Spring-Autumn carried Rainmist by the waist and gently descended down the rest of the hole. They had gone deep enough that they could see shadows of the ground beneath.


The sound of the waterfall rushed loudly against their ears. At the very bottom was a river. The endless waterfall connected with the river that flowed further down the cave.

They landed gently on the river bank. Just like other areas of the underground area, the bank was full of rainbow gra.s.s. This area at the bottom was the brightest. There were several times more elemental spirits.

Bright blue water spirits happily swam in the river and along the waterfall. Earthy brown earth spirits hovered gently above blades of gra.s.s. Green wind spirits flew freely above. Red fire spirits slowly circled about at the edge of the bank.

"How pretty!" Rainmist exclaimed. The waterfall was gigantic and the sight of it connecting to the river was quite beautiful.

While the waterfall was clear in color with a blue tinge, the river was rainbow in color. The contrast made the body of water look very eye catching.

Spring-Autumn held Rainmist"s tender hand and guided her by the river bank.

"Let"s follow the river down,"

They began to walk down the river bank. Behind them was the giant waterfall. In front of them was the unknown. Spring-Autumn"s intuition led him to believe that there was no danger present in this area.

As they walked along the gra.s.sy river bank, the surrounding area began to fill with a purple mist. The purple mist did them no harm but further accentuated the beauty of the place. They could see their reflections in the rainbow river as they walked further and further away from the waterfall.

There were occasional trees here and there along the bank. They were not very large and looked like regular trees from before the apocalypse. The only difference was their rainbow-colored leaves.

Spring-Autumn and Rainmist continued to admire the sights around them. Despite the color of the river being rainbow, it was strangely clear at the same time. They could see each individual small sized rocks under the water and the fishes that would swim through and fro. Each blade of gra.s.s shone with an unreal luminescence under the light of elemental spirits while the fog continued to thicken. It was as if they were in a magical paradise.

Unknowingly, they reached the end of the river. A huge tree stood in their sight. Huge was an understatement. Its size was beyond anything they"ve seen before with just the trunk piercing the sky.

[Tree of Life]

It was the source of the rainbow hue in this area. At the bottom of the tree was where the river ended. The water was still in this area, with no signs of flowage. The rainbow color of the water had concentrated so much that the color turned a thick white color. Along the edges of this area were rocks that acted as the boundary.

The size of this area paled in comparison to the huge tree but it was still big.

[Essence Water]

Spring-Autumn dipped his hands in to find himself in a sensation he has never felt before. It felt like the water was trying to invade his body. At the same time, he could feel his hand being strengthened at an inconceivable rate. Spring-Autumn couldn"t help but laugh at this discovery.

"This is some good stuff. Let"s take a dip,"

While Rainmist was confused about what Spring-Autumn was going on about, Spring-Autumn was already stripped bare, exposing his muscular naked body. Without waiting for Rainmist, he jumped straight in the water. It was unknown how deep the pool was because the water was such a thick white color. His body floated up like a starfish as he had his arms and legs spread.

"Ahh," Spring-Autumn let out a relaxed moan.

Rainmist looked at him strangely and began to strip, revealing her beautiful body. Her large b.r.e.a.s.t.s that always looked like they were going to spill out of her dress was revealed in its full glory. Her silhouette was that of a full hourgla.s.s. Her waist was so astonishingly small that it was hard to believe the frame was about to support such a large pair of wonderful mammaries. Her bottom didn"t lose out either. It was firm, large, and perky. Her pale skin was reflected in the purple mist and seemed to emit a divine glow.

Slowly, she lowered her body in. One leg at a time, she entered the water. Immediately, she began to feel the effects of the water invading her body.

"Ahh," Rainmist let out an even more exaggerated moan than Spring-Autumn before lowering her body in completely. Her wonderful body was now submerged in the water and could not be seen. Only her head was left exposed above the white water.

Spring-Autumn floated over while looking like a starfish, "Isn"t this nice,"

"Yes… It"s quite wonderful," Rainmist closed her eyes to fully enjoy the wonderful pleasures of the water.

Spring-Autumn submerged his body into the water and embraced her waist from behind. His erect member rubbing against the top of her soft a.s.s.

He gently drifted back until his back hit the edge of the pool while Rainmist leaned her back fully against his chest. Slowly, he began to knead her voluminous b.r.e.a.s.t.s, avoiding the areola. Rainmist let out a loud moan that he"s never heard before. It was unknown if it was from the water or from his touches. Most likely a combination of both.

"It… feels good," Rainmist tilted her head and whispered into his ears.

Spring-Autumn moved up his fingers and gently pinched her pink nipples, causing her tender body to jolt up like it was struck by lightning. This jolt caused her b.u.t.t to slide back, pleasuring his member at the same time. It felt especially lewd considering that the water was a thick white color, causing them to not see what was happening with their bodies.

Rainmist felt essentially blind in what Spring-Autumn was doing with her body. It made her much more excited than before.

"Let"s fool around for a bit," Spring-Autumn whispered into her ears.

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