The sky darkened and the earth shook. Lightning crackled throughout the sky as if the heavens were enraged. Various monsters ran about the forest in a panic as their instincts told them to run. Something huge was happening.

Spring-Autumn navigated his way through the forest calmly. Every step he took left no mark behind on the gra.s.s. His eyes were flashing an eerie green and his clothes started to become soaked from the rain.

The rain was cold and calming. He recalled what just happened.

He had originally wanted to leave the base to explore the world. However, getting kicked out was not exactly the way he wanted it to be.

The base higher-ups told him that food was running and that since he was a foreigner, they had no obligation to give him shelter. Of course, he could have fought so he could have a place to stay, but he decided to leave.

His curiosity for the outside world was stronger than his desire to stay in a sheltered place. However, as a petty man, he would take this action from the higher-ups of the base to heart.

Besides that, he was also very confident in his ability to roam the world. His ability was not one of a pure attack like Silver"s. It was the ability to see ahead in time and manipulate the time surrounding him.

It was a hard ability to understand that even now, he has not completely understood yet. Abilities were like a muscle. As one used more of it, it would become stronger and more efficient.

Right now, a huge event was happening and he was excited to be able to witness it.

[Initiating... 100%]

After many months, the mysterious blue screen has finally filled itself.

The sky continued to roar like a beast and lightning rained down from the sky like a spiderweb. Spring-Autumn took calculated steps to avoid these lightning bolts that were faster than a bullet and started to climb a tree.

Like a monkey, he nimbly climbed the giant trees that were so tall that they seemed to pierce the sky.


A lightning bolt struck the trees nearby. One of them was sliced in half and fell to the ground powerfully, shaking the earth. A stream of smoke started from the place where the lightning landed but was extinguished by the rain before a fire could start.

Spring-Autumn dusted his hand off on his b.u.t.t when he reached the top of the tree. However, it only made things messier as the rain continued to pour. Feeling a little dumb, he observed his surroundings.

[Initialization Successful. Beginning start sequence.]

Various beams of beacon tore through the sky. These beacons were in a very far place but Spring-Autumn could see just from how bright and tall they were.




The beacons started to fade away. Spring-Autumn committed the location of one of them into his memory. This particular one was not very far at all. It was inside the city he ran away from with Blue.


The world darkened. As if h.e.l.l descended on the earth, the sky turned black and there was no light to be seen. Spring-Autumn watched with his mouth open as everything in his sight turned completely black.


Light returned as if the darkness was never there. The sky cleared, and sunlight beamed onto the earth. The greenery of the forest was especially bright under the sun.

There was a slightly moist, dampened smell in the air but it was mostly the smell of nature. Birds chirped and broken trees grew back at a speed visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the air became thick, overfilled with energy. The level of energy present almost made one think they were underwater.

Monsters of different races roared happily as if to announce that change of the season.

Spring-Autumn felt like he just witnessed something truly amazing. The whole world changed in the blink of an eye.

A familiar blue screen lit up in front of him.


t.i.tle: The First Awakened


Strength: 10

Perception: 10

Const.i.tution: 10

Vitality: 10


Attribute: Time


It was very simple and basic. With just a quick glance, Spring-Autumn was able to understand it.

"I only have measly tens for all of them?" He muttered. When he saw his t.i.tle, he recalled the time when he first used his power.

He was quite satisfied with such a grandiose t.i.tle. Looking at his status screen that seemed to have come straight out of an RPG for a little more, he suddenly thought of something.

His hands ruffled through his pocket and revealed beautiful petals of flowers. These are [Food Flowers] from [Food Trees].

He took a bite of it.

[Vitality +0]

"Aha," His face broke into a grin. "I"m not so dumb after all,"

Eating products of this new world would make one stronger.

Spring-Autumn glanced at the tree he was standing on. Still feeling a little smart, he ripped out a piece of tree bark.

After contemplating for a short few seconds, he took a good bite out of it. His eyes widened at the familiar texture of a rock.

He spat out the piece of wood and bitterly stomped on it as he ma.s.saged his face. He felt like his teeth were going to break from chewing on such a thing.

At the corner of his eye, he noticed a flash of light. Unable to hide his curiosity, he quickly followed it.

Spring-Autumn took a moment to focus his power. Time slowed down around him and he was able to move at a faster pace.

The world became greyscale for him. Leaves in the air were falling slower, he could almost feel the ripples in the air. When he stepped on gra.s.s, it took longer for it to become squished and return back to its normal shape. It was a different state of existence that he enjoyed very much.

Sounds were also different. The sound of him stepping on the ground, the sound of rustling leaves, the sound of the wind flowing through the trees.

He quickly followed the white shadow. Surprisingly, it was still moving fast even in his slowed down world.

When it stopped, he was greeted by a breathtaking scene.

It was a big lake with the water so blue, it was almost the same color as the sky. It was surrounded by a lush green meadow. Flowers were present and moved side to side with the wind.

Many creatures were present. Ogres, trolls, kobolds, goblins. They were separated into their own little groups and minded their own business as they sipped on the clear water. It gave Spring-Autumn a new perception of these monsters.

Around this lake, they existed in harmony. It was a completely different image than that of them killing and feasting on humans.

By the lake, he could see the figure of the white shadow.

It was a unicorn. Its horse-like body was streamlined with bulging muscles. The fur was a flawless white without a speck of dust. The horn was straight and long, it was almost like a carved piece of marble. In short, it was a beautiful creature.

Spring-Autumn was stupefied by such a beautiful creature. Pondering deeply, "If I eat it, will I become stronger?"

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