Turns Out I'm Crazy

Chapter 23

On the third day of their National Day holiday, Chen Qianqing"s father came home.

Chen Qianqing"s father was a man called Chen Qingyang, a mechanic who worked on machine repairs. He would often be travelling abroad, and would be away for two to three months at a time, so Chen Qianqing spent most of his childhood with only his mother at home.

Perhaps it was because he did not get many chances to interact with his son that Chen Qingyang spoiled him very much. The father and son pair had a good relationship, and rarely had any disagreements.

On the day of Chen Qingyang"s return, Chen Qianqing"s cousin and her family had also come to visit.

Liu Huamei got up very early and even dragged Chen Qianqing up as well, asking him to join her in grocery shopping.

In low spirits, Chen Qianqing put his clothes on, and had his breakfast. Following behind the sprightly Liu Huamei and Lu Zhengfei, he was like a wilting flower that had been beaten down by the rain.

Lu Zhengfei had practically never been to the market. the grocery shopping in his house had all been handled by his servants, and he would rarely have any chances to do work himself. So, following Liu Huamei to the market to him could be considered as a fresh experience.

Liu Huamei picked out a fresh fish, a pork rib, some beef, and also a few vegetables and seasonings before heading home happily.

Chen Qianqing did not speak much, he only followed behind Liu Huamei obediently and helped to hold the vegetables. It was instead Lu Zhengfei who was chatting away happily with Liu Huamei like a mother and son pair that had been separated for a long time.

Liu Huamei turned around to look at Chen Qianqing: “Gosh Qianqing, why is my child so quiet? Just look at Xiao Lu!”

Chen Qianqing mumbled in response, and kept quiet again.

Liu Huamei could not handle him, so she could only give him a hefty slap on his back: “You better watch out or I"ll have your dad give you a beating!”

As the three chatted, they made their way home. Chen Qingyang who had just flown back from abroad had already arrived home. When he saw Liu Huamei who had just returned from the market, he greeted her: “Huamei, you"re home.”

Liu Huamei and Lu Zhengfei put down their shopping in the kitchen before coming out again: “Your son"s leg was broken and you didn"t even come by to look at him! I"m telling you, you should retire if you can next year or the year after, this is no way to go on for the long run.”

When Chen Qianqing was born, Chen Qingyang was already in his mid 30s, and because of the type of work he was in, he could retire at fifty-five, something that would happen this year or the next.

Chen Qingyang obviously did not want to drag this question on with Liu Huamei, so he spoke up to say: “Qianqing, aren"t you going to introduce your cla.s.smate to me?”

When he heard the word “cla.s.smate”, Lu Zhengfei"s brows were raised immediately in joy, he did not dress so youngly in vain today.

Chen Qianqing glared at Lu Zhengfei: “He"s almost going onto twenty-seven, he"s a friend, not a cla.s.smate.”

“Oh.” Chen Qingyang quickly apologized: “Sorry, I thought you were Qianqing"s cla.s.smate…”

Lu Zhengfei laughed: “It"s fine, uncle, they all say I look younger than I am.”

Chen Qianqing: “…” Well aren"t you the shameless one.

Liu Huamei asked a few questions more relating to Chen Qingyang"s work. You could tell that she very much wished for Chen Qingyang to retire early, but it was hard to bring it up. Lu Zhengfei and Chen Qianqing both listened to them without interrupting, and the atmosphere in the air was very harmonic.

As the four were chatting, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Liu Huamei was the first to speak: “It must be your sister, Qianqing, go open the door.”

Chen Qianqing stood up to open the door, and invited the two guests in.

Chen Qianqing"s father, Chen Qingyang, had a total of two elder sisters, and a younger; The eldest had been widowed at an early age, while his younger sister had just been divorced recently, only his second eldest sister had it a bit easier. But since their relationship was only so-so, they were rarely together during the holiday seasons, it was generally only Chen Qingyang who went back home to visit while Chen Qianqing celebrated the New Year"s with his mother.

From Liu Huamei"s guess, the reason they were visiting this time was most likely to borrow money.

Happy families share the same blessings, but the unfortunate families have their own problems; Liu Huamei had a good relationship with Chen Qingyang, but they would still quarrel about certain things, such as things relating to Chen Qingyang"s sisters.

“Brother, how long have you been home?” Chen Qianqing"s cousin was called Chen Xiaohui. She was on her second year of high school, and her appearance could be considered above average. As soon as she entered the house, she immediately ran over to Chen Qianqing"s side and chirped on: “I missed you so much, when are you going back to school? Is it fun in A City? When I graduate, I want to study there too, hey, what course do you think I should study?”

Chen Qianqing took a sip of tea from his cup silently. He did remember Chen Qianqing having a cousin like this, but frankly, he had long forgotten the name of this cousin of his after so many years.

Fortunately, Liu Huamei was here to help. She said: “Qianqing, Xiaohui is asking you a question, why aren"t you answering?”

Only then did Chen Qianqing responded with a lazy “oh”.

Lu Zhengfei had always maintained his gentle smile in front of the Chen family elders, so even when Chen Xiaohui had sat next to Chen Qianqing and started asking a bunch of questions, the warmth of that smile did not decrease at all. Only, his eyes had started to look through Chen Xiaohui up and down as if he was trying to determine the treat of this girl in front of him.

When he a.s.sessed that the treat was very low, practically to the point of zero, his smile became even sweeter: “Qianqing, is this your cousin? Why don"t you introduce us?”

Chen Qianqing took one look at Lu Zhengfei, and instantly knew what he was trying to do. And so, he said idly: “Xiaohui, this is Lu Zhengfei, you can just call him Brother Lu.”

Chen Xiaohui greeted immediately: “h.e.l.lo Brother Lu!” The instant she saw Lu Zhengfei, sparkles appeared within her eyes. Truthfully, Lu Zhengfei"s appearance was really not bad; when he was not being crazy, he could definitely described as a prince. But once he goes crazy… Even a dog would turn its nose at him.

As a seventeen year old going on eighteen, Chen Xiaohui would definitely have some romantic fantasies. Like the saying goes, love at first sight is not about feelings, but the face; with Lu Zhengfei"s deceptive appearance, it was definitely nothing weird for Chen Xiaohui to develop any strange thoughts.

People get wiser as they age, Chen Qianqing could practically guess Chen Xiaohui"s thoughts in an instant. He began to smile: “You should study well, Brother Lu doesn"t have a girlfriend yet.”

“Gosh, what is this child saying?” Liu Huamei who was speaking with Chen Qingyang"s younger sister, Chen Qingyu"s eyes turned round the instant she heard what Chen Qianqing had said: “Xiaohui is only seventeen, don"t mess around.”

On the contrary, Chen Qingyu was laughing: “No need to scold him, Qianqing was just joking around.”

Chen Xiaohui was embarra.s.sed: “Brother, you"re so mean.”

Chen Qianqing put on a dubious smile.

When Lu Zhengfei saw Chen Qianqing"s smile, he suddenly had the feeling that he was going to be met with misfortune soon…

Liu Huamei spoke: “Well, you all continue your chat, I"m going to go cook.” Saying that, she entered the kitchen.

Chen Qingyang said: “Qianqing, bring Xiaohui and your friend out to buy some drinks, and while you"re at it, get some fruits as well.” Clearly, he wanted to push the youngsters away so he could talk business with Chen Qingyu.

Chen Qianqing accepted tactfully, and the two put on their shoes, ready to go.

Chen Xiaohui"s family condition was so-so, but even so, she had never left C Province her whole life. Naturally, it was great fun to be able to see your cousin who had come home from studying outside, but clearly, she was even more interested in Lu Zhengfei than Chen Qianqing.

A parent had the greatest influence on their child; the reason why the divorce went on in Chen Xiaohui"s family was largely due to the fact that her mother had been fooling around with someone else and was nearly caught in adultery. Her father could not stand it, so without even caring about Chen Xiaohui"s feelings, he brought up the divorce without hesitation.

“Brother Lu, are you also studying in the same school as my cousin?” Chen Xiaohui had been asking Lu Zhengfei about many things the whole way through.

Lu Zhengfei wanted to be a gentleman, so naturally, he would answer when given a question; unlike Chen Qianqing who practically could not be bothered to deal with Chen Xiaohui at all. Besides nodding and shaking his head, he did not even say a single word.

Lu Zhengfei was still playing the act of an understanding big brother: “I"ve already started working, I"m just friends with your cousin.”

Chen Xiaohui responded: “Oh, I couldn"t tell at all, you look so young… I nearly took you for my cousin"s cla.s.smate.”

Lu Zhengfei let out a chuckle.

Hearing their chatter, Chen Qianqing who had long been in a bad mood started to frown: “Lu Zhengfei, go get a box of yogurt.”

Before Lu Zhengfei could finish laughing, he turned around to get the yogurt. When he returned obediently with the yogurt, Chen Qianqing shot him a look: “Didn"t you know I don"t like strawberry flavour?”

Lu Zhengfei: “…But you even picked strawberry and taro for the popcorn flavours the other day.”

Chen Qianqing: “Didn"t you see that I only ate the taro one?”

Lu Zhengfei: “…” Alright, just leave it, go and get the aloe flavoured one instead.

Chen Xiaohui had been good with reading the mood since she was young, so when she saw Chen Qianqing"s expression, she carefully asked: “Brother, are you angry?”

Chen Qianqing put on a smile, one that seemed rather similar to Lu Zhengfei"s previous insincere smile: “Silly girl, how could I be angry with you?”

Suddenly, Chen Xiaohui started to feel a little afraid to talk to Chen Qianqing.

When Lu Zhengfei came back with the yogurt, he saw Chen Xiaohui with her head lowered; that mood for chatter she had earlier was now completely gone. When he looked over to see Chen Qianqing"s expression, even a fool could tell what had happened.

Lu Zhengfei spoke up: “Qianqing, what fruits do you want to eat?”

“Nothing much.” After that response, he thought about it for a bit more, and felt that treating Chen Qianqing"s cousin in such a way was really not too good… Well, even though he would always treat all the women around Chen Qianqing as love rivals, the biggest problem now was the fact that he himself was Chen Qianqing now. And so, he spoke to her: “Xiaohui, is there anything you want to eat?”

Chen Xiaohui looked pitifully at Chen Qianqing, and responded quietly: “I want to eat mangosteen.” She liked mangosteens, but it had always been very expensive so her mother would rarely buy it for her.

Chen Qianqing pa.s.sed her a bag: “Choose them yourself, as much as you want, Brother Lu will pay for it.”

Lu Zhengfei: “…”

Only then did Chen Xiaohui smile, and said to him sweetly: “Thank you Brother Lu!”

Lu Zhengfei shot a glance at Chen Qianqing, and responded composedly: “No need to thank me.”

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