TART. (_stammering, until he speaks Italian very glibly_)--

Y-y-your h-hi-high-ness, y-y-es, a-and f-f-found h-hi-him--_molto bello_.


What do you say?


S-so p-p-please y-your M-majesty, (_aside_) _Non posso piu! che sordo! sapresty!_


Then bring this suitor to divan at once. (_Exit guards._) We"ll urge him the hard trial to renounce.


I"ll try my best;


What do you say?

PANT. (_aside_.)

But fear He"ll be as deaf as you, and will not hear.

(_Enter_ KALAF, _with guards_. _He kneels before the Khan, with his hands to his forehead._ ALTOUM _regards him with pity_.)


Arise, rash man.

(_Aside_.) Ah, what a gallant youth, Behead him? "Twould be quite a shame, in sooth.

(_aloud_) Say, who art thou? From what far distant land Dost come to seek in marriage that fair hand Which only royal blood may justly claim?


Great Khan, permit me to conceal my name; My lineage justifies my bold desire.


I"m sure he"s n.o.bly born and nurtured, sire.


What do you say?

PANT. (_despairingly_.)

It doesn"t signify.


"Twould break my aged heart to see thee die.

I"d save thy life if possible. Oh, quit The sharp encounter with my child"s keen wit.

My heart and eyes are sickened by the blood That"s daily shed.


Your Majesty"s too good.


I"m captivated by thy n.o.ble air; With thee my royal throne I"ll gladly share.

So thou but force me not to take thy life; Avoid the fatal Sphinx--give up the strife.


My thanks are all I have, and these I give; But without Turandot I will not live.

My motto is, "Or death, or Turandot."

PANT. (_aside_.)

He really is a most pig-headed sot!

(_aloud_) Young man, you cannot know the risk you run.

Th" alternative"s in earnest--not in fun.

Dame Turandot will spin you a tough riddle, That"s not to be "got thro" like any fiddle."

Not such as this, which any child might guess-- (Though the Emperor could not, I must confess;) "_What gives a cold, cures a cold, and pays the doctor"s bill?_"

Not short enigmas lightly disentangled; Hard nuts you"ll have to crack, fresh made, new-fangled; And if you cannot guess them all _instanter_, Your head will be struck off--I do not banter.

You"ll have to answer rightly in a twink; Your head once off, you"ll have no time to think.

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