Turns Out I'm Crazy

Chapter 19

Thanks for the ko-fi!


In the taxi, Chen Qianqing was sitting with Yuan Zhitao at the back, whereas Lu Zhengfei was seated at the front.

Yuan Zhitao said: “Qianqing, I went up to the northwest region for a trip and brought you a lot of good stuff.” As she said this, she rustled through the bag she gave to Chen Qianqing earlier.

Most of the stuff inside were edible foodstuffs. Yuan Zhitao introduced each one to him cheerfully, and suddenly pulled out a little gla.s.s bottle near the end. She said to Chen Qianqing: “This is the sand from Qinghai Lake, they say the sand there has all sorts of colours……I personally went there to fill this bottle myself.”

Chen Qianqing received what Yuan Zhitao had handed to him and said: “It"s so heavy, you"re bringing these to the amus.e.m.e.nt park?”

Yuan Zhitao laughed: “I was worried you"d stand me up. If you dared to, I would"ve brought these to your home, see if auntie won"t chew your ear off if I do.”

Chen QIanqing smiled, but did not say anything.

Lu Zhengfei sat at the front with a straight face, listening to the interactions between Chen Qianqing and Yuan Zhitao behind him. He looked silently at the front as if he did not care at all.

But if Chen Qianqing could see that look in Lu Zhengfei"s eyes at this moment, he would know how angry Lu Zhengfei really was.

Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei were both still freshmen when they met, and there were good times in their relationship——Of course, as friends.

At that time, Lu Zhengfei had not done anything to Chen Qianqing yet, and Chen Qianqing seemed to have taken Lu Zhengfei as one of his closest friends whom he kept nothing from. Lu Zhengfei knew about Yuan Zhitao, and even though he had never seen her, he knew that she was Chen Qianqing"s childhood friend. If he had not stuck a foot between them, then Chen Qianqing might even have gotten together with Yuan Zhitao.

Chen Qianqing"s voice was so very gentle when he spoke to Yuan Zhitao, it was a stark contrast if you compared it to the cold treatment he gave him. Lu Zhengfei knew that he was not welcome in his life, but he still found it hard to face the truth calmly when it was shoved in front of his face.

It was the first day of National Day, and the amus.e.m.e.nt park was almost filled to the brim with people.

Lu Zhengfei went to buy the tickets. He was extremely unhappy, but he could not show it in when he was in front of Yuan Zhitao; he had even offered to help Yuan Zhitao hold the gifts like a gentleman.

“His leg has just recovered.” Lu Zhengfei told her: “He can"t lift any heavy objects, so I can handle them.”

Yuan Zhitao looked at Chen Qianqing and nodded in agreement, then she pa.s.sed the bag over to Lu Zhengfei.

Frankly, love really can lower a person"s IQ. As long as Chen Qianqing was not concerned, Lu Zhengfei"s IQ would remain the same; but if Chen Qianqing was anywhere near related to the matter, his IQ would start to drop like a waterfall.

Take now for example: after calming down, Lu Zhengfei could finally face Yuan Zhitao with a smile.

No matter how good Lu Zhengfei was at keeping up the act, Chen Qianqing could still tell what he was thinking. But even though he could tell, he pretended to be oblivious to it. He turned to Yuan Zhitao and asked: “Zhitao, what do you want to play first?”

Yuan Zhitao responded in excitement: “Let"s go to the haunted house!”

Both Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei nodded at the same time.

But Yuan Zhitao looked at Chen Qianqing with some suspicion: “Qianqing……what made you agree so easily this time?”

Chen Qianqing was stunned. Only now had he realized that he had in fact been agreeing too easily to that: the previous Chen Qianqing enjoyed coming to the amus.e.m.e.nt park as well, but his least favourite attraction was still the haunted house.

It was reasonable to say that no man would ever find ghosts and spirits quite as scary as a girl would, but the original Chen Qianqing was gravely afraid of them. So, Lu Zhengfei had once formulated a plan to drag Chen Qianqing into one of these——Because this was the only way he Chen Qianqing would willingly hold him out of his own initiative.

Being friends for so long, Yuan Zhitao definitely would have known about this strange characteristic to Chen Qianqing"s person; to see Chen Qianqing agree just like that surprised her.

Chen Qianqing said calmly: “I was scared in the past, but not anymore.”

Both Lu Zhengfei and Yuan Zhitao expressed serious doubts about this statement.

But since Chen Qianqing said so, they would have to verify it. Thus the three queued up for the haunted house, and it was their turn after twenty minutes of waiting.

Part of the spirits present within the haunted house were staff in the amus.e.m.e.nt park. Chen Qianqing went in first without hesitation, and both Yuan Zhitao and Lu Zhengfei followed along behind him.

Chen Qianqing himself was not afraid of such things as he knew that they were all just props, so naturally, he did not think that there was anything to be scared about.

However, when Chen Qianqing had actually stepped in and saw the dark atmosphere, a strange chill crept up his spine.

Lu Zhengfei saw the hesitation in Chen Qianqing"s steps and asked in a soft tone: “Qianqing, why"d you stop?” In his point of view, Chen Qianqing had only said he was not afraid because he did not want to lose face in front of Yuan Zhitao, but he was actually still terrified. But he just wanted to watch on as Chen Qianqing put on a false bravado, and he was willing to bet that Chen Qianqing would start sticking to him after walking no more than ten metres——They had encountered this same example way too many times.

Chen Qianqing turned to glance over at Lu Zhengfei. It was very dark in the room, so practically nothing to be seen. The only thing present in their surroundings were the dim lights and the strange noises that played. In the dark, such things really did appear quite eery.

Chen Qianqing really wished he could take a big step forward, but for some reason, his knees had started to go soft. He kept telling himself that everything around him was fake, but no matter how he tried to comfort himself, he could not take a single step.

He was scared; no matter how he tried to sugar-coat it, he was scared.

Having perceived Chen Qianqing"s silence, a small curve lifted up the corners of Lu Zhengfei"s lips in the darkness. He ignored Yuan Zhitao who was standing beside him, and stepped forth to circle his arms around Chen Qianqing"s waist.

The paths in haunted houses had always been narrow, and at most, only two could walk side by side at each time. It took a while for Yuan Zhitao to finally react and find that both Chen Qianqing and Lu Zhengfei had ignored her and was starting to walk forward.

Yuan Zhitao called out: “Hey, wait for me!”

Being held around the waist by Lu Zhengfei, the fear in Chen Qianqing"s heart had finally calmed a little, but his limbs were still ice-cold. He whispered: “Let go!”

Lu Zhengfei ignored Chen Qianqing completely, and pulled him forward. As he spoke, a hint of mirth could even be heard within his voice: “Mm, I"ll let go when we"re out.”

Chen Qianqing was a little angry. He had never been one to be afraid of such things in the past, but he realized that everything had fallen completely out of his control; it was like he had really become Chen Qianqing. He could feel Chen Qianqing"s fear, his anger, as well as his helplessness. Everything Chen Qianqing had ever encountered, he was going through it all again.

Chen Qianqing really wished he could tell Lu Zhengfei that he was not afraid, but his cold hands and tightly pursed lips could not convince anyone; especially when the staff members dressed as zombies reached out to him, he would have screamed if he had not been clutching onto Lu Zhengfei"s hand with a death grip.

With how much force Chen Qianqing had put into holding his hand, Lu Zhengfei must have started to feel the pain; but not only was Lu Zhengfei not unhappy about this, he held Chen Qianqing even tighter. From the looks of it, if their current location allowed it, he definitely would have pushed Chen Qianqing to a wall and went in for a deep kiss.

Yeah, that was what Lu Zhengfei had done in his past life.

Halfway through the haunted house, Chen Qianqing"s palms were already covered in cold sweat. The haunted house in this amus.e.m.e.nt park was larger than the usual ones, and even had several paths you could take. Even if you had not gotten lost it would still take you about fifteen minutes to get out. When Chen Qianqing crawl under a coffin, all his limbs had already gone soft.

It was difficult for Chen Qianqing to describe his feelings. Clearly, he knew everything in his surroundings were fake, and should not cause him any fear, but the tension he felt was overwriting that completely. So, when Lu Zhengfei had reached an arm beneath his clothes, he had not realized it.

Lu Zhengfei was shamelessly rubbing Chen Qianqing"s soft waist and said with no shame at all: “Qianqing, I think we"re lost.” What he said was pure nonsense. Even though there were several forked paths in the haunted house, they were not very long ones. All you had to do when you realized that something was off was to just turn back, there was no way you could get lost.

Chen Qianqing pretended to be calm: “Really? Why don"t we ask the staff for help?” A hint of a tremble could be heard in his voice, revealing what he was truly feeling at this time.

Lu Zhengfei said: “But there aren"t any staff members here. Why don"t you wait here and I"ll go look?” Saying that, he let Chen Qianqing go and prepared to leave.

Chen Qianqing pulled Lu Zhengfei back and huffed in anger: “Lu Zhengfei, stop f.u.c.king around, take me out, quickly!”——Shameless b.a.s.t.a.r.d, how could he not know what Lu Zhengfei was thinking?!

Lu Zhengfei responded helplessly: “But I really don"t remember the way back, why don"t you take the lead instead?”

Chen Qianqing"s brain was a puddle of mess. It would have been fine if only his legs were jelly, but there was no way he could bring them out in this state.

Chen Qianqing really wanted to give Lu Zhengfei"s head a good smack, but he was also afraid that he might miss, and ended up slapping something strange instead of Lu Zhengfei"s head. And thus, he endured it patiently: “Well, what do you want?”

It was rare for Lu Zhengfei to be able to have Chen Qianqing compromising with him this easily, he smiled: “If you kiss me, I"ll bring you out.”

Chen Qianqing: “……”

Lu Zhengfei: “Or, we could continue wandering around in here if you want?”

Chen Qianqing: “……”

Lu Zhengfei said: “Mmhm?”

Chen Qianqing was silent for a long while before he shot at him coldly: “Get your face over here.”

With his tail shaking behind him, Lu Zhengfei moved his face over.

Chen Qianqing snorted and chomped down on Lu Zhengfei"s mouth——Yes, he really bit him. If not for the fact that he was afraid that they would be seen, he might even have wanted to tear a chunk off of his lip.

Lu Zhengfei was pained, but he was happy.

Chen Qianqing kept silent after that kiss. It was not until Lu Zhengfei had led him out that he realized that Lu Zhengfei"s lips were swelling up from that bite.

Yuan Zhitao had been waiting for a very long time outside of the haunted house, and seeing the two who were coming out now, she came up to them and said: “What took the two of you so long? I"ve been waiting for ages.”

Lu Zhengfei responded to her cheerfully: “It"s nothing, we got lost.”

A look of suspicion appeared on Yuan Zhitao"s face. She raised her head and saw Lu Zhengfei"s red and swollen lips: “G.o.d, what happened to your lip?”

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