Chapter 35

At the wall of Diamond City.

The [Users] felt something was strange. A tank shot into the distance, obliterating the incoming monster into pieces.

"Don"t you feel like there"s more than usual today?" One of them asked.

"Yeah, there"s definitely more." The other agreed.

The night was young. There were many more hours to go until their shift would end. Everyone here were functioning members of society before.

They did not find it demeaning to be working as guards. This was because they were protecting the innocent people. They found satisfaction and joy in protecting the people inside the city.

"There"s one more!" A man with informed them. He had the ability to see very far into the distance.

"Okay, ready up." The military personnel beside them cooperated and informed the person inside the tank.

They locked onto their target and shot.


Everyone turned back into their relaxed state after they heard the sound of the explosion. There was no way the monster would survive, everyone thought.

They had become complacent. When they first started working as guards, they used to be anxious every second of their time.

"Wait. It"s still alive!" The man with informed them.

They could see the shadow of the monster from the smoke. It quickly rushed towards them.


It had the head of a bull and the body of a man.

"Quick, shoot it!" The man with said.

The tank aimed and shot out once more. The bullet flew in a straight arc, lightening up the night sky.

The minotaur was not one to be underestimated. It crouched down and jumped up high, evading the bullet.

The people at the wall were not used to this. They were unable to react as the minotaur quickly ran to them at an astonishing speed.

The minotaur"s sight landed on one of the people. The person felt the minotaur"s bloodl.u.s.t and yelled, "Shoot it! Shoot!"

However, the tank operator was unable to react in time. The minotaur vanished from their sight and appeared in front of the person. Its huge hand descended down and grabbed the man before flinging him to the wall.

It was like throwing an egg at a wall. The person immediately exploded and died upon contact with the wall.


The minotaur roared in satisfaction. It set its sight on another person.

Not everyone at the bottom of the wall was capable of combat. Most of them had supporting abilities that were used to help with the tank operator.

Just as the minotaur was about to move, a man appeared and kicked the minotaur away.

He had a head full of gray hair but his body was filled with vigor, rippling with muscles. He was donned in a martial arts uniform of black that was lined with gold. His eyes were cold and deadly and he had a beard the same color as his hair that reached his chest.

This man was Brame. One of the right hand men of Winter!

"Mr. Brame!" The men around him exclaimed in joy.

"I"ll handle this." Brame said.

Brame went into a martial arts stance, standing face to face against the minotaur. The minotaur was the size of a house. Compared to the minotaur, Brame was practically an ant. However, there was no fear on his aged face.

"Come!" Brame provoked the beast.

The minotaur roared and smashed its fist down. Brame evaded the blow and jumped up for a kick but was met with another fist.

Brame was knocked several feet back in the air. He somersaulted and landed gracefully. His ability was not anything special. In fact, it was very common. His power was [Super Strength].

Like the name implied, it gave him a large increase in strength. This seemingly ordinary ability, when paired with his martial arts prowess was something deadly.

Brame steadied and went into another round of engagement. He exchanged several blows with the minotaur.

Bap! Bap!

The sound of their fists. .h.i.tting each other could be heard. At a critical moment, Brame deflected the minotaur"s fist away with a kick and punched fiercely at its face.

There was a loud crunch! At the moment of contact and the minotaur"s head exploded like a watermelon.

Everyone around that was watching with sweaty hands celebrated in joy the moment the battle finished.

Brame landed back onto the ground gracefully. There were a few specks of blood on his face. His hands were slightly bruised but for the most part, he came out uninjured.

"Take care of the man"s funeral," Brame said. He was referring to the first man that was killed by the minotaur.

The next thing they knew, Brame was already gone.

At Winter"s residence.

Winter was training hard. There were several wooden dummies around him that were moving to attack him.

At the side, a woman was controlling the dummies. This woman was Rosane, one of Winter"s close subordinates. She had a head full of scarlet red hair. Her eyes were a similar color, accentuating her bewitching beauty. Her body was clad in a revealing dress, showing off all her curves.

She had a very powerful ability. [Telekinesis].

It was among one of the most powerful abilities in Diamond City. Right now, she was helping Winter train.

The wooden dummies were not powerful by itself but when there were many of them, it was a deadly combination.

Winter held a wooden sword in hand and fiercely fought against the dummies. His icy blue eyes were focused intently that it made the heart of Rosane skip a beat. She smiled and upped the ante on the wooden dummies.

At this moment, the door to the training room opened and Brame entered. Not only was Brame a close subordinate of Winter, he was also his martial arts instructor.

Brame went over to Rosane to wait for Winter to finish.

Rosane noticed the injury on Brame"s fist and said, "Oh my! What happened?"

Brame ignored her and said. "That"s what I"m here to report."

The two watched Winter fight the dummies without using his abilities. One by one, he destroyed them.

He was slightly out of breath by the time he finished and his face was drenched with sweat. Winter went over to Brame and Rosane.

"What do you have for me?" He asked while wiping his face off with a towel.

"It"s about the monsters. The amount that is attacking the city is increasing." Brame said gravely.

"What?" Winter was shocked.

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