Chapter 1857

Seeing this, Xu que was completely shocked.

Originally, all the vines here are actually the original eternal people?

No, I"m not in a dreamland... Wait!

Xu Wei suddenly thought of one thing, which was explained by the system before. At that time, he was in the s.p.a.ce of dimensional chaos. Whether it would have an impact, even the system could not be tested.

He settled his mind and continued to look down.

After Rabdosia rubescens brought it back to mengkun, it has been raised for thousands of years. During this period, the eternal people have lost a lot of staff.

At the same time, the once eternal forest also changed its body due to nuclear radiation, and began to spread wildly in the forest. Countless Tao Wen stones began to grow. At the same time, various places of time chaos began to appear because the eternal ancestor was out of control.

Thousands of years later, mengkun entered his childhood and had the ability to make dreams and accommodate people.

Therefore, the eternal family began a long migration process

After reading all the pictures, Xu Ke"s body shook and returned to reality again.

Looking around, he could vaguely see a large number of vines entangled together, which should be the surviving people.

"How"s it going? Boy, what do those pictures say? " Meng Kun"s curious voice came.

Xu Ke was stunned: "you are a dreamer, don"t you know?"

"Those fragments belong to sister Dong. I have no right to check them." Mengkun was a little depressed. "In fact, as a customs clearance, I can"t even check your dreams."

Xu Weiran, this should be the restriction set by Rubus rubescens himself, which only allows customs clearance personnel to check.

But the question is, do you really travel through time and s.p.a.ce?

According to the current situation, everything is caused by oneself. It is because he went to the eternal forest ten thousand years ago that he led to the emergence of today"s chaotic forest.

But if you don"t choose to enter the holy Moon Palace and choose other immortal regions to partic.i.p.ate in the Tianmen compet.i.tion, will you still enter here?

Vaguely, Xu que felt a kind of existence called fate.

All fate will go to the final destination. Even if I don"t partic.i.p.ate in the Tianmen compet.i.tion, I think there will be other reasons to come to this place.

Xu Xu didn"t go deep into the logical relations.h.i.+p, which has formed a complete s.p.a.ce-time closed loop.

The ambiguity of causality, even if I want to find out what"s going on, it"s impossible.

"I see... How many people have completed the a.s.sessment of this level in the past?" Xu que asked the question he was most concerned about.

Meng Kun"s answer was not too unexpected.


"So I"m quite curious. What method did you use to make the original eternal family reverse its fate?" Meng Kun"s voice was full of curiosity.

Xu que suddenly woke up when he heard the speech.

At that time, I"m afraid it was not the fate of the eternal family to be moved underground.

If they don"t go to the eternal family, they will be besieged by foreign demons. Finally, they choose other ways to escape because of the arrival of the demon king.

Most likely, it will still move underground.

In a way, they have reversed their fate.

"You"d better not know." Xu Xu said in a low voice.

This sudden heavy feeling and the sense of separation between right and wrong made him feel very uncomfortable.

Mengkun also noticed this, and a buzzing voice came: "OK, now that you have pa.s.sed the level, I"ll let you pa.s.s. Don"t break in casually in the future."

Xu Wei hesitated and said, "my companion..."

"Oh, they have been sent to the water by me. One dish after another. You haven"t lived for a tenth of your time!" Meng Kun had a tone of hatred for iron but not steel.

Xu Ke grinned. This is nonsense.

As soon as you enter, you are an external evil devil, or half a step of the Immortal Emperor level.

The most present is the peak of Xiandi. Who can play?

Only the proud son of heaven, Ben forced saint, can he have the ability to cut down well!

"OK, thank you very much." Xu Ke arched his hands at the depths, "if I have a chance in the future, I will visit you."

Meng Kun seemed very happy when he heard this.

After all, guarding a group for thousands of years alone, even creatures like mengkun who can survive for a long time occasionally feel a little lonely.

"Ready, I"ll send you away!"

Mengkun"s voice fell, and a bubble floated slowly from below, circling Xu que.

Then, with a bang, the bubble burst.

The next moment, Xu que found himself standing on the ground, with the sun s.h.i.+ning on his head.

After staying underground for a long time, he felt that he was about to forget what the sun was like.

"Hoo... Finally came out..."

Xu Wuchang sighed and looked around. He found that all the fairies were lying on the ground, and hurriedly went to wake them up. At Xu Que"s call, everyone woke up and was confused about their situation. Xu que simply explained to the crowd, and then looked at the nishang fairy: "how much time do we have?" The nishang fairy wanted to ask something. She looked at the crystal stone in her hand and turned pale: "it"s half an hour!" The crowd panicked one after another“ What should I do? We don"t even have a grain stone now! "“ Finished, I"m afraid I"ll fail in this Tianmen compet.i.tion... "Alas, it"s a trip in vain." Xu que shrugged. The distribution location of this grain stone is quite hidden. It may be difficult to find one in half an hour“ Everyone... "He patted his chest, suddenly moved and frowned. After hesitating, Xu que put his hand into his arms and touched out a stone and a small wooden box“ The sleeping trough... Actually brought it out! " Impressively, it is the grain stone and the crystal core of Rabdosia rubescens! Xu que stared at the things in his hand and felt that his life had become a little false. Those things, in the end is their own dream, or their own through time and s.p.a.ce? After a while, he suddenly put away the two things and hurried to the side. Seeing this, the nishang fairy immediately said in a hurry, "master Tang, where are you going?"“ I"m going to find the Taoist grain stone. " Xu Duantou didn"t answer, "you go to the exit first and wait for the poor monk to come to you." While talking, the figure has disappeared in the field of vision. The nishang fairy raised her hand and slowly put it down. She knew that Xu Xu was unwilling to give up and wanted to struggle before the end. But is it possible to find the grain stone by struggling to find it? If you can rely on efforts, why bother that over the years, only a few people have been able to enter the central Tianmen gate

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