Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 490: The Largest Crisis of the Mysterious Clan

Chapter 490: The Largest Crisis of the Mysterious Clan

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


It was quite rare for b.u.t.tface to be so serious. He dashed out to the clearing and started digging.

Xu Que was a bit stunned. He followed b.u.t.tface, almost in a daze.

“What did you find?” Xu Que asked.

“It seems like there is an aura here that belongs to a certain kind of spell formation. I have mastered a spell formation that has a similar aura,” b.u.t.tface replied as he continued to dig.

Soon, b.u.t.tface had dug up some stones that were imprinted with runes.

“D*mn!” b.u.t.tface shouted. “This is a spell formation alright, but it was imprinted recently!”

“Is this the formation of a Teleportation Spell?” Xu Que asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Although he was a Spell Master, his level was quite low. However, he could still sense that this was a Teleportation Spell because of the aura of the spell formation.

“Yes,” b.u.t.tface nodded. “This spell formation is derived from the ‘Nine Dragons Spell.’ Although it is not authentic, it is still a remarkable bi-directional Teleportation Spell. It seems like someone imprinted the spell formation here to allow people in from the outside. A great battle was fought here shortly after the spell was imprinted.

“You know so much!” Xu Que said. He glanced at b.u.t.tface curiously.

He had to admit, b.u.t.tface had profound knowledge in some fields, especially when it came to spells. Although b.u.t.tface didn’t show off this knowledge, Xu Que knew he must be an expert.

However, the most important issue now was to find the Sky Demon Tribe. From the information b.u.t.tface had gathered, it was easy to infer that a mole must have appeared within the tribe. When the time was right, the mole imprinted the Teleportation Spell so that enemies from the outside could attack the Sky Demon Tribe from within.

If this was the case, it could explain why the Sky Demon Tribe was breached under the protection of nine G.o.d Powered Cannons. Su Ling’er and her people were attacked by surprise and thus, were ill-prepared.

“Little brat, judging by the aura of this spell formation, I figure this spell was imprinted two months ago. I’m afraid you are too late,” b.u.t.tface said, shaking his head.

Xu Que raised his eyebrows a bit and looked around. Suddenly, became calm and breathed a secret sigh of relief.

“There is no smell of blood here. There aren’t any bodies for several miles around. I guess they were captured alive, or maybe they just… escaped!”

“What? You’re right! We haven’t found any bodies! D*mn! Are people so immoral now? Why did they destroy the corpses after the battle?” b.u.t.tface said in surprise.

Xu Que’s mouth twitched. He hit b.u.t.tface’s forehead hard and cursed.

“A filthy mouth can’t utter decent language! If they really destroyed the bodies, this place would be filled with the smell of blood! Stop talking nonsense! Just go and search for useful clues!”

“Ouch! If you are not a coward, then don’t hit me in the head!” b.u.t.tface said.

After giving a miserable cry, b.u.t.tface cooperatively started to search for clues. But of course, judging from b.u.t.tface’s personality, he was probably just searching for anything that he saw as valuable.

Xu Que just ignored b.u.t.tface. He started to survey the ruins nearby with his Soul Strength.

While it was true that he a.s.sumed that Su Ling’er and her people were still alive, he knew that it might just be false hope. If he were to discover that this tragedy really occurred, it would be very difficult for him to accept the truth.


Xu Que heard a dull sound. He turned around to see b.u.t.tface crus.h.i.+ng a big rock with his foot. He then saw b.u.t.tface pick up a sc.r.a.p of black iron under the remains of the rock. After examining it, b.u.t.tface looked at it in disgust, figuring that he had found nothing more than a piece of junk. He was about to throw it away when Xu Que shouted at him.


Xu Que ran over to b.u.t.tface, his eyes fixed on the sc.r.a.p of iron. He recognized this piece of iron. It was a piece of iron that he had refined himself. He used this iron to forge the nine G.o.d Powered Cannons. It seemed that this G.o.d Powered Cannon had been destroyed.

Who did this? Whoever they were, they must have been very powerful; otherwise, the G.o.d Powered Cannon could never have been destroyed.

Xu Que looked grave. This iron sc.r.a.p proved that Su Ling’er and her people had faced a situation more dangerous than Xu Que had imagined. However, he could do nothing about it. He didn’t even know their whereabouts.

“Little brat! Look at this,” b.u.t.tface shouted.


Xu Que dashed to the place solemnly. Under the ruins, b.u.t.tface found traces of a different Teleportation Spell. Spirit Stone ashes were scattered all around the area. Apparently, someone had damaged the spell with brute force.

“Even though the Teleportation Spell formation is smashed up, there is still a trace of aura left! It was probably set up in a hurry…”

“b.u.t.tface, check the destination of this Teleportation Spell!” Xu Que said. If b.u.t.tface really was an expert in spells, he could definitely figure it out.

b.u.t.tface opened his mouth, stunned. He hadn’t expected Xu Que to ask him to do something like this. However, he wasted no time. He touched the ground with his paw. Suddenly, the whole area became showered with light. Soon, numerous Spiritual Qi gathered together in the air to complete the spell.

At first, the spell appeared to be functional. However, nothing was happening. It seemed that the spell’s original form had been temporarily restored by the Spiritual Qi, but it could not be used for some reason.

However, Xu Que was still shocked. b.u.t.tface’s cultivation in spells was really profound and remarkable! Perhaps he had other spells which he had mastered that he just hadn’t revealed yet.

Even though the spell was no longer functional, b.u.t.tface was still able to discern where the spell was supposed to lead.

“This spell led to a place in the southeast, somewhere tens of thousands of miles away,” b.u.t.tface said with complete certainty.

Xu Que nodded. He could also sense the destination of the spell. Moreover, he had been there before. The Teleportation Spell led to Demon City where he was p.r.o.nounced Demon King.

“It seems they managed to activate the spell and flee to Demon City,” Xu Que said, letting out a sigh of relief. At least there was still a glimmer of hope.

“Don’t hold your breath, little brat,” b.u.t.tface said, shaking his head. “This spell was also set up two months ago. Even if they managed to flee to a place tens of thousands of miles away, their pursuers would have caught up to them by now.”

“We need to set up the spell again,” Xu Que said.

Xu Que took out a pile of Spirit Stones. He quickly started to set up a Teleportation Spell.

b.u.t.tface was a bit shocked at Xu Que’s determination. He was still getting used to Xu Que’s unique personality.

Meanwhile, in Demon City, tens of thousands of miles away…

A group of Mysterious Clan people were gathering in the Imperial Palace Tower. Several G.o.d Powered Cannons were placed outside the door. The cannons were being operated by several powerhouses at the Original Infant Stage. These powerhouses were looking straight ahead with solemn expressions.

However, inside the tower, numerous people of the Mysterious Clan were lying injured on the ground. Most of these people were bleeding profusely. The most seriously injured ones only had half a body left, but they were still alive. These people could only wail and gasp for breath.

This might very well be the largest crisis in the history of the Mysterious Clan. Every member of this clan had been driven to the tower. The siege had lasted for two months so far.

The people of the Mysterious Clan had almost reached their limit. Over the past two months, countless of their fellow men had died in battle. Most of the people who survived were severely injured and couldn’t defend the tower anymore.

“Alas, the extinction of our clan is coming,” said an old man, sighing in despair. His right arm had been cut off.

The rest people of the Mysterious Clan fell silent and looked out the tower windows. Countless bodies of both Mysterious Clan members and Demonic Beasts were on the ground, dead. Not far away, tens of thousands of Demonic Beasts were glaring at the tower, like tigers looking at their prey.

However, the battle was stopped temporarily, for two figures, the Kings of the two clans, were having a duel in the air.

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