G.o.d, what a problem. Do I have to wear this magical girl costume forever now?
…Oh well. Machina-oneechan was wearing maid clothes too. I shouldn’t think too much about it. If I did, I would lose. Therefore, I left my room holding my magic stick and still dressed in the magical girl costume, walking down the familiar hallway.
Upon that, there was an unfamiliar girl in front of Brother’s room. Judging by the size of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, she must be his friend from school, Minami-san. Was it because I was watching her? Minami-san noticed me and smiled brightly at me.
…If Luna-oneechan’smile had the image of a gentle moon, then Minami-san’s was the sparkling sun. I was happy that she gave me a smile, but I felt the same as when I met her before.
Really nostalgic and boisterous in my chest. What was this sensation? When I watched her doubtfully, Minami-san waved her hand while still smiling brightly.
“Good morning, magical girl Nazuna-chan! You’re giving off an enchantress aura like always! Daring and as quick as lightning!”
“Thank you! It’s my first time being told that! Meow!”
Abandoning all thoughts, I thanked her and asked a question while I drew closer.
“What brings you here today? Some business with Brother?”
“Not quite, just the usual routine of waking him up. But you know, I’ve this urge to hug him since yesterday and even now, my chest is all tightening.”
Swaying her voluminous b.r.e.a.s.t.s, which were apparently tightening right now, Minami-san moaned s.e.xily and smiled roguish with “Therefore”.
“I’ll try to be daring today too.”
“I would say you’re pretty daring already, but wow, you can be even s.e.xier!”
I tried to give her a somewhat admired look. Minami-san winked at me coquette with “Not for your eyes, Nazuna-chan”. Then she went humming into Brother’s room and closed the door. But I was dying to know what she was going to do.
Even while knowing I shouldn’t, I quietly opened the door and snuck a peek into the room.
What I saw was Brother’s sleeping face. Usually my brother had a fearless look, was wild, cool and gentle, but in his sleep, he was all innocent. Even from my perspective as his little sister, he looked all cute and I could really understand how Luna-oneechan and the others got all engrossed over it.
Same must go for Minami-san. She stood in front of my brother’s bed, watched his sleeping face and after mumbling “You’re such a sleepyhead” with blushed cheeks, she saluted for some reason.
“Minami Ouka— going in!”
Where was she going? Maybe symbolic? Going to be darin—wait, why was she taking off her clothes up to her underwear? Being dressed in nothing but dark blue underwear was definitely an upgrade in s.e.xiness. And she had really huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were bouncing around while she took off her clothes… Eh? Huh? Wh- Why was she going into Brother’s bed in her underwear? Was this the world of adults?
Even while her face turned bright red, Minami-san covered herself and Brother with the blanket and I couldn’t see what she was doing under there. The only thing I could hear were their erotic breathes.
But that ended quickly and Minami-san’s playful, sweet voice sounded instead.
“Ufufu, if you don’t get up, Shin.o.bu-chan, uhn, I’ll make you feel even better with my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. How do you like it? Mm, feels good, right? When you marry me, you can enjoy this every morning. Mm, say that you’ll marry me~”
“…Oh man, which kitty is playing around here? Hijiri again?”
Something incredible was going on, yet Brother stayed as cool as ever. He sat up even cooler than usually, pulled away the blanket and remained composed even when he saw Minami-san in her underwear on his bed. He looked at her with really gentle eyes.
“Oh, Sakura-chan. You’re more sparkling today than yesterday. Pretty much like the sun.”
B- Brother? What was up with him? It was weird that he spoke a praise without joking around or getting embarra.s.sed. And he said Sakura-chan, right?
Sakura-chan was the nickname of our precious childhood friend. Come to think of it, Brother only ever introduced her as “Sakura-chan” to me. So I never got to know her real name, even though we were childhood friends… But Minami-san was Sakura-chan?
I really need to barge in now, to confirm the truth as well. I readied myself in front of the door. But before I could act, Brother said something surprising with a wry smile.
“But I’m happily surprised that it’s you, Sakura-chan. I had thought for sure it was another of Hijiri’s pranks.”
Say what? Hijiri-oneechan wouldn’t play such daring pranks, would she?
“Gogyou-san loves to play perverted pranks after all. I tried to best her.”
….She loves to. Hijiri-oneechan was perverted.
Let alone retorting, I just stood in front of the door with my eyes widened. In my field of vision, Brother and Minami-san started to have some lover-like quality time, but I closed the door wordless and looked down on my magic stick that I couldn’t let go.
“Mhm, I see meow…I mean, I see now.“
I made a short nod, mimicking Brother. Even I would notice as this point. This was my dream. Machina-oneechan wearing maid clothes, being unable to take off the magical girl costume and Brother not joking around, everything could be explained when it was a dream.
Besides, while I wasn’t sure whether Minami-san was really Sakura-chan or not, I often dreamed about a morning like today since I was a child.
My beloved Brother. My precious friend from my childhood, Sakura-chan. I wish I would always be together with them. I would be happy if they married. As a kid, I really thought that.
However, because I got into a traffic accident, Sakura-chan will no longer… wait, no gloomy thoughts. I got a rather clear consciousness and was a magical girl in my dream.
Without doubt, fun things will happen now. I should act cool in my dream like I considered before going to bed. Yes, as cool and hard-boiled as Brother.
“—What matters in a man is courage and face. And what matters in a woman isn’t her age, but her looks, baby!”
Mhm~ Not quite. Brother wouldn’t say something like that. It had to be cooler. With the magic stick in one hand, I went down the stairs in antic.i.p.ation about what would happened next. I showed up in the living room with an admirable expression today.
What caught my eye first was Machina-oneechan lying on the floor in her maid clothes. For some reason, she looked as miserable as a tattered dust cloth and her amber eyes lacked focus. I kept my voice in check as it nearly betrayed my surprise from the unexpected situation.
“Fuh, oh boy, meow. Now that’s tough— Wait, it isn’t the time for that!”
I couldn’t be completely cool after all. Well, no wonder. The opposite from what I expected had happened, so I kicked the ground like in a burst of anger and rushed over to Machina-oneechan.
“Hang in there, Machina-oneechan! Are you okay? Just what happened?”
“Uh… Nazuna… Today, I… am the perfect devoted maid with a soothing aura that Shin.o.bu wishes for, right?
“Yeah, you were earlier! But right now, you’re more down than a KOed boxer! I’m asking again, what happened!?”
“…Shin.o.bu is my beloved Master… so I tried to stop her… but I didn’t stand a chance… My sister… with whip and candy… punishment… to Shin.o.bu—”
Machina-oneechan spoke in broken words. As if to interrupt her fragile voice, a scream from a girl suddenly came from the second floor. Then a loud noise right afterwards. Machina-oneechan fainted as she used up her last strength during the talk. And I was highly confused.
I had no clue what was going on anymore. But this might be a chance for the magical girl to shine. First I should carry Machina-oneechan over to the couch… Okay, I couldn’t do it well, since the magic stick glued to my hand was in the way.
WHO’S BAD— I felt like shouting that, but as a lady, I refrained from doing so today. A little bit cool. I somehow managed to get Machina-oneechan onto the couch and rushed out of the living room into the hallway, sprinting up the stairs all the way to where I heard the scream from.
There, a strange silence greeted me on the second floor. The kind of atmosphere where a Zombie suddenly shows up. But I shrugged my shoulders coolly… ignored the trembling of my shoulders, dismissed the shaking of my legs as an imagination and confidently walked down the hallway.
Today I planned to behave like Brother. To others I might look afraid instead of confident, but I pushed on, puffed up with pride. The door to my brother’s room was open, so I made a grim expression and stepped into the room, the scene of crime.
“…L- Looks like this case will remain unsolved.”
I got the wrong sentence again. But at least I didn’t let out a hysteric voice… Or not. This was quite an incident. For a moment, I was disheartened. When I took another look, there was Minami-san on the bed, but
“F- Forgive me, my Queen… If you do that… I, I’ll be ruined…”
Just what happened? For some reason, Minami-san lied naked on the bed and absentmindedly repeated “my Queen” with her eyes closed.
But Minami-san wasn’t the only concern. Maybe it was written with lipstick? There were huge and pretty red letters on the wall of my brother’s room.
“I have taken Shin.o.bu-san. We are going to melt together now, in body and heart. We will not come home for a while. Incidentally, if you are to interfere… I will punish you like Machina and the others <3 by="">
That was written there.
…A bit hard to believe all of a sudden. To think Luna-oneechan would kidnap Brother. The Luna-oneechan in my dreams seemed to be rather extreme.
But if it was Luna-oneechan, Brother wouldn’t be all against it.
Besides, Luna-oneechan was fundamentally unlucky, sometimes tripped on even ground and got lonely when Brother didn’t pay much attention to her… So it should be alright when she does as she wanted inside a dream, right?
“It’s better when this case is left unsolved.”
I mimicked the gesture of my father when he smoked.
A cool kindness was necessary too. I wrapped the blanket around Minami-san and left the room thinking about the next incident, albeit a bit guilty.
At that moment, a loud voice calling “Hey, Nazuna, we got trouble!” sounded from the end of the hallway.
This voice belonged to Elni-oneechan without doubt. Speaking of, what will Elni-oneechan be like in my dream? I turned around curious.
“A fairy!”
My eyes beheld a really surprising sight. In my vision: Elni-oneechan. For some reason, her body was palm-sized. Like really small. Not bigger than a canned juice. On top of that, she fluttered her twin-tailed hair… and was flying comfortable.
That was extremely awesome. Elni-oneechan was flying easily by moving her twintails up and down. As soon as I saw her like that, I forgot all about my cool demeanour and raised a voice.
“Wow, Elni-oneechan! Now you can even head to the Castle in the Sky! You’re flying freely! How can you do that?”
“---Because a Mad Dog that can’t fly is just a dog.”
Answering with a featureless smile, Elni-oneechan puffed up her chest by saying “Also” while still flying.
“With this small body, I can eat as much as I want without anyone getting angry! It’s like Christmas and Birthday together! I can even fly through the air! What do you say, Nazuna! Awesome, isn’t it!”
Elni-oneechan flew braggingly around the hallway and showed a perfect loop. Following she made a beautiful turn… or not. She crashed into the wall. Along with a dull sound, an awkward silence spread. Elni-oneechan flew over to my shoulder while holding her red nose, and got back on topic with a serious expression like nothing had happened.
“Nazuna, we got trouble.”
“Well yeah, you look like a reindeer with that nose. Are you okay?”
“At this point, I can only seek employment by Santa--- wait, no! It’s serious, Nazuna!”
Elni-chan, still with a red nose, raised a voice on my shoulder with a serious expression, broaching the subject.
“Actually, I already noticed yesterday that an ill wind was blowing, but seeing Luna kidnap Shin.o.bu in the garden earlier confirmed it. Someone is doing evil in this city. I’m sure that someone altered everyone’s personality strangely!”
“Th- Then the reason Machina-oneechan’s wearing maid clothes…”
“The work of the evil one for sure!”
“The reason Brother wasn’t joking around…”
“There’s no mistake! It’s all the doing of the evil one!”
“And the reason Luna-oneechan kidnapped Brother is also…”
“Not the slightest doubt! I bet my life that it was the evil one!”
“In, In other words! The reason you turned into this palm-size is also the doing of the evil one!”
“…I didn’t say that. I’m like this because I wanted to, yes.”
Unlike my poor attempt, Elni-oneechan was the coolness in person.
She pushed up her invisible gla.s.ses sophisticated with her middle finger. But she gave up on her unconcerned look soon enough, changing her expression back to a serious one and continuing her words.
“Well, in short! The evil one has to be defeated! Or everyone will remain weird forever! If we leave the evil one alone, Shin.o.bu will never return to this house, kidnapped by Luna to all eternity! It’s a grave situation!”
“…Time for a cool magical girl to shine, you mean.”
“Ohh! You’re a bit like Shin.o.bu today, Nazuna! That simplifies things! This calls for the magical girl! Defeat the evil avatar and bring everyone back to their senses! Go, magical girl Nazuna! Head to the scene at once!”
Ah, I was so pumped up that I reverted to my usual self.
But today I was a magical girl. I will save everyone with my magic power and resolve the incident coolly. If I do that, Brother might praise me.
I tightly squeezed the magic stick that was glued to my hand and embarked full of vigor with the mini-sized Elni-oneechan still on my shoulder… but suddenly stopped and tilted my head.
“By the way, Elni-oneechan, I would really love to rush over, but I’ve no clue where the evil one is.”
“Wait a sec. I’ll find out. Mhm~ Concentrate my willpower in the twintails!”
Along with her words, her twintails began to spin and then, maybe like some kind of dowsing, their tips suddenly pointed into a fixated direction.
“Okay, I sense the evil’s presence from that way. Hurry up outside, Nazuna!”
“These twintails… are friggin’ cool!”
I can’t be outdone by Elni-oneechan. I was still dressed in the magical girl costume, but since this was a dream, I wouldn’t mind it. Throwing away all my doubts, I wildly left the house today together with Elni-oneechan…

…You don‘t see that every day, seriously.
Like that, my brother might’ve feigned indifference and shown a wry smile to the scene in sight.
After leaving the house, I was now out on the streets. All pedestrians were nice to me and the policeman saluted me with “Good job on your patrol today again, Magical Girl”… It must really be the doing of the evil one, like Elni-oneechan had said.
Pa.s.sing by people, who were dressed like a female knight, a shrine maiden or in a school swimsuit, on the street, I even spotted a man that did a moonwalk for whatever reason.
Amidst that, I advanced with the magic stick in hand and guided by Elni-oneechan’s twintails, ultimately arriving at… Hijiri-oneechan’s huge mansion.
A bit surprised, I looked down onto Elni-oneechan on my shoulders.
“Could it be, the evil one is in Hijiri-oneechan’s house?”
“My twintails say so. The back of the garden is suspicious. For now, we’ll infiltrate the Gogyou Mansion! Just like the Hero can plunder items from other peoples’ houses without reprimand in RPGs, a magical girl is allowed to trespa.s.s into someone’s house! However! We better ring the doorbell, just in case…”
“…I would’ve no right to call myself cool if I forgot manners after all.”
I nodded smart and reached out for the interphone, whereupon a clear voice saying “Oh my?” suddenly reached my ears and Kaoru-san stuck out her head from the garden. Like always, she was dressed in maid clothes and smiled a bit as soon as she noticed us.
“Good morning, magical girl Nazuna-chan and fairy Elni-san. Are you two on patrol today again? How commendable of you two. If I were able to use magic, I would rob a bank without the slightest bit of hesitation. And play some mischievous pranks.”
Everyone had turned weird, yet Kaoru-san appeared no different from usual. I stared a bit doubtful at her.
“…You don’t seem any different, Kaoru-san.”
“Of course not. Under all circ.u.mstances, I am the angelic maid full of love and devotion, giving perverted quality time for my good master or perverted punishment for my bad master. Fufu, you like me better the way I am, too, right Nazuna-chan?”
“An enchantress as ever. I’m so envious.”
“…I do not know why you see me like that, but to keep living up to your expectations, I will excuse myself now. I have the mission to record everyone’s interesting personalities on video…”
Taking out a video camera from her pocket, Kaoru-san walked away like that. But midway she stopped, turned around and changed her tone into a serious one, saying “Incidentally,”.
“Nazuna-chan, Elni-san, you are free the patrol our house for all I care. Just let me say this, even if it may be in vain: You better steer clear of the back of the garden. And be careful if you run into Hijiri-chan--- That is all the advice you get from the supporting role maid.”
Kaoru-san cracked a joke with a wink. Elni-oneechan returned the wink compet.i.tive. After separating with Kaoru-san and getting her permission to patrol, we headed towards the garden of Hijiri-oneechan’s house, guided by Elni-oneechan’s twintails again.
The garden was so big that we walked around for a few minutes and we finally reached a huge storehouse. It was the place Kaoru-san told us earlier to keep away from, but I put on airs in front of its door.
“Mhm, it reeks here. Even worse than rotten eggs!”
“…I’m impressed you’re fine with smelling something like that.”
I made yet another mistake. Elni-oneechan hit back rather composed and broached the matter at hand with a pa.s.sionate tone while her twintails still pointed at the door.
“Nazuna, my twintails tell me that the culprit behind all this commotion this time is behind this door! Charge at once, Nazuna! We’ll solve the case coolly!”
“I, I was only s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up earlier, but okay, Elni-oneechan! I’ll give my best coolly!”
Getting back into spirit, I touched the door of the storehouse powerfully, but… huh? Was it locked? No matter how hard I pushed, the door wouldn’t open. This was no good. I shrugged my shoulders with a sigh, looked back at Elni-oneechan and reported.
“It seems… our adventure ends here.”
“Why’re you giving up coolly! Don’t give up! Never give up, you hear! Why’re you stopping now! I told you to be a magical girl! I told you to do your best coolly! If you try hard, you’ll definitely achieve your goal! Therefore--- Become more pa.s.sionate!”
“E- Even if you give me a speech like a certain pa.s.sionate teacher, do I have to be cool? Or do I have to be hot? Either way, the door won’t open, you know? What should I do?”
“Break the door with magic! Tear it down, d.a.m.nit… if it only were that easy.”
“It was just your wishful thinking!? But I’m a magical girl, just as I look, right? I won’t break the door, but maybe I can open the lock with magic?”
“Even if you ask me… I don’t have an answer.”
Elni-oneechan made a perfect clueless face.
“Uhm, just to be sure, aren’t you in my dream to give me all kind of advices about magic?”
“Right now, I’m just a fairy stupidly flying in the air. Though I certainly made your magic stick out of trash…”
“S- So it’s really made out of trash.”
But as long as it was from Elni-onee-chan, anything goes. Something else was on my mind instead, so I cut into her words and continued my question with an unusual serene look.
“But if you made this stick, then I find it strange that you don’t know anything about magic.”
“Mhm~ Seems that due to my small body, my brain got minuscule too and I forgot all the important stuff. I can only laugh it off.”
“I sometimes forgot important things too and could only laugh during the test the other day, but in short, right now, you don’t have any knowledge about magic, right?”
“A bit of it remains. I could search for the enemy after all. And I remember how the magic in the stick activates when you chant a special spell. But I’ve no clue what that spell was. And my memory’s fuzzy about what happens then too.”
“…If we run into the evil one, I’ll just fling myself at him with the stick as a weapon.”
“You’ve forgotten the spell too, Nazuna? I don’t remember it well, but you know, Kaorun came up with the spell together with us.”
Kaoru-san? When was that? I put my hand on my chin in an attempt to remember, whereupon quiet footsteps sounded from behind me and I could hear a clear voice.
“Ah, it’s the magical girl Nazuna-chan and the fairy Elni. What’re you doing here? Your usual patrol?”
Patrol? No, rock’n roll… That sounded wrong too. When I turned around while swallowing these words down, my gaze fell on Hijiri-oneechan.
I could perceive a bit of a s.e.xy glint in her usual dignified eyes, but I paid it no mind and clad myself in coolness, calling out to her composed.
“h.e.l.lo, I’m here on an official duty as a magical girl. I’ll now get rid of the evil in this storehouse. But the door is locked and I forgot my magic chant, so I can do nothing but laugh. But I’ll remember it soon enough, so please have some idle chat for a while and wait.”
“…Somehow, you resemble Kaoru-san today, Nazuna-chan.”
Then that was cool. While I nodded satisfied, Hijiri-oneechan beckoned me with a smile.
“Nazuna-chan, come with me. I have the key to the storehouse and you might remember something easier when you relax inside.”
Sounded reasonable. Taking her up on her offer, I drew closer, whereupon Hijiri-oneechan took my hand and moved towards the house through the garden.
Elni-oneechan on my shoulder was nodding with “A magical girl needs to rest too” as well. But I hadn’t done anything yet and Kaoru-san had warned me already to be careful when running into Hijiri-oneechan… oh well.
“Elni, there are snacks in the living room, so you can go ahead.”
Hijiri-oneechan kindly offered Elni-oneechan snacks. Elni-oneechan, all eager to go eat the snacks in the living room, flapped her twintails on my shoulder with “Time to show off the real power of his body!“ and flew away happily.
Without doubt, Hijiri-oneechan hadn’t changed, just like Kaoru-san.
Her hand was soft and warm, blowing away all of my coolness just from holding hands. Humming “Meow, Meow~”, I entered Hijiri-oneechan’s room on her invitation and sat down on the bed like she told me to.
“---Fufu, we’re finally all alone, Nazuna-chan.”
Could it be, I was… in a predicament right now? For some reason, Hijiri-oneechan locked the door and drew closer to the bed while erotically licking her lips, asking with a sigh.
“Hey, you’re a magical girl, right?”
“Yes, a magical girl with ‘cool’ on her head. Today I’m rescuing Brother and the others.”
“…It’s no good. You’re too cute. I never had the chance to hold back.”
“H- Hijiri-oneechan, holding back is bad for your body… but just what are you talking about?
“Nothing. Don’t mind me. By the way, Nazuna-chan, do you know that you have to go through a certain rite to become a true magical girl?”
“…I, I don’t.”
“Then let me tell you. The rite of pa.s.sage for a magical girl is--- to be a.s.saulted like this!”
Along with her words, Hijiri-oneechan suddenly pushed me down onto the bed and pinned me down in no time.
“Ahh… Why are you so cute, Nazuna-chan… Mm, KISS, KISS…”
While emitting a sweet flower fragrance, she kissed my cheek gentle in contrast to her earlier forceful behaviour. However, the kisses didn’t stop at my cheek, but rather extended to my forehead, ears, nape of the neck…
“Hey, Hijiri-oneechan, stop, Mha, not there.”
“Sorry, Nazuna-chan. I really can’t hold myself back. Mm, KISS, you’re cute when blushing too, and this costume on top… KISS, KISS, NIBBLE… Mm…”
Hijiri-oneechan kissed various places on my body without end.
At that time, I remembered. That Brother and Minami-san had mentioned that Hijiri-oneechan loved to play perverted pranks this morning and that Kaoru-san had warned me about her.
…Even Hijiri-oneechan had turned weird in my dream.
But she held me preciously and her kisses were all gentle too. This might be just a mere prank, but a predicament nonetheless. Even so, I recalled my brother’s behaviour and vigorous clad myself in composure.
“H- Hey, stop it. A prankish little kitten gets the ‘Bad girl!’ whack!”
“Ahh… It’s cute too how you’re outgrowing yourself… Great…”
It had the completely opposite effect. The kisses became even fiercer and her smooth, pink lips reached out for even my arms and thighs. I called out to her with a reserved voice without any composure.
“Hijiri-oneechan, I’ve to do a job as a magical girl today, you know. It’s about time I go rescue Brother and the others, so can I excuse myself now?”
“Fufu, don’t worry, Nazuna-chan. There’s no need to save Shin.o.bu-kun. From now on, Luna and I’ll look after him for the rest of our lives, taking turns in giving him a lot of tending. Same goes for you too, Nazuna-chan. To live with a magical girl in the same house is like a dream come true.”
“At that time, Elni-oneechan, Machina-oneechan and Mom will be with us to--- wait, waaaah! Hijiri-oneechan! Don’t kiss me down there!”
“No need to be scared. We’re both girls, so what’s there to be embarra.s.sed about? Come on, let go off that magic stick and surrender your body to me already.”
The magic stick? I had an intuition. The stick had been stuck to my hand since this morning. I was sure that it stayed with me for this very moment.
At this rate, things would escalate. Do or die. I still didn’t know the chant, but I squeezed the magic stick and emotionally shouted my usual remark.
“Mhmmm~ MEEOOW!”
“Pft, that’s the wrong chant.”
Apparently I was mistaken. I had given my all with that shout, yet a somewhat ridiculing voice answered from the stick. But I didn’t get discouraged and called out again.
“Pft, BADNazucat can’t use magic.”
“Th- Then BRING IT ON!”
“Pft, oh please, enough joking.”
“….Truth be told, I respect you.”
“Pft, a hand-me-down joke from your brother? No thanks. Actually, I’m only working part-time, so if you don’t get to the point now, I’ll go home.”
“Wait! Don’t leave me so readily without any hesitation! It might not look like it, but I’m in a predicament--- Uh, meow! Hijiri-oneechan! Don’t grab my skirt! Just to tell you, the magical girl costume won’t come no matter how hard you try!”
“Ufufu, and what about your underwear?”
…It was a short dream. Everything was probably over now. Still, I wanted to remain cool. Rescue Brother and the others in my dream and… Ah, speaking of my brother, last night Kaoru-san taught me infatuating sentences before sleep.
I quickly went through the memories of last night in my head.
By doing so… I stumbled over various things, but now wasn’t the time for that. Hijiri-oneechan’s eyes were glazed. The predicament continued unchanged. I squeezed the magic stick once again and made a sink or swim bet.
“Ehm… I’m envious of Brother’s girlfriend.”
At once, the magic stick shone brightly from the infatuating sentence that worked like a chant.
Moreover, numerous soap bubbles came out of it one after another and they wrapped around Hijiri-oneechan’s body.
“Yaahn, Haahn.”
At the same time the soap bubbles disappeared, Hijiri-oneechan raised a seductive voice, made half a turn to lay on the bed and started to writhe sensual… Was I seeing a hallucination?
“Mha, Shin.o.bu-kun, great, yaah, not my ears, uhn, nnnng, hah, hah, don’t just pleasure me. Ahn, I want you to feel good too, Shin.o.bu-kun…”
…This stick wouldn’t get caught up in the law, would it?
Hijiri-oneechan leaked bewitching moans and restlessly rubbed her thighs together… I could hardly leave her alone like that, so I raised the magic stick over my head.
“B- Brother’s bed is so warm.”
I envisioned a quiet sleep and then the magic stick brimmed over with a soft light, which gentle wrapped up Hijiri-oneechan and she made quiet sleeping sounds on top of the bed right away.
“…Sleep well, my prankish little kitten.”
The magic chant was kind of embarra.s.sing. But I finished it with a cool remark in the end, pulled the blanket over Hijiri-oneechan and dashing turned on my heel.
Now I could finally utilize my power as a magical girl. I should solve the case with that power as quickly as possible.
Actually I remembered this together with the infatuating sentences earlier… This dream was exactly the same as what Kaoru-san described yesterday. Everyone turned weird through magic. Machina-oneechan was a devoted maid. Brother was too cool and Hijiri-oneechan was perverted.
Kaoru-san hadn’t mentioned herself, so she stayed relatively normal and Elni-oneechan had gotten a body with which she could freely fly through the air and eat a lot of food, by her own choice.
My guess was that my magical girl dream and Sakura-chan got mixed up in that story. But what did Kaoru-san say about Luna-oneechan?
The red letters I had seen on the wall of Brother’s room suddenly floated in my mind.
Luna-oneechan had kidnapped Brother. What were they doing right now? If Kaoru-san’s words could be trusted, then Luna-oneechan was probably… I didn’t want to carry on that thought. Only this time, please don’t let me run into Luna-oneechan.
Offering such a prayer, I left Hijiri-oneechan’s room behind me while still holding onto the magic stick and resolved to defeat the evil one in the storehouse at once to turn everyone back to normal, especially Luna-oneechan.
When I got to the hallway, I met Elni-oneechan again as she disappeared before. Her minuscule body was holding onto a key-like object with both hands and while flapping her twintails, she landed slowly on my shoulder. Then she opened her mouth with a smile.
“Nazuna, I just sealed a secret deal with Hisame, so she gladly lent me the key to the storehouse with an empty expression.”
“…You’re quite the devious girl. I don’t hate that. Okay, everything’s ready, so let’s get into the storehouse at once. Time for some scolding.”
“You became like Shin.o.bu again. Stay like that for a while. Do the foolery and retort in his stead. Also, have you remembered the magic chant yet?”
“Yeah, thanks to a prankish little kitten.”
…Perhaps I was in top form right now? In that state, I moved over to the storehouse while simply explaining the details to Elni-oneechan on my shoulder. But at that time, I remembered Hijiri-oneechan’s words and they wouldn’t leave my mind, gradually stirring up my uneasiness.
She said something like “There’s no need to save Shin.o.bu-kun. From now on, Luna and I’ll look after him for the rest of our lives…”, but why would she mention Luna-oneechan’s name too?
Judging by her way of speaking, it sounded like Hijiri-oneechan knew that Brother was kidnapped or was I just imaging that… I was speaking coolly, yet my head was overheating.
I stopped overthinking it before it overheated completely, but a bad feeling remained. Together with Elni-oneechan, I headed for the storehouse in the garden where the evil one was.

…I, I’m not scared.
My destination. The huge storehouse in the garden of Hijiri-oneechan’s house. When I unlocked the door and went inside, the interior was shed in a dim, cold darkness and filled with something like a light, white haze.
According to Elni-oneechan on my shoulder, the storehouse of the Gogyou Family had a lot of dubious, if not to say cursed items sealed in here, since the Gogyou was a lineage of exorcists. During winter vacation I too had helped cleaning up the storehouse and had seen swords or armours plastered with charms, so it might have influenced me in having this dream.
Needless to say, I would like to solve the case with an ongoing nonchalant face at least in my dream.
However, Elni-oneechan was locating the evil one’s presence with the help of our silver twintails. When I advanced further in on her instructions, I could hear the faint sounds of a whip cracking and someone groaning from afar. I became a bit uneasy.
But unlike me, Elni-oneechan looked alright. While I tightly squeezed the magic stick, she talked big like it had nothing to do with her.
“Looks like zombies could appear here anytime.”
“À la Biohazard. But right now, it’s the perfect atmosphere for me. I can’t stop trembling with excitement. Whatever lurks there, BRING IT ON!”
Bluffing obviously, I proceeded with my weirdly startled legs… but I wanted to take back my previous statement right away. Suddenly, threatening CLACK, CLACK noises from high-heeled shoes sounded from ahead.
“---Ufufu, who goes there?”
A really bewitching voice resounded in my eardrums.
“It cannot be Hijiri-san. She would not come here until it was time to switch. In that case, fufu, a little kitten that wants to be punished must have lost its way here.”
The one that appeared from the white haze in the storehouse was… Luna-oneechan.
She looked exactly like Kaoru-san had described her last night: A bondage fashion exposing a lot of skin, a whip in her hand and her always gentle emerald green eyes had a s.a.d.i.s.tic glint.
As expected, she had completely transformed like the others. Luna-oneechan directed her s.a.d.i.s.tic eyes at me without her usual soft smile.
“Oh my, my, and here I was wondering who it was. It is just the stupid girl that believes she can resolves anything with magic, Nazuna-chan and the just as stupid fairy, Elni-chan. You have such stupid visages today again. So cute that it makes me want to bully you.”
“…B- Be gentle, okay?”
Wait, no. I inadvertently was about to obey without resistance. It seemed like I would be drawn into these devilish eyes if I were to be distracted. But I strained my stomach and got my determination back.
“L- Luna-oneechan, why’re you here? Ahead only awaits a hardboiled development. It’s dangerous here, so go home alr---”
“Nazuna-chan, whom are you saying that to?”
Cutting into my words by cracking her whip at the ground, Luna-oneechan changed her voice into a low-pitched one.
“Have you forgotten your own position? What about respective speech? And who gave you permission to ask questions? Do you want to be punished? You want to, right? Fine. I will properly teach your adorable body who is superior here.”
I shouldn’t have confronted her with a superficial coolness. Was it because she was usually gentle and warm-hearted? The gap was too intense. Uhm, in other words… Luna-oneechan was really scary.
Elni-oneechan on my shoulder started to get ready to prostrate herself and made a face like she was five seconds away from running away with “I might be able to fly for this very moment”, whether she was serious or not.
Meanwhile, Luna-oneechan suddenly softened her expression like always.
“You do not have to be so afraid. I love both of you very much. As long as you do not go against me, I will not punish you two. And as a special service, I will answer Nazuna-chan’s question. As to why I am here…”
After temporarily stopping her words, Luna-oneechan dropped the bomb.
“I can confine Shin.o.bu-san all I want here. There are all kind of tools here too and a lot of s.p.a.ce. Not to forget, I can even lock the door. Hijiri-san and I will now take turns in slowly training Shin.o.bu-san like carefully raising a flower.”
“S- Seems like it really IS hardboiled ahead. But are you two really going to… confine and train Brother?”
“Of course. We will charm Shin.o.bu-san’s in body and heart until he has completely fallen and cannot live without us anymore. So please do not interfere, okay?”
B- Brother was facing an unprecedented crisis. I had to save him at all cost. Elni-oneechan must surely feel the same. She had been silent for a little while, but now she put up her index finger and negotiated with Luna-oneechan as if to make a suggestion.
“Hey, Luna… My Queen. It’s scary, so we won’t interrupt you, my Queen. But someone’s doing evil here. Once we dealt with that one, we’ll pretend that we never saw anything here and go home right away. So could you let us pa.s.s?”
“…So you say, but you plan to steal away my beloved Shin.o.bu-san when I show an opening. That will not happen. I will not let you advance a single step from here.”
The negotiations broke down in an instant. This was difficult after all. Before defeating the evil one and turning everyone back, we apparently had to do something about Luna-oneechan. As she reached the same conclusion as me, Elni-oneechan softly whispered into my ear from my shoulder.
“Nazuna, doesn’t look like Queen Luna will move even an inch. At this point, you can only do something about her with some gentle magic.”
“…Yeah, I’ll have the Queen go to sleep. I’ll use the same magic like with Hijiri-oneechan. Here goes nothing--- Brother’s bed is so warm!”
Soft light spilled out of the magic stick together with the chant. It flew towards Luna-oneechan, but
“---It is such a sad thing. The overwhelming difference in our strength, that is.”
She casually swung her whip. Just from that, the magic disappeared in an instant. Moreover, her eyes glittered s.a.d.i.s.tic and she smiled at us with a sweet smile.
“Nazuna-chan, I will not allow even a single kitten to revolt. Any opposition will be meet with severe scolding without exception. Here comes the verdict for the two of you--- Punishment <>
…We already had reached an impa.s.se. Maybe the biggest predicament today. Really unsettled now, I asked Elni-oneechan on my shoulder for advice.
“Wh- What do we do, Elni-oneechan! My magic isn’t working at all!”
“Calm down, Nazuna! Be cool! You’re a magical girl right now! There’s one way to win against Luna!”
“Really? As expected of you! Tell me quickly!”

When I urged her with a smile, Elni-oneechan crossed her arms and shouted with her eyes wide open.
“Hehehe, you see, when you’re smoking marijuana, it’s really fun, even if you’re just staring at the flame of a candle— wait, no! Though Machina-oneechan would do such a tricked & retort combo! But that’s not good! Never! Is there no other way!?”
“Well then, let’s go with a method without drugs that surpa.s.s guts! Fill the magic stick with your feelings for Shin.o.bu and hammer out the magic! Listen! It’s all about what kind of brother you’re picturing in front of your fist! Magical girl Nazuna! Awaken!”
“If I wake up, the dream will end, but— for the nth time today, BRING IT ON!”
Elni-oneechan had said she had forgotten about magic, so she might have come up with something random. But I believed her. If I were to give up, it would be game over. I faced Luna-oneechan again, filled the magic stick with my feelings for Brother and shouted.
“I was called madam just now. Do I look like Brother’s wife?”
Simultaneously with the chant, numerous soap bubbles were released from the stick this time. However, Luna-oneechan elegantly swung her whip with a sharp sound of cutting through air and smashed all of the bubbles in no time, declaring indifferent with still s.a.d.i.s.tic eyes.
“—So, are you ready to be punished?”
“There’s still more! I’m happy that Brother stays home on rainy days!”
“It seems you are somewhat capable, but— Your punishment is already an established fact.”
“I, I don’t want punishment! So, ehm… I hate Brother! He won’t take a bath with me!”
“I am waiting with bated breath for what kind of punishment I am going to give you two.”
“WHO’S BAD! Brother! Uhm, well, I love you!”
“Please do not get ahead of yourself. You may be a magical girl, but no matter what you try to do, you cannot match me. Never…”
That might really be the case. I was out of ideas. The soap bubbles, the pink light or the shower of light rays, everything that was released from the stick was repelled by her whip. My attacks didn’t work. But every time I chanted a spell, the magic stick became hot and started to gleam more and more.
Elni-oneechan seemed to have noticed something by seeing that. While watching our clash with bated breath, she clapped her hands crafty.
“I finally remembered. According to my gray matter, that stick can release an incredible secret skill once it’s fully charged with little sister power. Now’s your chance, Nazuna!”
“…But if that gets repelled by the whip too, I’ll be completely out of options, right?”
“No worries! Leave it to me! I’ll seal Luna’s movements! Hop!”
She took a large jump from my shoulder. Flapping her twintails, she a.s.saulted Luna-oneechan with her small body.
In reaction to that, Luna-oneechan swung her whip at once, but Elni-oneechan beautifully turned over in midair with “Nuh! Twister!” and dodged the whip by a hairbreadth, calling out pa.s.sionately while charging at Luna-oneechan.
“Uwoooh! We’ll not lose to you as you’re powered by malice! Because! Nazuna and I represent justice!”
While paying homage to someone’s remark, Elni-oneechan slipped past the whip, blocked Luna-oneechan’s vision with her minuscule body and shouted over her shoulder.
“Nazunaaa! Noooow!”
“Eh? Right now? But you’ll get dragged into the attack too?”
“Don’t mind me! Stop faltering and attack already!”
“O- Okay, Brother, actually we aren’t related by blood… Just kidding. Did you heart skip— eh, uwaah! Oh d.a.m.n! Dodge it, you two!”
The magic stick released a blue beam so huge that it didn’t even compare to the ones before. Without time to stop it, Luna-oneechan and Elni-oneechan were wrapped in it in no time and I couldn’t see them anymore due to the light.
O- Oh my G.o.d. Maybe this dream was a nightmare instead? The murderous magical girl.
I felt that I turned pale, but… apparently my magic wasn’t the type to harm anyone. After the light disappeared, Luna-oneechan was lying on the floor and making peaceful sleeping sounds, whereas Elni-oneechan
“Uwah! What a surprise, your body is big again!”
had returned to her usual size in a casual run of events.
“SNIFFLE. I can’t fly anymore, nor eat as much as I want, but… oh well.”
She didn’t seem all bothered by it. Elni-oneechan stood up and looked at me.
“Nazuna, since we somehow took care of Luna, let’s go defeat the evil one in the storehouse now! Yes! Our fight begins now!”
“…Isn’t that the pattern for an ending? Fuh… Oh meow, so my dream finally reaches its climax.”
Things had calmed down a bit, so I replied coolly once again.
Then Elni-oneechan guided me to a comfortable, small room in the back of the storehouse. In the middle of that room, a red crystal ball raised a truly suspicious “Kukekuke” voice. Elni-oneechan said while tapping on that crystal ball.
“Nazuna, this is the avatar of evil. It turned everyone weird. Once you destroy it, everyone will turn back to normal. Doesn’t look like it can move, so you should be able to destroy it relatively easily.”
“How anticlimactic. But I’m glad. It was only in a dream, but I managed to protect Brother and the other, right?”
“…It’s not just in a dream. You’re properly protecting everyone in the real world too. For example, I’m always getting cheered up by your smile. Be it in a dream or in reality, you never change. You’re kind, funny and cute… The best little sister ever.”
Spinning her words peacefully, she looked at me with narrow eyes and after a short pause, Elni-oneechan dropped her gaze onto the crystal ball.
“But you know, I think it’s amazing that its mess went so far. Don’t get too angry and give it a gentle ‘Bad Boy’ clap with the stick while watching its last moments with warm eyes.”
“Mhm~ Okay— Don’t do bad things again!”
Like Elni-oneechan had told me to, I gave the crystal ball a small and gentle clap.
Instantly, the crystal ball cracked a bit— then burst open with a bright light. Elni-oneechan and I were bathed in that light and couldn’t keep our eyes open due to that brightness. But strangely enough, my body felt warm and fluffy. It was really comfortable.
When I slowly opened my eyelids amidst that, Elni-oneechan was no longer next to me and a snow-white scenery spread in my vision. Where was I? I was still in my dream, wasn’t I? I walked around while looking around restlessly, when I suddenly
saw a beloved smiling face in front of me. It might be because of my fluffy feeling. I rushed straightaway to my brother and clung to him spoilt.
“You know, Brother, a lot of amazing stuff happened today.”
There was so much I wanted to tell him. He might think I was childish, but I wanted him to praise me. But I was bad with words and didn’t know if I conveyed it properly. However, even so… Brother smiled a bit.
“Sounds like a great adventure. You must be tired, Nazuna. How about you take a rest now?”
He patted my head with his big hand like always. Then he said “Thanks for protecting me” embarra.s.sed in a small voice, but it made me really happy.
My brother was the best after all. He was kind, soft and gentle. Still feeling fluffy, I thought of a something little bit embarra.s.sing:
…I’m really glad to be Brother’s little sister.
Because I was his little sister, I could stay with him forever. Such a thought crossed my mind. Brother would always be a family to me. My precious family and beloved brother.
“…Brother… stay with me forever…”
A quiet mutter left my own mouth. My precious wish that was more important than becoming an enchantress. My feelings that hadn’t changed a bit since my childhood. The moment I put it into words, my vision softly turned snow-white as to announce the end of my dream…

When I woke up from my dream and opened my eyes, I caught sight of the familiar ceiling of my room. I sat up on my bed and looked down. It was only natural, but I saw my usual pyjama and not the magical girl costume. I let my look wander to the magic stick on my desk from yesterday.
…At the end, it was a pretty sweet dream. I remembered everything vividly. Maybe due to that I wanted Brother to pat my head in reality too.
While I was smiling to myself on the bed, there was a knock on the door and the door opened after that, giving way to Elni-oneechan. She looked at me with “Morning” and smiled brightly as ever.
“Hey, Nazuna. Since it’s a holiday, why don’t you get up already and play with me?”
Elni-oneechan had smiled a lot with me even in my dream.
Unlike the dream, she couldn’t fly as expected, but I got off the bed while feeling how a smile formed on my face, and couldn’t stop myself from embracing her as I wanted her to hear everything about the dream.
“You see, Elni-oneechan, I actually had a really incredible dream.”
Pulling her on the hand and sitting down on the bed with her, I told her about my dream.
During that, she frequently changed her expression, sometimes laughed and happily gave agreeable responses. After she listened to everything, she put her hand on her chin with a serious look.
“But it could be that everyone actually wants to have personalities like in your dream.”
“…What do you mean?”
“Kaorun’s pretty sharp. She noticed how everyone wanted to be and how they pictured their ideal selves, so she said that she would change everyone’s personality with magic yesterday. So I think it’s quite likely that everyone will try to be their ideal selves and turn into the personalities from your dream in time— Just kidding.”
“Ahaha, even I could tell that you were joking. I mean, Luna-oneechan was a S&M Queen, you know? With a whip and all.”
Like that, we chatted for a while, then Elni-oneechan left for now and I got changed. I went out into the hallway and down the chairs, where I ran into Machina-oneechan.
Of course she wasn’t dressed like in my dream. She was a strong-willed beauty as always. But when I clung to her with a “meow” purr, she softly returned the embrace.
“Fufu, you’re such a spoilt child… Mm, KISS…”
She kissed my cheek once like in a greeting. I was way happier about this kind of physical contact compared to the dream. After spoiling myself a little bit in her big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, I went to the living room by myself.
Come to think of it, Luna-oneechan had been really intense in my dream. But how rude. Luna-oneechan wasn’t a Queen. I was sure she would soothe me like always when I meet her.
I moved into the living room while humming. When I showed up there like always, the familiar room had… the Queen from my dream standing there.
“…Eh? Huh? It was a dream, or not?”
Luna-oneechan looked exactly the same as in the dream. A bondage fashion showing a lot of skin and a whip in hand. When our eyes met, I got the feeling that I saw a s.a.d.i.s.tic glimpse in her clear eyes. At that

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