Chapter 26

The Nations was a country that was made out of ten collective states. The ten states undergo a rotational system in control of the country. For example, one year, one state would have power as the central government. The next term, another state would have control.

It was not the perfect system but it was one that all states were able to agree on.

Spring-Autumn piloted the plane. At the back, Rainmist was sitting calmly. She had regained her demeanor as someone who once held a position before the world changed. However, as a mother, it was not so easy to get over the pain of losing a child.

Spring-Autumn was slightly jealous of the relationship the two had. The closer he got to home, the more bitter his heart felt. He was slightly homesick, but there was nothing there for him.

He knew that upon arrival, he would have to make a choice. As of now, it was unknown what the choice would be.

There were many uncertainties about going to a new location. It was unknown the extent of damage that was done to The Nations and how the people were faring. This, however, was not enough to deter Spring-Autumn.

He felt that it was only right for him to go take a look at how things were going.

The Nations was not far from Listia.

They had set off as soon as the sun came up and they had already entered the country a little after noon.

Spring-Autumn could see the changed landscape of the state. It seemed that the more time pa.s.sed, the more transformed the world would become.

On the way, they spotted many amazing things. One of them was a walking mountain. Spring-Autumn looked down. The huge figure of the mountain moved slowly, stably, and with great power.

Even when he was so high up, he could see the ground shake from the sheer might of the moving mountain.

At other times, they would see mutated birds. There was a particular big one with two heads. It was unfortunate that Spring-Autumn did not have control of the sky otherwise, he would be making attempts to eat the thing…

On the way, Spring-Autumn spent the time making small talk with Rainmist. The majority of the time however, she spent the time sleeping.

It may not look obvious on the outside, but her heart was broken from her lost. She was doing her best to detract from reality.

They had entered the state of Li.

The state of Li was known for its mild climates. The summers were sufficiently hot while the winters were not too cold. The general geography was a lot of farmland due to the flat terrain.

Rainmist peaked her head out the window, enjoying the sights outside.

The terrain had transformed but the natural beauty of nature would always remain.

The plane was not flying so high because Spring-Autumn was navigating by eye.

"You really know how to fly a plane." Rainmist smiled and said. The way her soft lips curved up was very similar to Blue"s.

Spring-Autumn did not think too much of it and said. "Do you know what they call me?"

"What do they call you?"

"They call me the plane man." Spring-Autumn said coldly and proceeded to do a flip with the plane.

Rainmist helplessly clung onto a pole and screamed at the sudden movement. In the end, she laughed and enjoyed the experience.

Unlike Listia which was a country with a lot of history, The Nations was much younger. As such, the way cities and towns were built was much more different.

In essence, it was a very modern city. The roads were wide and uniformly paved with strong asphalt. Most buildings were tall and efficiently supported.

The city they had arrived at was Diamond City, the heart of Li state. It was also Spring-Autumn"s hometown.

Shockingly enough, the city was not too damaged and order was present. The most damage that was dealt with the city was the several dozen collapsed skysc.r.a.pers. It was a completely shocking sight to Rainmist, who had seen her city torn down to bits before her very eyes.

As for Spring-Autumn… the guy had future vision so he didn"t count.

The plane quickly approached Diamond City. They could see that a tall, thick wall was protecting the city. The wall was not there before so evidently, it was something constructed by a [User].

From every corner of the wall was a station that housed several hundred people. They appeared to be guards that consisted of [Users].

There were also tanks lined up outside the wall, ready to be deployed.

Thinking about it logically, it made sense that Diamond City was in better condition. First off, it was not next to a forest that housed deadly creatures like Hope City.

Diamond City was also not a small city, it was the capital of a state that was always armed with top-notch equipment. And most importantly, it did not have a dungeon in the middle of the city.

In such a city, the number of people dying when the world first changed would be less resulting in many more [Users].

Spring-Autumn slowed down the speed of his plane as they approached the wall. He did not want to get shot down.

Spring-Autumn only continued going forward when the wall people got a good look at his aircraft that had a certain branding on it.

As someone from a rich family of this city, he had this particular privilege although it should be noted that Spring-Autumn did not know how to land a plane.

As petty of a man as he was, the sights of his hometown brought a wave of nostalgia. He quickly flew the plane over to his family mansion.

And at last, he arrived at his family"s mansion. The huge mansion that was too big to house a family.

There was a huge garden on the side which was an open s.p.a.ce.

"Hold tight," Spring-Autumn told Rainmist.

Spring-Autumn located his target and lowered his throttle.


The small plane crashed into the garden, bringing a cloud of dust into the air.

They had arrived at the Primo Family mansion at Diamond City, Li State.

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