Undefeated God of War

Chapter 536 – Welcoming the Enemy

Chapter 536 – Welcoming the Enemy

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

In the air, a clump of black dots whistled past.

"Team Su, this time, the battle will be huge, if we win, our contributions will be great." the person who spoke was a middle aged man with pale skin, he was all smiles.

"Thats right, what are the gold grade armies for, they"re useless. To drop the key at the most crucial moment, they still need us to clean up their mess." another Bronze Saint complained unhappily.

In the center of the team, a man with an outstanding vigor flew along, his long sleeve fluttered, he laughed: "The merits will definitely not be little, I especially went to listen around before I left, if we complete this mission, it will be worth a contribution of 100 points."

Everyone immediately cheered.

In the temple, the contribution points and spirit value points are equal, 100 points of contribution points could exchange for 100 spirit value worth of spirit treasures, spirit techniques, or other items.

Spirit value was everything to a saint.

100 points of contribution value was definitely a generous reward, such a mission by the Temple was not easily received, even if there were, it would be extremely dangerous.

The mission this time, was roughly the easiest 100 points mission in history.

43 independent saints, in the eyes of these Bronze Saints officiated by the temple, was a bunch of cannon fodder. Even Su Yi who was always cautious also felt that way. That bunch of bitter independent saints, compared to them, was like comparing a beggar and a regular army.

Independent saints trained extremely poorly, they did not have money for spirit technique cards, they did not have money for spirit treasures, they did not have money for saint grade spirit nourishments, they were extremely poor and rustic.

Saints from the temple, once they meet the requirements to become a Bronze Saint, the Temple would gift a spirit treasure with spirit value of 100 points. Just with this alone was enough to make those poor souls envy till they"re green in the eyes.

In addition, the Temple provides free spirit technique cards, it was so thick it could form a thick catalogue.

Every month, there would be silver saints that would specially hold sermons, to explain their comprehension of laws, and by paying some contribution points, anyone could obtain a ticket to sit in. And as long as they were slightly diligent, and take a few missions to earn their contribution points, they could buy anything in the Temple. If your contributions were enough, they could even rent a star power room, and infer to create spirit techniques.

The Temple saints who grew up from all this, compared to the independent saints, it was definitely not a small margin of difference.

The highest record amongst the Temple"s Bronze Saints, was a bronze level saint who in a battle, killed 16 Bronze Independent Saints. This specific example was naturally not a normal phenomenon, but a Bronze Saint from the Temple, to fight against three to five independent saints, that was a normal occurrence.

Furthermore, the one leading the group was Su Yi.

Su Yi"s spirit value had already reached 446 points, his fighting capabilities were over the top, he had repeatedly defeated saints who had higher spirit value than him. In addition he had a good temper, his interpersonal skills were very good too, among the Temple"s Bronze Saints, he had a good reputation. The Temple particularly cared about this mission, hence they deployed Su Yi.

"The earlier we complete this, the faster we can head back! Next week is Master Qin Li"s rites, it would be pity to miss it!" a saint said.

"I am not sure when Master Qin Li will be able to attempt to become a Gold Saint. Master Qin Li was hailed as the person with the highest probability of rushing into the Gold Saints!"

"Bulls.h.i.t! Master Lan Dong Yi is the most probable, Master Dong Yi"s comprehension of laws has already surpa.s.sed the level of the Silver Saints!"

"Then from what you said, Master Dong Yi should already be a Gold Saint!"

People continued to joined in the debate, they were obviously interested in the issue.

Su Yi shook his head and laughed, but did not stop it, he was carefully thinking about the mission. Him doing that was completely because of habit, no matter what kind of battle he would face, he never underestimated the enemy. For an enemy to be able to alert the Temple, that displayed the strength they had.

However, the strength of the Gold Grade Armies were truly terrible.

It seemed as though the armies were not suitable for the Martial Group. The Martial Group did not have the system to groom out military leaders, and having such results was not surprising to Su Yi. However, it is always better to experience failure earlier, before others have an unrealistic hallucination.

To the Martial Group, The Temple was enough.

Su Yi believed in that without a doubt.

He was determined to complete the mission beautifully, he wanted to make the entire Heavens Road worship and shiver in front of the Temple. For a bunch of independent saints to dare become enemies of the Temple, and the recent quickly rising tyrant, to dare challenge the authority of the Temple, that was truly a joke. Only blood would make them wake up, to let them realize that they were undertaking a stupid mistake.

Suddenly, his Honorable Saint Plate shook.


Su Yi shouted, he steadied his figure and with a thought, a light screen shot out in front of him, and a stern old man appeared on the light screen.

"Elder He!"

Everyone"s hearts froze, they each bowed in respect.

Elder He"s face did not smoothen, his face was gloomy: "The Light blade Army has betrayed us, Commander Ye Shou Xin, Deputy Commander Zhang Mo Lei, have already triggered the Trial of Light."

The expression of Su Yi and the rest changed, betrayal rarely happened in the Honorable Martial Group, and for an entire army to turncoat, had never happened before.

"Your mission has changed, other than the previous mission, you are required to wipe out the entire Light Blade Army, and not spare anyone! As for Ye Shou Xin and Mo Lei, bring them back to the martial group, who will be confined for their guilt at the main hall to be publicly exposed. We"ll let them howl in anguish continually around the clock, to warn those martial artist who are becoming corrupted day by day!"

Elder He"s face was filled with killing intent.

Everyone"s hearts were trembled, they shouted: "Yes!"

"50 contribution points added to the mission."

Elder he coldly added the last sentence, then he broke communication.

The contribution points that were added separately, did not let them feel happy, as everyone"s expression turned bad. They knew that the betrayal was extremely serious.

"Hmph, as expected, armies cannot be relied on!" a saint said coldly.

"Stop bulls.h.i.tting, we will pick up the speed!" Su Yi"s face was gloomy without any smile, his whole body releasing a terrifying killing intent.


Such a humiliating word, to actually be related to the Honorable Martial Group, and coming from an army with high hopes pinned on them, this would greatly impact the prestige of the Honorable martial group.

Not a single one of you can escape!

Su Yi"s eyes became heavy.

The other saints did not have the excitement of discussing other matters, everyone became gloomy as they flew forward quickly.

After flying continuously for half a day, a member suddenly shouted: "They are ahead!"

Everyone"s spirits shook, Su Yi squinted, he shouted: "Charge!"

Everyone increased speed, just like a sharp sword, they pierced the skies.

Tang Tian and the rest were already waiting for them, Little Fool"s face was black, as he floated behind Tang Tian, he was focused on looking through the records and old books, and never expected that the fool would actually give out so many good things to the cannon fodder!

All the spirit treasures that were spoken about in the legends, which caused even Little Fool to see red, his heart was beating with pain.

Autumn Leaf Spear, Sky Wheel, Cygnus Black Gla.s.ses, Distant Triangle Starry Darts……

Every piece taken out were all legends!

To be spotted by Gui Wu, how could they be ordinary treasures? These types of treasures were actually given to a group of cannon fodder which did not even have 200 spirit value points! Furthermore, every single one of them hung more than 1 treasure, the myriad of colors of dazzling line ups, made Little Fool watch them with an indescribable anger, as though there were countless of beasts screaming in his heart.

Wasting precious treasures recklessly!

b.a.s.t.a.r.d! You deserve to die!

Little Fool"s fist was white from clenching too hard, his heart filled with a dense killing intent that could not be cleared, the current Little Fool was like a bucket of gunpowder, that was dried till the limit, where even the smallest spark would make him explode.

Tang Tian did not sense Little Fool"s weirdness, his focus was on the incoming saints that were charging at them, his attention was wholeheartedly on them. He knew if there was a slight mistake in the incoming battle, it would mean a wipe out!

The light in his eyes exploded, he took in a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Kill!"

Everyone who had long prepared and ready, sprang into action.

Looking at the enemy"s reaction, Su Yi realized that the opponents had prepared for them.

Su Yi"s pupils had a cold gleam, so what if they were prepared and vigilant? With the difference in power, that so called determination, was just a beautiful joke.


A rain of flames shot out, each flame was about the size of a fist and was translucent.

"Let me!" a member shouted excitedly, he suddenly accelerated and charged to the front of the team.

He opened both arms, and shouted: "Red Lotus Umbrella!"

Countless Flaming tongues emerged from his body, spiralling at great speed in front of him, it became a fire red umbrella of over 30m that covered his front.

The huge umbrella, protected everyone. This was the spirit technique he trained in with a spirit value of over 120 points spirit value, a powerful technique! Rushing into the enemy"s attacks was his forte.

Supporting the Red Lotus Umbrella, the speed of them did not weaken, it brought a huge fiery red afterimage, whistling towards Tang Tian.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

The rain of flames. .h.i.t onto the red lotus umbrella, causing him to sneer.

But what happened after froze the smile on his face.

It was as if the rain of flames was pa.s.sing through paper, in the blink of an eye, they had pierced through his red lotus umbrella, and he who was supporting the red lotus umbrella"s charge, did not expect this result, before he could react, two fireb.a.l.l.s flew in front of him.

His expression changed, in a hurry, he activated his life saving spirit treasure, [Aurora Cover].

A dazzling energy barrier that resembled an aurora, protected him tightly.

So close!

His mind steadied, [Aurora Cover] was a defensive spirit treasure which had 160 spirit value, and was his life saving treasure. Furthermore, [Aurora Cover] had another ability, once the opponent"s spirit technique came close, it would be like a magnet, it would produce a repulsive force, rejecting all the incoming attacks.

He had already made preparations for being knocked away.

Woosh woosh!

Two fiery flames struck the Aurora Cover, but what he had never expected was that the Aurora Cover did not get knocked away, the two regiments of translucent flames stuck onto the barrier, and continued to combust.

The Aurora Cover was burning with two holes, that became bigger with frightening speed.

His chest felt a wave of pain, his expression froze on his face, he lowered his head and looked at his chest, a triangle dart was stuck in his chest, and a sharp energy, charged into his body.

This is……

The Triangle dart had flown with different beautiful arcs, these arcs had different angles, interweaving and criss crossing, every arc seemed to consist of a high quality intent, and at the front of the arc, which was also its sharpest point, had a star that was faintly discernible.

In his mind, he thought about a treasure in the legends.

Distant Triangle Starry Darts….. is indeed as sharp as it is proclaimed in the legends…..

This was his last thought, as an never ending darkness, engulfed him.

It was truly as sharp as what the legends stated!

When Little Fool saw the power of the triangle dart, his eyes twitched, as though his heart had a hole where blood was gushing out!

That is mine! Mine! Mine!

He roared quietly in his heart.

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Little Fool turned, his handsome and delicate face revealed a thick killing intent.

Chapter 537 – Overlord"s Punishment

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Red Lotus Umbrella was so easily pierced through, the Temple Saints were caught off guard, and three of them were struck by the Spirit Devouring Flames. From the start, they were still ignorant, as the Spirit Devouring Flame had a very deceiving appearance, causing them to greatly underestimate its killing power.

The fastest to react was Su Yi. He had already noticed the scene of the Spirit Devouring Flame burning the energy. His face changed and he reminded the rest: "Dodge the flames!"

A few saints who were preparing to use the energy barrier to deflect the flames caught his message, and immediately turned their bodies.

But the locations of the Spirit Devouring Flames were arranged with much thought, for the sake of showing the initial might to his opponents, Tang Tian made everyone"s Spirit Devouring Flames arranged very tightly, and did not give much s.p.a.ce to dodge.

Especially for Su Yi and the rest who were still increasing speed!

They were rushing into the rain of flames, at that moment their speed was already at their limit, and unable to do much dodging. Chi chi, two others were struck by the Spirit Devouring Flames.

Su Yu displayed his great power without doubt, even though he was at high speed, he was still as agile as a fish, cutting and darting around in the rain of flames. Although five of them were struck by the Spirit Devouring Flames, the rest of the saints were able to pa.s.s through the rain of flames.

Su Yi and the rest were enraged, they were always the ones doing the ambush, since when had they ever suffered and been at the disadvantage? Su Yi"s face showed off his killing intent, he hissed, his body suddenly surging with strength, releasing a piercing light aura, like a battle G.o.d! His speed surged even faster, tearing the s.p.a.ce wherever he flew, like a sharp light sword, he suddenly slashed into his enemy"s formation!

The enemies in front of him retreated like a tide.

Want to back out? Too naive!

Su Yi sneered, suddenly, his eyes became dark, a male carrying a shield suddenly ran through the entire line, to the back of the retreating group of people. At the same time, the retreating back line contracted, drawing close to each other.

In the blink of an eye, the enemy"s formation had become a conical shape, and the most sharp position, was the male with the shield!

The conical shaped formation was usually used for a.s.sault, and the martial artist at the sharpest tip of the conical shape had to be the strongest out of the formation, as he was the only one wielding the sharp edge, so that the conical shape formation could break through the enemy"s lines.

But, the enemy was actually in defense!

Su Yu immediately understood his opponent"s thoughts, to place the strongest defense at the tip, naturally that would form a fan shaped defensive area, protecting everyone up. It was extremely brilliant, in theory, as long as the most front defense, the main guy had sufficient strength, then they could just rely on him and protect everyone else.

And, Su Yu was able to clearly see that the two sides that contracted were like two kept in blades, once he was to rush in and attack, they would recoil outwards and attack them!

But, you want to block my attack? Heh, I wonder where you get your confidence from!

Su Yi urged his True Power, the light aura becoming more intense. He also trained in [Glimmer], but the state of his Glimmer was so many times stronger than Ye Zhao Ge! All of the light aura congealed around his body, like light needles, they were extremely dazzling, his entire body was already covered with the light aura, to the point that his body could not be seen, like a dazzling sun! [Glimmer] which was not known for its tyrannical power, in Su Yu"s hands, was actually able to release such an unspeakable tyrannical force!

Like a brilliant sun!

Like the scorching sun tearing through the sky, in between the rapidly sweeping and dazzling lights, Su Yi raised a palm up high, like an Overlord raising his blade!

The Temple Saints" fighting intents were completely overridden by Su Yi"s tyrannical and barbaric charge. They all knew Su Yi long enough, but it was still the first time for many of them to be fighting alongside him. Witnessing his ability, they felt their blood vessels expanding. Their morale which was flushed by the previous rain of flames was quickly bolstered back up.

And those who had fought alongside Su Yi before, became even more boosted, every time Su Yi released his ferocious attack, it was definite victory!

Su Yi"s a.s.sault was not just a spirit technique, but the merger of [Glimmer]"s release and speed of [Flowing Light], a self created original attacking method.

[Glimmer] by itself did not have much attacking force, but it was still held as the strongest Bronze Spirit Technique in Honorable Martial Group, because it could combust True Power. The True Power that was being combusted would have its might amplified multiple folds, and even the simplest of attacks were filled with surprising force.

And [Flowing Light] was Su Yi"s main flight spirit technique, it was as fast as the flow of light, its speed unmatched. Su Yi found out while training, that inside [Flowing Light]"s techniques, there were many moves that were beneficial to collecting energy. Using the acc.u.mulated energy stored while attacking quickly, merging it with [Glimmer], could create a blade aura that possessed unmatched speed.

This was an attack that solely belonged to him, and had an extremely tyrannical name.

Overlord"s Punishment!

The simple looking silver shield, facing the tyrannical and dense light aura slash, looked extremely feeble, feeble to the point that people suspected that as long as the light pillar touched the silver shield, the silver shield would be cut like paper.

Even for Meng Ta and the rest who were behind Tang Tian, they were overwhelmed by shock from Su Yi"s approaching attack, all of their faces becoming ugly. They had never seen before such a tyrannical and strict slash, they felt that the slash would be able to slice their entire team into two!

Little Fool"s heart trembled, but seeing Meng Ta and the others who had a look of horror from the corner of his eyes, the disdain in his heart transformed into anger, these mystical treasures, to hand them to these trash, is simply humiliating the treasures, and being disrespectful to the ancestor, this is….mine! Mine! Mine!

Tang Tian also jumped in shock from Su Yu"s attack, itr was to fast!

He had just rushed to the front of the formation, and Su Yi had already rushed to his front, with that speed, he was unable to see anything clearly, but could only feel the tyrannical Qi slashing down at him!

Tang Tian was unable to think up of any ideas, and instinctively grabbed hold of the Silver Lined Heavy Shield.

Su Yi waved his palm, the light slash bringing forth a low resounding buzz that could cause one"s hair to stand, and slashed heavily on the silver shield.


The blazing light exploded suddenly.

The intense ripple of the attack was like a hurricane that swept everything. The saints who were closer struggled as though they were in a torrential storm, they were unable to stabilize themselves, their faces filled with shock.

Tang Tian only felt a burst of abundant resisting force that surged out from the shield"s body, the powerful energy almost made him slip, in that moment, his body instinctively made a reaction, lowering his waist like lightning, leaning the shield on his shoulders, from his original two hand hold, it became a two arm embrace on the shield, his entire body was like a bull exerting force, tightly holding onto the shield.

The deafening explosion sound instantly erupted on the shield"s body, Tang Tian"s eardrums buzzed violently, he could not hear his own shouts completely, in the life and death situation, he was like a beast that was near death, frantically struggling.

The Silver Lined Heavy Shield trembled violently while Tang Tian hugged on the shield"s arm guard on the back, his face completely distorting.

Tang Tian"s entire body was tensed up to the point of tearing, his eyes were scarlet red, his mouth releasing beastlike roars: "Hey hey hey…."

The light aura dissipated.

Everyone looked at Tang Tian in disbelief. He was hugging the shield as though he was drunk, spinning on the spot slowly.

How….how is that possible….

Su Yi could barely believe his own eyes, Overlord"s Punishment"s destructive capability, no one was as clear about it as him. If it was converted to spirit value, Overlord"s Punishment"s spirit value was definitely over 400 points! Even the silver seniors all praised him regarding his technique, the reason being even a Silver Saint was definitely unable to block that attack!

His battle achievement also proved that the silver senior"s judgement was true, Overlord"s Punishment had never been blocked after its creation.

Until today!

Someone blocked him!

The eyes in which Su Yi used to look at Tang Tian, were like he was looking at some weird monster, and the monster"s current movements were extremely funny.

Tang Tian was jolted stupid, his mind was in a blank, entire body suffering from hyperemia, red to the point that he looked like a boiled prawn, and as though he was drunk, he held onto the Silver Lined Heavy Shield and spun around dizzily.

Everything happened too quickly, to the point that he had no time to think.

The saints of the Temple were about to take the chance to strike. They were completely sure that after taking Su Yi"s attack, which was like a hot knife and slicing b.u.t.ter, the enemy"s formation would be in chaos and disorder.

They followed the light aura to the front of the formation with their bloods boiling, but only to realize, they enemies had blocked it!

They had thought of all sorts of possibilities, but none of them involved the enemy being able to block. So when they reached the front, they could not believe their eyes.

On the contrary, Meng Ta and the rest who were initially shocked by Su Yi"s Overlord Punishment, after witnessing Tang Tian resisting the terrifying attack, they could not believe their eyes, yet their bloods started to boil as well, bringing forth an unprecedented frenzy.

They were both equally shocked, but the morale of both parties had taken a huge qualitative change.

Su Yi looked at the silver shield in Tang Tian"s hand, the extremely fine patterns on the surface, and the silver light flickering on the seemingly simple shield. A legendary name came up into his mind. His eyes shrunk, his eyes jumping frantically.

Silver Lined Heavy Shield!

The legendary Silver Lined Heavy Shield!

Hailed as the Shield that was indestructible to attacks beneath gold grade spirit techniques, the Silver Lined Heavy Shield!

d.a.m.n it!

How were they able to get their hands on such a treasure!

Su Yi suddenly thought about the barrage of attacks previously, the triangle darts of shooting stars, and another name of the legends flashed into his mind, causing his mind to tremble.

Distant Triangle Starry Darts!

The fiercely renowned Distant Triangle Starry Darts!

He remembered the the groups of triangle darts that were flung out from the seemingly ordinary enemies. Impossible! He immediately shut down his own guess, if it is only the Silver Lined Heavy Shield, than that is more possible.

For the Silver Lined Silver Shield and Distant Triangle Starry Darts to appear at the same time, that kind of probability…. Stop joking!

His gaze consciously swept across his enemies.

The man with the spear in his hands, had a strange form, it was like dried leaves enveloping the spear"s body, it looked extremely ugly. From the looks of it, it resembled the Autumn Leaf Spear of the legends, causing Su Yi"s mind to tremble.

The spirit treasures on the enemies around the man with the spear were even weirder, there was a green whip, with a green whip tail. Why can i remember there was a description from somewhere, eh, it seems to resemble the Green Coma Berenices of the legends, Su Yi"s heart trembled again.

And on another enemy, there seemed to be something spinning around his body. Su Yi"s eyes were very sharp, and he immediately noticed that it was a blue transparent flywheel, which was extremely hard to detect. For some reason, Su Yi thought of another fiercely renowned treasure, The Sky Wheel, and his mind trembled again.

Su Yi subconsciously swept across again.

His mind stopped trembling. He was completely stupefied.

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