Turns Out I'm Crazy

Chapter 21

Yo, I"m back, thanks for waiting. BTW someone has reuploaded bonbon"s tls for the 3rd volume of VRP if anyone missed that, I"ll likely still retl them in the future since bonbon"s not really around to give permission to anything, but for now, you can read vol 3 here

Also proofreading has been removed from wp/jetpack so gl with my typos lmao ?


By the time Lu Zhengfei came back with the popcorn, Chen Qianqing"s emotions have already calmed down completely.

He sat on the bench and joined Yuan Zhitao on her one-sided conversation, his whole person appeared very indolent.

Lu Zhengfei pa.s.sed the popcorn in his hands to Chen Qianqing, and from his expression, you could tell that he had not cooled down at all.

Chen Qianqing had only pretended not to have seen it. He took the popcorn and started to eat from it.

Yuan Zhitao had already finished her ice cream, so she started to share Chen Qianqing"s popcorn. Every so often, her eyes would peer over between Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei. Clearly, she did not really believe when Chen Qianqing told her that he and Lu Zhengfei were only friends.

The queue for the Ferris wheel went by very quickly; before they could even eat much of their popcorn, the two got on the ride.

Just as Chen Qianqing entered, Lu Zhengfei had already shamelessly pushed himself besides him. His expression was very calm, so Yuan Zhitao was even more sure of her speculations after seeing this.

When Chen Qianqing told Yuan Zhitao that he might be interested in guys, the scene she imagined in her head was that of Chen Qianqing with his arms around an effeminate man but stubble laden man with lipstick on, so her reaction was particularly large towards it.

But when she saw Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei sitting together, Yuan Zhitao realized that if Lu Zhengfei was the partner that Chen Qianqing was with… It was actually… not too bad? Well, with that you could really see that we lived in a world that focused on face value.

As their cabin slowly raised to the highest point of the Ferris wheel, Chen Qianqing was still popping pieces of popcorn into his mouth one by one. As time went by, Yuan Zhitao was able to feel the strange atmosphere building up more and more, so she started softly: “Qianqing, are you feeling uncomfortable?”

Chen Qianqing had pallid skin, so you could practically say he was as white as a ghost at this point, and there was also that idle look in his eyes that seemed to make him all the more transparent.

He knew as well that Lu Zhengfei was still angry because of the misunderstanding he had between him and Yuan Zhitao, but he was just too lazy to explain himself.

Indeed, Lu Zhengfei was still angry. When he saw Chen Qianqing hugging Yuan Zhitao, he had nearly gone mad. There was simply nothing he wanted more at that moment than to rush over and pull Chen Qianqing from Yuan Zhitao"s arms, and kiss him violently; but in the end, Lu Zhengfei was still able to stop himself. But this did not mean that he did not care about what happened earlier.

Chen Qianqing: “I"m alright.”The sound of creaking was still ringing in his ears, but he had already calmed down. Yuan Zhitao"s words were like a hammer, bang after bang it crashed down on his body, crushing his soul bit by bit.

Lu Zhengfei spoke, “If he wants to have fun, just let him.”

Yuan Zhitao made a sound of acceptance.

And so, with the strange atmosphere in the air, the three went around the top attractions in the amus.e.m.e.nt park and had their fun. When it started to get late, they finally left the amus.e.m.e.nt park.

Yuan Zhitao had originally planned to eat dinner with Chen Qianqing at night, but when she looked at the situation, it might be hard for the three of them to stomach their meal if she stayed with them, so she could only say: “Qianqing, I"m heading off first… Let"s meet up again next time, what"s your number?”

Chen Qianqing and Yuan Zhitao exchanged numbers, and then they sent Yuan Zhitao to her bus.

Lu Zhengfei never spoke a single word throughout all of this. When Yuan Zhitao was gone, he finally spat out coldly: “Do you like her, Chen Qianqing?”

Chen Qianqing turned to look at Lu Zhengfei with that unkindly gaze in his eyes, and responded, “Let"s talk at home.”

Then, Lu Zhengfei actually returned obediently home with Chen Qianqing.

Since they had mentioned in advance that they would be returning home for dinner, Liu Huamei had already prepared the food. When she saw Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei who had just returned, she was quite surprised: “Qianqing, where did you two run off to play? Why does your complexion look so bad?”

Chen Qianqing put on a smile: “We went to the amus.e.m.e.nt park.”

Liu Huamei acknowledged his answer and went on: “I wouldn"t dare to play on those things, only kids like you like those things. Come on, get your and Xiao Lu"s hands washed then come over to eat, I still have to go out later.”

Chen Qianqing nodded.

They had a bountiful dinner that night. It had been long since Liu Huamei had a chance to see her son, so naturally, all the foods she prepared were based on Chen Qianqing"s tastes. It could be seen how much she liked Lu Zhengfei, she even asked him whether he had a girlfriend or not, and when she heard Lu Zhengfei"s negative response, she went on with enthusiasm: “I"ll take note, if I find any girls that suit you, I"ll definitely introduce them to you.”

Lu Zhengfei smiled: “No, I"m in no hurry.”

Liu Huamei continued: “How could you not? We"re talking about your entire future here, getting married and settling down is important… You"re still young, but you"ll know it when you get older, it"s no way to live life without the support of another person.”

Lu Zhengfei nodded with a smile and continued to eat his food with his head down.

After she was done with her dinner, Liu Huamei sat up, “Qianqing, wash the dishes later and put the leftovers in the fridge, I made an appointment with your Aunt w.a.n.g to go out for dancing.”

Chen Qianqing responded in acknowledgement and Liu Huamei left after changing her clothes.

When Liu Huamei left, the only ones left in the house were Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qianqing.

Lu Zhengfei had been suppressing his rage practically for the entire day now, and when he saw Chen Qianqing who was eating dinner with a straight face, he could only feel his rage pile up even higher.

Lu Zhengfei spoke: “Chen Qianqing, are you in love with Yuan Zhitao?”

Chen Qianqing put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said: “Lu Zhengfei, I don"t want to quarrel with you.”His eyes were not even on Lu Zhengfei, which instead caused him to appear even more strangely unpredictable.

Lu Zhengfei scoffed: “And you think I want to? I went to buy her ice cream and I come back to see you two hugging each other? Chen Qianqing, did you really think I wouldn"t get angry?”

Chen Qianqing understood Lu Zhengfei"s anger; there was n.o.body else in this world who understood his feelings even more than Chen Qianqing. The panic, anger, disappointment, mixed in with feelings of inferiority. He raised his head, and looked straight into Lu Zhengfei"s eyes: “If you started to like me when you"re thirty, things may have ended differently.”

Lu Zhengfei in three years, and the Lu Zhengfei now, were two completely different people.

The wrong time, the wrong person, they all worked to create that distorted ending.

Lu Zhengfei was practically on the brink of going mad with anger. From Chen Qianqing"s eyes, he could see very clearly that look of pity, it was clear to him that Chen Qianqing was simply trying to tell him that——No matter how much you do, it still can not compare to what the embrace of a childhood friend could give me.

With a character like that of a firecracker, he was easily set off. Lu Zhengfei who was absorbed in his blind rage took Chen Qianqing"s hand, and forcefully pulled him from his seat.

Chen Qianqing staggered from being pulled, but he was not angry, he only frowned.

Lu Zhengfei himself could also not be bothered to speak with Chen Qianqing. He pulled Chen Qianqing and headed directly towards the bedroom; even a fool could understand what he wanted to do.

Chen Qianqing"s body stiffened. He felt that compared to being screwed by Lu Zhengfei, he would rather take a beating from him. He shouted: “Lu Zhengfei, what are you trying to do? This is my house!”

Lu Zhengfei let out a savage laugh: “Do you.”

In an instant, Chen Qianqing was angered to the point of wanting to laugh. His legs had only just recovered, and he could barely even work up to a run while he was walking, so there was less of a chance of him being able to put up any force against Lu Zhengfei in his struggle. Even if he he struggled with all his might, he was still pressed down onto bed by Lu Zhengfei.

Both of them were panting, and Chen Qianqing was nearly going crazy with this development. After hearing what Yuan Zhitao said to him, he still had not been able to come to terms with it until now, but he still had to deal with the crazed Lu Zhengfei: “Lu Zhengfei, f.u.c.king let me go! f.u.c.k off!”

Lu Zhengfei did not care about Chen Qianqing"s struggle at all. It had already been a long time since he last did it with Chen Qianqing, but truthfully… practically every time he had s.e.x with Chen Qianqing had been done through force.

Chen Qianqing would never be willing to do this with him, and he would never stop just because Chen Qianqing was unwilling.

Lu Zhengfei pulled the slacks from Chen Qianqing"s legs, and even tied up Chen Qianqing"s hand neatly with his belt; this had always been an unfair contest, so when Chen Qianqing finally managed to catch his breath, Lu Zhengfei had already lifted his legs and was prepared to enter him.

Chen Qianqing knew that he would not be able to avoid this today, so he could only cover his eyes with his tied-up hands. As he gasped, he let out a long sigh.

Lu Zhengfei"s eyes were red with his wrath, and he said to him: “Chen Qianqing, you"re mine, don"t even think about being with anyone else, not with Yuan Zhitao! Not anyone!”Then, he entered Chen Qianqing.

Chen Qianqing"s face was faintly distorted, and through his daze, he saw the pained look on Lu Zhengfei"s face; but he only felt powerless. If he were Chen Qianqing, he would probably hate Lu Zhengfei with all he could.

Sorrow and despair flowed into Chen Qianqing"s eyes, and he muttered: “Lu Zhengfei… You don"t even know what you"ve missed.”

His voice was very quiet, so much so that his words had been covered up by his gasps, so Lu Zhengfei had no idea what he said at all.

Chen Qianqing felt the pain of being invaded, while Yuan Zhitao"s words rang in his ear. That girl told him, Chen Qianqing, I didn"t know you liked men as well.

Did Chen Qianqing like men? How could Chen Qianqing possibly like men? If Chen Qianqing did, then what kind of stupid thing did Lu Zhengfei do? They should have been… They should have been able to get a better ending… But… But…

Lu Zhengfei suddenly realized that something was not quite right with the person beneath him. He focused his gaze and found that Chen Qianqing was covered in cold sweat, his face was as white as a sheet, and his eyes were unfocused. But two words came from his lips: “I"m sorry.”

Lu Zhengfei did not know to whom those words had been meant for——But it was definitely not him.

But when things came to this, even Lu Zhengfei could not go on with it. He came out of Chen Qianqing"s body, but instead, he reached out to pull Chen Qianqing deep into his embrace.

Chen Qianqing scrunched up his body subconsciously, and stopped moving after that.

Lu Zhengfei blinked, and stared at the unfamiliar ceiling above his head. He was very silent, so n.o.body could be sure what he was thinking about.

After a long time, Lu Zhengfei turned to Chen Qianqing: “Qianqing, are you cold?”

Naturally, Chen Qianqing would not answer Lu Zhengfei.

Lu Zhengfei muttered: “I feel so cold.”

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