Unique Legend

Chapter 66

Atlantis 8:50PM

The school gave us two days off to rest, from the school holidays to the next compet.i.tion.

For the majority of these two days, everyone spent their time doing their own things while the students from other schools, who came to watch the compet.i.tion, were visiting our school. You could see students from our school and those from other schools laughing, chatting and introducing themselves while they stroll around.This situation was most obvious in the library.

It was only later that I found out that our school library"s collection was actually in the top five in this world.


It"s here!

It’s here again!

Walk five steps and he would definitely appear behind you, that idle Taiwanese visitor!

"What do you want this time!" I already learned my lesson, this time I was too lazy to even try to run away. I simply turned around to look at that certain someone who will catch up to me no matter what happened.

"Ai, ai, I kindheartedly came to look for you to play lest you get bored to death.  Is this the att.i.tude you should have towards your savior?" The five-colored rooster head slowly walked out from some dark corner, his entire tone turned into that legendary melancholy tone.

To be honest, when he said those words, it was completely out of place with his clothing.

Can you imagine a person wearing a Hawaiian Taiwan visitor attire saying whatchamacallit being my savior? "So just what do you want?" In my heart, I told myself to stay calm and to not hit his head.

"Nothing much, I have nothing to do, so I came to look for you to go shopping." He said something that normally girls with nothing better to do would say.

"Not playing basketball?!"

I thought for a moment, wouldn"t most kids usually go off in droves to the stadium to do activities in the sun?

"Whenever I see round things rolling, I would have the impulse to smash it." The five-colored rooster head snorted twice, while grinding his claws for me to see. "Occupational disease, sorry."

You"re a rooster and not a dog, right?

Also, why is your occupational disease smashing round things?

Just what kind of round things did you smash?

Isn’t it your job to be an a.s.sa.s.sin?

"Who are you?"

The five-colored rooster head"s question dragged my wandering mind back. Who knew when a student from another school came nearby, and the five-colored rooster head was currently questioning him.

Student from another school?

I suddenly felt this person looked very familiar.

"Ran?" Needless to mention his face looking familiar, his clothes are distinctive enough. Within all the compet.i.tors, their school"s clothing are the most unique, giving people a very deep impression.

"h.e.l.lo." Still wearing that gentle smile, Ran immediately greeted me as soon as he saw me.

"You know each other?" The five-colored rooster head doubtfully looked at me, then at the student from Seven Hill Academy. His expression had a how-did-we-get-together kind of feeling.

"We met before at the General a.s.sembly." I clearly know that Ran isn"t a bad person. I don"t know why but I just have that feeling. “He is Ran from Seven Hill Academy. Two days ago at the compet.i.tion, I met him at the General a.s.sembly."

The five-colored rooster head"s expression still looked doubtful, "Ran? From Seven Hill Academy…sounds familiar, I don’t know where I heard this before."

"h.e.l.lo, friend from the Rogeria Clan." Bending his back slightly as he politely greeted him, Ran held out his hand. "I’ve heard that the next heir of the Rogeria Clan was studying here. To have the fortune to meet you today, I hope we can have the opportunity to learn from one another and exchange moves."

To be honest, the way he speaks is a bit articulate, it sounds a little strange.

"Learn from one another?" The five-colored rooster head laughed strangely twice, and I immediately knew where the direction of his thoughts were heading. "You want to fight, I"ll accompany you anytime!" I just knew he was thinking this!

Other than physical movements, doesn’t your brain have any thoughts of cultural exchanges at all!?

"Perhaps there will be an opportunity later on." Ran was very easygoing in saying this, and then turned towards me. "I’m sorry. I found this school to be very interesting so I was just wandering around. I didn’t bother you guys, right?"

"No, no." I immediately shook my head. Basically, he isn’t the only one wandering around. Besides, the school already seems to be in open mode, letting the students from the other schools walk around freely.

"But this place is so big, it’s like you won’t be able to reach the end." Glancing around him, Ran smiled and said,"During the compet.i.tion, parts of the layout were also changed and some places were put under seals to prevent people from causally entering."

I didn’t have that feeling of being blocked, so maybe it’s only directed towards the students from the other schools?

"Hey, the one from Seven Hill." The five-colored rooster head suddenly inserted himself into the conversation. My eyelids immediately twitched two or three times. "Are you unable to find someone to guide you?" Ran didn’t reply, just stared at him puzzled with wide, open eyes.

"Both of us also have nothing to do, so want us to bring you around the school?"

Wait a minute! The "both" of us?

Even if you want to die, why must you drag others down with you!?

I still remember how last time in the library, he had escaped. To act together with the five-colored rooster head, there definitely won"t be a good end!

"Really?" Ran curved into a smile then looked at me again.

"Of course!" The five-colored rooster head hooked my neck hard, almost causing me to ascend to heaven due to a lack of oxygen. "But there is a condition."

"Please say it."

The five-colored rooster head released his hand and pushed me to the side. I think he simply didn’t want me to come and obstruct him. "After we finish walking around, pick a day for us to spar. I want to know just what kind of abilities those from Seven Hill have."

I just knew it!

I just knew your mind is only filled with these stuff!

Ran crossed his arms and lowered his head to ponder for a moment. Oh please don’t promise him, dude.

"This is rather difficult to promise." Ran said something that made me want to cheer. "Because our school specified that we are not allowed to freely fight with others."

"Fine then, since you have some time and I also haven’t seen the school yet! Let’s all go and tour the school!" Before the five-colored rooster head could make a second proposal, I immediately cut off their words. But to be honest, I do actually want to tour the school, because until now, other than the cla.s.srooms, cafeteria,health care center,arena and dorm, I"ve never gone to anywhere else.

Ah, there’s also the place where we chased after the cla.s.sroom. The first place we chased after the cla.s.sroom was where we surfed.

The five-colored rooster head used a very strange expression to look at me, that expression was like he-was-planning-to-do-something-good-but-I-interrupted-him.

"Fine, so be it."

He actually agreed!?

Actually, I’m a little afraid that the five-colored rooster head will settle the score with me later.

But I"ve already forgotten about the matter for now.

He first brought us pa.s.s the school building that I was most familiar with, completely unaffected by the changes made to the school. The second stop, was to a place I"ve never seen before.

Similar to a wide courtyard, it was surrounded by trees and flowers, but everything was a transparent white. There’s no doubt that all the trees are really white in color, you can see the water slowly flowing within the trees.

Falling white leaves slowly fell down in a circular motion. Everything here seemed so calm, giving the feeling like time had stopped.

"This is White Park." The five-colored rooster head was actually acting as a dutiful guide as he introduced us to the place, "…very appropriate for families to barbecue,sightsee and have picnics."

Picnics your head.

I completely recovered my thankfulness in the next second.

"This place is indeed beautiful." Ran turned around in a circle, and smiled satisfied. "Especially the wind."

"Wind?" Honestly, I can only feel a thin and weak sliver of wind. What beautiful wind, I can"t feel it at all.

"Oh, you"re pretty knowledgeable." Glancing at the Seven Hill student, the five-colored rooster head"s tone didn’t show whether he was praising or ridiculing him, but according to his att.i.tude when he talks, I think he should be praising. "Clean your ears and listen up. This is one of our school"s four major locations, the White Park of the Wind. Usually I disdain to even bring people here to look!"

The White Park of the Wind?

But I really don’t feel any wind.

"So this is one of the four great guardians, White Park." Directly sitting down, Ran patted the spot next to him for me to sit, and I could only follow to sit on the ground. "But would it really be alright to causally bring a student from another school in here?"

He looked at the five-colored rooster head who was sitting on the opposite side and inquired.

"Don’t worry, if you were a bad person then you definitely wouldn’t be able to enter." The five-colored rooster head used a very confident tone to say, "Don’t look down on our school’s precautions."

"That"s true."

I completely don’t understand what those two are playing at. I had a sort of strange feeling like listening-to-aliens-have-a-conversation.

But once I calmed down, I did feel that the wind here is pretty comfortable. It wasn’t too strong, nor was it too weak, just a cool feeling as if there was nothing there.

Ran very naturally laid on the ground with a "peng" sound, completely disregarding whether the white gra.s.s had ants or insects of some kind.

I guess, if there’s ants here…termites?

[T/N:Termites is bai yi in Chinese, bai meaning white.]

"Yang~You never heard them mention anything about White Park and the like?" Sitting down as well, the five-colored rooster head gave me a puzzled look.

I knew who he was referring to. There"s a ninety percent chance he"s talking about Chifuyu and the others. "Nope, what’s that?"

"I heard that when Atlantis Academy was first founded, it was built with the four major elements. During the construction, they set up four landscapes in four different directions." Unexpectedly, the one who answered my question was actually the student from another school who was lying comfortably on the ground. "White Park of the Wind, Clear Park of the Water, Flame Park of the Fire, and finally the Stone Park of the Earth. Once the four locations had gathered the elements, they formed contracts with the elves to establish the foundation of the school. It was only then that they started to expand."

The five-colored rooster head looked surprised as well, but quickly retracted that expression he had accidentally shown. "Nn, right now, we’re at the base of where the wind element is concentrated at, White Park."

The base of the four major elements?

Wait then, so right now we’re at a very important place!?

Is it really okay to simply come here?

I felt like my back was covered in cold sweat.

The five-colored rooster head gave me a glance, seems like he guessed what I was thinking. "Don’t worry, this place has always been open, but not many students come here. Besides, this place has guards set up. Any loathsome person that enters will be utterly destroyed within a second.

…Utterly destroyed?

Dear cla.s.smate,your choice of words are really supernatural.

"Yang Yang still can’t see the elven guards?" Ran suddenly flipped himself over on the gra.s.s to look at me.

…Dear cla.s.smate, when did you learn to call me by such an intimate name? Shouldn’t we still be unfamiliar with each other?

But I suddenly realized that some of Ran"s actions and his face seemed very familiar. So familiar that I feel like I should be able to recognize him but I can’t remember where I saw him before.

Logically speaking, it should be easy for people like him to leave a lasting impression so it’s impossible for me not recognize him.

"Yang~still can’t see, he arrived at the school not too long ago." I don’t know when the five-colored rooster head became so close to him that he talked so naturally.

"Is that so?" Ran turned around and sat up. He looked at me with a smile, letting me feel a strange sensation of gooseb.u.mps bursting out. "Sorry. It’s because I thought you seemed like someone who arrived at this school a long time ago. I never thought you enrolled here only recently."

Should have arrived a long time ago?

Could it be that my face has "best time to enroll in school" written on it!?

"Eh… I apologize because I didn’t know there was such a school I could enroll in before." I don’t know how I was supposed to respond. Why did the conversation have to change to this! It can’t be that when the school was about to start, they used a bandwagon to noisily broadcast it through the streets and alleys! Shouldn’t it be natural for me not to know that?

"What are you two being so apologetic for?" The five-colored rooster head looked to his left then to his right before issuing that in a cross voice.

No one"s trying to provoke you, uncle.

"Yang Yang, if you want, I can help you to do an opening of the eye." Ran turned around and looked at me, seeming to beseech me with shining, beautiful black eyes.

However, just what the h.e.l.l is an opening of the eye?

Is it the legendary heavenly eyes?

Don’t they use that in the blockbuster movies to fool people whenever they’re catching ghosts and sealing demons or zombies?

"You know how to do the opening of the eye!?" The five-colored rooster head was undoubtedly completely shocked.

So to say, wouldn’t the opening of the eye use the tears of a cow to wipe on the eye…Ah, I remembered incorrectly, that’s the yin and yang eye that lets us to erase and retry.

"Is it shocking?" This time Ran was the one surprised.

The five-colored rooster head waved his hand. "Nevermind, I forgot your school’s an exception within exceptions."

"Excuse me. Can I ask what you guys are talking about?" I raised my hand to honestly ask.

Both of them turned at the same time to look at me. "The opening of the eye refers to elevating one"s ability." The five-colored rooster head scratched his head, then thought up a relatively simpler way to explain it to me. "Which means to upgrade like you do with the computer. It can let the power that you already possess to manifest. Although not much is drawn out each time but if paired with the opening of the eye, it can happen sooner.”

…Let me think a bit. So it means you could skip over levels?

If originally something that was going to appear in one year, was paired with the opening of the eye, it"ll take only four or six months?

So wouldn’t those that obediently train seem like fools then?

"The opening of the eye must be coupled with a person with potential in order to have results. Other than that, the ones that can perform the opening of the eye are very few, so few to the point that, just one can make thousands rush over." The five-colored rooster head added in those words for me.

Alright, I understand now.

Then he pointed a claw at Ran who wore a look of innocence. "The Seven Hill Academy students have always believed in whatchamacallit natural spirit. Going to their cla.s.ses will make you want to die of boredom every time."

"Excuse me, it’s the natural laws of the universe." Someone wanted to help his school refute.

"So wordy! It’s the same thing anyway." He was instantly cut off by a vicious tone. "So their school has always been known for producing alchemists and most people that know how to do the opening of the eye come from there."The five-colored rooster head retracted his claws and humphed twice.

In other words, Seven Hill Academy is naturally a spell-based school?

No wonder I always felt their school"s uniform resembled sacrificial curse clothing, so that’s the reason why.

"Anyway, Yang Yang, do you want to do the opening of the eye?"

Ran went back to the topic and once again asked me for my opinion. "According to my evaluation, you should possess the power but simply haven’t unlocked it yet. As long as you let me do an opening of the eye once, you definitely will see a noticeable difference.

Just opening the eye once will have such a difference?

Is it really that incredible?

I doubtfully stared at the person ahead who wasn’t close enough to be called a good friend. "How will it be different?"

"Nn…I can’t really say, just that you will have a different kind of feeling." Ran smilingly replied, "Because I"ve never done the opening of the eye on myself and isn’t able to anyway so I can’t say for certain."

I looked at the five-colored rooster head and he nodded towards me. I suppose, it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have my power move up a notch, right? After all, the reason I came to this school, is to learn how to control and use my power.

"Then…I"ll be troubling you." I nodded which can be considered as agreeing.

At most, if it’s unsuccessful, I wouldn’t be off any worser than I am now.

"Then I will help Ziray do the opening of the eye once since you also seem like someone with a lot of untapped potential, how’s that?" Obviously happy, Ran quickly offered that. "Consider it as thanks, for taking me around such a good place today."

"Sure." The five-colored rooster head laughed twice, and nodded in agreement without any hesitation at all.

"Then the two of you should keep this in mind, try not to use your full power in large spells for three days after the opening of the eye. That will result in a loss of power. Another thing is, every time you do the opening of the eye, it can only be done again after half a year. Because if it’s repeatedly done, the body won’t be able to keep up with the growth in power and can easily collapse. The two of you should remember these two points." Ran told us very seriously and sat with his legs crossed. "Both of you, please close your eyes until I say it’s alright for you to open them."

I seemed to have saw him taking out a small box from a pocket.

The five-colored rooster head already closed his eyes and I didn’t dare to look further on so I closed my eyes too.

From a breeze, came a faint fragrance, not a smell from something artificial nor was it a sweet fruity aroma. It was certainly not the elegant fragrance of flowers but was just a faint scent.

Like the smell of the wind.

Fresh and natural.

Just like that sunny scent on Senior"s and Restua"s bodies.

I don"t know why after smelling that scent for a few seconds or possibly even longer, my mind blanked out. I couldn"t think of anything at all.

Only the taste of that fragrance coiling around in my head.

Very comfortable…

"Alright, you two can open your eyes now."

Ran"s voice suddenly sounded out.

So fast!?

I opened my eyes and was surprised to find my eyes feeling sore. I subconsciously looked at my watch, twenty minutes had actually pa.s.sed.

Is this for real?

Did it really take that long?

The second I opened my eyes, I suddenly saw a white thing that seemed to be drifting past us, with an outline that looked like a person wearing a white robe. When I tried to get a closer look at him, he had already left.

This is the opening of the eye?

"It might be unstable today, so get a good night"s sleep. The power will then stabilize and you guys will find out what"s different from usual." Ran"s face looked rather pale but he was still smiling as he told us.

"Ah, thank you." I quickly bowed my head in thanks.

"No need to be courteous, this is something I should do." Ran was even more polite than me.

On the other side, the five-colored rooster head slowly opened his eyes and focused on lifting his right hand to loosen his fingers. He looked as if he was thinking about something and put down his hand after a while. "Feels pretty nice, thanks, Seven Hill"s student."

"It"s fine."

To be honest, I don"t really feel any different.

Overall, just my line of sight seemed to have been refreshed.

Ran stretched his waist and hands. "Doing the opening of the eye for two people at the same time is rather exhausting so I"ll take my leave. It really was a pleasant day today." He stood up, and patted the bits of gra.s.s off himself.

"Ah, do you want us to send you back?" I saw his face looked a bit pale green and was afraid he"ll suddenly faint on the way back or so. After all, no matter how you put it, he did do us a big favor.

"No need to trouble you guys, I can directly use a teleportation charm."Ran curved into a smile.

Oh right…I really am an idiot, to have forgotten about such a convenient thing.

"Seven Hill"s student." The five-colored rooster head also followed in springing up from the gra.s.s. "I admire you, next time let"s come and play again. And you still haven"t told us your last name yet. If there"s a day when we want to look for you, do you want us to die trying to find you?"

Now that he mentioned it, I just realized that I only know his name is Ran, the rest of it is a big question mark.

"Oh…I haven"t said it yet?" Ran froze for a moment and then quickly smiled. "Sorry, my full name is Bai Ling Ran, a third year in Seven Hill Academy."

"Bai?" I looked at him surprised, " What a coincidence, my mother"s family name is also Bai." I never thought it would be so easy to meet someone with the same last name. In the past, my mother often complained about how difficult it is to find someone that shared the same last name as her in the area.

Ran looked at me with a rather weird expression, "Yang Yang, my family name is Bai Ling, Bai Ling Ran."

I was stunned, feeling completely embarra.s.sed. "Sorry, I said it without thinking, I"m really sorry." I wanted to pull out my tongue. Why did I have to say more than what was necessary!

Just hearing it and you would know, who would have such a strange name like Ling Ran!

"That"s alright, that"s my family"s ancient name. Normally in the other world, we would go by Bai as our last name so to avoid the trouble of having to unnecessarily explain." Ran smiled to help me clear away the awkwardness. "Then let"s leave it at that and talk another time. Both of you are very interesting."

Actually, I really don"t understand their definition of interesting.

Because no matter where I go in this world, I was said to be interesting. Strangely, I can"t feel that I"m interesting at all.

A huge teleportation array appeared underneath Ran.

Just by looking at that teleportation array, and I can a.s.sume he"s clearly not just anyone.

Ran waved at us very enthusiastically.

"See you next time."

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