Undefeated God of War

Chapter 572 – Ichthyosaur Transformation

Chapter 572 – Ichthyosaur Transformation

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Tang Tian"s body leaned forward slightly, he was like a violent silver bear waiting to take action and preparing to pounce. His half closed eyes suddenly opened wide and an intense cold aura shot out like a sharp white blade.

It was unclear if it was because of his fatigue, but Tang Tian"s state of mind was extremely peaceful without any fluctuation.

All the sinister faces of his enemies with their eyes filled with greed reflected into his eyes, his almost blank mind, seemed to only have the notion of instincts. He did not shout or roar, only a whisper, that was gentle as the summer breeze, the promise that he swore under the stars.

I must win

I must be victorious.

I must defeat them.

The first person to realize that something was wrong was Little Fool.

Danger! Tang Tian"s entire body was emitting an extremely dangerous qi. The usual Tang Tian would occasionally reveal the beast-like aura, but most of it was tyrannical and aggressive Qi, and not at all dangerous.

"Is this the real you, under all those pretenses of craziness?"

Little Fool mumbled to himself, for some reason, an excitement he had never experienced started to appear. Although the fool had many strong points, he was foolish and stupid, and he never made Little Fool feel happy. He was strong, but not stable, once in awhile displaying his domineering abilities, but most of the time, he would commit simple mistakes.

To someone who was especially arrogant, if his alter ego was as pa.s.sionate and enthusiastic as the bright sunlight, then he should be a perfect sunlight, kindhearted and not stupid or foolish.

Up until now, every time his battle mode surfaced, Little Fool would become excited. He had finally found a common trait between them, that was how battles should be conducted. It should be dangerous with killing intent all over, rivers of blood should flow, it should be cold, ruthless, and merciless. Boiling blood was the world"s most tender and beautiful flower.

"Kill, Kill!" Little Fool"s eyes were blinking with the colour of blood, shouting softly.

Tang Tian did not hear Little Fool"s voice.

He suddenly released the strength in his legs, and shot out like an artillery sh.e.l.l towards Shi Sen.

Shi Sen smirked, it had been long since he met an idiot who would dare to charge in alone.

Since you"re courting death, then I shall fulfill your request!


Shi Sen waved the long blade in his hands with immense strength, the soldiers beside him similarly waved their blades. The whole sky was filled with blade auras, dancing like a group of b.u.t.terflies, streaking across each other in a criss-cross pattern in the sky, they were agile and lively.

Every single blade aura"s trajectory was extremely swift and unpredictable. They surrounded Tang Tian, flickering everywhere.

Bing who had just flown up the city walls happened to see the scene, his pupils dilated, those blade auras……

At this moment, Shi Sen suddenly placed the blade vertically straight in front of him, and chanted with a bewitching tone in his voice: "b.u.t.terfly Dance!"

Chi chi chi!

Every piece of blade aura, swept past the air, just like b.u.t.terflies fluttering their wings, bringing up ripples, in an instant, the air around Tang Tian suddenly became chaotic, the countless ripples intertwined in the air, every ripple bringing forth a weak torque, in the blink of an eye, a huge and complicated force field, trapped Tang Tian like a giant net.

Tang Tian did not dodge, it was as if he did not see them, rushing straight into the net filled with the invisible energy.

Shi Sen was pleased, the b.u.t.terfly Dance technique had buried countless heroes. The invisible force field was filled with danger, the uncountable layers reached a shocking level. Once when he previously launched a sneak attack, 20 mechanical giants were trapped and twisted into dough fritters.

The silver armor on his body looked pretty well done!

Shi Sen felt a bit of regret.

Right at that moment, a ray of silver light shot out from the man"s back. The heavy silver umbrella entered Shi Sen"s eyes.


Shi Sen was stunned, but then he started laughed. The armor that looked like a bear, with bulky and energetic muscles, looked extremely formidable and majestic. But to suddenly take out an umbrella, it was unrealistically comical.

A small bear with an umbrella? Hahahaha……

Tang Tian did not react at all, as though he did not see any silver umbrella.

The Ursa Major Umbrella Light Armor, was an armor from Ursa Major Constellation, and all this while, no one liked it. The majority of Ursa Major Constellations" martial artists were swift, fierce and strong, but the umbrella was such a graceful weapon, so it was not to their liking.

But, Ursa Major Constellations inheritance, was the [Ursa Major Stars Umbrella]!

What was even more important, was that Little Fool actually trained in the [Ursa Major Stars Umbrella], so the might of Ursa Major Umbrella Light Armor"s was executed to full saturation in his hands. Every time Little Fool activated the mental technique of Ursa Major Stars Umbrella, the martial spirit of the Ursa Major Umbrella Light Armor would cheer excitedly.

Out of the seven armors, the Ursa Major Umbrella Light Armor evolved the fastest, and this was the reason why.

But we have to give it to them, the energy of the 51 soldiers controlled by Shi Sen, to form the twisting force field, was extremely powerful. To be able to execute such an exquisite method using his troops energy, it clearly reflected Shi Sen"s strength. Even Bing, could not prevent a look of astonishment and praise from appearing in his eyes.

Little Fool who was caught up in the excitement was very emotional, it was his first time controlling the astronomical amount of energy, as the black castle behind continued to pour in vast amounts.

The pure and vigorous energy, converged on Tang Tians body, it was like a layer of viscous liquid, absorbed onto the surface of Tang Tian"s body, but it was isolated by Tang Tian"s Zero Energy Body.

Little Fool had realized earlier, the isolation due to the Zero Energy Body, actually increased his control over energy. He had the confidence to destroy the distorting energy formed by the b.u.t.terfly-like formation.

Come on!

Taste the power of Ursa Major Stars Umbrella…..

Oh wait!

The excited Little Fool"s face suddenly froze.

In mid air, Tang Tian who was clad in the armor, twisted his waist to throw a punch.

This fellow…… what is he thinking……

The force field created by energy requires energy to be destroyed, and it is my time to show off, what is this fool trying to do? As though a bucket of cold water was poured over him, Little Fool"s excitement vanished, his heart filled with disappointment. You"re doing something stupid again, did I overestimate you?

Tang Tian"s body was like an extended bow, his gaze suddenly increased sharply, exhaling a mouth of air, his fist shot forward!


Little Fool"s eyes expanded, he looked at Tang Tians fist in disbelief.

That fist that was as fast as lightning.

Tang Tians specialty, the fundamental fist techniques, other than it being fast, there was nothing else to it!

The speed of the fist was extremely fast, seemingly pa.s.sing through the layer of energy around his body.

The armor plating on his arm p.r.i.c.ked up, it quickly swept past the concentrated energy on the surface of his body, similar to streaking across water, the armor plates trembled in unison, forming a low pitch buzz, like a bear howl from deep within the jungle.

Pure physical force was being utilized by Tang Tian to saturation. Wherever the fist pa.s.sed through, regardless whether it was energy or power, was destroyed.

The intense destructive formed an empty hole, the energy on the surface of his body was frantically sucked towards it, at a shocking speed, the energy converged on Tang Tians fist.

It can be done like this…… isn"t that the principle of a vortex?

Wrong, that is Spiralling Energy!

Little Fool was dumbfounded, what he was unable to comprehend was that all the energy on the surface of Tang Tians body, was being torn and pulled into smaller vortices!

Tang Tians fist suddenly blossomed a light aura so huge, it was just like the sun!

The energy that resembled vines, in front of the dauntless punch, was destroyed into dust!

Shi Sen"s expression changed, he did not dare to believe his eyes, how is it possible for someone to release such a terrifying punch? He blinked his eyes and looked at the blade auras dancing in the sky like b.u.t.terflies, which were melting like snow.

A dazzling fist aura, penetrated through the chaotic and messy force fields, continuing to become bigger as it drew closer to him.

A sense of unprecedented danger caused the hair on Shi Sen"s body to stand, without considering anything, he straightened his sword in front of him and screamed: "Wind!"

All around the troops, layer after layers of blades appeared to form a blade barrier, which spun extremely quickly. A tornado blade aura was formed, protecting the troops inside.


All the Spiralling Energy converged on the fist aura, it did not have the shape of the normal fist aura, but they were different sized conical shapes spinning at great speeds, shooting onto the tornado like an artillery sh.e.l.l, it shot into the blade barrier.

The blade barrier was immediately penetrated.

Shi Sen looked at the fist aura pa.s.s sweeping by two meters away from him and became completely numb. It bored through the bodies of two of his bodyguards and crashed into the blade barrier, smashing it into pieces.

Although the sword barrier was penetrated, it interrupted the enemy"s focus, the fist aura pa.s.sed Shi Sen by a tenth of a hair.

Boom Boom!

Two fist auras broke through the blade barrier again, this time taking three more lives, in the blink of an eye, his team had lost 10% of their members.

Shi Sen"s eye sockets almost split apart, the intense danger, completely awakened his ferocity.


Shi Sen took the lead first, his body followed along his blade, shaking the focus of the other soldiers, they knew that their Master was going to risk it all! Without hesitation, they followed behind closely.

They were like a school of fish, charging crazily towards the enemy.

All of their bodies lit up with light aura, like glowing fish. And right at that instant, all of them dispersed their energy at the same time, completely opening up towards their companions without holding back.

The regiment of light auras continued to disperse, merging quickly in the air. When the 46 regiments of light auras completely merged, an extremely ferocious Qi surged, as though something was suddenly coming out from the deep sea.

Ichthyosaur Transformation!

This was Shi Sen"s last resort killing technique, the group of fish transforming into an Ichthyosaur. The most difficult point of this technique was that it required the unconditional trust from each other, if anyone was to have signs of taking precaution in their mind, it would greatly reduce the formidable power of the maneuver.

Shi Sen"s hair was dishevelled, he looked as though he was going crazy, his face revealed a whiff of pain. This maneuver placed an immense burden on him.

His thoughts were suddenly dragged afar, after falling deep into the enemy ranks that year, faced with desperation, he relied on the Ichthyosaur Transformation technique to kill their way out of the army of thousands, with his troops that were close to 500; only 100 remained.

After going around for many years, the 500 people was reduced to the current 46.

They all viewed him as a hero and followed him. They fought in many battles together and walked from one end of the world to the other. The 500 soldiers, faded with no regrets.

Thinking about them, his heart felt as though knives were being pierced into him. He wanted his own territory, he wanted to earn glory and wealth for everyone, he wanted to build a memorial hall, to burn incense and tributes to the fallen ones, he wanted the 454 heroic spirits to have a place to return to, and he wanted to help settle their families down and keep them safe. That was what he had sworn in his heart, when he held onto their hands just before they died. Each and every single one of them.

I need my own territory!

Shi Sen lifted his face, his eyes lit with raging flames.

Chapter 573 – A Cruel Victory

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

The bodies of the 46 men all changed irregularly, the energy surged and suddenly took the form of an Ichthyosaur.

Their bodies froze, the Ichthyosaur light aura that enveloped their bodies pounced on Tang Tian.

Although Tang Tian was still blank, at that moment, his fighting capabilities were at its apex. He was the first to notice the change in Shi Sen, that definite intent to go all out!

And another feeling that Tang Tian was extremely familiar with, conviction.

Tang Tian quivered, as though he was awoken from his muddle headedness, the bitter ache surging like a tide into his entire body, causing him to immediately spasm with pain.

The fist aura that he had produced suddenly lost control. The originally congealed energy immediately had signs of slackening.

Coincidentally, the Ichthyosaur that Shi Sen had conjured struck over.


The energy dissipated like sparks all over. Tang Tian"s fist was immediately dissipated, while Shi Sen"s Ichthyosaur dimmed. Shi Sen"s face was flushed red. The land was within grasp!

Within grasp!

All of you are blessing me from Heaven right? All of you are definitely following me from up there right? All of you are still here, right?

You"re all watching this….

Roaring out like a wild beast, Shi Sen"s eyes became red. All of the energy converged frantically onto the blade in his hand. The Ichthyosaur that enveloped the entire team, revealed its sharp claw!

Feeling Shi Sen"s intent to fight, the elite soldiers all roared in unison.

Go and die!

The Ichthyosaur aura dimmed, but the blade in Shi Sen"s hand had a strange light aura surface out. The hissing sound in the air had vanished, as though time had stopped, and all of the light aura had converged on the magnificent blade!

The silver armored martial artist came closer and closer, Shi Sen"s sinister face, became sincere and solemn.

He thought about the high spirited atmosphere when they had just formed the team, they drank, talked about the future, about marriage and kids; a full of vision for the future. He thought of the time when they were set up by their friendly forces, and were completely surrounded, the blood filled battleground, the despair overwhelmed their hearts. He thought about when they became bandits, whistling through the mountains and forests, they had lost their way.

Their simple and bleak war song resounded in his heart.

"How can you say you don"t have clothes? I"ll share my robes with you. The King is raising troops, I"m preparing my battle-ax and spear and spear to fight our enemies with you.

How can you say you don"t have clothes? I"ll share my undershirt with you. The King is raising troops, I"m preparing my spear and halberd to do it with you.

How can you say you don"t have clothes? I"ll share my underskirt with you. The King is raising troops. I"m preparing my armor and weapons to march forth with you."
(TN: This song is from the poem, no clothes, 无衣, from the state of Qin)

The last sentence, "to march forth with you", caused teardrops to form in his eye, blurring his vision.

I know that you guys never left, you guys never left….

I am going to win, can you all see this?


A clear and crisp sound, caused him to shudder.

The opened up silver umbrella, blocked the blade!

Little Fool"s eyes were cold, although the fool was dumb and foolish, although your conviction had earned my respect, there can only be one victor!

And that can only be me.

He did not dare to hold back anymore, the six spires reacted and the energy converging on the umbrella amplified.
The umbrella surged with energy, transforming into a vast sea of stars. Little Fool gently twisted the umbrella handle, and the stars started to rotate, that began to pick up speed. The blade that was blocked by the umbrella, started to tremble, as though it was being twisted by a grinding wheel.

Countless fragments of aura flew out creating a beautiful yet brutal scene that caused people to stifle.

Shi Sen looked at the blade in shock, the light aura was quickly dimming down and losing its magnificence. It lost its l.u.s.ter and became ordinary steel that broke into many pieces as it exploded in his hand.

The strange part was, before he lost consciousness, it was extremely peaceful.

Did I fail? I"m sorry everyone…..

Am I going to die? That"s good, I can meet everyone….

The 46 figures all lost control at the same time and fell towards the ground. All of them had to bear Little Fool"s attack, and all of them had different degrees of injuries.

Having lost all his strength, Tang Tian also plummeted down with no control over his body, but he did not care about himself, and shouted out loud: "Save them!"

Little Fool looked at the fool helplessly, you can"t even save yourself, why save them? He so badly wanted the fool to fall to his death, if not for him being his alter ego, he would had definitely, definitely, for sure….

Little Fool clenched his teeth and helplessly waved the silver umbrella. All of the 46 falling bodies were suddenly caught by some invisible hand, immediately eliminating their free fall. The 46 of them landed safely on the ground, but Tang Tian smashed straight into the ground like a silver superior quality weighted scale.

But, a superior quality weighted scale is still a weighted scale.


The explosion sounded out, actually forming a pit in the indestructible black rock floor, Tang Tian laid in the center of the the pit, he was not moving.

After a moment, a rhythmic snoring sound came out from the pit.

He actually fell asleep….he actually fell asleep….

Little Fool was fuming with anger.

On the wall, Bing was muttering to himself, from time to time he would take down some details and was immersed into it, and did not even once look at Tang Tian sleeping inside the pit.

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian who had watched the entire process was completely dumbstruck, but when he regained his senses, his face slowly became paler and paler. Shi Sen was a major figure in the Vast Star System, if anything were to happen to him in theShang System, then the Vast Star System would definitely flatten the Shang System, and not even leave one inch of gra.s.s alive…

What do I do what do I do…..

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian"s face was filled with despair, he initially wanted to use Master Meng Nan as an excuse, but he never thought that Master Shi Sen would actually make a move on them! And what w.a.n.g Zhun Xian never expected was for Shi Sen to actually fail and lose.

Shi Sen"s strength was unparalleled, and the bodyguards by his side were all elite soldiers, all of them were extremely strong.

Out of all of these soldiers, any one of them could beat w.a.n.g Zhun Xian down to his teeth. To be the commander of the Precious Bright Village Regiment, he had to have that judgement. All of the elite soldiers were a huge a.s.set themselves, and could not be bought purely with money, especially for those powerhouses who sought to expand their armies.

Shi Sen"s commanding ability also opened w.a.n.g Zhun Xian"s eyes, causing w.a.n.g Zhun Xian to secretly praise him in his heart. Throughout the entire battle, w.a.n.g Zhun Xian was immersed in spectating, allowing him to realize that Shi Sen was definitely a high standard military general! Furthermore, w.a.n.g Zhun Xian could not even comprehend the [b.u.t.terfly Dance] and the [Ichthyosaur Transformation], causing his respect for Shi Sen to shoot up.

But, the powerful Shi Sen actually lost.

This made w.a.n.g Zhun Xian question his own mind, for such a powerful military general with a strong team to lose, and to completely lose to the point that the entire team had fainted.

What kind of armor was that silver armor?

Master Meng Nan was actually so terrifyingly strong!

And that umbrella kid….

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian"s brain was in a mess, he was completely blurred from the entire fight. It had surpa.s.sed his knowledge.

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian did not dare to leave, they had already offended the Vast Star System, if he were to go and surrender himself, the Vast Star System would not let the Shang System go, and the entire Shang System would still be flattened by them. w.a.n.g Zhun Xian was already not willing for his family men to be drafted to repair the bridge, how could he be willing to watch the Shang System get flattened?

The only way they could save themselves, was to seek help from Master Meng Nan.

Master Meng Nan was too powerful, and the black castle was inconceivably strong.

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian had travelled extensively and seen many things. When Shi Sen took action, he was greatly surprised, but his mind worked faster than Shi Sen. When he saw the majestic black castle, he had already noticed the similarity between the black castle and the black rocks on the ground, and immediately made the connection, and realized the value of the barren land.

But he never thought that Shi Sen would actually make a move without even warning him. He had immediately rushed in to a.s.sault, and ultimately lost.

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian thought it over slowly, and gradually realized a few points.

At present, they needed to cover and bury everything that happened. The news of Shi Sen being caught could not be leaked out. Precious Bright City still had an army stationed there, ordered by Shi Sen, and they had to think of a way to handle them.

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian waited to report to Master Meng Nan, but no one knew that he was sleeping. He also did not dare to disturb, and could only wait by the side patiently.

The three guys, Jing Hao, Crane and Ling Xu, when pulled out of the barren lands, their faces were extremely ugly.

"We need to work harder." Crane spoke solemnly, he had not experienced such a fall for a long time. Although everyone already figured that the armies in Sacred Saint Galaxy were strong, but the strength they had displayed still surprised them

To them, the saints of Sacred Saint Galaxy were not refined, but when these unrefined saints were grouped to form an army, the battle ability they displayed far exceeded their antic.i.p.ations.

Ling Xu fiercely held onto the spear shaft, he was thoroughly enraged. He did not care about the army, he was extremely angry at his own failure.

"I"m going to train."

Saying that, Ling Xu stormed off.

Jing Hao revealed a self ridicule smile: "Previously, I thought that after refining out the sword spirit, I would be something, but I never thought I would suffer such a beating today. But next time, when we meet the next army…."

He did not continue, but turned to leave, to train in his sword.

Crane did not speak further, although they were not able to fight against an army, which could be considered extremely normal, to Crane, it was extremely humiliating.

His face darkened, and went to train too.

Tang Tian only woke up from his deep slumber after the second day. After sleeping sufficiently, he was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with vigor and energy, as though it could not be depleted.

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian who had been standing around earlier, immediately reported everything that he knew carefully.

w.a.n.g Zhun Xian reported the severity of the matter, causing Tang Tian to summon everyone. After hearing the report, they were all shocked. They never thought that Shi Sen would actually leave himself an exit, to specifically leave behind an army stationed in Precious Bright City. If he was not back after a specific period of time, the army would find something was off, and then that would be trouble.

The Vast Star System would definitely not rest with such a matter, and the most probable thing they would do was to send their large army to pressure them. At that time, the Shang System would definitely become a dead system. The Vast Star System would definitely not let anyone live.

After thinking about it, Tang Tian spoke: "Let"s wait for Shi Sen and his men to wake up, then we will think of something."

Shi Sen woke up in the afternoon, he did not sustain many injuries, but his eyes were blank and extremely dim, he was extremely depressed.

So I lost in the end?

I"m sorry everyone….

Shi Sen sat on the ground, not saying a word, as though his spirit was gone. The energy in his body was sealed, and he was like a newborn baby, being extremely clumsy.

Tang Tian dropped his b.u.t.t to the ground and sat beside him.

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