Undefeated God of War

Chapter 642 – Counterattack

Chapter 642 – Counterattack

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR


Another shop was demolished into pieces. All of the soldiers inside already had experience with it, and thus before the energy barrier had shattered, they had retreated. But still, 10 of the soldiers were unable to make it, and were buried alive.

Many of the shops were in pieces, and the remaining few were left swaying from the explosions. All these remaining shops belonged to the large family businesses on Gold Street. For example Xu Ji Worldwide Commerce, their business were always flourishing, and the goods inside the shop were expensive, and thus the structure of the shop was not sloppy.

He Ying sneered sinisterly, his heart was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with a crushing delight, which was stronger than the humiliation he had suffered in Moon Manor. As one after another of the shops were being shattered into pieces, it made him extremely excited. ~All of you ants, go and die, all of you must die!~

"Go up!"

"Pressure them down!"

"Trample this street for me!"

He Ying"s roar sounded out in the vicinity.

The frigates and soldiers were high on adrenaline, fighting with all their might. Until now, the opponents had not even attacked once. It was said that there were two armies below that were recently purchased. They had never heard of armies that could be bought. In the entire 2nd Army, they were br.i.m.m.i.n.g with disdain and disgust towards such an enemy.

The situation of the battle was going along with their conjecture.

~In the face of absolute power, the enemy below are just a bunch of ants.~

~To fight ants, why the need for tactics? Just crush them. Crushing them is enough!~

Seeing the approaching enemies, and a frigate that was less than a 100m away from them, Xie Yu An could even see the enemies on the frigates pointing their middle fingers and laughing. The dense ma.s.s of frigates and crowd circled around them.

~We have waited for so long, and the time has finally come….~

~It is finally time for all of you to taste our power!~

Xie Yu An used all the energy in his body and roared: "ATTACK!"

The Swift Army who were long prepared, poured all of their rage out. Countless dazzling light pillars shot up into the sky like light bullets, the densely packed rain of swords shot out without warning towards the densely packed enemies.

The change was too sudden.

Everyone, including He Ying thought that the enemies had lost the power to resist, and did not expect for such a terrifying sneak attack.

At the start they were still extremely cautious, since their vanguard unit was destroyed, causing He Ying to be extremely careful. But with the overwhelming advantage, and the anger from the humiliation, he had finally lost his cautiousness, wanting to trample on all the ants. The soldiers of the 2nd Army were a group of arrogant soldiers, the entire Gold Street was mostly destroyed by them, and the enemies were still hiding in their sh.e.l.ls, so they started to look down on the enemy. The seemingly battle, was just a performance, a beautiful performance in White Sands City.

Some of the frigates had even removed their energy barriers, showing off their bravery.

And when the powerful attack suddenly came out, they were completely stupefied.

Bang bang bang!

A few of the lower flying frigates were immediately engulfed by fire, resulting in intense explosions. Countless planks and broken ship parts flew everywhere and the dense sword lights brought forth hissing sounds, which filled up the entire sky. Under the intense attacks, all the martial artists who were flying by themselves were immediately pierced by the swords, blood splattering everywhere, the sounds of their screams drowned by the roars of the sword lights.

Every soldier of the Swift Army roared fanatically, their ears could not hear anything else but their screams. They did not hold back in forcing the energy from their bodies into the warship weapons. All of the warship weapons were installed into the formation, and had become extremely powerful killing machines.

They used to be a bronze army in a small area, no matter how strict their daily trainings were, they had never gone through a real war. In front of any silver grade army, they had no power to fight. Even the intense attacks from their enemies had made most of them choke with fear.

If not for them having no way to retreat, if not for the daily strict trainings under Tang Chou that made their techniques instinctive, if not for their deep respect to their master and their close relationships, they would had crumbled earlier.

But at the moment, when Xie Yu An gave the order to attack, all of their fears transformed into fanatical battle intent.

~Either you die, or I perish!~


Explosions formed fire in the formation, as one of the warship weapons was unable to handle the immense pressure and thus exploded, the explosion affected the soldiers inside, but luckily the degree of the explosion was not too powerful, and thus the soldiers were not injured. But after losing their weapon, the soldiers were at a loss, they had not exited out of their fanatical battle state.

Boom boom boom!

Explosions continued to ring out from the sky, as regiment after regiments of fires and light auras lit up the sky.

Tang Chou looked at Xie Yu An, Xie Yu An who was usually calm and peaceful was at the moment looking extremely deranged, but Tang Chou did not mock him at all, but instead had a look of appreciation.

XIe Yu An was a leader with outstanding talent, Tang Chou did not understand how an outstanding leader would end up being in an army that could be bought. Comparing the standard of leadership, Xie Yu An was many more times stronger than Aya.

Xie Yu An had arranged the formations extremely well, even Tang Chou who was a fussy person could not find anything wrong with it. Even with the tight timeframe, Xie Yu An had meticulously prepared the formation well. He did not directly use the shops as the main parts of the formations, but the warehouses beneath the shops, and the shops on the surface as a front.

All of these underground warehouses, hidden rooms, were the most important place for every family businesses, as they were used to store precious goods.

The shops on the surface were smashed into pieces, but the main part of the formations did not suffer many losses. And the warship weapons were positioned at even more stringent locations, making the formation so tight that no water could leak in. It was through meticulous planning and precision, that the light pillars, light bullets, and light swords in the sky interweaved to form an inescapable large net, a true death net.

Other than that, what Tang Chou admired the most was Xie Yu An"s steadiness.

To ensure that their enemies did not realise their true intentions, the fake formations on the surface of the ground had soldiers garrisoned in them. The intense offense launched by the 2nd Army caused the soldiers on the surface to die, but Xie Yu An maintained his calm, and waited for the best opportunity to arrive.

His adjutant had urged him to execute the plan many times, but Xie Yu An remained persistent and did not sway.

An outstanding leader!

Tang Chou remained expressionless, the individual strength of the Swift Army soldiers were not strong, there were too few Silver Saints in the unit, and thus they could not sustain the fervent and intense attack for too long.

But, Xie Yu An had performed far better than he antic.i.p.ated, and the battle after that, would belong to him.

Tang Chou"s eyes flashed with a glint of cold, the Skull Unit was already gathered and prepared for their counterattack.

Within his expectations, in a short span of 5 minutes, the offense launched by the Swift Army quickly dwindled down. The soldiers of the Swift Army were still lacking in experience, and did not know how to sustain in a long drawn battle. And the temporary defensive formations could not compare to the frigates.

Frigates needed an energy supply, and thus soldiers were required to calculate and plan how much energy was left aside for offense, but the warship weapons installed in the formations had depleted all of their energy.

But in the short span of 5 minutes, the result was remarkable.

The frigates in the air were swept clean, as the frigates were big in volume, upon being struck by the enemies, they were swept clean. As for the soldiers in the sky, a third of them were killed.

The destroyed frigates had earned the soldiers a lot of time, as they had attracted the most damage.

He Ying stared at the battlefield blankly, he never thought that the situation would suddenly become like that. Out of his 2nd Army, he had lost almost half of them, and this loss had never happened before.


He Ying could not believe his eyes, ~I was caught in a trap?~

He looked at the street that resembled ruins blankly, his mind was buzzing, he was actually bitten by the ants!

He did not notice that a group had suddenly rushed out.

After resting, the Skull Unit had recovered their fighting ability, with Aya personally leading at the front. They had formed groups of 15, like many sharp poisonous thorns, their targets were the soldiers of the 2nd Army in the sky who were at a loss.

The figures swept past his vision, causing He Ying to be startled and regain his senses.

When he saw the situation clearly, his blood boiled straight up to his face.

~These ants actually dare to a.s.sault me!~

~They actually have the gall to!~

~An army for hire actually has the gall to attack a silver army…..~

He Ying had never felt such humiliation in his life, they were the 2nd Army, other than s...o...b.. in the White Sands Continent, no one was stronger than him!

~The 2nd Army are elites!~

~An army for hire actually dares to raise their weapons at us?~

He Ying was so angry that he was trembling: "Kill them all!"

The 2nd Army soldiers all regained their senses, all of them flew into a rage, their eyes turned red, and without hesitation they rushed towards their enemies, they wanted to slash all of them to pieces.

But who knew that when the army for hire saw that the situation was bad, they started to turn and run.

~Run? Where are they running to?~

The 2nd Army soldiers chased after their enemies frantically, all of their chests holding onto flames of rage. They were experienced soldiers, and immediately knew that the soldiers in the formations had completely exhausted their energy, so as long as they got rid of all the runners, they would win!

No, at this time, no one was thinking about winning, they just wanted to slaughter, only by slaughtering their enemies would they appease the rage in their chests.

He Ying felt the same way to, seeing his own soldiers chasing after the enemies like ravenous tigers and wolves, The killing intent in He Ying"s mind soared.

In the blink of an eye, He Ying suddenly realised that all around him, it was empty.

He lowered his head to look, his own soldiers had chased to a great distance.

Not good!

He Ying"s face flushed white, all around him, there were only 20 bodyguards!


He Ying"s anxious scream had not finished, when the street beneath him suddenly produced cracks like a spiderweb.

The spiderweb ground suddenly split opened.

The entire sky was filled with dust, stones flew out like rain, a warship suddenly broke out through the ground.

Chapter 643 – Fight Side by Side

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

The appearance of the warship shocked everyone. No one would hadve thought that there would be a warship hidden underground.

He Ying"s face instantly changed.

The 2nd Army also had warships, but they were medium size or higher warships, and such large warships were incapable of fighting inside cities, so he chose to use frigates. Furthermore, small size warships were extremely expensive, and their usage in battles could not compete with large or medium size warships, and if they were to fight in cities, good quality and cheap frigates were the better choice.

"Black Arrow Warship!"

"d.a.m.n it!"

You get what you pay for, the Black Arrow Warship was just a small size warship, its price was around the value of 10 frigates, and how could the 2nd Army not know of it"s strengths? A warship like the Black Arrow Warship was extremely expensive, and not even the 2nd Army could buy one. The Black Arrow Warship was most commonly bought by the rich tyrants to buff up their personal bodyguards.

Wait a minute….. A rich tyrant…..

The soldiers of the 2nd Army suddenly remembered, they were facing a real rich tyrant! He was a rich tyrant that used money to wipe out the Golden Rose in one night! A rich tyrant that used cloud coins to purchase two armies!

Everyone immediately came to their senses.

It was nothing out of the ordinary for a rich tyrant to purchase a Black Arrow Warship, but it would be weird if one did not.

And when they saw the position of the Black Arrow Warship, every single soldier of the 2nd Army started to perspire in cold sweat.

"Protect Master!"

"Stop it! Quickly stop it!"

Anxious and panicked shouts started to fill the air.

After the fervent attacks made by the Swift Army, almost all of the frigates owned by the 2nd Army were destroyed. When the 2nd Army realised that the opponent"s warship was a threat to He Ying"s safety, they realised that they had no more warships or frigates for reinforcements.

Their first instinct was to turn back in an attempt to save He Ying.

But who they encountered was Tang Chou. But the moment the warship appeared, Tang Chou"s reaction was different from the rest, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

~Master has finally appeared.~

He was aware of the battle occurring underground, but right from the beginning, he did not try to bide for time, because he held absolute confidence in Tang Tian. In all of his battles, Tang Tian had come across a few almost undefeatable enemies, but the victor had always been Tang Tian. No matter how dangerous the situation, he would undoubtedly choose Tang Tian as the winner, always!

This was the only way to obtain victory,

His bet was right!

Tang Chou who heaved a sigh of relief was the first to react. Tang Chou"s bearing as a famed general was displayed to full saturation. No matter how intense the battle, it only took one second to determine the victor.

"Everyone, attack!"

Unexpectedly, Tang Chou chose what appeared to be an untimely opportunity to give his command. If it was an outstanding general like Xie Yu An, at such a time, there would always be hesitation. Because, there would always be their own judgement on the situation, Tang Chou"s order that was seemingly beyond normal reasoning gave them all a chance to struggle.

But the Skull Unit led by Aya would not allow it. At times, being weak had its advantage. Aya and her team had not regained their senses, or even made their own judgement on the situation, they did not even have any understanding of the situation. So when they heard Tang Chou"s order to attack, without any thoughts, they made their moves.

The soldiers of the 2nd Army who were preparing to turn, never expected the Skull Unit to turn to attack as well, in that panic, everyone became clumsy.

Due to their thoughts not being aligned, some of the soldiers stood in their original positions, some of them were anxious, some wanted to back the general up, and because of the different states of mind, their coordination became even more chaotic. What was worse was that the Skull Unit had rushed towards them without any thought, and all of the soldiers who were turning back to support He Ying were unable to react, leading to a loss of lives.

The Skull Unit, which did not hold superiority in strength, was actually not at a disadvantage.

Tang Chou was pleased. Even if the 2nd Army was cut by half, in a head on clash, the Skull Unit was still not their opponents. The Swift Army was only able to obtain such a feat because of the enemy underestimating them, and by relying on the formation and warship weapons.

Tang Chou knew that the Skull Unit"s full force attack could not last for long.

But Tang Chou did not care about it, when the Black Arrow Warship had appeared, he knew that the one to decide the outcome of the battle was not the Skull Unit, but Tang Tian.

Without any hesitation, he once again placed the hope of victory on Tang Tian.

As long as Tang Tian could kill He Ying before the Skull Unit gave in, then they would win. If not, they lose.

All of Tang Chou"s focus landed on the Black Arrow Warship.


Tang Tian sat his bloodied body on the seat of the Honeycomb Sword Cannon, he was rejoicing in his heart, lucky for him, he had chose 10 soldiers of the Skull Unit to control the warship, if not the warship would had never been able to start. The Black Arrow Warship was a small size warship, and did not need many soldiers to control.

The battle between Tang Tian and Xie Fei had shocked them completely, they did not dare to leave the ship, if anyone was unlucky, they would be instantly killed by Xie Fei"s finger aura.

The battle between the two experts were too fast for them to capture, furthermore try to escape.

When Tang Tian beat Xie Fei, they all rejoiced crazily.

But upon seeing Tang Tian completely bloodied, leaving behind footprints of blood, walking one step at a time towards the warship, they looked on with their mouths wide opened, ~Does Master want to carry on fighting even though he is so severely injured?~

"You"re acting rashly, there"s no meaning to this." Little Fool said coldly.

Tang Tian sat himself down on the Honeycomb Sword Cannon, his bloodied hands held onto the handle, and said with displease: "I feel that there is meaning to it, that"s all that matters."

Seeing his stubborn gaze, Little Fool was helpless: "I"ll fight for you."

Bang, Tang Tian leaned into the seat, he portrayed a smile, his face that was covered in blood revealed a smile uglier than a cry. Little Fool thought that he had convinced Tang Tian, but who knew that Tang Tian would laugh weirdly: "Hehehe, we shall fight side by side!"

With that, he turned his head, his face instantly becoming sinister, he stretched his neck and roared: "Forward! We"ll kill them!"

The soldiers awoke from their stupor, and immediately sunk into a fervent state. There was nothing that could make them as excited, as their leader leading them into battle.

It was as though they were high on drugs, they placed all their attention on controlling the Black Arrow Warship, which sped out of the ground quickly.

"G.o.dlike young lad, Go go go!"

His thunderous roar resonated throughout the warship.

Little Fool observed the enraged Tang Tian, the fool did not seem to have any feeling to the blood loss, his energetic muscles were red like boiled steel, emitting an astonishing amount of steam, he was burning hot, causing the entire warship to have the stench of blood.

~True madness!~

~Fight side by side….~

Little Fool shook his head, he kept Saint Sword Ocean Prison, and floated to a seat of the Honeycomb Sword Cannon and sat down. Little Fool"s adorable size, seated atop a huge chair, it was an unspeakable comical and cute scene.

Little Fool did not care, but curiously touched the Honeycomb Sword Cannon, his statue like small face was extremely adorable.

Rumble rumble rumble!

The warship directly struck the boulders ahead of them.

This crude and direct manner of appearing on the battlefield made Tang Tian instantly excited, and he started to shout: "Go go go!"


Little Fool could not even be bothered to roll his eyes, ~As long as this fool appears, peace and quiet will never happen.~

But, this Honeycomb Sword Cannon is rather interesting…..

The thick rocks were broken apart by the Black Arrow Warship, the entire hull shook intensely, causing Tang Tian to become even more excited.

The first thing that Tang Tian saw the moment he rose out of the ground was He Ying.

If we were to say that Tang Chou possessed an astonishing eye for judgement, then Tang Tian had an equally terrifying intuition like a wild beast. Without thinking, he launched an attack on He Ying.

He Ying was not able to react from the sudden turn of events, and thus was an extremely rare opportunity.


The Sword behind Tang Tian"s chair suddenly lit up.


A sword ray shot out, but Tang Tian suffered the backlash and spat out blood, and lost control of the sword aura the instant it flew out.

Tang Tian"s face changed, trouble!

Although the Black Arrow Warship was a small size warship, but was a genuine silver grade warship, atop it were all silver grade warship weapons. Tang Tian"s request for the change of warship weapons were also all silver grade.

The power of silver grade warship weapons were immense, but the criteria to use them were extremely tight. For example the "Heaven Devastating Blade", when used by a group of men, it required 20 elite blade wielding soldiers, with synchronization frequency of at least 75% to be able to attain its actual power, and if the synchronization frequency dropped to 70%, it would not work.

And for it to be used by a single person, it required a Silver Saint.

That"s right, a Silver Saint.

d.a.m.n it!

The Honeycomb Sword Cannon was a grade higher than the Honeycomb Sword Cannon on board Qin Yu Ran"s warship, that also meant that the backlash would be even more intense. Tang Tian who was severely injured could not guard against it, and thus receiving the shock.

What Tang Tian felt unhappy about was not because of him spitting out blood, but because he did not grab hold of the opportunity!

The sword aura barely missed He Ying, causing him to break out in cold sweat.

"Draw close to me!"

He Ying roared, the 20 elites around him instantly flew closer to him. Very quickly, their aura merged as one. The synchronization frequency within them was extremely high.

Xie Yu An"s complexion became ugly, the energy synchronization frequency between the 21 men had reached an astonishing high of 92%!

He Ying was using this to show Xie Yu An the power of a silver army.

The astonishingly high synchronization frequency brought forth a powerful aura, it was just 21 men, but the power released from them made it feel like a small army.

~So powerful….~

Xie Yu An clenched his teeth tightly, his eyes were filled with worry, it was a pity that all of the Swift Army were on the ground, and he could not retaliate.

A blazing red blade aura shot out from the 21 men formation, fiercely slashing on the Black Arrow Warship.


The light aura splashed, lighting up the night sky. The energy barrier of the Black Arrow Warship trembled intensely, the sound from the collision of both sides could be heard throughout the city.

Tang Tian held onto the handle tightly, his face twitching slightly, the warship"s violent swaying caused his wounds to open again, causing blood to flow.

Tang Tian"s expression became increasingly sinister and ferocious, ~meeting you face to face right now, only the braver one will win, at this time, it"s either you or me!~

Energy surged into the Honeycomb Sword Cannon frantically, the sword floating beside him became extremely bright.

Buzz buzz buzz

100 Swords in unison!


100 sword light auras shot forth like rain.

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