Undefeated God of War

Chapter 501 – Our Goal: Saints!

Chapter 501 – Our Goal: Saints!

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

In the silence, Mo Zi Yu glanced disdainfully at the martial artists who were dumbstruck, and said coldly: "Replace the back, form a defensive perimeter. Slow down a bit."

The 200 sets of mechanical spirit weapons all exchanged positions with the rear lines. Their speed was slow, but the tide of people that were suppressed, none of them dared to advance forward again.

"They are truly terrified of us!"

One of the mechanical martial artist mumbled out.

"They are just small fish." Mo Zi Yu scoffed: "Our real goal is saints!"

This sentence immediately caused everyone to be roused, saints, in their eyes, the sacred saints were an absolute power that was unattainable, but they were now actually seeing them as their goal, how could their blood not boil?

If anyone said it just for fun, not one would believe it. But in Mizar City, they had killed a saint!

There was nothing that could boost their morale more, they found out, so saints could also be killed. The saint was killed by the Lupus Army, causing the other three armies to be jealous.

How much glory would that be, to kill a saint!

Even if it cost them their lives, it would still be worth it….

Each army unit was very excited, everyone knew, the main point of the battle was for saints. For the battle, they had prepared for a long time.

With the Iron Fist Army as protection, the other three armies could focus on handling the incoming four saints.

The distance of the saints was quickly closing in, the air was releasing terrifying energy undulations, the might of the charge of the four saints released at the same time, felt as though they had Mount Tai on their shoulders, causing them to choke.

The Plateau Army lit up with a gigantic light barrier.

The Plateau Army was replenished with the most Cetus Martial Artists because their original army was the weakest. Andromeda Constellation was only a Northern Sky Constellation, their martial artists standard were average, and were far lower than what the current Ursa Major Constellation needed. In such a situation, they could preserve themselves, since Andromeda Constellation"s current star power concentration was far higher than in the past, but the martial artist’s strength still needed time to acc.u.mulate.

The Plateau Army"s framework was still the same, but they had a large overhaul, with an even higher standard Cetus Martial artists joining the ranks.

The Cetus Martial Artists brought along their [King Kong Wall], because of Bing that made the poison warfare tactic. To be able to persevere against Tang Tian"s Whirlpool Sword Storm it proved its worth. Ta Dun was very clear of his own standard, he was already middle aged, was pragmatic and did not have too unrealistic thoughts.

He also saw [King Kong Wall]"s value, and thus in the Plateau Army, they spent a lot of effort in studying [King Kong Wall].

Thus, the current [King Kong Wall] of Plateau Army was much more mature and complete than The Three Cetus Armies that year!

The gigantic light barrier was fully covered with gold scriptures.

"Control your rhythm!"

"Take note of your breathing! Take note of your release of True Power!"

"Do not panic! Good, that"s the way! Well Done!"

The military generals were all giving their soldiers encouragement endlessly, pointing out their mistakes, all these survivors of the Three Whale Armies, had been through the Whirlpool Sword Storm"s nightmarish battle, their minds were much stronger, and thus they influenced their soldiers, quickly stabilizing everything.

Ta Dun was satisfied, with the presence of the old soldiers, it brought a lot of help to the army, the True Power that was coming from all directions was quickly stabilising.

The King Kong Wall flow became increasingly steady, the light aura became even reserved, the golden scriptures releasing dazzling golden light, becoming a dark gold color.

Looking from a bird"s eye view, the gigantic light barrier, completely protected the army. If they wanted to attack them, they had to break through the turtle sh.e.l.l first.

"Let me!"

Surging like thunder, a fiery red figure shot forth with a long fire tail behind, bringing a gloomy and intense shrill, it struck the King Kong Wall! Countless flame twirls revolved around his body, increasing in numbers, as though he was bringing forth over 10 rays of swimming fire serpents.

The King Kong Wall that was congealing, under the might of the saint, caused many of the people’s faces to change.

"King Kong!"

Ta Dun revealed rage in his eyes, bursting with True Power, he bellowed out like thunder!

Upright and plainspoken, his voice was filled with might. This Buddha Chant, was something he had specially consulted Master Magic Flute and spent countless hours to master! After being in the army for so long, he was very clear of his own shortcomings, having stayed in Andromeda Constellation for a long time, his view of the world was narrow, and did not have much understanding of higher power, he was also old, and definitely did not have as much potential as Magic Flute.

But, out of all of them, he was the one who had been in the army the longest and was the military leader with the most experience. With that point, even Huangfu Hong could not compare to him.

With his abundance of experience, Ta Dun frequently knew when the decision for the outcome of the battle would be made.

All the martial artists of Plateau Army all quivered, the intense demonic sound in the sky suddenly disappeared without a trace, clearing all the distracting thoughts in their head.

The Cetus martial artists were all surprised.

To Cetus Constellation, Andromeda Constellation was just a rural place, so how could the military leaders of such a rural place be worthy of praise? Bing had a high demand for the army"s discipline, to the point that no one had ever dared to brazenly cause a ruckus, but many of them were already not happy in their hearts. On a daily basis, Ta Dun"s honesty and perseverance was valued by the people, and everyone gradually accepted it, a leader that could listen to the opinions of his soldiers was rarely seen. But that was just Ta Dun"s personality, and his ability to command was not recognized.

Until now, hearing the Buddha Chant, made the Cetus martial artist acknowledge that they had underestimated their commander.

When talking about technique, the Buddha Chant was not very profound, but placed in such a situation, it actually grasped extreme ingenuity, used at a prominent time.

The Plateau Army soldiers were roused!

Everyone all bellowed together: "King Kong!"

The light barrier suddenly shot out dazzling light aura, causing the dense fiery figure to also explode out.


The burning light aura exploded like the sun.

The intense collision was filled with extraordinary power, being transmitted into the Plateau army, causing everyone to tremble and bleed through their noses and mouth. Pa pa pa, Three quarters of the soldiers suffered from heavy injuries and instantly flew out, crashing onto the ground with their faces pale white.

The saint"s might was so terrifying!

But after receiving the ripple, the light barrier actually stabilized.

The saint did not expect King Kong Wall to be able to resist his all out attack, which exhausted over 70% of his True Power to be able to cause such a terrifying power.

I did not shatter this turtle sh.e.l.l….

He could not believe his own eyes, that attack could completely shatter a mountain, and cause it to become a flat land, and bring a city to the ground.

He did not notice that his distance to the light barrier was somewhat too close, around 60m. He was waiting for his companion for the second wave of attack, he believed that with a second wave of attack, they would definitely be able to shatter the turtle sh.e.l.l.


What sound was that?

He suddenly sensed danger, lowering his head, he suddenly realized that densely packed blade auras that formed like rain had quietly shot out like a pack of sharks surfacing from the water, shooting towards him.

Not good!

His face changed, but a skilled person was brave, although he only had 30% of True Power left, he did not panic a bit. An energy barrier suddenly appeared in front of him.

The energy barrier was the most frequently used spirit technique of saints, it required very little spirit value, the exhaustion of True Power was very small and could be used quickly, so it was relatively practical. If he faced a saint, he would not dare to rely on it too much, for his energy barrier was only so so. But facing martial artists, he was very confident of it.

The enemy"s blade auras crashed onto his energy barrier.

His pupils immediately constricted.

The energy barrier was breaking!

How is that possible….

But his reaction was fast, without hesitating he formed another energy barrier, Bang, the energy barrier broke into pieces again!

The extremely congealed blade aura appeared right in front of him. The snow white blade aura reflected his face of shock and disbelief. Woosh, his body was cut into two.

Mo Zi Yu watched with his teeth clenched as Lupus Army completed their attack once again, that group was truly too perfect, when he saw the opportunity, before he could react, Tang Yi had already completed his attack!

Watching as the opportunity was taken away from him, that feeling was simply too terrible.

Tang Yi"s battle instincts were too sharp, and their Heavy Lance Charge had become even stronger! It was a 30m charge distance, to still be able to release their blade, a complete Heavy Lance Charge……

d.a.m.n it!

The battle did not stop because of the death of a saint, but instead went into a climax.

In the blink of an eye, the other three saints had rushed over, they noticed that the King Kong Wall was wavering, and needed only one more attack for it to shatter.

A cold blade and another hammer aura struck the light barrier.

Bang bang!

The light barrier shattered, Ta Dun spat out blood and instantly flew out. The martial artists around him also sustained heavy injuries, and all fell to the ground. But their faces did not reveal any dispirit, all of them were staring deadly at the sky, they had completed their task.

The moment the light barrier had broken, three afterimages quickly soared down towards the army.

As long as they barged into the army, they would be able to use that advantage, and since they were able to enter the ranks of the army, the opponent would not be able to use large scale attacks.

What saints hated the most were the armies large scale attacks, the earth shattering and concentrated degree of attack prevented them from dodging, and would only force them to take the attack head on.

And by rushing into the enemy army ranks, the enemy would refrain from going all out so as to prevent friendly fire, they would not dare to use collective attacks, and thus the strength of a saint as a lone person would be able to be displayed sufficiently.

The three saints had plenty of battle experience, before the King Kong Wall had fully dispersed, they had quietly rushed down.

But….what was that?

A 3m diameter light ball floated in the sky, as though it was waiting for them.


WIthout any warning, the light ball exploded.

Densely packed strands of light shot out, completely enveloping a range of 150 m, trapping the 3 saints inside. This was Magic Flute"s creation, a battle tactic that the Hunting Net Army was most expert in, Inescapable Net!

All the strands of light did not possess killing functions, but were extremely study, the main point was that it did not consume a lot of True Power, every soldier was able to produce a large quant.i.ty of the true power strands. The only weakness was that it required a long time of preparation.

Lupus Army and Iron FIst Army were like two wild beasts waiting to take action, and moved out at the same time.

The blade aura from Heavy Lance Charge, the multiple attacking capabilities of the mechanical spirit weapons, coming down like rain, crazily entering the net!

Magic Flute did not dare to dally, he immediately instructed the Hunting Net Army to attack.

It was a crazy plan, something that Tang Chou had thought of, to call the soldiers beneath the King Kong Wall to disperse, the empty plot of area designed to be the graves of the saints.

Bang bang bang!

Inside the net, dense explosions could be heard, at that time, no one dared to bet if the saints were dead or not, everyone was frantically, ignoring everything else and releasing all out attacks!

Chapter 502 – Red Devil William

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

The crazy and relentless attacks continued for a full 5 minutes before stopping.

The net was long broken apart, the three devastated bodies fell from the net and smashed onto the ground. The three bodies were already unrecognizable, pure jet black, without any life in them.

The field was silent, only the coa.r.s.e gasping sounds could be heard.

For 5 minutes, everyone gave it their all, who knew that the saints who barged into the army would end up being destroyed like that. When Tang Chou suggested that crazy idea, almost everyone wanted to refuse, if they placed the saints at such a close distance, that was simply playing with fire! Any mistake that occurred would most probably mean the end of the armies.

In the end, after Tang Chou"s continued persistence, the crazy plan was implemented.


Everyone stared blankly at the three charred bodies, their minds in a blank. Ta Dun who was covered in blood, Magic Flute who was gasping for breath, Huangfu Hong in his mechanical spirit weapon, were all staring at the three charred bodies blankly.

Success…..it was a success!

They had killed 4 saints…..they have truly killed 4 saints!

It was day where the 4 saints fell, Alioth City was overrun, the remaining people surrendered, causing a shock in Big Dipper.

Tang Tian"s hand extended into the mist, woosh, the mist engulfed Tang Tian as well. Tang Tian only saw his vision turn black, and then he was pulled into a void, a skinny youth with red hair, black eyes and a pale face with a devilish look standing in front of him.

"I am William."

He said quietly.

Tang Tian let out an "ah", and said: "I am Tang Tian."

"Do you have grievances with Honorable Martial Group?" William looked at Tang Tian with interest.

"Eh, how do you know?" Tang Tian was surprised.

"Because they gave you my saint spirit." William wiggled his eyebrow, with a look of ridicule: "They took my saint spirit from my body but did not dare use it, but gave it to others to harm them."

"Those a.s.sholes dared to cheat me!" Tang Tian became enraged.

"Actually I am a saint spirit, so I am quite tasty." William scoffed: "Of course, the prerequisite is that we come up with a deal. To let those a.s.sholes from Honorable Martial Group get away with it, is truly insulting me."

"What deal?" Tang Tian was cautious: "You better not think of cheating me!"

William waved his hand: "Hey hey hey, stupid Honorable Martial Group is our common enemy. I can swallow your spirit domain, but I cannot take over your body."

"You"re not swallowing anyone." A cold figure walked out from the dark void. With his blue Tang Suit over his well proportioned tall and thin body, he stood straight up, giving off a heroic look, other than his cold face.

Tang Tian was startled, the person actually looked exactly like him, with only one difference, his expression was extremely cold. But very quickly he realized something, and wailed out: "Little Fool! Little Fool! Why did you grow so big already?"

Little Fool……..

Should I tell him my true ident.i.ty?

But…..I want to use my sword and cut this fool in half!

The cold youth did not even look at the foolish Tang Tian.

William whistled, and laughed: "Seems like, the stupid Honorable Martial Group provoked some good people."

Tang Tian who was holding onto a sword said coldly: "You"re really something, Red Devil William."

"Ah ah ah, Little Fool, you actually know him! How do you know him? Why are you able to recognize him? Is he very famous? Why don"t I know him?"

Tang Tian who was holding onto his sword retorted back, he could not take it anymore: "Shut up!"

Tang Tian became angry: "Hey Little Fool, don"t think just because you grew up, you can rebel! Come, you want to fight right! If I don"t take care of you today, I will take after your last name!"

William laughed: "I can be the judge."

Take after my last name….

Tang Tian who was holding onto his sword did not say a thing, he knew if he continued to quarrel with the fool, there would be no end. Anyway he did not have any hope towards the fool. He slowly retrieved Saint Sword Ocean Prison from the void, the black flames flowing along the sword blade, as if it had a life, and he said coldly: "All this trouble, I just have to kill you."

Hearing that, Tang Tian was startled, he turned to face William, and nodded his head: "Since Little Fool said that, I think he is right, you seem like a bad person."

William raised both of his hands in protest: "Hey hey hey, why don"t you guys listen to my deal first? I am truly harmless."

"A bad person can say anything, but is still a bad person." Tang Tian retorted confidently.

William was stupefied, seeing that the two of them were closing in on him, he started to mumble to himself: "as expected of…..the stupid Honorable Martial Group, to actually hand me over to you guys, hahaha, interesting, too interesting, somehow I am eager about it"

He suddenly shook his head, and laughed: "Right, my body, is still at the hands of Honorable Martial Group, remember to help me look for it, don"t bother burying it, just burn it. I want to see what expression Honorable Martial Group will have when they realize who you guys are. Hahahaha…."

Along with his wilful and reckless laughter, William suddenly opened up his arms, his body suddenly transforming into black flames, suddenly entering Tang Tian and Little Fool"s body.

The void around them disappeared, suddenly Tang Tian opened his eyes and realized Tang Tian that was the same as him, was quickly becoming smaller right in front of him, and once again became the cute and adorable doll like Little Fool.

"Wa, Little Fool, you became small again! So awesome!" Tang Tian gaped with his face full of shock.

Little Fool"s pudgy fists clenched tightly, his face was dark.

I actually…..actually became smaller right in front of this fool…..

And why……where is this sense of humiliation coming from…

Little Fool became very gloomy, and directly turned and floated to the corner.

"Little Fool, Little Fool, so mystical, you can actually change in size!" Tang Tian followed him and shouted.

LIttle Fool continued to float, his head drooped down as he thought. His mind was crying, they could have actually fought, and the fool would definitely be injured, and I would be able to take the chance to take control of the body, but who knew, it would end like that!

Are you really Red Devil William?

You"re supposed to be the tyrannical murderer that slaughtered over a thousand lives!

Why did you just surrender just like that?

How can you live up to your name?

Truly an idiot…..and I have to be mocked by the fool for changing size….a.s.shole….

Little Fool quietly floated along, bringing along his coldness and distress, his current spirit value reached an astonishing value of 80, but it was still unable to bring him a shred of happiness.

Red Devil William was definitely an infamous evil person, he had killed so many people in his life that he himself did not know how many. His history was extremely mysterious, no one knew where he was bestowed as a saint, and what he did. But after he became a saint, the first thing he did was to terrorize Heaven Road.

With a spear and a horse, he killed his way into a department of Honorable Martial Group, swept the entire department by slaughtering all of them cleanly.

After that, he went to various large constellations, and continued to kill many Honorable Martial Group martial artists. He was very cunning, when Honorable Martial Group expert"s went out and laid out traps, he was able to escape from them.

William"s most eye catching characteristic was his red hair, and he was cunning, cruel, and murderous like a demon, and that was how the nickname of Red Devil came about.

He became famous through his murders as a saint, while not many ordinary martial artists knew about him.

Tang Tian had never heard of a Red Devil before, so it did not give him any stress. Little Fool maintained a calm and fierce position, but the pressure and stress in his heart was relatively big.

For Honorable Martial Group to have taken William"s Saint Spirit and not use it on themselves, proved William"s tyrannical character, that even Honorable Martial Group did not dare to treat lightly. Little Fool had already made preparations, but he never thought that William would suddenly give up on resisting, and even helped them instead.

Such a turn of events, it was too weird, unless….there was some trap somewhere?

Little Fool could not grasp it, but he definitely did not dare look down on William. All the experts who had been famous for so many years, especially the notorious saints, who had lived for so many years, were definitely not easy to handle.

"Eh, what"s this?"

Tang Tian who was behind him suddenly found something new, and his voice was filled with curiosity.

Little Fool turned and looked expressionlessly, this fool, what did he do now? When his gaze landed on Tang TIan"s palm, he was stunned.

In Tang TIan"s palm, there was a red imprint, resembling a flame.

Little Fool"s gaze expanded out, that was…..William"s mark!

Little Fool suddenly appeared in front of Tang Tian, that adorable face was dark, he meticulously checked Tang Tian"s body, but very quickly, his expression became weird.

This is clearly William"s mark, but, there already not a bit of William"s Qi in it, it"s totally clear!

This….is not normal!

Tang Tian was already starting to become amused by himself, he realized inside the imprint stored a message, which was cryptic and profound. He could faintly sense a violent and cold scent, but it was hard to describe, because it did not have any trace of energy.

Tang Tian started to ponder.

Suddenly, he opened his palm, and a pretty ball of red blaze floated out from the imprint, and quickly extended around his whole hand, in the blink of an eye, Tang TIan"s palm was wrapped in the flame.

Little Fool"s eyes looked straight, and he blurted out: "Devil Flame!"

"Devil Flame?" Tang Tian was curious, although his palm was wrapped with fire, but he did not feel any heat.

"Devil Flame was William"s famous self created Spirit Technique." Little Fool introduced: "This flame is extremely special, it can burn anything, and it is said that at its peak state, it can even burn s.p.a.ce."

"So powerful!" Tang Tian jumped up in fright.

"But it should not be your….."LIttle Fool"s expression was weird, as he muttered to himself: "You have a Zero Energy Body."

Suddenly, Little Fool seemed to have thought about something, as he continued to talk to himself: "That"s right, you are a Zero Energy Body…."

"Could it be…" His eyes lit up: "Try this!"

After ingesting the saint bone the last time, it contained an extremely weak imprint . The imprint was extremely weak, but Little Fool realized, it was extremely high level, in a short while, it became hard to comprehend.

His mind had a brazen guess, and if proven….

Without saying a word, Little Fool"s pudgy little hand pressed on Tang Tian"s neck, the weak imprint was pressed into Tang Tian"s body.

Chapter 503 – The Change in Situation

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

When the imprint entered Tang Tian"s body, he jolted, his face cringed, hugging to his stomach: "oh my, my stomach…."

Without saying another word, he flew like the wind towards the toilet.

Little Fool"s expression froze, he had thought of countless possibilities, but the reaction in front of him was not what he had thought of.

An eruption occurred in the toilet, which could even be heard from far away. Recalling the past where his fart had exploded a hole in the ground, and then thinking about the dense explosion in the toilet, Little Fool suspected that the fellow had destroyed the toilet.

Oh, the toilet is not important. I have better go further away…..

Little Fool immediately floated away.

After a long while, Tang Tian came out while holding his stomach, his face filled with unhappiness: "Little Fool, Come here!"

Thinking about it, Little Fool remembered about their locations……but his body, was unable to go against Tang Tian"s orders, and completely not in control, he floated towards Tang Tian.

This humiliating matter, once is enough, must I suffer through it forever?

Little Fool decided to reveal his ident.i.ty: "Actually i am…."

Before he could finish, a hand suddenly grabbed hold of him, Little Fool only felt that the sky started to spin, his face kissed the ground again.

d.a.m.n…..d.a.m.n it!

Little Fool felt that he was a hand towel that was being wrung, and smashed on the ground. Above him came out Tang Tian"s angry scoldings.

"Actually you are accidental right? Actually you purposely did it!"

"Just now, in front of that William, you dared to overpower me, this debt, I will settle it now!"

"So your wings have grown strong just because you can change size? Humph, not that easy!"

Bing who had disappeared for one whole day appeared again, he was puffing a smoke circle, and commented: "Hey, you"re having fun!"

Tang Tian saw Ya Ya, and said: "Still, Ya Yya is more obedient! Ya Ya, you better teach Little Fool to behave!"

Finished, he threw Little Fool to Ya Ya. Ya Ya carried Little Fool and slipped away from Tang Tian"s sight.

"The progress in Big Dipper is going well." Bing leaned on the wall and spoke: "Tang Chou has already brought down Alioth City, and killed 4 saints. But, they have rested for a few days, Ta Dun"s Plateau Army had suffered the most losses, and needs to recover their strength."

Tang Tian was surprised: "Ah Chou is so powerful?"

"Friend, you better train yourself more." Bing scoffed, then noticed the imprint on Tang Tian"s hand, and asked: "Hey, what"s that on your hand?

"I don"t know, Uncle do you recognize it?" Tang Tian asked curiously: "I sold Dawn away, and obtained a saint spirit, called Something William. He talked about some deal, oh, right, Little Fool can become big and small…"

Bing was confused by Tang Tian"s nonsensical words, and held his hand out: "Stop!"

Tang Tian kept quiet.

Bing thought for a while, then took a serious look, then shook his head: "Never seen it before."

Tang Tian replied with a "oh", then said: "Just now I was messed with by Little Fool, and I have this now."

Tang Tian"s left palm, had an imprint of a blade. Tang Tian flipped his right palm, the red flame immediately enveloping his fist, his left palm cutting the air, wooosh, a slender and transparent blade aura suddenly flashed and appeared from the air.

"No energy undulations from that!" Bing frowned: "I seemed to have seen that weird thing from somewhere before."

He thought for a long while, then shook his head: "I cannot remember where."

Hearing that, Tang Tian then said: "No matter, I will think about it myself."

"Right, recently Honorable Martial Group and Leo Constellation"s battle has become even more intense."

With that, Bing"s face became more serious.

Amidst the latest battle between Honorable Martial Group and Leo Constellation, both parties put in 6 armies, and about 60 saints. The scale of the battle had become larger, far more than any conflict in the past.

The sudden growing intensity of the conflict, caused the entire Heaven"s Road to become worried. And the saints, had lost their daily interests, over 60 saints, this sudden conflict had never happened before.

The war, had it started to enter the saints time?

Saints destructive power was far too strong, so since a long time ago, Saints were held as high grade combat force, and acted as deterrence. For 60 saints to be mixed into the battle, it was enough to destroy a planet.

This news caused Rong Bo to be unable to sit still, and they returned back to Honorable Martial Group.

Rong Bo looked at Ye Zhao Ge, and said: "Zhao Ge, if you want to stay here, I won"t object. But, you must remember, the resources of Honorable Martial Group, are much more compared to the outside, do not abandon your roots to chase the future."

Ye Zhao Ge replied respectfully: "Zhao Ge understands."

He knew what the elder meant, and upon the elders departure, it meant he had lost his protection. He had just stepped into the saints realm, his Glimmer was not mastered yet, and there were so many saints gathered in Ancient Cold City, and he did not know how many were stronger than him.

All the Independent Saints had been saints for so long, their strengths were profound, far more than what he could contend against now. With Rong Bo with him, naturally no one would find trouble with him. But now that the Elder had returned to the Group, although people might be fearful of his ident.i.ty in Honorable Martial Group, if there was a dispute, that ident.i.ty would not help him too much.

Rong Bo saw that Ye Zhao Ge"s att.i.tude was firm, and did not advise further. Although he favoured Ye Zhao Ge, but Ye Zhao Ge was currently still weak, and could not help him much, so leaving him to polish himself would be good too.

Not only did Rong Bo leave Ancient Cold CIty, Clan Elder Mu had also left hurriedly on the same day. Compared to the battle, what was Ancient Cold City worth?

There were more saints that left at the same time, amongst them, some of them were summoned back by their constellation, some felt that it would be a good opportunity, and wanted to find ways to find some tyrants to join.

Although there were many people who left, the atmosphere in Ancient Cold City became even more rowdy. Without the two big mountains, Clan Elder Rong Bo and Clan Elder Mu, many of the saints felt more relaxed.

Groundsmaster Establishment.

Cang Yang Yu looked at his two disciples and the pile of bodies, and sighed: "They finally are unable to hold back."

Fu Zhong Shan said in a low voice: "Your disciple has investigated, there are few people who did some things inside the city. They used 12 spirit treasures,and temporarily curbed the cold wave and our treasures. That was how the protection of our city was lost."

"The elders from Honorable Martial Group and Onyx Soul have left, they do not need to be afraid anymore." Cang Yang Yu looked at Fu Zhong Shan: "How"s your injury?"

The matter had finally became the state in which he was most worried about, previously, he had used the strategy of having Honorable Martial Group to suppress the Independent Saints. All the big powerhouses were not afraid of him running, they were confident in their own strength, as long as they knew people were willing to cooperate with them. But among the Independent Saints, there were good and bad people, many of them took risks out of desperation, and used underhanded methods, that was what worried Cang Yang Yu the most.

The independent saints had crouching tiger hidden dragons, so Cang Yang Yu had carefully thought of the Ancient Cold City"s location, but they actually found the way to break through his plans. And what made Cang Yang Yu worry even more, was that many of the Independent Saints were working together.

There was an infiltrator in the Groundsmaster Establishment the night before, many of his guards were dead or injured, Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran suffered some injuries. It was a mess, not only in the Groundsmaster Establishment, but the guards around the city had also suffered losses.

"Master, don"t worry, disciple is fine." Fu Zhong Shan shook his head, unhappiness flashing past his eyes, the wounds on his body, were because of Third Disciple Li Ruo, he never thought that the brother that was so close to him turned out to be a turncoat.

Yang Hao Ran"s face was full of rage: "I never thought Li Ruo was such a person!"

"He had colluded with Onyx Soul, I saw Tong Ge." killing intent flashed past Fu Zhong Shan"s eyes: "Jiang Yang is a good kid, but a pity he suffered under the hands of evil schemes! The grounds was in a mess last night, it was not only one batch of people that came."

Cang Yang Yu muttered to himself: "I never thought that the situation would become like this, is this fate?"

He suddenly raised his head: "Call back all the guards from the city and place them in the establishment. Allow all the disciples in the training camps outside in too."

Was master planning to defend till the end?

Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran looked at each other, the two of them did not refute, the sneak attacks from last night, killed off many of the establishment guards, so they were lacking in manpower. They were only worried that the disciples in the training camp were too weak, in such a battle, they were of no use.

But at the present, they had no other better ways.

In the day, the Ancient Cold City looked to be very normal, Cang Yang Yu did not waste his effort in his location of the City. Although the opponents were able to cause Ancient Cold City to lose its protection, they did not have much time.

The training camp was summoned into the establishment, but that did not make the saints fear, them, this was Cang Yang Yu"s last attempt. All the useless disciples, what good would they be?

When they entered the city, all the outer fighting grounds disciples had pale faces with fear, causing many people to laugh.

"I heard that it was chaos last night, and many people died." Ding Chen said softly to Tang Tian. He admired Master Bi Ah Chou a lot, other people were still thinking of barging into the establishment, but his Master had unknowingly mixed in and entered the establishment without trouble.

Compared to the other disciples losing control of their cla.s.ses, Ding Chen"s cla.s.s was more stable, everyone knew of Master Bi Ah Chou"s strength.

To become a saint, how difficult was that?

And there were so many saints, it would definitely be a big storm, Tang Tian thought. He needed to obtain s.e.xtans Eye, and the saints in there were all his opponents.

Seems like the battle ahead will be even more ruthless and intense!

Tang Tian clenched his fist, but he was not discouraged. The past few days he had been grasping Devil Fire, and finally had some understanding on what the flame was.

It was not Devil Fire.

William"s imprint was the Devil Fire, but Tang Tian"s Zero Energy Body possessed a strong dispelling effect to energy. The energy part of the imprint was expelled out of Tang Tian"s body, and what remained was the purest law!

To be more precise, it was the devil fire that had no energy.

This discovery far exceeded Tang Tian"s knowledge.

Logically, Laws and Energy were inseparable. All the laws were meant to better control energy, to allow energy to be used even more effectively.

But, today, Tang Tian realized, the one law in front of him that had no energy, no, it was two. The blade imprint, seemed to be of an even higher level.

He did not comprehend it fully yet, what the flame was considered, but he had an instinctual gut feeling, it definitely contained a powerful energy!

Chapter 504 – Laying the Defense

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Fu Zi Hong looked at the disciples of the outer fighting grounds, the worry in their eyes growing, but only when she saw Ding Chen"s cla.s.s, whose expressions were rather relaxed. The cla.s.s spirit and appearance was slightly more outstanding, so she arranged Ding Chen"s cla.s.s to a more important position, it was coincidentally where Tang Tian repaired the bricks of the wall.

It was chaotic in the groundsmaster establishment, and it took time for everyone to familiarize themselves with their respective areas, Tang Tian was surprised to find Fu Zi Hong was rather experienced with what she was doing, as she directed everyone clearly and orderly.

Tang Tian continued to act while familiarizing himself with the environment, it was not a training camp, it could not provide him with a specialized training area. This made Tang Tian a little annoyed, as he had been trying to learn about the weird devil fire for the past few days.

Of course, it was a completely different thing from William"s Devil Fire, but Tang Tian was too lazy to give it a new name.

However, Tang Tian did not dare to slack off, although he had managed to mix into the Groundsmaster Establishment, judging from the situation the day before, there could be a sneak attack by the saints at any time. Those saints would not let them go, if he was not careful and threw away his life, then that would be bad.

The Groundsmaster Establishment was completely built upon the accuracy of a foothold, there were defensive installations everywhere. Seeing that Fu Zi Hong was not there, Bing seized the chance, and directed Ding Chen to start preparations. To Bing, one look at the installations and he knew how to make use of them. Bing still had extra time, so he commanded Ding Chen to bring everyone to run through a mock exercise twice. But everyone knew that if they did not work hard now, when people attacked at night, then it might cost them their lives, so everyone had to be strong.

The process of the mock exercise was naturally not dependable, hoping on two practises to be able to feel like the real thing was not possible.

Fu Zi Hong was busy from dawn till dusk, she was in charge of arranging the defense, but having seen the power in her hands, she could not help but sigh. In the past, there were still gold ranked martial artists, but now, it had changed to become outer fighting ground disciples. Using such Cannon fodder to defend against a bunch of saints, sounded like a joke. However she knew that this was Ancient Cold City"s last bit of strength, and thus she did not have any other choices.

Although her father and second uncle both were very powerful individuals, but directing battles was usually outsourced to others.

She roused herself up, displaying steadiness and calmness, dragging her fatigued body to observe everywhere to and fro. Every defensive position still had problems, and she was bitterly laughing to herself in her heart.

This is the limit to manpower, we should just obey Heaven"s will. She had no say in the matter. Since many years ago, she was deployed to this place to stand guard, Ancient Cold City was built solely by her hands, she was very familiar with every corner here.

She used to think that no one would ever attack such a place, but with the sudden attack last night, she knew her thoughts were naive and laughable. Saints were much stronger than what she thought, and had very large qualitative differences compared to gold ranked martial artists . If not for her father and second uncle"s all out counter-attack, the Groundsmaster Establishment would have already been taken over.

No one blamed her, everyone was consoling her, she smiled like how she normally did, with the same steadiness, but in her heart, it was filled with the bitterness and sadness from the failure. She was not fearful of death, if this was fate, then she shall accept it.

Reaching the western courtyard, she suddenly stopped in her tracks, her gaze suddenly giving off a glimmer of light aura.

The disciples here were having a mock exercise, although it looked very messy, but she still saw the relevance in it. She watched meticulously, her heart was quietly surprised, every point of importance was fully utilized. Not only that, Fu Zi Hong had even pa.s.sed through a few preparations, and had already simulated a few battle strategies in her mind.


Definitely an Expert!

"Ding Chen!" Fu Zi Hong suddenly shouted highly.

Ding Cheng who was so confused by the mock exercise that he became dazed suddenly heard someone shout for him, he subconsciously stopped, he blankly turning his head, and reacted only after a moment: "Big Sister!"

"Who arranged this?" Fu Zi Hong"s gaze was as sharp as a sword: "Don"t tell me it"s you, you do not have the capability!"

Ding Chen"s expression changed, he quietly knew it was trouble.

Tang Tian saw that they had been seen through, he stood up and replied said: "It"s me!"

Fu Zi Hong saw Tang Tian"s unfamiliar face, and was a little surprised: "Who are you?"

"I am Bi Ah Chou." Tang Tian looked in the direction of Fu Zi Hong"s gaze without fear.

Fu Zi Hong nodded her head, she did not have any expression because of Tang Tian"s ugly appearance, and simply pointed to the sentries: "Why did you arrange as many as seven men?"

Tang Tian froze, just at that moment, Bing"s voice sounded from inside his mind: "You calculated and came up with it."

Tang Tian who was initially lacking with confidence was suddenly br.i.m.m.i.n.g with it as he replied: "I calculated and came up with it.."

"Calculated and came up with it……" Fu Zi Hong repeated, she slowly pondered about it, after some time, her eyes lit with a strange light aura. She was already proficient in it, having been reminded by Tang Tian, her mind quickly found a result, the number was a good fit.

She was very familiar with every corner of the place, and this courtyard, was the one in which she placed more importance and studied it, its deployment, its arrangement of defensive measures, she had made countless simulations. So the current heavy emphasis on the number of hidden sentries, was always overlooked by her. With the current deployment, in her eyes, birthed countless changes.

Combining with the mock exercise she witnessed earlier, her heart had a realization.


A true expert!

At this point, Fu Zi Hong was already completely impressed, the other party had deep understanding of how to utilize the advantages to their greatest extent, his attainments were so profound, exceeding her imaginations.

Her first reaction suddenly immediately cautious, for him to be mixed into the establishment at such a time, could he have another motive? Is he a mole?

Fu Zi Hong"s face did not change, using a treasure to check him out, she judged Tang Tian"s True Power, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Bi Ah Chou"s True Power was truly too low, for a martial artist with such low true power cultivation, could not possibly be a mole.

Every year, the Fighting Grounds would recruit such a group of outer fighting grounds disciples, majority of them were due to relations, and hard to refuse. These people who entered with relations had bad standards, with average talent and a young master"s temper. Once in awhile there would be a few who would not have sufficient strength but still wanted to be disciples.

Fu Zi Hong had previously seen one outer fighting grounds disciple, his drawing talent was extraordinary high, and even she had to praise, his drawings were full of Qi. It was just that the disciple was unable to persuade his parents and was sent elsewhere to continue training, but once he reached the training grounds he insisted not to train, and sunk immensely into his drawings.

Concerning such disciples, the Fighting Grounds did not interfere too much.

In Fu Zi Hong"s eyes, this ugly Bi Ah Chou was such a disciple.

Fu Zi Hong bowed: "I did not expect Ah Chou to have such beautiful talent, Zi Hong is impressed. Ah Chou"s talent, wins me a hundred folds! I humbly invite Ah Chou to deploy the formations for the entire establishment, I wonder if Ah Chou is willing to help?"

"Accept her request!" Bing silently said in Tang Tian"s mind.

"Why? I want to train!" Tang Tian said unhappily: "Then again, we are here for the s.e.xtans Eye, why should we help her?"

"If you don"t help her, the establishment will be broken through tonight." Bing laughed: "You think you can s.n.a.t.c.h it before the rest? You are now in the establishment, the rest are all outside, what are you scared of? You can just stall them outside, you are the nearest to it, and furthermore, you will have earned their trust, wouldn"t you have an even bigger advantage?"

"Wa, Uncle, you are very cunning!" Tang Tian cheered in his heart.

Fu Zi Hong saw that Tang Tian wasn’t speaking, so she bowed again, and spoke sincerely: "If the whole nest suffers, not one egg will be spared! Ah Chou, I beg you, no matter what, please help us this once!"
(TN: It means that no matter how well he protects the west courtyard, if the whole establishment falls, he would also fall)

"This girl is good!" Bing commented "at least her eyes are good."

Tang Tian felt that Uncle Bing"s words were filled with self-happiness, but his words were filled with reason as well. If a chaotic battle were to occur, then the hope of getting s.e.xtans eye would be extremely low.

Tang Tian had seen Fu Zhong Shan"s strength, and was definitely stronger than him, but he was injured too, as well as Yang Hao Ran, obviously the attack last night was too intense!

Sign, we have brought too little people….

Tang Tian regretted in his heart, if he had known earlier, he would have brought everyone along, and trample the entire s.e.xtans Constellation…..

Okay, Tang Tian also felt his thought was not very logical. He nodded his head, said loudly: "Then I would have no choice but to promise you!"

Fu Zi Hong was extremely happy: "Thank you Ah Chou!"

She did not mind the arrogance in his tone, as the Master of the city, she had wide experience in management, she knew that all the talented people, would have a strange temper.

Tang Tian was still thinking about training, and said: "Before the sky turns dark, let’s finish the job."

Fu Zi Hong definitely did not object, she personally accompanied Tang Tian and patrolled around again.

After a few hours, Fu Zi Hong was completely convinced, if not for Ah Chou"s seemingly young age, she would have mistaken him for an experienced old general. After going through a few changes, their might had increased, lots of deployments looked careless, but in detailed sight, it was impressive.

Fu Zi Hong followed behind Bi Ah Chou, just like a small follower, she could not stop raising questions, and was completely awestruck.

Facing such a scene, all the martial artists were shocked.

"Did I see wrongly, isn’t that Ah Chou from Ding Chen"s cla.s.s?"

"Yes that is him, that face is hard for you to not recognize!"

"It can’t be! Big Sister"s taste is a little weird……"

Oh gosh, I cannot accept it, I cannot accept it! Big Sister, my fairy……"

"I didn’t think that Ah Chou still had this ability, I feel that he is very capable, the deployment place just now, don’t you feel it was very perfect?

Having spent a full 2 hours, they finally redeployed all the formations, Tang Tian had talked till his mouth was dry. Being the messenger was very dry and boring. The topics that Fu Zi Hong and Uncle Bing discussed, were all unknown to him, he was just like a robot repeating everything.

"Finally it"s over!" Tang Tian repeated.


Fu Zi Hong"s gaze was filled with brilliance, with only two hours, they actually corrected the entire establishment"s defenses. Everything that happened today had impacted her greatly. Wherever Ah Chou walked, after glancing for a moment, he would casually give a few pointers, and all the loopholes and overlooked areas immediately became clear.

Ah Chou"s every correction, was praised by everyone, and even at a few areas, Fu Zi Hong could only secretly grasp.

"Okay, I’m going back." Tang Tian waved his hand at Fu Zi Hong, not waiting for Fu Zi Hong"s attempt to make him stay, he swiftly disappeared.

Are there truly geniuses in this world?

Fu Zi Hong felt that knowledge she had acc.u.mulated the past few years, was completely toppled.

Chapter 505 – Scream for Ten Thousand Years

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

On the way back to the east courtyard, the gazes that the disciples gave him were very weird, as though they were looking at some weird beast.

Tang Tian could not be bothered, thee past two hours were enough to torment him. But thinking about it, it was truly very miraculous, the other saints and him did not have any difference, they were all here for s.e.xtans Eye, but now he was even helping Cang Yang Fighting Grounds guard against these people.

Back to the west courtyard, Tang Tian relaxed.

Ding Chen and the rest had already seen their Big Boss" capabilities, and naturally did not have any doubts in him. But the other cla.s.ses were different, Ding Chen was always practising with a serious att.i.tude. He was different from the other disciples, Ding Chen firmly believed that Big Boss Ah Chou definitely could bring them out alive.

Hence, following the mock practice arranged by Bing, they executed it adamantly, without any sloppiness, for their lives were their own.

"The situation is very grim." Bing appeared, with worry in his tone: "This defense, is completely like Tofu gravy, it cannot stop any sneak attacks."

"Then what do I do?" Tang Tian stretched his hands out.

"I have no idea either." Bing said after some thought: "Why not make our move first? Just now during the laying out of defense, I had surveyed the area, the s.e.xtans Eye, should be underground."

Tang Tian"s eyes lit up: "Underground?"

"Yes." Bing"s expression was stern: "There is definitely an entrance, we just have to find it. Tonight is a good opportunity, with so much movement last night, the fools outside would definitely not make their move in these two days. Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran are injured, they are definitely trying to recover now, this is Cang Yang Fighting Ground"s weakest time."

"That sounds reasonable!" Tang Tian was palpating with eagerness from Bing"s words.

The midnight sky covered the horizon.

Tang Tian left quietly, he moved into the main court, Bing had already memorized the defense layout of the entire groundsmaster establishment by heart. He did not alarm anybody, and reached the main courtyard.

Suddenly, Tang Tian"s body froze in his position.

The Fog Turtle"s enormous head was right in front of him, there were no signs of it at all, and he actually did not manage to hear anything.


The Fog Turtle suddenly vapourised into fog, and rapidly shrunk into a door of fog.

"Please come in!"

A raspy old voice travelled from inside the door.

Tang Tian was frightened, but after hesitating for a moment, he stepped through the door. Once he stepped through the fog door, the scene in front of him took a drastic change, the air becoming strangely cold.

Then, he once again froze at where he stood, he was stunned seeing the row of people in front of him.

"Bi Ah Chou!"

Fu Zi Hong saw the person clearly, she cried out in alarm, she had never ever thought that the person who would come at night, was actually Bi Ah Chou!

Tang Tian felt the blood in his whole body suddenly congealing in front of him, the originally injured Fu Zhong Shan, Yang Hao Ran, were filled with vigor and life, the cold and imposing aura caused the hair on his body to stand.

Fu Zhong Shan"s capability, was not something he could match, and Yang Hao Ran"s aura, was similarly unfathomable.

There was also the old man, his body clearly did not have any aura, but he could float easily like air, the extraordinary feeling made Tang Tian sweat from head to toe.

Trap? Ambush?

"We finally managed to wait for you!" the old man opened his mouth, with a face full of wrinkles, he smiled: "Please regain your original appearance."

Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran stood to the left and right, emitting out cold qi, Tang Tian felt his lips go dry, stupid Uncle Bing, now you don"t even dare to appear at all, so unloyal, and still talked about it being a good opportunity, a good opportunity to walk into a trap more like it…..

What made Tang Tian"s heart sink even further down was, he could not use Blink, the cavern was filled with the Cold Wave, his blink was completely unusable

d.a.m.n it!

He had not been in such a situation for a very long time.

"Please trust us, we have no enmity." the elderly man laughed.

No enmity…….

Then what"s with the murderous looking G.o.ds standing there, were they born like that?

Of course, Tang Tian did not dare to say that, although he was a fool but he was not stupid, in such a situation where he could not free himself, to be an annoying troublemaker would be courting death. s.e.xtans Eye had not been found, before meeting Qian Hui, he did not want to die.

The muscles on his face, changed non-stop, very quickly, he revealed his true appearance.

Fu Zi hong stared blankly at Tang Tian, Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran"s expressions changed slightly, a faint killing intent emitting from their eyes, this person changed his appearance to mix into the court, he definitely did not have any good intentions.

The elderly man scrutinized him for a short moment, his expression became excited: "You really look alike, you should be surnamed Tang right, what is your name?"

Tang Tian"s body shook, his eyes suddenly lit up with a bright light aura. Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran were dumbstruck, right in that moment, the young man in front of them suddenly seemed to have changed into a totally different person, his entire being emitting an astonishing aura.

"My name is Tang Tian" Tang Tian said in a low voice.

"Tang Tian! Ursa Major"s Constellation Master!" Fu Zi Hong blurted out, she was completely fooled, she had thought that Bi Ah Chou came from somewhere big, but she had never thought it would be that big.

Since the cards had already been laid on the table, Tang Tian did not worry anymore.

Bing floated out, Ya Ya jumped on Tang Tian"s left shoulder and made funny faces, Little Fool held his umbrella and floated beside Tang Tian with a cold look.

Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran"s expression changed at the same time, how could they not know Tang Tian"s name? Currently, Tang Tian"s name was extremely famous, a powerful tyrant. They had not thought that, Ursa Major"s Constellation Master, would personally mix into the Groundsmaster Establishment.

This……. Was simply too difficult for people to believe.

Fu Zi Hong had the biggest shock in her heart, she stared blankly at the young fellow in front of her. That youthful face was suddenly solemn, his aura was definitely not inferior to her father and second uncle.

It was this young chap in front of her, who relied on his own strength, forcibly pushed the third tier Ursa Major Constellation to the same level as Honorable Martial Group, Onyx Soul and The 12 Ecliptic Palaces Constellations.

Fu Zi Hong had specially researched this miracle, that"s right, in her eyes, it was a miracle, without a chance to ever be replicated!

It was this young lad in front……

He was even younger than her, she suddenly remembered her thoughts in the day, are there really geniuses in the world?

It really did……

"Ursa Major Constellation is not your future."

Cang Yang Yu"s sentence, shocked everyone.

Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran froze, Fu Zi Hong reaction was the fastest, she almost lost her voice and exclaimed, but she quickly used her hands to cover her mouth, but Tang Tian"s gaze was filled with the most astonishment. Very quickly, Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran also reacted, changing their expressions.

Tang Tian was also dazed by Cang Yang Yu"s sentence, he did not think much and asked subconsciously: "Why?"

Cang Yang Yu smiled, but did not answer his question: "I have been waiting here for very long, and finally the day has come. That day when you repaired the wall at the west courtyard, fog turtle had already smelled your Qi."

"My Qi?" Tang Tian was confused.

"Yes." Cang Yang Yu said calmly: "But s.e.xtans Eye is not completed yet, it is extremely dangerous, and I did not want to put you in danger so early on. But, the situation is too dire, I cannot be sure that I can last till that day, hence I invited you here. Although this will let you fall into danger, but I thought, with your fate, only you can dictate and undertake this responsibility."

Tang Tian squinted his eyes, and asked word by word: "You know who I am?"

"You are his son." Cang Yan Yu grinned.

Fu Zhong Shan, Yang Hao Ran only felt a flash in front of them, and lost Tang Tian, the two of them were shocked, they then rushed to block the front of Cang Yang Yu, but a gust of wind pa.s.sed by them.

How was it possible…. So fast!

Fu Zhong Shan and Yang Hao Ran"s expression changed.

The young lad appeared in front of Cang Yang Yu just like the wind, his hand already touched Cang Yang Yu"s body, and caught him!

But in the next moment, his pupils shrunk, his hands actually pa.s.sed directly through his body!

Woosh, his body, directly went through Cang Yang Yu"s body, just like going through fog.

This is……

Tang Tian"s figure flew back on the ice wall, he faced Cang Yang Yu, his expression gloomy.

"Very sorry, I also do not know who he is." Cang Yang Yu consoled him without being surprised: "He saved my life, and left me an inheritance, and then made me help him safeguard a few things. He said if he could not come back, his son would come. I promised him, and 16 years have pa.s.sed, and you came."

Tang Tian looked at Cang Yang Yu blankly.

"You look exactly like him." Cang Yang Yu recalled: "Oh, he also had a spirit general beside him who was very powerful. Other than the s.e.xtans Eye, he also made me look after an ice coffin, please follow me."

Cang Yang Yu floated to the ice wall, he said to Tang Tian: "Please place a drop of blood on the top."

Tang Tian with his gloomy face did not say anything, he cut his finger, dripped a few drops of blood on top of the ice. The ice wall quickly melted and vanished, and a transparent ice coffin appeared in front of everyone.

Indeed it was himself……

"This was a spirit general he pa.s.sed to me, a badly damaged spirit general. He selected this place, because it could let this badly damaged spirit warrior not disappear. This spirit general is very old, he has always been screaming and for 16 years, he had not stopped, do not be afraid, there is a saying he has already screamed for ten thousand years."

Bing"s gazed turned to the spirit general inside the ice coffin, and as though he was struck by electricity, his mind went blank.

As though he was caught in some body arts, the cigarette in his hand dropped on the ground, he completely lost the feeling of his body as he stared at the ice coffin blankly.

The vertically straight up ice coffin, had a thin spirit general inside, both his legs had disappeared, both arms were as thin as matchsticks, he was spasming as though he was holding something in the air, the thin face was focused, it occasionally went crazy, his mouth crazily mumbling words.

"Spanner, spanner, give me a spanner, quick quick, d.a.m.n it be quick about it……"

"The Joint is damaged severely, give me part number 3 for the join, everyone move quicker, hang on, don"t fall down……"

"I"m not leaving! I"m not leaving! If I leave, who will help you fix……"

"Set Number 261, is severely damaged, Commander don"t die, Ah Xin don"t die, brat don"t die……"

He suddenly raised his both arms and shouted hysterically: "Southern Cross Army, advance!"

Bing stared blankly at spirit general, tears suddenly flowing out uncontrollably, the middle aged uncle, knelt on the floor and bawled, unable to breath properly, he kept on gasping, just like a kid.

"Hey, little brat, the name"s Screw, when you grow up, I will make a mechanical weapon for you."

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