Unique Legend

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Winter Vacation’s Gift

Location: Taiwan Time: 2:10 PM

The mood became very cold.

“That, um, I think you should just move on peacefully.” Senior’s att.i.tude made his bad mood completely clear. I didn’t dare to force him to help anymore. However, the five-colored rooster head only has the word “annihilate” in his head. I had no choice but to try my best to deal with the female ghost myself.

“Impossible!” As soon the female ghost heard this sentence, she immediately recovered from her shock just now, “It’s absolutely impossible for me to let that man go like this!”

“Then we’ll just send you to h.e.l.l.” The five-colored rooster head joyfully walked over.

“Please wait by the side for a moment.” I instantly stopped this person who wanted to kill the ghost. Wu, Senior, can’t you help her a little since she is, at any rate, the baby’s mother?

After all, she was killed by someone too, and she only aborted her child because she was deceived. You should be a little more understanding of her.

Black eyes glared over. Taking in every word I just said, Senior very, very coldly snorted: “You want me to help her? I don’t want to do something like helping unconditionally.”

At any rate, she was a human when she was alive, not a thing…

“Otherwise, how can we help her?” I feel like it wouldn’t be good to put this type of ghost out on the street. What if next time she hurts other people? But I don’t really want her to go to h.e.l.l or be eliminated either; that’s too pitiful.

Senior tilted his head as if he was thinking about something…It can’t be that when he turns his head back, he’s going to directly kill the female ghost with one blow?

After a while or so, Senior stared at me for a long time before speaking: “I can help her, but I won’t let her do as she wish. Even so, will you still accept it?” He spoke very seriously, and I immediately nodded, “If it’s possible to help her…”

“So be it then. As for the price, I will settle that with you later.” Senior said some words that made me very afraid. Then he put that tiny infant back above the array, and looked straight at the female ghost, quite disdainfully telling her: “Tell me your name. I can fulfill what you want, but there is a limit to the time; whether or not you can fulfill your wish can only depend on whether time gives you this opportunity.”

The female ghost looked at him, then slowly opened her mouth. Her voice wasn’t loud, and was indistinct and actually a bit hard to make out: “My name…is…Xiao WanRong…yes, my name is Xiao WanRong.”

“I will give you one day to leave here, to find the person you are looking for. But after one day, whether or not you achieve what you want to do, my spell will still force you down into h.e.l.l. Do you accept?” Senior said this without any room for negotiation, with an imposing manner that felt like he would not allow refutals.

Blankly staring at him, the female ghost seemed to be considering, considering it for a very, very long time without making any noise.

“Alright, if you can guarantee to find that person.” Then, she firmly said.

“I can, but remember that you only have twenty-four hours. I won’t give you too much or too little. As soon as the time is up, you will immediately be sent to h.e.l.l. This is your choice.” After saying that, Senior took a step back, “Starting right now, calculate your time, [The atmospheric Elves who obey me, please lead the way, with sand and stone as blood and flesh and the air as breath, use only one day to rectify time.]”

The array on the ground suddenly became extremely bright. Then that infant disappeared, and after the light, the female ghost who originally looked blurry actually became a little real, like a living person. It was just that she was still pale and didn’t have a shadow.

She was even standing with both feet on the ground.

“Thank you.” After slowly leaving behind this sentence, the female ghost abruptly vanished in front of us.

The surroundings quieted down, and even the array disappeared, as if nothing had happened just now.

Is that it?

I looked at the empty spot and had an unreal feeling, “That…Senior, you let her go look for that person. Aren’t you afraid that there really will be a murder?”

“That’s also that person’s life. It has nothing to do with me.” Senior answered me with a rather open-minded att.i.tude.

You’re clearly the one who let that ghost go! If a ghost-murders-person appears on the headlines, you probably won’t be disa.s.sociate yourself with it, right!?

“The female ghost won’t kill that person, relax.” With a cold snort, Senior turned his head and left the place.

“Eh? Why?” Judging by her look, she obviously wants nothing more than to kill him, right?

“Yang~You really don’t understand girls. She definitely won’t kill him, and there’s only one day, so she might not even have time to kill him.” The five-colored rooster head put his hand on my shoulder and said.

And plus, there’s also the time for hesitation, right?

But how are you guys so confident!? What do we do if she immediately gets rid of the other person the moment she finds him!?

“You think someone who killed wouldn’t have any safeguards?” Glancing at me, Senior coldly said.

Oh, that’s true. I remember on TV, they would always give a speech about finding a protective talisman and whatnot. Turns out that can also delay time?

So G.o.dly!

“She will probably obediently go down to h.e.l.l?” Catching up to Senior, I still uneasily turned my head back to look at that place from just now.

“Even if she doesn’t, the atmospheric Elves released from the incantation will still drag her down. You don’t need to worry about this.”


Just as the three of us were about to arrive at the corner before my home, I suddenly saw a stall that I missed a lot, “Wait for me for a moment.” Saying that, I quickly ran to that little three-wheeled stall.

I never expected that I would still be able to see an egg cake stall during the New Year!

[T/N: They’re fluffy and can also be animal-shaped, but I don’t know what they’re made of]

“Yang~What is this?” The five-colored rooster head who followed behind me looked at the stopped stall, and curiously asked.

“Egg cake, everyone in my family likes to eat it.” Although my mom also knows how to make it, occasionally eating the ones outside isn’t bad either.

A sweet aroma drifted over from the stopped stall, an aroma that made one feel very comfortable.

“This student, how many do you want to buy?” The old man at the egg cake stall very politely asked.

I saw that twenty yuan (~3 USD) was written on the plastic sheet on it, and remembered that when I was little, it was only twelve yuan ($1.73 USD) before. Sure enough, it’s just not the same when the prices have risen.

“Uh…A hundred.” That should be enough for us to eat, right?

“A thousand.” Standing by the side, Senior pulled out some bills, then looked at me, “Ziray can finish all of that on his own.”

“Then can it be ten thousand?” After the five-colored rooster head smelled the aroma, a very joyful glow appeared around him.

The egg-cake old man will be scared to death! You tell me, who would spend ten thousand yuan to buy egg cakes!?

[T/N: Should be two hundred thousand yuan though]

“A thousand is enough.” Very politely handing the money to the old man who was obviously scared, Senior said.

“Oh, okay, you’ll have to wait a while for one thousand. Uncle will make them right away.” After receiving the money, the egg-cake old man very quickly lit the fire and heated up the stove, and with a skilled motion, he began to pour the batter onto the oval iron plate.

In my entire life, this was the first time I have ever seen someone spend one thousand yuan on egg cakes, and moreover, that person was even standing next to me; what’s more, there was even someone who wanted to get ten thousand just now!

“What is this smell?” While waiting, Senior looked at the little egg cakes poking out, and asked me out of boredom.

“Uh…You guys never ate it before?” I know that Senior seems to be completely unfamiliar with snacks. Before, he didn’t even know about red bean cakes or sausage with sticky rice. The five-colored rooster head is a lot better; at least the amount of different foods he’s eaten before is enough to scare people.

“No.” Senior narrowed his eyes as he glared at me.

“Nah, it seems really tasty.” The five-colored rooster head was drooling over the food inside that was separated by the plastic sheet.

“It’s just crispy on the outside and soft on the inside…” Suddenly, I didn’t know how to describe this thing either.

Something that I’ve eaten since I was little till now, how am I supposed to describe it all of a sudden!?

“They’re here, Uncle will let you eat a few first.”

Probably overhearing our conversation, the egg-cake old man, who was in the middle of turning them, used a bamboo fork to skewer a few freshly-baked egg cakes and pa.s.sed them over, “The taste of Uncle’s egg cakes are made with an exclusive recipe. I can guarantee that you won’t be able to eat them anywhere else.”

I immediately took the piping-hot egg cake skewer, and first thanked the old man before giving it to Senior.

The surroundings were full of cold air, and having a hot thing around would inexplicably attract people.

Senior took an egg cake, and beside him, the five-colored rooster head took the rest of the whole skewer.

“This smells good.” Looking at that little egg cake for a while, Senior made this sort of conclusion, then took a bite.

“This smells good.” Looking at that little egg cake for a while, Senior made this sort of conclusion, then took a bite.

I couldn’t tell if he thought this tasted good or bad from his expression at all, but at least he ate the whole thing.

“Yang~Maybe one thousand won’t be enough?” The five-colored rooster head, who had long since eaten the whole skewer into his stomach, became more interested in the egg cakes.

“It should be enough. There’s several hundred in a thousand!” A normal person would throw up from eating that!

“Will several hundred of this kind of food be enough?” The five-colored rooster head asked an abnormal question.

“It’s more than enough.” Don’t compare your appet.i.te to other people!

After waiting for another short period of time, the egg-cake old man finally put the completely-baked egg cakes into a five-pound bag filled with a bunch of small hot paper bags and handed it to us, “Uncle will invite you to eat a bit more again. If they taste good, come visit more often in the future.”

“Thank you.”

After saying goodbye, the mobile stall once again started to move.

Holding that big bag, the five-colored rooster head began to uncourteously swallow them into his stomach one at a time.

“Please leave at least some for my family.” Seeing that we were almost at the door, I was afraid the five-colored rooster head would eat all of the one thousand egg cakes in just a few seconds.

“Oh.” The five-colored rooster glanced at me, and swallowed a couple more down.

In less than half a minute or so later, my warm home appeared before us.

Because it was almost New Year’s, it was clear the doorway had been completely cleaned out. And I even saw a pair of leather shoes that I don’t know whether they should be called familiar or unfamiliar in the shoe cabinet.

“My dad’s back!” I suddenly felt that I haven’t seen my dad in a long time.

“Since there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first.” Glancing at the doorway, Senior frowned slightly. It felt like he didn’t really want to go in.

“Eh? We’re already here, so just stay for a few days?” Not knowing why Senior suddenly didn’t want to go in my house, I was a bit stunned. Didn’t he get along pretty well with my mom and sister last time?


Just when Senior wanted to say something, the door was suddenly opened by someone. Appearing behind it was that always terrifying ghostlike Chu Ming Yue.

[T/N: His sister]

“What are a bunch of you doing standing by the door? She glanced at us, then fully opened the door, “Come sit inside. It just so happens that Dad is back, and brought a lot of local products and snacks.”

I looked at Senior. Then I cautiously pushed his hand, “Um…Come in first. My mom will definitely want to see you too.”

Senior glanced at me, and without saying a word, he walked over and greeted Ming Yue, going inside.

The five-colored rooster head held the egg cakes that only had half of them left, and followed him in.

After walking through the entrance, I noticed that the entire interior had become very clean. It looks like my mom must have swept through the house during the days I was gone.

As soon as we approached the living room, I heard a certain voice that I haven’t heard in a long time talking to my mom in the kitchen. Then at the same time that person appeared in my line of sight, he also discovered that I came back, “Yang Yang! Long time no see, did you grow taller again!”

The one speaking to me was a middle-aged man, tall and well-built, wearing a white shirt and tie, and beside him was luggage. His appearance was exactly that of someone who just got off the plane and arrived home.

That’s right, this is my dad.

I haven’t seen him for at least half a year. Every time I come back during holidays, I always miss his return home. For a few seconds, I couldn’t even tell if he was my dad or my uncle.

Dad very happily moved toward us, “Wah, it’s been more than half a year since I saw you. You really have grown taller. Boys have to eat more during development, you know.” He reached out a hand and rubbed my head, exactly like how you’d treat a kid, “Eh? These two are your schoolmates?” He noticed Senior and the five-colored rooster head’s existence.

“Uh, one is my senior and the other is my cla.s.smate.” It’s just that my cla.s.smate seems a lot like a juvenile delinquent…That’s not it, he simply is a juvenile delinquent!

“Oh oh! Yang Yang rarely brings his friends home. Welcome to our home. I’m Yang Yang’s dad, Chu Xiang. If you guys came before, you might not have met me, because I go on business trips for about one or two months before coming back for a few days.” My dad very enthusiastically smacked Senior’s shoulder, though he didn’t express any opinions about the five-colored rooster head.

In fact, your son is already so lonely that you’ll be happy as long as someone comes, right?

Shouldn’t a typical parent question the five-colored rooster head, this type of person!? And then quietly tell me that I better not follow my cla.s.smate’s example and whatnot!

Shouldn’t a typical parent question the five-colored rooster head, this type of person!? And then quietly tell me that I better not follow my cla.s.smate’s example and whatnot!

“h.e.l.lo Uncle* Chu.” Senior politely greeted, “Sorry to have bothered you.”

[T/N: Not literally, just to show respect]

“Hi Uncle, I’m a good friend of Yang~!” The evil rooster head who was not a good friend at all and masqueraded as a good friend of mine, directly put his hand on my shoulder and introduced himself like this, “Just call me Ziray!”

My dad was still smiling happily, not at all feeling that there was anything wrong with having a juvenile delinquent as a friend, “h.e.l.lo, come over and sit. It just so happened that I brought a lot of gifts and local products with me when I came back today. When you guys want to go home, you can bring some back. Some of them usually can’t be bought and are only available on holidays and the New Year’s.” Pulling Senior and the juvenile delinquent, he cheerfully beckoned the two into the living room.

Then he left me in the corridor with a head full of black lines.

I’m really sorry, your son simply didn’t have a few friends for the first half of his life that you could say h.e.l.lo to like this. Now that you saw Senior and the five-colored rooster head, you just went all out, huh!?

You’ve wanted to play the role of the cla.s.smate’s good father for a long time, you!

“Dad seems really happy.” Leaning on the wall nearby, Ming Yue gave me a very scary cold smile, “Looks like you better bring some more schoolmates home in the future, or else he’ll focus all his attention on your senior and that golden-haired cla.s.smate.”

“Why don’t your friends come?” Looking at my dad who was currently recommending popular snacks, I aggrievedly looked at that witch who usually has a bunch of friends around her.

“Almost all of my friends are female. You’re not afraid Dad would be accused of s.e.xual hara.s.sment patting and hugging like this?” Raising an eyebrow, Ming Yue told me a fact that sounded a lot like an excuse.

There were clearly guys too, but they were chased off by you.

“Yang Yang came back.” My mom who was in the kitchen poked her head out, ending the conversation between the two of us, “Your dad coincidentally came back too. I made desserts for everyone to eat the living room.” She brought out a big plate of pastries.

“Didn’t Dad just buy a bunch of local products?” My sister took that plate of pastries and glanced at the living room again.

“Aih, it’s almost New Year’s, so it’d be better to eat some steamed sponge cake and *niangao.”

[TN: Glutinous rice cakes that are usually eaten during the New Year]

I looked at the plate. Sure enough, they were all Mom’s handmade essential foods for the New Year’s. The New Year’s is a time when people will become fat…

Carrying the plate and walking into the living room, Ming Yue and I simultaneously saw that my dad had already reached the stage where he ripped open several packs of local products for Senior and the five-colored rooster head to eat one by one.

“This is a sweet potato cake that my colleague bought from the east. Have you two tried it before? There’s also yanggeng* from Yuli…Other than that, I also bought a lot of imported cookies on my business trip.” Dad frantically ripped open the local products and put them over the whole table. At the side, the five-colored rooster head, who did not know what being courteous meant at all, followed in frantically eating. A bit further to the side, who knows what came over Senior as he took that sweet potato cake, silently and slowly eating it.

[T/N: a type of sweet gelatin cake made from red bean flour, Yuli is a place in Taiwan]

Won’t they get diarrhea from eating each type of food together like this?

“Yang~This is delicious!” As soon as he noticed me entering, the five-colored rooster head immediately raised the brown sugar cake in his hand and said.

“Oh, okay, I know it’s delicious.” Speaking of my dad, why is it that you even have things from Penghu (archipelago in Taiwan) among your popular products? Were your colleagues doing a big exchange of local products before the New Year’s arrival?

“Mom made pastries, so don’t eat too much.” Putting the plate on the table, Ming Yue threw a few unripped bags to the side.

Along with that bag of egg cakes…It can’t be this will be our dinner tonight…

I sat down on the empty s.p.a.ce next to Senior. The table before him was already piled with quite a lot of wrapping paper. They were all packagings of different local products.

Senior…you’ll get fat eating like this.

“Long-winded!” With a “pa” sound, a certain someone who was eating yanggeng directly smacked down on the back of my head.

I held my head and mournfully moved aside a little, “That…if the fried niangao aren’t eaten soon, they won’t taste good when they get cold, and the same goes for the egg cakes.” There were fried red bean niangao on the plate, and surrounding them were golden puff pastries, things that would definitely appear every New Year’s.

As soon as I turned my head, I saw that the egg cake bag was already empty.

And the culprit was currently eating brown sugar cake!

“Ziray…Won’t your stomach hurt?” I looked at the wrapping paper that were piled up like a mountain on the table before him, and asked with a bit of cold sweat

“Stomach hurt? Yang~does your stomach hurt?” Not at all feeling that he had eaten too much, the five-colored rooster head looked at me with a question-mark expression.

“Pretend I didn’t ask.” Your stomach really isn’t a human’s stomach.

“Yang Yang, I bought a gift for you.” Because he had become very cheerful ever since my schoolmates came, Dad took out a big bag from the side, “I didn’t get to give it to you when you entered school. Now that it’s the winter vacation, it’s just in time for new clothes.”

“Pretend I didn’t ask.” Your stomach really isn’t a human’s stomach.

“Yang Yang, I bought a gift for you.” Because he had become very cheerful ever since my schoolmates came, Dad took out a big bag from the side, “I didn’t get to give it to you when you entered school. Now that it’s the winter vacation, it’s just in time for new clothes.”

I took the bag. Inside was an entire set of new clothes, even the shoes, bag and whatnot.

“Thank you.” I accepted the heavy paper bag, very touched as I felt that there was finally someone in my family who was very nice to me; it’s just that this person, whom I often don’t see for half of the year, was almost forgotten by me.

“Xiao Yue also has one. There were coincidentally several women’s stores in the place where I went on the business trip, so Dad went shopping with my colleagues couple of times.” Taking out a second big paper bag and handing it to Ming Yue, Dad said happily.

“Thanks.” Ming Yue took the paper bag and looked at it. I guess it should be something similar to mine inside.

“The other two schoolmates also have. Uncle bought a lot of hats and some things for boys. Do you guys want to see if there’s anything you like?” Pulling out more paper bags, after the local products, Dad began to display his souvenirs. More than a dozen different paper bag packagings were spread out on the table, like a roadside peddler with the special offer of one hundred per pack, “No need to be polite; everyone has to choose at least one!”

I was very used to this scene, the treatment that our relatives and children who come to visit always receive every New Year’s.

As a result, we’re now celebrating the New Year in advance, is that it?

“Oh oh oh! This is good!”

The five-colored rooster head grabbed a shiny Hawaiian shirt from a paper bag. Printed on it was an Indian elephant, and on the back, there was even a strange choice of words, ‘enjoy the cool air, brave one,’ “Can you give this to me?” He was very satisfied with the weird Hawaiian shirt, and happily asked my dad.

Are you sure you really want that weird clothing!?

“I, I’m sorry, that one isn’t a gift.” My dad turned completely embarra.s.sed, and then told the five-colored rooster head this: “That was worn by Uncle before, when I went with my colleagues to the beach on the business trip last time…”

“It’s fine if it’s been worn before. I like this one.” The five-colored rooster head, whose eyes probably only had ‘enjoy the cool air, brave one’ in them, issued a love-at-first-sight answer.

To be honest, I can hardly imagine how my dad looked when he wore this. Why did you buy such a weird Hawaiian shirt for no reason whatsoever!?

“If he wants it, just give it to him.” Ming Yue was biting into a red bean niangao at the side, then threw over this sentence.

“This was only ninety-nine…” My dad said with some black lines.

“I like this.” The five-colored rooster head was already incapable of listening to human words.

Completely ignoring the love between the five-colored rooster head and the Hawaiian shirt, Senior looked through a paper bag by himself, then took out something from inside: “Can you give this to me?”

I turned around and saw that in Senior’s hand was a very, extremely folk-styled woven bracelet, which felt a lot like something a culture village would sell, with several colored strings woven together.

It turns out to be something that should be inconspicuous, but instead, I felt like there was something strange about that bracelet, and yet I can’t exactly explain it. However, it was something that made me not want to touch it.

“Sure, do you want to pick some more? There’s still a lot over here.” Dad was very happy that someone finally chose something normal, and picked up several more paper bags for Senior to see.

“I think just this will be enough.” Senior politely refused.

I sat by the side and ate a fried niangao that was about to become cold, then turned on the TV. It was currently broadcasting the news of this year’s incoming cold spell, which impartially happens to be the few days before and after the New Year.

That said, ever since I came back from the school, I kept feeling cold. Sure enough, I can’t adapt after staying too long in the warm school.

Just when the living room was filled with the smell of desserts and the sound of talking, my mom finally finished with kitchen work, then appeared at the entrance to the living room carrying a big plate of drinks, “Xiao Yue, Yang Yang, you guys have to quickly pack up in the next two days. The tickets are booked for the week of the New Year. Don’t wait until the time comes and rush to pack up again.”

That’s right, I almost forgot there was still the matter of the witch winning the ten-day cruise.

“I already finished. Instead of asking about our luggage, did you find two other people?” Ming Yue took a drink and asked a vague question.

Two other people?

“Not yet, I didn’t expect that your aunt and them would suddenly cancel the trip, saying that they have to return to our hometown for the New Year’s to do who knows what; so there’s still two more tickets.” Mom said with an expression like she had a headache, “For now we don’t know where else to find two people.”

“Two people?” Dad glanced at Mom.

Then everyone turned their head around to look at Senior and the golden-haired juvenile delinquent.

I seemed to have seen arrows appear above their heads indicating that there were two people here.

“Then it’s been decided!” Mom suddenly very happily clapped her hands together, then put her hands on Senior and the five-colored rooster head’s shoulder, left and right respectively. With a very, very kind and amiable but looks like a human trafficker about to sell a child kind of smile as she asked the two of them a question–

“Do you guys want to go on a ten-day cruise trip on the sea?”

Chapter 2 The Winter Vacation s Gift Location Taiwan Time 2 10 PM The mood became very cold. That, um, I think you should just move on peacefully. Senior s att.i.tude made his bad mood completely clear. I didn t dare to force him to help anymore. However, the five colored rooster head only has the word annihilate in his head. I had no choice but to try my best to deal with the female ghost myself. Impossible As soon the female ghost heard this sentence, she immediately recovered from her shock just now, It s absolutely impossible for me to let that man go like this Then we ll just send you to h.e.l.l. The five colored rooster head joyfully walked over. Please wait by the side for a moment. I instantly stopped this person who wanted to kill the ghost. Wu, Senior, can t you help her a little since she is, at any rate, the baby s mother After all, she was killed by someone too, and she only aborted her child because she was deceived. You should be a little more understanding of her. Black eyes glared over. Taking in every word I just said, Senior very, very coldly snorted You want me to help her I don t want to do something like helping unconditionally. At any rate, she was a human when she was alive, not a thing Otherwise, how can we help her I feel like it wouldn t be good to put this type of ghost out on the street. What if next time she hurts other people But I don t really want her to go to h.e.l.l or be eliminated either that s too pitiful. Senior tilted his head as if he was thinking about something It can t be that when he turns his head back, he s going to directly kill the female ghost with one blow After a while or so, Senior stared at me for a long time before speaking I can help her, but I won t let her do as she wish. Even so, will you still accept it He spoke very seriously, and I immediately nodded, If it s possible to help her So be it then. As for the price, I will settle that with you later. Senior said some words that made me very afraid. Then he put that tiny infant back above the array, and looked straight at the female ghost, quite disdainfully telling her Tell me your name. I can fulfill what you want, but there is a limit to the time whether or not you can fulfill your wish can only depend on whether time gives you this opportunity. The female ghost looked at him, then slowly opened her mouth. Her voice wasn t loud, and was indistinct and actually a bit hard to make out My name is Xiao WanRong yes, my name is Xiao WanRong. I will give you one day to leave here, to find the person you are looking for. But after one day, whether or not you achieve what you want to do, my spell will still force you down into h.e.l.l. Do you accept Senior said this without any room for negotiation, with an imposing manner that felt like he would not allow refutals. Blankly staring at him, the female ghost seemed to be considering, considering it for a very, very long time without making any noise. Alright, if you can guarantee to find that person. Then, she firmly said. I can, but remember that you only have twenty four hours. I won t give you too much or too little. As soon as the time is up, you will immediately be sent to h.e.l.l. This is your choice. After saying that, Senior took a step back, Starting right now, calculate your time, The atmospheric Elves who obey me, please lead the way, with sand and stone as blood and flesh and the air as breath, use only one day to rectify time. The array on the ground suddenly became extremely bright. Then that infant disappeared, and after the light, the female ghost who originally looked blurry actually became a little real, like a living person. It was just that she was still pale and didn t have a shadow. She was even standing with both feet on the ground. Thank you. After slowly leaving behind this sentence, the female ghost abruptly vanished in front of us. The surroundings quieted down, and even the array disappeared, as if nothing had happened just now. Is that it I looked at the empty spot and had an unreal feeling, That Senior, you let her go look for that person. Aren t you afraid that there really will be a murder That s also that person s life. It has nothing to do with me. Senior answered me with a rather open minded att.i.tude. You re clearly the one who let that ghost go If a ghost murders a person appears on the headlines, you probably won t be disa.s.sociate yourself with it, right The female ghost won t kill that person, relax. With a cold snort, Senior turned his head and left the place. Eh Why Judging by her look, she obviously wants nothing more than to kill him, right Yang You really don t understand girls. She definitely won t kill him, and there s only one day, so she might not even have time to kill him. The five colored rooster head put his hand on my shoulder and said. And plus, there s also the time for hesitation, right But how are you guys so confident What do we do if she immediately gets rid of the other person the moment she finds him You think someone who killed wouldn t have any safeguards Glancing at me, Senior coldly said. Oh, that s true. I remember on TV, they would always give a speech about finding a protective talisman and whatnot. Turns out that can also delay time So G.o.dly She will probably obediently go down to h.e.l.l Catching up to Senior, I still uneasily turned my head back to look at that place from just now. Even if she doesn t, the atmospheric Elves released from the incantation will still drag her down. You don t need to worry about this. Oh. Just as the three of us were about to arrive at the corner before my home, I suddenly saw a stall that I missed a lot, Wait for me for a moment. Saying that, I quickly ran to that little three wheeled stall. I never expected that I would still be able to see an egg cake stall during the New Year T N They re fluffy and can also be animal shaped, but I don t know what they re made of Yang What is this The five colored rooster head who followed behind me looked at the stopped stall, and curiously asked. Egg cake, everyone in my family likes to eat it. Although my mom also knows how to make it, occasionally eating the ones outside isn t bad either. A sweet aroma drifted over from the stopped stall, an aroma that made one feel very comfortable. This student, how many do you want to buy The old man at the egg cake stall very politely asked. I saw that twenty yuan 3 USD was written on the plastic sheet on it, and remembered that when I was little, it was only twelve yuan 1.73 USD before. Sure enough, it s just not the same when the prices have risen. Uh A hundred. That should be enough for us to eat, right A thousand. Standing by the side, Senior pulled out some bills, then looked at me, Ziray can finish all of that on his own. Then can it be ten thousand After the five colored rooster head smelled the aroma, a very joyful glow appeared around him. The egg cake old man will be scared to death You tell me, who would spend ten thousand yuan to buy egg cakes T N Should be two hundred thousand yuan though A thousand is enough. Very politely handing the money to the old man who was obviously scared, Senior said. Oh, okay, you ll have to wait a while for one thousand. Uncle will make them right away. After receiving the money, the egg cake old man very quickly lit the fire and heated up the stove, and with a skilled motion, he began to pour the batter onto the oval iron plate. In my entire life, this was the first time I have ever seen someone spend one thousand yuan on egg cakes, and moreover, that person was even standing next to me what s more, there was even someone who wanted to get ten thousand just now What is this smell While waiting, Senior looked at the little egg cakes poking out, and asked me out of boredom. Uh You guys never ate it before I know that Senior seems to be completely unfamiliar with snacks. Before, he didn t even know about red bean cakes or sausage with sticky rice. The five colored rooster head is a lot better at least the amount of different foods he s eaten before is enough to scare people. No. Senior narrowed his eyes as he glared at me. Nah, it seems really tasty. The five colored rooster head was drooling over the food inside that was separated by the plastic sheet. It s just crispy on the outside and soft on the inside Suddenly, I didn t know how to describe this thing either. Something that I ve eaten since I was little till now, how am I supposed to describe it all of a sudden They re here, Uncle will let you eat a few first. Probably overhearing our conversation, the egg cake old man, who was in the middle of turning them, used a bamboo fork to skewer a few freshly baked egg cakes and pa.s.sed them over, The taste of Uncle s egg cakes are made with an exclusive recipe. I can guarantee that you won t be able to eat them anywhere else. I immediately took the piping hot egg cake skewer, and first thanked the old man before giving it to Senior. The surroundings were full of cold air, and having a hot thing around would inexplicably attract people. Senior took an egg cake, and beside him, the five colored rooster head took the rest of the whole skewer. This smells good. Looking at that little egg cake for a while, Senior made this sort of conclusion, then took a bite. I couldn t tell if he thought this tasted good or bad from his expression at all, but at least he ate the whole thing. Yang Maybe one thousand won t be enough The five colored rooster head, who had long since eaten the whole skewer into his stomach, became more interested in the egg cakes. It should be enough. There s several hundred in a thousand A normal person would throw up from eating that Will several hundred of this kind of food be enough The five colored rooster head asked an abnormal question. It s more than enough. Don t compare your appet.i.te to other people After waiting for another short period of time, the egg cake old man finally put the completely baked egg cakes into a five pound bag filled with a bunch of small hot paper bags and handed it to us, Uncle will invite you to eat a bit more again. If they taste good, come visit more often in the future. Thank you. After saying goodbye, the mobile stall once again started to move. Holding that big bag, the five colored rooster head began to uncourteously swallow them into his stomach one at a time. Please leave at least some for my family. Seeing that we were almost at the door, I was afraid the five colored rooster head would eat all of the one thousand egg cakes in just a few seconds. Oh. The five colored rooster glanced at me, and swallowed a couple more down. In less than half a minute or so later, my warm home appeared before us. Because it was almost New Year s, it was clear the doorway had been completely cleaned out. And I even saw a pair of leather shoes that I don t know whether they should be called familiar or unfamiliar in the shoe cabinet. My dad s back I suddenly felt that I haven t seen my dad in a long time. Since there s nothing else, I ll leave first. Glancing at the doorway, Senior frowned slightly. It felt like he didn t really want to go in. Eh We re already here, so just stay for a few days Not knowing why Senior suddenly didn t want to go in my house, I was a bit stunned. Didn t he get along pretty well with my mom and sister last time I Just when Senior wanted to say something, the door was suddenly opened by someone. Appearing behind it was that always terrifying ghostlike Chu Ming Yue. T N His sister What are a bunch of you doing standing by the door She glanced at us, then fully opened the door, Come sit inside. It just so happens that Dad is back, and brought a lot of local products and snacks. I looked at Senior. Then I cautiously pushed his hand, Um Come in first. My mom will definitely want to see you too. Senior glanced at me, and without saying a word, he walked over and greeted Ming Yue, going inside. The five colored rooster head held the egg cakes that only had half of them left, and followed him in. After walking through the entrance, I noticed that the entire interior had become very clean. It looks like my mom must have swept through the house during the days I was gone. As soon as we approached the living room, I heard a certain voice that I haven t heard in a long time talking to my mom in the kitchen. Then at the same time that person appeared in my line of sight, he also discovered that I came back, Yang Yang Long time no see, did you grow taller again The one speaking to me was a middle aged man, tall and well built, wearing a white shirt and tie, and beside him was luggage. His appearance was exactly that of someone who just got off the plane and arrived home. That s right, this is my dad. I haven t seen him for at least half a year. Every time I come back during holidays, I always miss his return home. For a few seconds, I couldn t even tell if he was my dad or my uncle. Dad very happily moved toward us, Wah, it s been more than half a year since I saw you. You really have grown taller. Boys have to eat more during development, you know. He reached out a hand and rubbed my head, exactly like how you d treat a kid, Eh These two are your schoolmates He noticed Senior and the five colored rooster head s existence. Uh, one is my senior and the other is my cla.s.smate. It s just that my cla.s.smate seems a lot like a juvenile delinquent That s not it, he simply is a juvenile delinquent Oh oh Yang Yang rarely brings his friends home. Welcome to our home. I m Yang Yang s dad, Chu Xiang. If you guys came before, you might not have met me, because I go on business trips for about one or two months before coming back for a few days. My dad very enthusiastically smacked Senior s shoulder, though he didn t express any opinions about the five colored rooster head. In fact, your son is already so lonely that you ll be happy as long as someone comes, right Shouldn t a typical parent question the five colored rooster head, this type of person And then quietly tell me that I better not follow my cla.s.smate s example and whatnot h.e.l.lo Uncle Chu. Senior politely greeted, Sorry to have bothered you. T N Not literally, just to show respect Hi Uncle, I m a good friend of Yang The evil rooster head who was not a good friend at all and masqueraded as a good friend of mine, directly put his hand on my shoulder and introduced himself like this, Just call me Ziray My dad was still smiling happily, not at all feeling that there was anything wrong with having a juvenile delinquent as a friend, h.e.l.lo, come over and sit. It just so happened that I brought a lot of gifts and local products with me when I came back today. When you guys want to go home, you can bring some back. Some of them usually can t be bought and are only available on holidays and the New Year s. Pulling Senior and the juvenile delinquent, he cheerfully beckoned the two into the living room. Then he left me in the corridor with a head full of black lines. I m really sorry, your son simply didn t have a few friends for the first half of his life that you could say h.e.l.lo to like this. Now that you saw Senior and the five colored rooster head, you just went all out, huh You ve wanted to play the role of the cla.s.smate s good father for a long time, you Dad seems really happy. Leaning on the wall nearby, Ming Yue gave me a very scary cold smile, Looks like you better bring some more schoolmates home in the future, or else he ll focus all his attention on your senior and that golden haired cla.s.smate. Why don t your friends come Looking at my dad who was currently recommending popular snacks, I aggrievedly looked at that witch who usually has a bunch of friends around her. Almost all of my friends are female. You re not afraid Dad would be accused of s.e.xual hara.s.sment patting and hugging like this Raising an eyebrow, Ming Yue told me a fact that sounded a lot like an excuse. There were clearly guys too, but they were chased off by you. Yang Yang came back. My mom who was in the kitchen poked her head out, ending the conversation between the two of us, Your dad coincidentally came back too. I made desserts for everyone to eat the living room. She brought out a big plate of pastries. Didn t Dad just buy a bunch of local products My sister took that plate of pastries and glanced at the living room again. Aih, it s almost New Year s, so it d be better to eat some steamed sponge cake and niangao. TN Glutinous rice cakes that are usually eaten during the New Year I looked at the plate. Sure enough, they were all Mom s handmade essential foods for the New Year s. The New Year s is a time when people will become fat Carrying the plate and walking into the living room, Ming Yue and I simultaneously saw that my dad had already reached the stage where he ripped open several packs of local products for Senior and the five colored rooster head to eat one by one. This is a sweet potato cake that my colleague bought from the east. Have you two tried it before There s also yanggeng from Yuli Other than that, I also bought a lot of imported cookies on my business trip. Dad frantically ripped open the local products and put them over the whole table. At the side, the five colored rooster head, who did not know what being courteous meant at all, followed in frantically eating. A bit further to the side, who knows what came over Senior as he took that sweet potato cake, silently and slowly eating it. T N a type of sweet gelatin cake made from red bean flour, Yuli is a place in Taiwan Won t they get diarrhea from eating each type of food together like this Yang This is delicious As soon as he noticed me entering, the five colored rooster head immediately raised the brown sugar cake in his hand and said. Oh, okay, I know it s delicious. Speaking of my dad, why is it that you even have things from Penghu archipelago in Taiwan among your popular products Were your colleagues doing a big exchange of local products before the New Year s arrival Mom made pastries, so don t eat too much. Putting the plate on the table, Ming Yue threw a few unripped bags to the side. Along with that bag of egg cakes It can t be this will be our dinner tonight I sat down on the empty s.p.a.ce next to Senior. The table before him was already piled with quite a lot of wrapping paper. They were all packagings of different local products. Senior you ll get fat eating like this. Long winded With a pa sound, a certain someone who was eating yanggeng directly smacked down on the back of my head. I held my head and mournfully moved aside a little, That if the fried niangao aren t eaten soon, they won t taste good when they get cold, and the same goes for the egg cakes. There were fried red bean niangao on the plate, and surrounding them were golden puff pastries, things that would definitely appear every New Year s. As soon as I turned my head, I saw that the egg cake bag was already empty. And the culprit was currently eating brown sugar cake Ziray Won t your stomach hurt I looked at the wrapping paper that were piled up like a mountain on the table before him, and asked with a bit of cold sweat Stomach hurt Yang does your stomach hurt Not at all feeling that he had eaten too much, the five colored rooster head looked at me with a question mark expression. Pretend I didn t ask. Your stomach really isn t a human s stomach. Yang Yang, I bought a gift for you. Because he had become very cheerful ever since my schoolmates came, Dad took out a big bag from the side, I didn t get to give it to you when you entered school. Now that it s the winter vacation, it s just in time for new clothes. I took the bag. Inside was an entire set of new clothes, even the shoes, bag and whatnot. Thank you. I accepted the heavy paper bag, very touched as I felt that there was finally someone in my family who was very nice to me it s just that this person, whom I often don t see for half of the year, was almost forgotten by me. Xiao Yue also has one. There were coincidentally several women s stores in the place where I went on the business trip, so Dad went shopping with my colleagues couple of times. Taking out a second big paper bag and handing it to Ming Yue, Dad said happily. Thanks. Ming Yue took the paper bag and looked at it. I guess it should be something similar to mine inside. The other two schoolmates also have. Uncle bought a lot of hats and some things for boys. Do you guys want to see if there s anything you like Pulling out more paper bags, after the local products, Dad began to display his souvenirs. More than a dozen different paper bag packagings were spread out on the table, like a roadside peddler with the special offer of one hundred per pack, No need to be polite everyone has to choose at least one I was very used to this scene, the treatment that our relatives and children who come to visit always receive every New Year s. As a result, we re now celebrating the New Year in advance, is that it Oh oh oh This is good The five colored rooster head grabbed a shiny Hawaiian shirt from a paper bag. Printed on it was an Indian elephant, and on the back, there was even a strange choice of words, enjoy the cool air, brave one, Can you give this to me He was very satisfied with the weird Hawaiian shirt, and happily asked my dad. Are you sure you really want that weird clothing I, I m sorry, that one isn t a gift. My dad turned completely embarra.s.sed, and then told the five colored rooster head this That was worn by Uncle before, when I went with my colleagues to the beach on the business trip last time It s fine if it s been worn before. I like this one. The five colored rooster head, whose eyes probably only had enjoy the cool air, brave one in them, issued a love at first sight answer. To be honest, I can hardly imagine how my dad looked when he wore this. Why did you buy such a weird Hawaiian shirt for no reason whatsoever If he wants it, just give it to him. Ming Yue was biting into a red bean niangao at the side, then threw over this sentence. This was only ninety nine My dad said with some black lines. I like this. The five colored rooster head was already incapable of listening to human words. Completely ignoring the love between the five colored rooster head and the Hawaiian shirt, Senior looked through a paper bag by himself, then took out something from inside Can you give this to me I turned around and saw that in Senior s hand was a very, extremely folk styled woven bracelet, which felt a lot like something a culture village would sell, with several colored strings woven together. It turns out to be something that should be inconspicuous, but instead, I felt like there was something strange about that bracelet, and yet I can t exactly explain it. However, it was something that made me not want to touch it. Sure, do you want to pick some more There s still a lot over here. Dad was very happy that someone finally chose something normal, and picked up several more paper bags for Senior to see. I think just this will be enough. Senior politely refused. I sat by the side and ate a fried niangao that was about to become cold, then turned on the TV. It was currently broadcasting the news of this year s incoming cold spell, which impartially happens to be the few days before and after the New Year. That said, ever since I came back from the school, I kept feeling cold. Sure enough, I can t adapt after staying too long in the warm school. Just when the living room was filled with the smell of desserts and the sound of talking, my mom finally finished with kitchen work, then appeared at the entrance to the living room carrying a big plate of drinks, Xiao Yue, Yang Yang, you guys have to quickly pack up in the next two days. The tickets are booked for the week of the New Year. Don t wait until the time comes and rush to pack up again. That s right, I almost forgot there was still the matter of the witch winning the ten day cruise. I already finished. Instead of asking about our luggage, did you find two other people Ming Yue took a drink and asked a vague question. Two other people Not yet, I didn t expect that your aunt and them would suddenly cancel the trip, saying that they have to return to our hometown for the New Year s to do who knows what so there s still two more tickets. Mom said with an expression like she had a headache, For now we don t know where else to find two people. Two people Dad glanced at Mom. Then everyone turned their head around to look at Senior and the golden haired juvenile delinquent. I seemed to have seen arrows appear above their heads indicating that there were two people here. Then it s been decided Mom suddenly very happily clapped her hands together, then put her hands on Senior and the five colored rooster head s shoulder, left and right respectively. With a very, very kind and amiable but looks like a human trafficker about to sell a child kind of smile as she asked the two of them a question Do you guys want to go on a ten day cruise trip on the sea

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