
The moon was out –

The red-tinged moon was suspended in the sky.

Osayo was hurrying home. She had no lantern. The light of the moon was her only guide.

Because of the heavy rain a few days before, the ground was muddy and difficult to traverse.

She had not thought she would be returning home so late. Though she had only been going to deliver textiles to a customer in Kojimachi, there had been a huge couple’s fight at her destination.

Though Osayo could have just ignored it – not even a dog would have taken a bite out of this – her nature wouldn’t allow her to.

By the time she forced each side share their side of the story and managed to make them make up, the sun had already set.

Her younger brother, Yasohachi, would probably jokingly say something like ‘If you have the time to bother with other people’s troubles, worry about your own marriage prospects’, but Yasohachi, who had a personality that attracted trouble, had no right to say anything about Osayo.

– I must hurry home though.

Because black ships[1] had come to Uraga, there was some commotion, about expelling foreigners from the country and whatnot.

Osayo walked on the road by the Tamagawa Aqueduct and reached Yotsuya Ookido. Then, she suddenly stopped.

She had heard someone’s voice in the night wind.

She strained her ears to hear.

She could hear it clearly –

A woman’s weeping.

She looked around and spotted an old row house[2]. The building seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, as it had started to rot.

The voice seemed to come from inside. The room farthest in.


Osayo called out as she walked inside.

The door was off.

"Is something the matter?’

Osayo stuck her head in and looked around.

There was someone in the dark.

A woman –

The woman wearing a white underdress had her back to Osayo and was curled up, shivering, in a corner of the room. Her long hair was disorderly.

– Perhaps her husband was rough with her.

"What’s wrong? Is something the matter?’ asked Osayo, entering the dirt-floored area. The woman stopped crying, but no reply came.

"h.e.l.lo?’ said Osayo once more. Then, for a moment, the woman disappeared from in front of Osayo’s eyes –

But then she stood in the opposite corner. Her back was still to Osayo.

"Not here – ’

Osayo was about to speak once more when the woman suddenly spoke.


"Not here either – ’

"What is not here?’


The woman’s voice was strong, to the point that you wouldn’t think she was the same woman who had been crying so feebly before.

Osayo felt a chill run down her spine.

"Excuse me…’

"Where!?’ shrieked the woman as she turned around.

The woman’s bloodshot eyes shot through Osayo. Osayo wanted to run away from that unnatural expression, but she was arrested by that sinister gaze and could not move.

"Not here – ’

The woman put her hands on her own belly.

Then, a red liquid started pouring out from there, dyeing the underdress and the woman’s hands.

It was – blood.

The woman thrust her b.l.o.o.d.y hands straight towards Osayo.

"Where did – it go – ’

Something slimy touched Osayo’s cheek.

Not even capable of shrieking, Osayo fainted right there –


"Is this really the place?’ murmured Yasohachi to himself.

It was hot enough to boil. The sun’s rays were like stabs – standing was enough to make sweat start to trickle.

The cry of the cicadas was almost noisy in his ears.

He was in front of an old shrine –

It was under Tokugawa patronage. It looked incredibly deserted in comparison to the surrounding shrines and temples which were at the height of prosperity.

The torii[3] had probably been painted vermillion at one point, but it was faded now, and weeds grew lush on the premises. In front, there was just a lopsided shrine.

Gra.s.s had grown all the way up to the roof.

– Well, there isn’t any point thinking about that here.

Yasohachi pa.s.sed through the torii and stepped into the shrine. His eyes turned towards the mossy guardian lion-dog[4]. It felt like he was being glared it.

– This place feels rather unsettling.

He looked around once more upon reaching the shrine.

There should have been a place for the monk to stay, but there did not seem t be any building like that around him.

Yasohachi had a reason for coming to this shrine.

His older sister, Osayo, had met something a few days earlier – a ghost, or perhaps a spirit. Ever since then, she had been acting strangely.

Their father, Genta, noticed the possession – in a panic, he had gone to the shrine which they were on good terms with to consult for an exorcism, but Osayo did not seem to be recovering.

While they were worrying about what to do, a pa.s.sing medicine seller recommended this shrine, saying "If that’s the case, there’s an exorcist – ’

"h.e.l.lo,’ Yasohachi said towards the shrine.

There was no response.

"Is anybody here?’

This time, he raised his voice, but there was still no response.

– There’s no helping it. I might need to give up.

Just as Yasohachi had turned around and was about to return on the same path he had taken earlier, there was a voice.

"What do you want?’

A low voice that carried well.

Yasohachi stopped walking and hurriedly looked around. However, he didn’t see anyone.

"Where are you looking? Here. Here – ’

Yasohachi’s eyes went toward the voice and saw the shrine.

Though Yasohachi was nervous, he started to walk towards the shrine.

He climbed the rotting wooden steps and put his face close to the lattice door of the shrine to try to peer in, and then bam! The door opened from the inside.


Yasohachi leant back in shock and lost his footing on the steps.

He hurriedly reached out but grabbed only empty air. He slipped down the stairs on his behind.


Yasohachi looked up, his face twisted in pain.

A man was standing at the open door.

An eccentric man –

He was wearing a completely white kimono. The obi[5] was not tied but just hung loosely. Much of his chest was revealed as well.

He did not have his hair in a bun either, so his head was unkempt. His skin was pale enough that it could contest his kimono in whiteness. With a slender build, he looked like he had leapt out of a ghost painting by Maruyama Okyo[6].

Furthermore, what stood out the most was the red cloth that was wrapped around his head so that his two eyes were covered.

He couldn’t see anything like that – no, perhaps he was blind.

What was even odder was that eyes were drawn on that red cloth in black ink.

"You’re loud. What do you want?’

The man thrust the staff he was holding in front of Yasohachi’s eyes.

The eyes drawn on the cloth around the man’s head were looking down at Yasohachi. There was a pressure coming from them that was hard to describe.

"Ah, a-actually… I came because I heard about this place from Hijikata of Ishida Sanyaku[7].’

"Ishida Sanyaku? Ah, that baragaki[8]…’

"I heard that there was an exorcist here – ’

"That idiot Toshizou. He’s done something unnecessary.’

The man looked pained as he put a hand to his chin.

From that response, it seemed that this man was the exorcist that Yasohachi was looking for.

Now that he looked at the man again, the face that he had thought looked eccentric now seemed to let out power. It was mysterious.

Yasohachi stood up and fixed his posture before bowing at the waist and lowering his head.

"Please save me older sister somehow.’

"Like I care.’

An immediate response.

Yasohachi had heard from HIjikata that the man certainly was skilled, but he was obstinate. However, he hadn’t thought it would be to such an extent. Regardless, Yasohachi could not back down here.

Osayo could die.

"Please don’t say that. I truly need your help.’

Yasohachi bowed his head once more.

"You don’t understand, do you?’


"I’m saying that bowing your head won’t get you anything.’

The man put his staff on his shoulder and sat down on the steps. Then, he put his hand out towards Yasohachi.

– Ah, so that’s what he wants.

"Of course, I will pay an appropriate amount.’

"Fifty ryo[9].’

"Eh? That much?’

"Do you have a complaint?’

The man frowned.

"No, that’s not… But fifty ryo is just…’

"If you can’t pay, go home.’

It didn’t seem like the man would budge a whit. Without showing any hesitation, the man stood up, turned around and started to return to the shrine.

"P-please wait.’

Fifty ryo was a lot, but it was worth nothing in comparison to Osayo’s life.

"Do you feel like paying now?’


"Then give it over.’

The man held out his hand.

Yasohachi gave his wallet with everything in it to the man. The man immediately spread open the wallet and counted the money with his fingers.

The moment he finished counting all of it, the man turned towards Yasohachi. The two eyes drawn on the red cloth seemed to be glaring at him.

"This isn’t enough at all. Are you trying to take advantage of me because you think I’m blind?’

The man grabbed Yasohachi by the collar and pulled him up.

The force of it made Yasohachi gulp.

’T-this is the advance payment. Once you’ve rid my sister of the spirit, I’ll pay the rest.’

"Shut up. Get lost already.’

"But my sister…’

"Like I said, I don’t care,’ the man said expressionlessly. He put the money back in the wallet and threw it to the ground.

"Excuse me…’

"What? You’re still here? If you stick around, I’ll leave,’ said the man. He pushed Yasohachi aside and started to walk out of the shrine.

"Please wait.’

Yasohachi ran after him. The man turned around.

"You say you want to save your sister, but you won’t pay up. If she dies, it’ll be your fault.’

As the man said that, his lips turned up into a smile.

– My fault.

Yasohachi was at a loss for words after hearing something so unexpected.

"Honestly. I can’t deal with this without some sake.’

The man went through the shrine’s torii with his staff in hand and left.

For a while, Yasohachi stood, stunned, as the sun set on the shrine.

He had completely offended the man. He had to do something – as Yasohachi was thinking, he picked up his wallet.


He felt something was strange so he took out his wallet again and looked inside.

"What is this?’

Inside the wallet, instead of money, there were small stones.


"I’m at a loss…’ said Yasohachi with a sigh.

He had come to request the services of the exorcist. He hadn’t even thought that he would end up being tricked out of his money.

He couldn’t return home in shame like this.

That man’s odd appearance and that confident way of speaking – he had to have a considerable amount of skill.

Yasohachi would overlook the man’s personality and slight suspiciousness. Right now, he had to save Osayo no matter what.

However, he had no idea where the man had gone. If he waited here, the man would probably return eventually – no, that man had stolen his money. He wouldn’t come back so easily.

Yasohachi would have to search for him.

That man had muttered about not being able to deal with this without alcohol. Perhaps he had taken the stolen money to some bar.

Near here, it would probably be Shiraiya or

Though Yasohachi wasn’t certain, it was better than staying here. He started walking towards first.

– If she dies, it’ll be your fault.

As Yasohachi walked, that man’s words came back to him.

Yasohachi didn’t know his mother’s face. He had been told that she had died of an illness when he was young. Genta, his father, was busy managing the dry-goods shop and virtually never interacted with him. However, he had not felt lonely.

He had had Osayo.

She was nineteen, so three years older than Yasohachi. She was reliable and had looked after Yasohachi even since they were young.

When Yasohachi was being bullied by the local children, Osayo had helped him, and when he had been sick, she had been the one who nursed him back to health.

About one month ago, she had had a big fight with their father, genta.

The cause was Yasohachi’s saying that he wanted to become a painter. He had not just said it without thinking. When he became ten, because of a painting he had seen, he had started drawing himself.

Since he was the eldest son, he had to take over the shop – he had felt that way, but with time, he had become unable to repress the desire to become a painter, so he honestly confessed his feelings.

When Genta heard that, he had been furious. "A painter is the one thing you won’t become!’ Genta was normally genial – Yasohachi had never seen him let his emotions explode like that before.

Genta had even talked about disowning Yasohachi, but Osayo had soothed him. Yasohachi hadn’t spoken properly with Genta since then, but thanks to Osayo, he could still live in the same house.

Osayo wasn’t just Yasohachi’s older sister – she was also his mother. He couldn’t imagine losing her –

While Yasohachi was thinking, he reached

The sun had already set.

A faint light and cheerful voices came through the oil-treated sliding door with written on it.

"Good evening.’

Yasohachi went under the sign curtain and opened the sliding door.

"Oh, if it isn’t Hachi.’

k.u.makichi, the owner of the bar, was carrying sake when he noticed Yasohachi and called out to him.

Perhaps because of the dojo he attended in the day, he had a very firm body.

On top of that, he had a fierce look to him with a beard, so he looked just like a bear[10].

However, in contrast to k.u.makichi’s looks, he was good at taking care of others – a man kind to his core. He had played with Yasohachi a lot when he was young.

", it’s been a while.’

"How’s Osayo-chan?’ asked k.u.makichi, sticking out his sharp chin.

"Ah, no, she’s… not in a very good state…’

"I see… Then don’t come to a place like this – get home already!’

k.u.makichi hit Yasohachi on the shoulder.

"No, that’s not what I’m here for, Actually, I’m looking for an exorcist.’

"An exorcist?’

"Yes. He wears a white kimono and has a red cloth wrapped around his eyes… Has he come here?’

"Came just earlier.’


The answer came so readily that Yasohachi was surprised.


"Yeah. Said he wanted to be alone so I sent him to the second floor.’

Yasohachi took the stairs while k.u.makichi was still talking. He opened the sliding door forcefully.


– He was there.

The man with a red cloth over his eyes whom he had been searching for.

He had his back to the wall, one knee up. He took a gulp from his sake cup before slowly turning his head towards Yasohachi.

The eyes drawn on the red cloth froze Yasohachi.

"How noisy. Who’s there?’

The man was not surprised or confused. He spoke calmly.

"My name is Yasohachi. We met at the shrine earlier.’

"Ah, you’re that brat. How’d you know I was here?’

"You had said you needed to drink alcohol, so I thought you would be at some bar.’

"I see. I guess you can put that head on your shoulders to some use.’

Being praised by this man didn’t please Yasohachi at all. More importantly –

"Expel the spirit for me.’

Yasohachi walked up to the man.

"I said I refused.’

The man took another sip from his cup.

"You took an advance payment, so you will do your work properly.’

"Advance payment?’

Yasohachi threw his wallet full of small rocks at the man. It hit his neck and then fell to the tatami.

"There are only rocks inside. You switched the money out for them.’

"You have no proof, right? Are you an idiot?’

The corners of the man’s lips turned up in a smile.

Not only had the man talked back to him, he had called him an idiot – his character was truly warped.

"In any case, you will expel the spirit from my sister for me.’

"Don’t make such a fuss,’ said the man, picking up the wallet and tossing it carelessly back at Yasohachi.

After Yasohachi reached out to catch the wallet, he glared at the man. Though the blind man probably didn’t care, Yasohachi couldn’t help himself.

"Of course I am making a fuss. My older sister’s life depends on it.’

"I’ll listen to what you’ve got to say. Drink – ’

The man poured sake into a sake cup and held it out towards Yasohachi.

Was the man planning on making Yasohachi drunk so he would lose his composure? Like Yasohachi would fall for that.

"Will you expel the spirit from my older sister or not – please give me a response,’ demanded Yasohachi.

"No – if that’s my response, what will you do?’ asked the man challengingly.

"I’ll search for somebody else.’

"How about the money?’

"It doesn’t matter. You don’t plan on returning it anyway, right?’

"You’re the son of a big shop, right?’

"That doesn’t matter right now.’

"Bull’s eye? From the opinion of a rich kid like you, that’s just loose change.’

The man’s words irritated Yasohachi.

It was true that Yasohachi’s family’s old dry-goods shop made money. They had never been troubled for food, but that didn’t mean they used money excessively.

Ever since Yasohachi was young, his father, Genta, had always told him to use money sparingly.

"Money is important. However, my sister is more important. That’s all.’

After Yasohachi said that, the man let out a high laugh.

"You’re an interesting man. Fine. I’ll keep you company for a while.’

"Like I said, I don’t have the time to accompany your alcoholic banquet. If you aren’t going to save my sister…’

"I’m saying I’ll expel whatever’s possessing your sister.’

The man stood up.

Now that Yasohachi looked at him from the front like this, the man was rather tall. Yasohachi had to look up at his face.

"What did you say just now?’

"I said I’ll expel the spirit possessing your sister.’

"You can do it?’

"You’re asking that now? You came all this way because you think I can, right?’

That was true – but it was also true that Yasohachi had doubts.

Would a thieving man that Yasohachi knew nothing about be able to do something that a monk from an esteemed temple hadn’t?

Yasohachi had begun to feel anxious.

"But how…’

"I see too much, you see.’

"See too much?’

The line didn’t match up with a blind man.

"Well, it doesn’t matter. Stop talking and show me to where your sister is.’


Under the man’s pressure, Yasohachi tried to head out immediately. However, the man called out to him before he could.

"Before that, cheer up a bit. Drink.’

As the man said that, he thrust a sake cup in front of Yasohachi’s eyes. It would be troublesome if the man’s mood soured because Yasohachi refused.

Yasohachi drank the sake in the cup in one gulp.


"Oh. The house is rather nice.’

After Yasohachi showedthe man to his house, the man put his chin in his hands and said that admiringly.

Just as the man said, Yasohachi’s house, a dry-goods shop from the beginning of the Edo period, was rather large. However –

"Can you tell?’

"I can. There are things I can see even with these eyes.’

The man put his hand to the red cloth covering his eyes.

What on earth did that mean – Yasohachi was about to ask, but then there was a loud sound from inside the house, as if something had fallen.

– Did something happen?

Yasohachi ran inside.


It was strange –

Even though Kanichi, the servant, would normally have been there, Yasohachi couldn’t see him. There was a strange atmosphere that Yasohachi couldn’t describe.

– I have a bad feeling.

Yasohachi gulped.

Then – there was a scream from further in.

Yasohachi started running before any thoughts came to his head.

Something might have happened to Osayo. As Yasohachi ran down the corridor, another scream reached his ears.

At the same time, a sliding door broke and a person fell in front of him.

Yasohachi stopped in shock.

It was Kanichi –

"P-please help…’

Kanichi clung to Yasohachi. Kanichi’s arms were cut. He was bleeding.

"What happened?’

Before Kanichi could answer, a woman came out from the tatami room.

– Osayo.

Her long hair was disheveled and her shoulders were heaving. Huff, huff – her breathing was ragged.

There was a short knife with blood dripping off it in her hand.


Kanichi let out a scream and ran off.

Yasohachi didn’t move.

No, to put it correctly, he couldn’t move.

He knew that the person in front of him was Osayo, his sister. However, he still felt afraid.

"Where – ’

Osayo spoke in a hoa.r.s.e voice.


Yasohachi called out to her, but she didn’t seem to hear him.

Osayo glared at Yashoachi with bloodshot eyes, like those of a starving beast.

A sound like wind came from her throat.

"Where!?’ Osayo shrieked shrilly, waving the knife above her head.

The tip of the blade glittered.

– I need to run.

Contrary to his will, his body was frozen and would not move. It was as if he had been bound by an evil spirit.

The knife came down in front of him.

– I’m going to be killed!

Yasohachi shut his eyes tightly. At the same time, something thrust him away and he fell to the floor.

– What happened?

When he lifted his head, he saw that man grappling with Osayo, who was still waving about the knife. It seemed like that man had saved him.

The man lightly kicked Osayo in the stomach.

Osayo staggered backwards, but she soon regained her balance.

"No helping it. I’ll go all out,’ said the man with a click of his tongue. Then, he grabbed the cloth over his eyes and pulled it down.

– Just as I thought!

The man wasn’t blind. He could see.

Osayo jumped up and came towards the man. However, she collapsed partway and stopped moving.

Yasohachi had no idea what had happened.

When he came back to his senses, he ran up to Osayo, who was on the floor.


"Don’t worry. She’s just fainted,’ the man said.

Yasohachi confirmed himself that she was breathing.

"You saved me…’

Yasohachi sighed in relief.

"This is part of my work too,’ said the man casually, but it wasn’t something that just anybody could do.

Kanichi had run off with a scream, and Yasohachi hadn’t even been able to move. The man had been able to respond calmly to such a situation, so perhaps he really was an exorcist, just as Hijikata had said.

Furthermore –


The sound came out of Yasohachi’s voice unconsciously when he looked up and saw the man’s face.

Just as he had expected, the man’s eyes, now that the red cloth was off them, were open. That wasn’t all – they were dyed a deep red, as if they were burning.

"You saw…’ the man said, sounding pained. He hurriedly tried to cover them.

"Why do you hide them?’ asked Yasohachi, which made the man’s mouth twist into a frown.

"Don’t ask stupid questions. It’s obviously because people think they’re disturbing and are frightened.’

"Is that really the reason?’


"I mean, I’ve never seen such beautiful eyes before. There’s no reason to be frightened.’

When Yasohachi said that, the man’s red eyes shook just slightly.

Then, the man let out a snort and sneered as he covered them with the cloth again.

"The world isn’t made up of idiots like you.’

"Is that how it is?’

"People despise those who are different from them.’

"I don’t think that’s true.’

"You’re naïve. I wouldn’t hide my eyes otherwise.’

The man’s voice sounded terribly sad.

Yasohachi wanted to deny it, but no words came out. It was true that, like the man said, some people despised those who were different from them.

Yasohachi thought about saying something consoling, but he stopped. That was definitely not what the man wanted.

"I was born with these eyes – ’

The man put a hand on the red cloth covering his eyes.

"Born with?’

"Yes. I don’t know why. Maybe it was in my bloodline, but I had no way to check, since I’ve never met my parents,’ said the man with a laugh.

However, there was no happiness in it. If Yasohachi had to say, it was an oppressive loneliness –

The man must have suffered in ways that Yasohachi couldn’t even imagine.

"I don’t know if it’s because of the colour of my eyes, but I can see them.’

– See them?

"What can you see?’

"The spirits of the dead. That is – ghosts.’

The man smiled faintly.


"Please keep this a secret from the master – ’

Kanichi had his grizzled head bowed deeply as he sat in front of Yasuhachi. The thin and small-framed man in his fifties looked even smaller than he usually did.

It seemed like Kanichi had been the cause of the incident.

Ever since Osayo had been possessed, she had been kept in the backroom with a pole propped against the door. Though none of them wanted to do it, there was no choice, since she would act violently otherwise.

Kanichi had taken the pole away to bring in food when Osayo burst out in a fit – and this was what had resulted.

Though Genta, Yasuhachi’s father, was not the type to be overly strict with servants, with the situation like this, the blame might fall on Kanichi.

"It’s fine. I will keep it a secret from my father,’ Yasohachi said with a smile, at which point Kanichi finally relaxed.

Kanichi had started working at this shop about one year ago.

He had had a shop himself before then, but he hadn’t been able to keep it afloat. He had been worrying about what to do next when Genta hired him.

Part of it was probably that Kanichi didn’t want to cause trouble to somebody he was indebted to, but the desire to not be chased out was probably stronger.

Well, though it had been tough, everything was sorted out thanks to that man. Currently, Osayo was back in the backroom. Things would probably be fine if they just did something about the broken door.

Furthermore, Yasohachi didn’t want to meet Genta himself right now. Though Osayo had helped them reconcile, the awkward atmosphere following the fight still continued.

"Thank you very much. I will clean up now, so – ’


The man covering his eyes with a cloth called out to Kanichi before he could leave.

The man was sitting with his back against the wall and his arms crossed. He had a difficult expression on his face.

"What is it?’

"The knife she had – where’d she get it?’ the man asked.

"I do not know. Perhaps it was something that had been in the backroom.’

After hearing Kanichi’s explanation, Yasohachi remembered something.

"If I remember correctly, there was a knife in a box in the backroom.’

"Then the same thing will happen again. Move it elsewhere.’

The man’s words were absolutely correct. If Osayo took the knife out again, Yasohachi couldn’t say what would happen.

"I will do it,’ said Kanichi. Then, he left the room.

At the same time, the man stood up and walked towards the desk.

"Did you paint these?’ he asked, pointing at the paintings piled up on top of the desk.

"I did,’ replied Yasohachi.

The man pulled down the cloth covering his eyes and picked up the paintings to look at them.

Having somebody look at his paintings right in front of him was unexpectedly embarra.s.sing. However, Yasohachi still wanted to know the man’s opinion.

"What do you think?’ he asked.

The man snorted.

"They’re pretty good.’

Yasohachi’s expression relaxed at the hones compliment, but that was just for a moment.

"But that’s all – ’

"What do you mean?’

"There’s no power in these paintings.’

The man’s words disappointed Yasohachi, but at the same time, he understood.

"So there really is no power in these?’

"There isn’t. For example, this painting – ’

The man picked up a painting of a woman in a red kimono. It was a painting of Osayo.

"It’s painted very accurately. The colours aren’t bad either. That’s all though. Nothing comes out of it. It’s like it’s dead. No, dead people have something in them too. If you can’t move someone’s heart with a painting, then it’s no different from a stamp.’

The man’s words were awful, but Yasohachi had nothing to say in return.

Perhaps he had no talent for paintings –

Perhaps he should take over the shop instead of dreaming about painting.

"In contrast though, this painting’s alive – ’

The man dropped Yasohachi"sp aintings to the tatami and walked up to the painting on the wall.

In the painting, a woman was sitting on her knees as she looked at water lilies.

Yasohachi didn’t know who had drawn it. He had taken it out from somewhere deep in the storehouse when he was young.

This painting had been the one that made Yasohachi want to paint.

He could remember clearly the impact he had received then. It had been like being struck by lightning.

This paint wasn’t only beautiful. It felt like the emotions of the woman in the painting were being conveyed.

To borrow the man’s words from earlier, the painting was alive.

"Your paintings really are rubbish,’ the man said mercilessly.

"More importantly, how was it?’ asked Yasohachi, to get back on topic since it hurt him to listen.


The man c.o.c.ked his head.

Yasohachi asked, "Was my sister possessed by a ghost?’

That seemed to make the man finally recall what he was here for.

"Yeah, no doubt about it. She’s possessed.’

The man sat cross-legged in front of Yasohachi and poured sake into a cup from a gourd flask. He drank it all at once.

"Then please expel the spirit from here as soon as possible,’ requested Yasohachi, which made the man snort in laughter.

"You’re acting like an idiot again. If I could expel it, I’d’ve done that already.’

"Er, but…’

– I’ll expel the spirit.

That was what he said. That was why Yasohachi had brought the man all the way here.

"Putting up seals or reading sutras can’t expel spirits.’


Surprise spread through Yasohachi, along with doubt.

"My method is a bit different from other people’s.’

"How is it different?’

Yasohachi leant forward. The man’s scarlet eyes looked straight back at him.

They were so beautiful that Yasohachi couldn’t help but let an "Oh…’ out.

"Don’t react every single time, you idiot.’

"But beautiful things are beautiful – there’s no helping it.’

"You really are a strange guy.’

The man drank another cup of sake.

He had drunk a considerable amount at too. Despite drinking so much alcohol, this man’s white skin wasn’t even the slightest bit red.

"Then how is it different?’

"I said this earlier, but these eyes of mine can see ghosts.’


"You don’t doubt me?’

"I don’t. It wouldn’t be strange for such beautiful eyes to be able to do something like that – ’

The man made a click with his tongue.

"Your logic makes no sense.’

"Is that so?’

Yasohachi didn’t feel like he had said anything strange.

"Well, it doesn’t matter. Anyway – all I can do is see. I can’t do anything else. Buddha and the G.o.ds can all shove it.’

"So you can’t expel spirits – ’

"Don’t rush to the conclusion like that, idiot.’

"I-I apologise…’

"Seeing means understanding what is there. Ghosts don’t just wander to while away time. They stay in the world of the living because they have some sort of goal.’

"A – goal?’

"Yeah. A grudge or some regrets. A variety – ’

"Is that how it is?’

"That’s how it is. So I find the reason the ghost is wandering the world of the living and solve it.’

"I see.’

It felt very logical. Perhaps this was a more reliable method than seals and sutras.

"Then why is the ghost possessing my sister wandering this world?’

"That’s the question. From what I saw earlier, the spirit seems to be looking for something.’

"What is that something?’

"I’m going to look for that now.’

The man poured more sake.

"Look for?’

"Exactly. First, I want to know where your sister encountered the ghost.’

"A dilapidated row house.’

Yasohachi had been worried about Osayo, who had left on an errand and hadn’t returned. He had searched many places. Of course Yasohachi had, but people living nearby had also helped.

Dawn came and k.u.makichi, the owner of, had found Osayo collapsed in an abandoned row house and carried her back.

"Then we’ll go there tomorrow. I’ll wait at the shrine. Come first thing in the morning ot show me there.’

The man rewrapped the red cloth and stood up to leave.

"Excuse me – ’

Yasohachi called out to stop him.


"I haven’t heard your name yet.’

"My name?’

The man put a hand to his sharp chin.

"I live like a cloud at the mercy of the wind. I don’t have a name.’

There was no way he didn’t have a name.

Perhaps he disliked his name or he couldn’t give it – in either case, Yasohachi felt like he couldn’t press too far.

That said –

"It would be difficult for me not to have something to call you.’

"Then call me whatever you want.’

Being told that was in itself troublesome.

However, Yasohachi immediately thought of a name that fit the man perfectly.

"Then would “”[11] be acceptable?’

Earlier, the man had compared himself to a cloud at the mercy of the wind. If that was the case, calling him would be appropriate. It felt like it matched the man’s appearance as well.

", eh…’


"Not bad.’

A faint smile appeared on the man’s lips before he left –


The next day, Yasohachi went to the shrine.

The shrine where was –

The truth was he had planned on going earlier, but he had had to help at the shop and ended up going near noon.

"Good morning.’

Though he tried calling out towards the shrine, there was no response.

– Perhaps he left first.

Yasohachi went up the steps to the shrine and opened the lattice door. He didn’t see there. However, the gourd and staff were there.

"!’ called Yasohachi. Then –

"I can hear you.’

A voice came from somewhere.’s voice.

Yasohachi went down the stairs and looked around frantically, but he couldn’t see anywhere.

"Where are you?’ he asked as he wandered the shrine’s grounds.

Then – the thicket in front of him suddenly shook and a dark shadow stood up.


Yasohachi was so shocked he leapt back with a shriek.

"Why are you so shocked?’ stood there, looking unimpressed.

Since n.o.body was there to look at him, he didn’t have the red cloth on. His vivid scarlet eyes looked at Yasohachi.

They really were a beautiful colour. What pigments would need to be used to bring out such a colour –

"It’s because you came out so suddenly.’

"You’re the one who called me.’

"That’s true, but… What were you doing there?’

"Obviously, I was taking a dump,’ said, sounding satisfied as he started walking towards the shrine.

How is it obvious – Yasohachi was astonished, but he followed regardless.

"I was concerned that you had gone first.’

"You’re still an idiot then,’ said after returning to the shrine and sitting down, covering his eyes with his red cloth.


"You haven’t told me where the row house is. How could I go first?’

Now that he mentioned it, that was true.

"Then, let us depart,’ said Yasohachi.

"Let’s go,’ agreed, standing up.

", where are you from?’ asked Yasohachi upon leaving the shrine and stepping forth on the road to the row house.

"What would you do if you knew?’

Though’s eyes were hidden by the red cloth, the eyes drawn on the cloth seemed scornful.

"It isn’t as if I would do anything. I just want to know.’

"Why do you want to know?’

"I think that it is important to know the path someone has walked in order to know somebody.’

"You’re an idiot.’

"Why do you say so?’

"The place someone’s born doesn’t determine them. Knowing it won’t tell you anything about a person.’

It was an incredibly conclusive way of speaking.’s reasoning made sense – though Yasohachi thought that, he still wanted to rebut.

"Is that how it is?’

"That’s how it is. And I’ve never been in one place for longer than five years. I don’t have any place I can say I’m “from”,’ murmured, turning his head up towards the sky.

A line of clouds drifted in the blue summer sky.

Though Yasohachi did not know what past had, when he looked at his profile, he thought that it must have been a terribly sad one.

After that, they continued walking in silence. Soon, they reached the abandoned row house.

"I hear that my sister collapsed in the room in the very back.’

Yasohachi stopped to point.

Without any hesitation, tried to go in.

"Please wait a moment.’

Yasohachi hurriedly pulled back by the arm.


"Isn’t it dangerous?’

"What?’ c.o.c.ked his head.

"I mean, this is where my sister was possessed by a ghost…’

"That’s why it’s safe, you idiot.’


It was just as said. The ghost that had been here was possessing Osayo now. That meant it was no longer here.

Yasohachi and went into the row house.

The whole building was on a slant, and the rooms were filled with dust. It felt like the building might collapse at any moment. It made the shrine that had made his stronghold look practically magnificent. took the red cloth off and then stepped onto the rotten tatami. He slowly looked around.

– What is he doing?

"Mm, this is awful…’

After a while, looked grim.

"What is it?’ asked Yasohachi. let out a sigh.

"The ghost possessing your sister was probably killed here…’

"How can you tell?’

"Look here. Sword marks. Fairly old ones.’ pointed at the centre of a wooden pillar.

It was true that there was something that looked like a sword mark.

"And here – ’

Next, pointed at a corner of the room.

The tatami and the wall had dark speckles on them.

"What is this?’

"Probably dried blood – ’ said casually. It made a chill run down Yasohachi’s spine.

"Does the ghost possessing my sister have a grudge against their killer? Are they searching for them?’

"Well, it would be appropriate to think that way.’

"So if we catch the person who killed the ghost, my sister will be saved.’

"You can think that way too.’

Though Yasohachi had just been wandering in the darkness until now,’s words gave him a light of hope.

"But how should we search…’

"There’s probably somebody who knows about the incident. Somebody who lived in this row house before, maybe.’

"I see.’

"Tell me when you find out.’

After saying that, covered his eyes with the red cloth and left the room.

Yasohachi hurriedly ran after him.

’“Tell me when you find out”? Am I doing it myself?’

"Of course. Even an idiot can do this much, right?’


Yasohachi wanted to object, but left before he could say anything –


Yasohachi was at a peasant’s home in Tama –

He had asked around about the people who had lived in the row house. Since his family ran a dry goods store, he knew a fair number of people.

With k.u.makichi from’s help, he finally found the person he was looking for before evening and came here.

The man sitting in front of him called himself Rokusuke. He was an old man in his seventies. Since his wife had pa.s.sed away before him, he had moved to Tama, where his son lived.

At first, he had said, "I don’t really remember since it happened so long ago,’ but when Yasohachi anxiously explained the situation, Rokusuke gave in and started to speak.

"It was a bad affair…’ Rokusuke said in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

The light of the setting sun from the window made the wrinkles on Rokusuke’s face look even deeper.

"What happened?’

Yasohachi leant forward.

"I think it was seventeen years ago – ’

"Seventeen – ’

Around when Yasohachi had been born. It seemed like the event had occurred much earlier than he had thought.

"I lived in the room next to where the sad affair happened.’

"Is that so?’ said Yasohachi. He could feel his heart racing.

"The people who lived next door were a man called Gorou and his wife.’

"What did the person named Gorou-san do?’

"He painted pictures.’

"Was he a painter?’

"Racy pictures, that kind of thing. I think he had an apprentice, but I don’t know the details. Well, he didn’t make that much money, so his wife worked too.’

Yasohachi hoped to be a painter himself, so he knew very well that it was difficult to live on painting alone.

Gorou had probably painted racy pictures because he had to do so to sell rather than because he wanted to.

"And?’ urged Yasohachi.

"The two of them were a quiet and good couple, but there was a strange rumour – ’

"A rumour?’

Yasohachi licked his dry lips.

"Apparently Gorou was a part of a group of robbers.’

"What!? Is that true?’

"I don’t know. It was a rumour.’

"But why would a rumour like that…’

If there was such a salacious rumour, there had to be a reason behind it.

"Gorou was sometimes asked to paint racy pictures of prost.i.tutes… One day, when he went to a brothel for work, somebody was robbed and killed, and Gorou was involved in it somehow.’

"He would be an awful man if that were true.’

"He didn’t seem like that to me. He might’ve been a bit hard to please, but he got along with his neighbours and there weren’t any real problems.’

Rokusuke took out a pipe and lit it. He took a puff before continuing.

"Then, that day – it was just at the end of Yayoi, the third month, if I remember correctly. My wife and I were sleeping when I heard a loud noise from the next room. At first, I thought it was a lovers’ quarrel and went back to sleep, but then I heard a scream.’

"A scream?’

"My wife thought maybe Gorou’s wife’s birth pains had started.’

"Was his wife pregnant?’

"She was. It was about time too, so I went to take a look.’

Rokusuke took another puff. His eyes narrowed.

"What happened after you went there?’ asked Yasohachi, his hands in sweaty fists.

He had a terribly bad feeling.

"I was shocked. Gorou was standing in front of his room with a face as pale as death. He had something in his left arm and a sword in his right hand.’

"A sword – ’

"He did. And the sword and Gorou’s clothes were all b.l.o.o.d.y.’

Rokusuke shook his head, looking pained.

Yasohachi shuddered as he imagined the scene. Though he did feel afraid, at the same time, he was also curious.

"Then what happened?’ asked Yasohachi. He held his breath as he waited for Rokusuke to continue.

"Gorou ran off. My legs wouldn’t move so I couldn’t run after him… I just stood there in shock.’

There was a deep wrinkle between Rokusuke’s eyebrows.

"What on earth happened?’ urged Yasohachi.

Rokusuke nodded and continued, "I don’t know the details. I was even more shocked when I looked inside the room. What do you think was there?’

"What was there?’

"A dead body.’

"A dead body?’

"Yes. Gorou’s wife’s – ’

"Did Gorou-san – cut her?’

"Probably. She was cut diagonally from the shoulder, but that wasn’t all.’

"What do you mean?’

"The most important thing was missing.’

"The most important thing – what’s that?’

"The baby.’


"The wife’s stomach had been slit open. The baby had been pulled ut.’

Yasohachi was so shocked he couldn’t speak.

The murderer had not stopped after cutting the woman to death – he had even sliced open her stomach to take out the baby. It wasn’t the work of a human being.

"Had the person named Gorou gone mad?’

"Probably… Now that I think about it, Gorou had probably been holding the baby.’

"I-is that true?’

"Well, I don’t remember clearly. The baby’s been missing since then, and Gorou’s dead too…’


"Came floating up in the river the next morning. Stomach sliced open. Well, that was probably, you know…’

"Suicide.’ That was probably what Rokusuke meant. Yasohachi said the word with a sigh, his spirits heavy.

"Well, there was a rumour that it was a lovers’ suicide, but both of them were buried at Myouhouji with n.o.body to tend to their graves.

"Thank you very much for your help,’ said Yasohachi before standing.

Even though it had happened so long ago, Rokusuke had remembered the details, which was helpful for Rokusuke.

He was about to leave when he suddenly stopped.

"Excuse me – ’


"Rokusuke-san, did you continue to live in the row house after the incident?’

"I did, for five or six years.’

"Did somebody live next to you then?’

"n.o.body. It was too disturbing.’

That made sense. Not many people would want to live there after finding out somebody had been killed there.

"Did you ever hear about a ghost appearing in the next room?’ asked Yasohachi.

"Never heard anything like that,’ Rokusuke replied.

If the spirit possessing Osayo was Gorou’s wife, why had she started wandering seventeen years after the fact?

With that question on his mind, Yasohachi thanked Rokusuke and left the room.



Yasohachi had returned from Tama to Yotsuya and was walking when somebody suddenly called out to him. He was standing just in front of

He looked up and saw a face he recognized.

Hijikata from Ishida Sanyaku –

He was tall and had such lovely looks that even a man might fall in love in at first sight. He was so gorgeous that he seemed more like a kabuki actor than a chemist.

There was just one thing – his eyes always had a sharp glint in them. He was a man of many mysteries.

"Hijikata-san. Thank you for the other day.’

"What are you talking about?’

"Regarding the man who can expel spirits.’

"Ah. It was nothing. He is a man of many tempers, so please ensure that you are careful in handling him.’

Hijikata smiled slightly.

"Who’s got many tempers?’

There was suddenly another voice.

Yasohachi looked up and saw peering out from the sliding door on the second floor of

He had his eyes covered with the red cloth. It seemed he could still see properly with it on.

"Stop talking and get up here already.’ jerked his chin towards the building.

Yasohachi thanked Hijikata once more and then went under the curtains into After greeting k.u.makichi, Yasohachi went up to the j.a.panese-style room on the second floor. was leaning against the wall as usual while sipping sake out of a sake cup. Yasohachi felt like this man was always drinking.

"So what did you find out?’ pulled the cloth off and looked at Yasohachi with his crimson eyes.

"I heard a number of things,’ said Yasohachi, sitting down to face

"Let me hear them.’ held a filled sake cup out towards Yasohachi.

Yasohachi took a slip, took a breath and then started speaking. It took some time since he explained what Rokusuke told him in detail. sometimes said things like "Hm’ and "As I thought’ as he listened intently.

"The ghost possessing your sister is probably that Gorou’s wife – ’ said confidently, putting a hand on his pointed chin, after Yasohachi finished.

"How can you be sure?’

"The ghost possessing your sister was cut in her shoulder and stomach. It matches what old man Rokusuke said.’

"But Rokusuke-san’s story might not be fact. It has been seventeen years after all,’ said Yasohachi.’s left eyebrow went up as he glared at Yasohachi.

Under that pressure, Yasohachi shifted just slightly.

"You’re an unexpectedly distrustful guy.’

"If you hold any preconceptions, you won’t be able to see the things that you might have been able to see otherwise,’ said Yasohachi, which made snort.

"That’s a good att.i.tude. Well, there’s other proof.’

"What proof?’

"The wife of the guy called Gorou was called Kayo.’

"How do you know that?’

"Got Hijikata to look into it for me. You can trust what he says.’

So that was why Hijikata was in front of earlier – now Yasohachi understood.

He didn’t know what methods Hijikata used, but he felt like if anyone, Hijikata would be able to get that information. He was a man who had such a strange atmosphere to him.

"However, there is something I don’t understand,’ asked Yasohachi, changing the topic.


"From the conversation yesterday, the ghost possessing my sister is searching for the person who killed her – correct?’


"But if we summarise what we’ve learnt, the person named Kayo would know that the person who killed her was her husband, Gorou.’

Rokusuke had heard the sound of fighting and a scream, so Kayo probably hadn’t been cut in her sleep.

Even if it had been dark, it had been her husband. She must have noticed.

"Probably,’ replied readily.

"That makes things troublesome then. Gorou is already dead. There’s nothing to be done.’

"That would be true if Kayo were searching for Gorou,’ said offhandedly, stretching his arms out.

He made it sound like it didn’t concern him at all. Well, it didn’t actually concern him, but after coming all this way, Yasohachi would be troubled if didn’t accompany him until the end.

"Please don’t say something so irresponsible. At this rate, my sister…’ interrupted Yasohachi with a wave of his hand.

"Don’t be in such a rush.’


"I said this earlier, right? If Kayo were searching for Gorou, there’d be no way to find him. But there’s still hope if she’s searching for someone else.’

"Someone else… Who would that be?’ asked Yasohachi, leaning forward. sighed in exasperation. "I can’t tell if you’re sharp or dull.’

Even if said that, Yasohachi didn’t understand the things he didn’t understand.

"Please explain what you mean.’

"I mean, somebody’s gone missing since that incident, right?’

Yasohachi immediately understood what meant.

"So Kayo is searching for her son?’

"That’s it.’

Though Yasohachi understood, at the same time, his heart sank.

"However, if we think about the situation, the child is probably…’

– Not living.

They were back at the start. If the baby was dead, they had no way of finding him, same as with Gorou.

In contrast to Yasohachi in his shock, a meaningful smile appeared on’s smile as he finished his sake in one gulp.


Yasohachi knelt on the wooden floor of Myouhouji. had his eyes covered with the usual red cloth, covering his crimson eyes. He knelt on one knee, supporting himself with his staff.

The candlelight shook, even though there was no wind.

"What happened to Osayo-san afterwards?’ asked Dousai, the Myouhouji monk sitting opposite them.

Dousai had been the first to attempt to expel the spirit from Osayo.

He had a warm personality. Though he was of a rather high rank, he didn’t let that get to his head. Because Dousai was like that, Yasohachi thought he didn’t need to hide anything.

"Well… It doesn’t seem like she is getting any better…’

"Is that so? I apologise for not being of any help.’

Dousai bowed his head deeply.

"Please lift your head. I do not blame you even the slightest.’

"No, I must apologise to Genta-san as well.’

"My father knows that you did all you could.’


Dousai swallowed his words and turned his eyes towards

Though Dousai did not say it aloud, it was clear that he was suspicious about why was here.

"This is Er…’

Yasohachi was about to introduce, but he hesitated to call him an exorcist in front of Dousai.

That would definitely make it seem like he blamed Dousai.

"Me and Hachi are friends of sorts,’ said as he poured sake from his gourd into the sake cup he kept at his waist.


Dousai furrowed his brows.

"I heard about Osayo-san from Hachi and had an idea, so I got him to bring me here,’ said nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?’ asked Dousai.

"The ghost possessing Osayo-san is probably a woman named Kayo who was killed in the row house near here seventeen years ago.’

"Kayo? How do you know that?’

"Kayo’s my older sister, though we’ve never met.’

Perhaps’s heavy weigh of putting it had convinced Dousai, as he replied, "So that’s how it is,’ though he still seemed doubtful.

That was quite something, since had just been spewing out lies.

"I heard that my older sister was buried here,’ said

"She was,’ said Dousai with a nod. "Kayo-san was buried here because of her connection to Genta-san.’

"Connection to my father?’ said Yasohachi without thinking.

"Yes. Kayo-san was an a.s.sistant at Genta-san’s shop.’

"Is that so…’

It was the first Yasohachi had heard of it.

"Actually, Kayo-san’s husband, Gorou, was Genta-san’s childhood friend. Well, I was too… Anyway, that was the connection.’

Yasohachi had never heard that before. It had been before Yasohachi was born though, so it made sense that he didn’t know.

Furthermore, Gorou might have killed his wife and himself. His father had probably not wanted to talk about it.

"I want to visit her grave,’ said

Dousai nodded.

"There’s an unmarked grave in the back, but…’ Dousai stopped talking.

"Is there some sort of problem?’

"Actually, because of the heavy rain ten days ago, the ground broke and the gravestone fell. I am ashamed to say it, but it has not yet been rectified…’

Come to think of it, there had been terrible rain the day Osayo was possessed too. The river had swelled up and the ground had come loose. There had been damages everywhere. put a hand to his chin with an "Oh’.

"Did you figure something out?’ asked Yasohachi. slowly turned his head towards him.

The eyes drawn on the red cloth looked straight through Yasohachi.

"Yeah. I know why Kayo’s ghost appeared now – ’

That had been bothering Yasohachi.

She had been killed for seventeen years. From what Rokusuke said, there hadn’t been any ghost sightings at the row house either.


"The gravestone moved, that’s why.’

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