Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1349: The Prediction and the Prophet

Chapter 1349: The Prediction and the Prophet

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

At this moment, Xu Que became solemn.

The main reason why he had previously been careless was that he didn’t believe that the illusion possessed great power.

But now, the Sword Spirit had divulged that it had been suppressed, and Xu Que hadn’t even detected this happening. His own Sword Spirit had been suppressed without his knowledge.

Such great power was really terrifying.

“Can you guess what he meant? Why has he stated that I am going to die in 49 days. No, no,…only 46 days are left now,” Xu Que silently questioned the Sword Spirit.

“It must be as he said. You are going to die at that time. It couldn’t have any other meaning,” the Sword Spirit replied nonchalantly, as if talking about the weather.

The corners of Xu Que’s mouth twitched.

Then he heard the Sword Spirit’s voice once again. “However, his appearing now is quite strange, and I feel as if something of yours has attracted his attention. This is the reason why the power of this Illusory Array Spell from the G.o.ds’ era was awakened.”

“Something of mine?” Xu Que was quite confused, and he lowered his head to take a look at his crotch. He really couldn’t figure out which object of his had attracted attention.

The most precious object that Xu Que possessed was obviously the Tough-Acting King’s Purple-Gold Rod. After all, it was made of Purple Sky Age Metal, and it was priceless. If this wasn’t what had attracted him, then it must have been the Heavenly Book of Taiyi, which Xu Que still didn’t really understand how to use.

“I have discerned that he doesn’t harbor any malice. I was suppressed only because of the disparity in our powers. Any Artifact Spirit or senior being would have been suppressed facing him. If he had harbored any malice, the sword wouldn’t have penetrated the s.p.a.ce between your brows. Instead, it would have penetrated your abode, and it would have been enough to destroy me,” the Sword Spirit said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Xu Que was infuriated, and he spoke angrily, “F*ck! Sword Spirit, you have gone too far with your words. It’s true that he didn’t harbor any malice toward you because he has targeted me. If it didn’t have any malice, why did he run over here to cast a curse upon me?”

“It isn’t a curse, but a prediction,” the Sword Spirit suddenly revealed the truth about the whole business.

“What?” Xu Que was stunned. “It wasn’t a curse, but a prediction?”

“As a matter of fact, I have previously heard the Celestial Emperor mention a special G.o.d that existed in the era of the G.o.ds. He had a lofty status and was called the prophet. He was able to see the future and look into the past. You have probably come across a certain prediction power that has discovered that you will face a calamity in the future, and that person has informed you of it in advance,” the Sword Spirit spoke calmly, as if this prediction of Xu Que’s death was insignificant in its eyes.

“A prophet? F*ck! This is too outrageous!”

Xu Que was quite shocked. He clearly knew what prophet meant. It was a person who could predict the future and look into the past. This was a feat that could only be achieved by a G.o.d.


“This can’t be right. If it was just a prediction, why did I detect great danger?” Xu Que hit the nail on the head.

If it had only been a prediction, Xu Que shouldn’t feel such an ominous sense of crisis, as if he had been cursed.

The Sword Spirit replied calmly, “It’s quite normal. When he informed you of the prediction, he revealed some of Heaven’s secrets by informing you of such a matter in advance. The cycle of karma was disrupted, and the restless feeling, which you would have upon facing danger, was s.h.i.+fted to the present.”

“F*ck! Sword Spirit, it turns out that you understand so much. You are really awesome. Why didn’t you inform me about your abilities earlier?” Xu Que was quite surprised, as if he had just discovered a new continent, and his eyes lit up. It turned out that his Sword Spirit was so knowledgeable. It was ten times more amazing than the unreliable fool b.u.t.tface.

“You never asked me,” Sword Spirit replied calmly once again.

When Xu Que heard the Sword Spirit speak with such elegance, he found it quite awesome. Then he realized that this was a Sword Spirit with its own history.

“Sword Spirit, come over and let’s have a chat. Let’s talk about the prediction. Is there any way to break it?” Xu Que smiled and asked.

All along, he had believed that it was a curse. Now, after he had heard the Sword Spirit mention that it was just a prediction, he had become more relaxed.

A prediction could surely be changed. If this wasn’t the case, all predictions would be useless.

The Sword Spirit got quiet for a moment, before it spoke, “My suggestion is… Don’t care about anything, and act as if nothing had occurred. You should act as if you don’t have any idea about it, and let everything follow its natural course.”

“F*ck! Do you want me to die?” Deep frown lines appeared on Xu Que’s forehead.

“That’s not the case. The prediction may become real because you have gotten to know it in advance and did something different on purpose. Did you never consider this?”

After the Sword Spirit made this point, Xu Que calmed down.

Xu Que’s expression became grave, but he had managed to grasp a profound truth through the Sword Spirit’s words.

Xu Que had lived on Earth and understood the b.u.t.terfly effect. A matter like fate was severe. Everything had probably been arranged beforehand, and getting to know the prediction might also be a part of his fate. The prediction might become real only if Xu Que had altered his actions because of it.

However, this was still very confusing and worrying. If the prediction wasn’t a part of fate that had been set up for him, then he could walk toward the end described by the prediction through doing nothing.

This was why he had to make a choice: he should either do nothing or meddle in this affair and try to change the final outcome.

“I think that it’s better for you to not pay heed to it. Why don’t you reflect on how many times you have narrowly escaped from death? Every time, you have managed to overcome all tribulations. So why would you take different actions than usual just because of the prediction? Everything follows the cycle of karma, and, if you interrupt karma with uncharacteristic actions, it will become chaotic, and the final outcome will be worse,” the Sword Spirit spoke calmly.

The Sword Spirit had followed Xu Que for innumerable years, and, even though it was just an observer most of the time, it still knew how great Xu Que’s power was. This was why it wanted to stay next to Xu Que and observe him become stronger.

“Well said! Sometimes taking many actions is unnecessary,” Xu Que got quiet for a moment, before he nodded and spoke.

After a short while, Xu Que changed the subject and smiled. “However, I have always hated being on the receiving end. Since someone has allowed me to learn what is going to occur, I mustn’t sit still and wait for death. Even though I have only 40-plus days left, I will still turn the tide. Shouldn’t all predictions be used like this?”

“…..” Upon hearing this, the Sword Spirit became silent.

Even after several seconds had pa.s.sed, the Sword Spirit didn’t answer. It just went back into the sword.

It was obvious that the Sword Spirit didn’t approve of Xu Que’s decision. After all, it had already stated what it believed he should do. It was up to Xu Que to make a decision for himself.

Even if Xu Que died, the Sword Spirit wouldn’t suffer any loss, and it would just have to cultivate for a while before waiting for its next master. This was the fate of all Artifact Spirits.

At this moment, Xu Que’s mentality went through a subtle change.

Even though he had previously been careless, he cared about this affair. But now he didn’t just care about it, he attached great importance to it.

Since he attached great importance to it, then he must get serious.

“Even if it was a curse, so what?”

“Even if it was a prediction, so what?”

“It didn’t matter which deadly situation he would face, he didn’t have any reason to fear it, did he?”

Hadn’t Xu Que always depended upon the proverb, Despising life and death, and doing whatever one wants upon meeting any unsatisfactory matter, to walk down the road of his life until this day?

As Xu Que thought about this, a confident smile appeared on his face.

He waved his hand and summoned the System. “System, is there any absolutely safe place that couldn’t be approached by any person or force where I could hide for a while? I am now quite afraid. Daddy System, I’m so handsome, and I still don’t want to die.”

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