"It"s ready!" Spring-Autumn exclaimed.

The oven sounded off a beeping sound. The electricity was somewhat back in the city now with the a.s.sistance of an electric ability user and a generator.

As promised, he cooked the lizard shaman in the best way possible. He opened the oven with his bare hands. There was a sizzling sound upon contact but his hands did not receive any burn damage.

After skinning the scale off, the meat looked as appetizing as any other. The smell of the cooked shaman wafted throughout the entire kitchen.

Spring-Autumn sliced the meat into small parts to make it easier to eat and served it on two plates. He carried a plate in each hand and walked to the dining table where Rainmist was quietly dining.

"Is this really lizard meat?" She asked while poking it with a fork.

"What"s with the strange tone?" Spring-Autumn took a seat next to you.

Just like Spring-Autumn, Rainmist had her fair share of monster meat. Her stats were no longer at the level of an average person anymore but that was it. Spring-Autumn would obviously not let her fight. She was what he considered to be his trophy.

The effect of consuming monster meat that boosted stats naturally had beneficial effects. Rainmist was wearing a sleeveless yellow dress. Her flawless skin could be seen. She looked younger than she already was before, like a lady at the peak of her youth in her 20s. However, her mature charm remained that gave an indescribable vibe.

Spring-Autumn used his fork to pick up a piece of meat before consuming it. He closed his eyes to relish the taste.

"Ah, this tasteā€¦" He moaned.

The taste was so wonderful that it almost felt like he was living the memory of the lizard shaman. Waking up as a lizard. Enjoying the sun, bathing under the clouds. Talking to fellow lizards in lizard. Such was a lizard life.

The memory ended and he was back as a human. At the side, Rainmist was also relishing the taste of lizard meat. The meat became even more tender after soaking it in the marinade overnight. She closed her eyes to enjoy the taste. The sunlight shone on her pale skin and black hair, giving her a divine look.

"You got a good one this time," Rainmist complimented.

"Of course. It took me quite the effort to kill this thing," Spring-Autumn nodded his head, clearly proud of his work.

The two cleaned the dish together. Spring-Autumn stood at one side scrubbing the plates with dish soap. Rainmist stood at the other side, rinsing off the dish soap once Spring-Autumn was done scrubbing it. Such harmony gave one the impression of a freshly married couple. However, such a thing was furthest from the truth. There was not a single drop of romantic feelings between the two.

"I have a place to show you," Spring-Autumn said.

"Where?" Rainmist was interested. She was quite bored with her days recently. She was one of the few who did not have to worry about dying every minute of the day. She also never suffered the true horror of the apocalypse. Since the very start, she was inside the underground base. Although she was aware of the changes that happened around her, she never had to worry about the dangers of it due to the protection of Spring-Autumn.

"I"ll take you there," Spring-Autumn smiled mysteriously.

He grabbed Rainmist into a princess carry. Her yellow dress was flowing in the wind. He could smell her feminine fragrance.

Spring-Autumn jumped high up into the sky and transformed his [Attribute Cloak] into a glider. Just like that, he glided his way out of the Primo family mansion, and finally out of the city walls. It should be noted that Sunglow never visited Spring-Autumn after his return.

Spring-Autumn could now control his glider without relying on the wind too much through the use of mana. Mana was everywhere. While it was physical, at the same time, it"s also not. Through the use of the surrounding mana, he could use it to push the glider around.

He lowered his body to the gra.s.sy fields. They could feel the blades of gra.s.s brushing against their body. It was a pleasant feeling when going at the speed they are going at.

Rainmist laughed merrily in joy. Undoubtedly, she was having fun. This caused Spring-Autumn to smile too.

They flew through the sky. Flying left here, flying right there. The wind continually brushed against their face, causing their hair to look like a mop. It was a fun and relaxing experience.

Every monster that popped up here and there that was hidden in the gra.s.s could be easily taken care of with the level he was at.

Finally, they arrived at their destination. It was a small pond hidden in the gra.s.s.

"What"s this?" Rainmist curiously asked. She couldn"t figure out what was special about this pond.

Spring-Autumn didn"t say anything but reached his hand into the pond and scooped a handful of water. He let the water flow between his fingers.

[Water of Endlessness]

The water flowed continuously through his fingers, never-ending. There seemed to be another secret to the pond. No matter how much water flowed into the pond, the water level never changed.

Rainmist was blown away by this curious phenomenon so she squatted by the pond and scooped out a handful of water too. Just like what happened with Spring-Autumn, the water flowed without end. The handful of water in her palm remained the same amount without changing while the water flowed through her fingers without stopping.

"I didn"t just bring you here for this," Spring-Autumn smiled and brought her close to him by the waist. Her twin mounds pushed gently against his chest from the sudden movement.

"Let"s go,"

Blue mana began to envelop their bodies in a thin film before Spring-Autumn jumped into the pond without warning, taking Rainmist with him.

Rainmist closed her eyes to prevent water from going into her eyes. However, such a thing did not happen. Spring-Autumn jumped through the hole at the bottom of the lake and arrived at the underground world.

Rainmist opened her eyes and her heart skipped a beat at the beautiful sight. They stood at the edge of the seemingly never-ending hole. The ledge they were standing on was a field of gra.s.s that was filled with various types of beautiful flowers. There were many similar ledges like the one they were standing on that spiraled down into the hole. It was a field of green everywhere with beautiful flowers that glowed like lanterns in the night.

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