Spring-Autumn began to look around his surroundings the moment he stepped into the dungeon. The mana present within the dungeon was even thicker than the outside. It almost felt like he was moving in water. The fact that his [Mana Sense] made him more perceptive to mana did not help the burden on his body.

The ceiling was filled with stalagmites and there were pillars all over the cave. The pillars were embedded with a blue crystal which was the only source of light within the dungeon.

Spring-Autumn grabbed a piece off the blue crystal off a pillar.

[Mana Crystal]

"This is what"s causing the mana to become so thick?"

Spring-Autumn crushed the crystal and all the mana within it surrounded his body.

"It"s too bad I don"t have a good way to use all of this mana,"

He began to have a look around the area. Most of the terrain was mostly the same. It was what one would expect from a cave. His ears would twitch occasionally in response to the sound of minotaurs in the distance.

The thickness of mana in the air was not a bad thing. With so much mana present, it allowed him to manipulate the few tricks he knew very easily. And secondly, any major movements would cause a huge ripple that could be felt.

Spring-Autumn leaped into the air to avoid an attack from a minotaur. The ground it crashed into was crushed into little bits and its eyes locked onto Spring-Autumn.

[Bullet Time]

Spring-Autumn appeared on the ground a second later holding a sword. Behind him, the minotaur was already decapitated.

He left the corpse as is and continued to look around the area. As he looked around he could see traces of the dungeon extermination party. These traces were in the form of footprints, some trash, and destroyed parts of the cave.

With such an obvious clue, it was very easy to follow them. However, the blood of the decapitated minotaur attracted other minotaurs to Spring-Autumn.

A group of minotaur stepped out from a pillar.


One of them gave the signal and they all attacked Spring-Autumn at once.

[Bullet Time]


One by one, the heads of the minotaurs fell off its body. These minotaurs were simply too weak for the current Spring-Autumn.

The further Spring-Autumn ventured into the cave, the more minotaurs showed up. All of them would end with the same result.

Spring-Autumn used [Bullet Time] in every instance. It was another encounter with a group of minotaurs.

As usual, he entered [Bullet Time].


There was the sound of flowing water. The same sound he heard when he tried to perceive time. He looked around in a startled manner and found nothing. The best way to solve a problem one didn"t know is to simply ignore it.

Spring-Autumn ended the misery of another group of minotaurs.

"Did I eat so many minotaurs that I"ve gone mad? Mad cow disease?" Spring-Autumn thought seriously.

Finally, Spring-Autumn arrived at a big hole. There was only darkness in it and he could not see any further into it.

"They went in here?"

At this moment, he saw a vision.

It was a bustling city. A bustling, modern city- no, it was a modern society that had integrated the use of magic into its society. There were lamp posts made out of mana crystals, flying cars, and holograms in the sky.

A man was demonstrating to a group of students.

He had a head full of black hair and eyes that were like that of a dead fish. He was wearing a set of simplistic armor without much detailing.

In his hands, he was carrying a ball of light. Mana from all over the area turned into a tornado and funneled into the ball of light. Various runes of an unknown language surrounded his entire body, going into the ball of light one at a time.

He looked like an ordinary person and an extraordinary person at the same time. The ball of light gradually faded away to reveal a bracelet. The bracelet was silver in color and had many intricate runes carved on it. Evidently, it was the runes that were surrounding him earlier.

The man looked at his group of his students who looked at him with a revering gaze.

"Do you understand now?" He asked.

A blue window popped up above his head.

[Divine Artifact Master]

The vision ended.

"Ah yes, it"s that ability of mine that activates randomly," Spring-Autumn scratched his head. This ability had helped him a lot in the past like the time before the world changed. However, this vision he saw just now was so outlandish he did not know what to make of it.

The solution to solving a problem one didn"t know was to ignore it.

Spring-Autumn looked back one more time before jumping into the hole without too much thought.

His [Chrono Vision] was always on to let him know what would happen a few seconds ahead. Within those few seconds, he could completely avoid any danger. It was one of his main sources of confidence.

If you knew what was going to happen, what was there to fear?

His vision changed.

The darkness faded slightly but it was still dark. He was now in a place surrounded by ruined buildings.

It was not the type of building one would expect. What was around him was merely some collapsed towers that were made up of gray bricks. All around him were gray bricks that were cracked and had moss growing.

He was in a maze.

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