Unique Legend

Chapter 1

Publishedat 29th of August 2019 06:36:10 AMChapter 1

Chapter 1: The Start of School

Location: Atlantis Time: 9:18 AM

And just like this, the winter vacation went by in a hurry .

The day before school started, I once again properly rested for a day after sorting out all those things and going back to the dorm .

To tell the truth, it’s a lot harder to crash into the shuttle buses than the train . I bet there’s bound to be a person who doesn’t crash into the bus and just stops . I myself had used the teleportation charm and suddenly popped up here…The shuttle bus driver will probably be given a huge fright .

And so, cla.s.s officially started .

Compared to the bunch of things that happened before and during the winter vacation, after starting school, the whole school calmed down, calming to the point where it almost made me feel like there was something weird going on .

“Yang Yang, we’re changing rooms for our next cla.s.s . ” Using a very peaceful-school-life tone to talk to me, Miao Miao immediately appeared next to my seat as soon as the bell rang, “Last semester’s mantra cla.s.s has been switched to another cla.s.sroom this semester . Don’t go the wrong way in the future . ” She carried a small book bag, clearly waiting for me to go with her .

“Where did it switch to?” I immediately asked, dumbfounded .

I knew we switched cla.s.srooms, because it was written in the school registration papers .

However, it only briefly wrote: “the mantra cla.s.s has been switched to the crime scene practice cla.s.sroom . ” How would anyone know how to get there with this!?

And why is that cla.s.sroom’s name so strange? What’s a crime scene practice cla.s.sroom? To teach people how to use mantras to engage in criminal activity?

“The crime scene cla.s.sroom . It’s a scene simulation cla.s.sroom that provides many historical cases, a place where you can use a variety of grade-one charms . ” Walking over, Chifuyu explained to me while putting a reference book thick enough to smash open someone’s head into his backpack, “From there, you can simulate the various possibilities that can happen at work, a good place to train . ”


This word gave me a feeling that that place probably isn’t somewhere a human can stay, and also, dude, we clearly just took an ordinary course; what’s with that reference book?

“That’s right, it’s exactly like that . ” Miao Miao cheerfully echoed, “We were all taught basic theories in grade one . I’ve been waiting a long time for a hands-on cla.s.s!”

Speaking of which, isn’t mausoleum cla.s.s a hands-on cla.s.s?

If that doesn’t count, then what counts as a hands-on cla.s.s in your eyes!?

I suddenly felt dizzy . As soon as I returned to school, I immediately strongly felt that I was different from aliens . Previously, I even thought that I’d been a.s.similated; it’s such a discourtesy to you .

“That, that’s right, how come Ryan is missing?” I purposely looked around and pulled away from the topic . This time I was very certain that Ryan was not in his seat, on the wall, in the corridor nor on the windowsill . He really wasn’t in the cla.s.sroom . I clearly even caught sight of him at the beginning of cla.s.s?

“He took a detour to make a reservation for rice b.a.l.l.s first and will later go to the cla.s.sroom on his own . ” Having a very good understanding of his partner’s whereabouts, Chifuyu pushed his gla.s.ses up, immediately answering without using any time to think .

“Oh…I understand . ” Standing up and lifting my backpack, I followed them out the cla.s.sroom .

Because cla.s.s was over, the corridor had more leisurely-strolling students .

The campus break interval was about twenty minutes, enough to let one find a cla.s.sroom to relax for a while . The school bell can’t be trusted because in addition to making other noises, it also randomly rings based on its mood . This was my first-hand impression from being tricked not long after entering school .

As soon as we left the cla.s.sroom, a familiar face instantly appeared right in front of us .

“Chu Ming Yang! Let’s have an one-on-one fight on the weekends!” Who knows how long she’s waited outside in the corridor, Liliya pointed at me and said .

“Oh, okay, let’s talk when I have time . ” Already used to her coming over for an one-on-one fight when she had nothing better to do, I casually replied . During the Black Dorm situation, I could more or less tell that Liliya wasn’t actually a difficult person to get along with; she just has a bit of a temper .

“Don’t forget what you said . ” After obtaining an answer, the missy satisfiedly left .

I remember I answered with a “let’s talk when I have time” just now, right?

“Yang Yang, looks like you already know how to get along with her . ” Beside me, Chifuyu pushed his gla.s.ses, casting a sharp gleam .

“It’s actually good enough, I guess . After becoming familiar with Liliya, you’d feel that she isn’t that bad of a person . ” I rubbed my nose and replied . She indeed isn’t that bad . After the Black Dorm’s troubles were resolved, everyone all received treatment, and she even sneakily went around to observe everyone’s injuries; so I quickly determined that she probably belongs to the mouth-runs-faster-than-the-brain type .

“I previously heard people say that she is very arrogant, so Miao Miao didn’t really like interacting with her before . ” Miao Miao, who’s always been good with people, stuck her tongue out, speaking while leading us to the new cla.s.sroom: “However…hehe…” I knew without her saying it; it must have changed during the winter vacation .

We didn’t mention too much about our winter vacation . At most we only talked a little about the sea people . Chifuyu also didn’t ask me about what transpired afterwards with the village guardians . He probably guessed it himself or received information from the intelligence cla.s.s .

In short, not having to describe it made me breathe a sigh of relief .

Speaking of which, Liliya is very arrogant, that’s correct, I have a lot of experience with it too, “I think it has to do with her family? I heard they’re an aristocratic clan or something . ”

“The people in Cla.s.s A and B are pretty much the same anyway . ” Miao Miao shrugged and revealed a cute smile: “At first, it wasn’t that easy to get along . ” She spoke as if she had a lot of experience .

I could only smile along appeasingly .

The number of people I know from the two cla.s.ses above didn’t seem small . There are several of them . Like Senior, they are all from Cla.s.s A, and their characters aren’t bad . That said, if I didn’t meet Senior at the beginning, I would probably also feel that he’s difficult to get along with .

“At any rate, as long I succeed the clan, by then, it’ll be them coming to beg me for my help . ” Chifuyu, who I heard is from the oracle clan that everyone admires, humphed and issued a very dark societal declaration .

After pa.s.sing through a few corridors and leaving the school building, Miao Miao led us to another tall building . This time there were a bit less students in the corridor, and the doors of each cla.s.sroom were also far apart from each other, practically only four doors on one floor . It looked a bit weird . If there’s a door in the front and back, then there are only two cla.s.srooms .

Two cla.s.srooms on one floor?

“We’re here, this is the place . ” After climbing three flights of stairs, Miao Miao stopped in front of a door . Drawn on that door were beautiful totems that took one’s breath away a little, some of which I can understand . It was a basic wind-earth pattern combination . The rest I didn’t know, “Yang Yang, here is the new cla.s.sroom for this semester, you have to remember . ”

I raised my head following Miao Miao’s words, and saw a large wooden sign hanging on the door .

“Mantras cla.s.s crime scene practice cla.s.sroom” .

For a moment, I suddenly didn’t really want to go in .

Three seconds later, the new mantras cla.s.sroom door was pushed open before my eyes .

In that same second, a very shrill scream that lasted five seconds abruptly came from inside and broke off on its own . Then Chifuyu, who had pushed the door halfway, suddenly stopped, “Hmph! Want to play with me, and yet you didn’t even think about who I am . ” Saying that, he turned his hand and a thumb-sized black crystal appeared on it, “Scram . ” After saying that, he threw the crystal inside while immediately closing the door .

In that instant, I heard a huge bomb sound suddenly come from inside the cla.s.sroom .

…Could it be that what you just threw was a grenade?

And, is the cla.s.sroom allowed to be blown up like this?

After the explosion sound pa.s.sed, it became calm . Chifuyu swung his backpack back, before grandly lifting his foot and kicking the door open . The cla.s.sroom’s door abruptly crashed backwards and issued a noise, then bounced forward a few centimeters before stopping .

After opening the door, I saw that the whole cla.s.sroom was empty . Not even a desk, chair, blackboard and whatnot was there . Only a person dressed completely in black priestlike clothes appeared in front of us .

It was a man, a middle-aged man about thirty, forty years old, brown-haired and with a Western profile . He looked like a middle-aged man who couldn’t be more ordinary .

“Welcome, the three students who arrived at the cla.s.sroom on time . ” The man who I suspect to be a middle-aged priest said, then smiled brightly, “I am your Mantras practice cla.s.s teacher for this semester, Hansen . You have already achieved the minimum criteria of entering the cla.s.sroom, but because this is a Mantras cla.s.s, please apply a charm on your attacking weapon next time . ”

D, did something happen just now?

I looked at the vacant cla.s.sroom and, strangely enough, discovered that the cla.s.sroom had clearly just been bombed but not a trace of an explosion had appeared…Where did the explosion go?

“At any rate, as long as it’s effective, it’s all the same no matter what object you use . ” Chifuyu curved into a cold smile, pushing his gla.s.ses, “Isn’t that right, teacher?”

The new teacher raised his eyebrows, “Turns out you’re that top student who especially loves talking back to the teacher, the child of Yukino Clan . ” He whistled and appraised Chifuyu with a very interested expression, “Not bad, not bad, you really do look like the troublesome kind . ”

“Same to you . ” Similarly returning the favor with a smile, Chifuyu very simply gave him three words .

Now, I’m probably the only one still left in the dark .

Speaking of just now…just now, what was it that let us pa.s.s the whatchamacallit minimum criteria?

“Alright, then may the three of you students stand over there for a while . We still have to welcome the other students who haven’t come into the cla.s.sroom yet . ” After the new teacher drove us out to the corner of the cla.s.sroom, he instantly walked to the spot where he was standing before enthusiastically, before pulling out a white charm from his pocket, [The trial given to the trialists, those who meet the criteria, pa.s.s; those who do not, fail; go . ]

The white charm flew out at once, before black vortexes appeared five steps away from the two front and rear doors .

In that second, the front door was opened in a flash . The four students, who didn’t expect a despicable trap to be hidden behind the door at all, were all cleanly swallowed by the black vortex after a scream, and not even a bit of residue was left .

I suddenly knew how that scream from before had come about, and also Chifuyu’s reaction .

I completely understand!

Now I’m suddenly glad I came together with Miao Miao and Chifuyu, or else I 100% would’ve been turned into one of those people who didn’t even leave any residue .

“Aih, it’s already the seventh batch of students without the ability to resist . ” Gloomily sighing, the new teacher shook his head in the corner, “How could the quality of the students these days fall so low…”

I guess it’s probably because no one expected to be killed by the teacher upon opening the door?

That said, you are a teacher, right? Is killing students and letting them go to the medical team to be resurrected your job!?

You’re actually the medical team’s dark salesman, right?

Just when Chifuyu yawned and wanted to just skip the cla.s.s, that strange teacher stood up again and repositioned himself, “Some students finally came . ” He pulled out a white charm and did exactly the same thing as just now . Two black vortexes swirled up in front of the doors again, waiting for the next batch of unfortunate victims .

The moment the door was opened, I found that a bright ray of hope had appeared in the teacher’s eyes .

The black vortex immediately pounced like a ferocious dog .

“F**k! Who threw trash in front of the door!?”

Following the clamoring voice, I saw a familiar beast claw directly send the black vortex flying off into the horizon, “This road opens for me, this door returns after me . If you want to muddle along here, leave your life behind!” The five-colored rooster head, who unfortunately also chose this cla.s.s, very arrogantly gave the faraway black vortex the middle finger, “Daring to block this uncle’s path, you’re tired of living!”

Following behind the five-colored rooster head was Ryan, relaxedly sauntering right in .

“You! When did you start secretly following me!?” As soon as he discovered that someone had appeared behind him, the five-colored rooster head quickly clamored behind him .

“I’ve always been there . ” Ryan shrugged and gave a very simple answer .

The cla.s.sroom door once again closed .

“Why…Why did none of the students who came in want to use a charm!” The teacher, who twice had his door forced through, leaned against the corner miserably, his battered soul in the middle of aggrievement, “Charms are such marvelous and useful things, and not a single person actually wanted to use it to fight the obstruction . ”

Uh…basically, as far as I’m concerned, I think the most useful part of charms is in regard to escaping .

“Who is this wailing uncle?” Swinging his hand, the five-colored rooster head asked me with a face of questions .

“Uh, I heard he’s the Mantras cla.s.s’ new teacher . ” I just feel he doesn’t really seem like a teacher, a bit weird .

Chifuyu turned his face away, obviously didn’t want to have anything to do with this person who destroyed the obstacle with his bare hands .

Already automatically cheering up again, the teacher took out a slip of paper, “Let me see, more than half of the students should have already come . Looks like there aren’t many who can attend cla.s.s today . ”

The reason there aren’t many should be because they were also sneak-attacked by you, right!?

“Then alright, dear students please go to your seats…”

The second the teacher said that, the door abruptly opened without warning, and there wasn’t even enough time for the teacher to lay the trap .

“Nn? I thought cla.s.s has already started a long time ago . Does this cla.s.s not have a lot of people?” The amazing cla.s.s rep grandly came in, with a white talisman clamped between two fingers, “Who threw their probing charm in the corridor and forgot to take it?”

I saw that the teacher was greatly stunned . Looks like that thing is his . It turns out he was using that to know how many students would be coming in; he really is crafty .

“Students these days…could it be that none of them use charms . ” Three seconds later, the teacher once again leaned against the corner to be miserable, with a background of many grey-black lines and inorganic colors .

Hearing what Olivia just said, I subconsciously lifted my wrist and looked at my watch . Sure enough, cla.s.s was almost halfway over . Apart from those who were sneak-attacked before, it can’t be that it really is going to be just us few?

“Sit down first, everyone . ” Olivia kicked the floor, and a couple of white desks and chairs immediately surfaced from beneath the ground, coincidentally forming a circle, “Come and chat . ”

Miao Miao quickly bounced over . The remaining guys also felt that there was no reason not to sit if there are desks and chairs, and they all sat down one by one as well . Chifuyu even chose the farthest seat from the five-colored rooster head .

“Then, did you know that the school festival is arriving soon?” Miao Miao, who was very fond of events, was the first to start the conversation, “The high school’s annual school festival, it’s not long after the start of school . ”

School festival?

“Like the school’s sports meeting, that kind of thing?” I’m not too familiar with this, but didn’t we just do a huge sports compet.i.tion last semester? There’s an event so soon?

“No, it’s a school festival for the high school department . ” Olivia smiled slightly, explaining, “When our academy was established, it originally didn’t have that much grade cla.s.sification, in fact . As time went by, it gradually expanded . ”

“Kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high school, college and the joint research department; each school department was created at a different time, and each year there are school festivals for the various school departments, handled respectively by them . Then every three years, a large-scale celebration of the Academy is held . The large-scale celebration is an unified event of the whole academy, also known as the All-School Festival . ” Miao Miao stretched out her fingers to count, “It’s actually very similar to the sports meeting . Each year’s school festivals hold their own different events . Like when we were in middle school last year, the event was a tripart.i.te sports meeting that lasted two days . It was very interesting, and the first place team even got rewards . ”

So it really is more or less the same as the sports meeting, right?

Then I recalled my tragic sports meeting during the last year of middle school . At that time, there was a tug-of-war compet.i.tion between the entire cla.s.s . Then under the circ.u.mstances where all the boys joined, a tragedy happened like this .

Under the pull of everyone exerting themselves, the rope snapped in the middle within three seconds of starting . The worst part was that the one standing in front was me . I was flung off to the hospital, lying there for three days before dragging my feet back home .

“During last year’s tripart.i.te meeting, it was held on an uninhabited island . This year the high school will probably hold it on the campus, right?” Chifuyu pushed his gla.s.ses and said .

Uninhabited island, what the h.e.l.l!

Weren’t you holding a sports meeting? Isn’t exercising all the way to an uninhabited island too exaggerated!?

“I received a message from the school today . The high school’s festival will be held in the school for the duration of three days, with a celebration, rally compet.i.tion and dance . ” As the cla.s.s representative, Olivia straightforwardly said what the cadres had just found out, “The celebration will be one day, the rally compet.i.tion will be one day, and the dance will be on the night of the last day . The celebration is picked from samples of the Eastern countries of your world, and will be conducted as a school fair . So, at the end of this month, each cla.s.s has to propose three store plans . When the time comes, the school will be opened to let different people come in to visit, so everyone should try their best to think . ”

St, stores?

In one second, I thought of the thing that appears most often in the j.a.panese school fairs in manhuas, called the “haunted house . ”

Wait a minute, one per cla.s.s to open three stores?

Wouldn’t that kill people!?

“By then, every club in the high school will have also proposed a store . The grades make up twenty-seven, and the clubs make up about twenty . Counting them up, it should be forty, fifty stores or so . If the clubs propose more than two stores, there’ll be more . Other than that, the sports field will also open a new s.p.a.ce for everyone to use . ” The cla.s.s rep, who already had everything figured out, took out a list and told us, “The rally compet.i.tion is a confrontation between two groups . The entire grade will be split into two teams for an athletic showdown . Part of the course will be open for other academies to partic.i.p.ate . After the ceremony on the first day, the teams’ name-list will send clothes to each individual’s residence . By then, you’ll know which side you’re sorted into by seeing the clothes . ”

Speaking of which…Could it be that this is the legendary red-white confrontation, red-black confrontation, white-black confrontation and the like?

[T/N: I think it’s referring to some variety shows and song battles?]

I have a feeling I may die very badly in this year’s sports meeting .

“The teachers will also partic.i.p.ate for part of the course and dance . ”

Giving up on waiting for people at the door, the new teacher came over and formed a circle at some point, happily forgetting about starting cla.s.s as he joined the discussion, “When the time comes, you’ll understand how fascinating charms are . ”

You should be a teacher and not a charm, right?

“Didn’t our cla.s.s not decide on a store yet?” Chifuyu clearly skipped the teacher’s declaration and straightforwardly asked .

“Nn, I’ve only just received the cla.s.s representative notice . I plan to have everyone decide together tomorrow morning, since today is the elective courses . The probability of a whole cla.s.s isn’t high . ” Olivia shrugged and said, “But did you guys think of any ideas? Let’s discuss first, and tomorrow we can propose them in the cla.s.sroom and make a choice . ”

“Fighting arena . ” The five-colored rooster head quickly s.n.a.t.c.hed the first statement, “Keep fighting until someone dies . ”

I absolutely do not want to go to that kind of store!

“How about a place like a tea house, cafe, haunted house or dim sum shop?” I carefully put forward my own thoughts .

“Miao Miao likes dim sum shops . ” As soon as she heard dim sum, Miao Miao immediately gave her vote, “The haunted house also seems fun . How about a practice area for spell-based techniques? We can let guests who aren’t familiar with them experience the feeling . ”

[T/N: Dim sums are small bite sized snacks/light dishes like dumplings and steamed buns]

Speaking of which, I really want to know how you can experience the feeling of a spell-based technique .

By directly blasting them to death, huh!?

“Rice ball shopping mall . ” The silent Ryan suddenly burst out four words .

“Hot spring hotel . ” Chifuyu suggested something unbelievable .

“Okay, just these?” Quickly writing down the names on the paper, Olivia nodded .

Wait! Can you really open a hot spring hotel!?

“Dear students, have you considered opening a nightclub or something?” The new teacher happily gave his opinion .

Olivia likewise wrote it down .

“Miao Miao thinks the dim sum house is great . That way everyone can take turns combining their strengths to help, and the dim sums have such a fragrant smell . ” Already starting to fantasize about the store, Miao Miao cupped her face and said . I can almost guess that a blueprint of the entire row of stores’ layout and the like appeared in her mind . Maybe she even has the menu all sorted out already .

“Based on my understanding, among the things that world’s high schools arrange, they probably also have water-balloon throwing, fear boxes, fish scooping and so on, those sort of things . ” Chifuyu finally spoke normal words, “We can put a pa.s.sage leading to pufferfishes in the boxes, guaranteed to leave a deep impression on those who touch it . ” Overturned in one second .

Are you sure the people who touch it wouldn’t be directly zapped flat?

“If it’s games and the like, then we must prepare prizes, right?” Olivia paused her pen, “It’d be better if we raise funds in cla.s.s to buy them together . ”

I suddenly felt that the dim sum house really is a great place comparable to paradise .

“Okay, these are all then . The remaining ones we’ll look at in cla.s.s tomorrow and come up with a vote . ” Putting away her paper and pen, the cla.s.s rep nodded and said .

“I’m really looking forward to this school festival . ” Miao Miao blinked her big eyes and began countless fantasies .

My eyelid suddenly twitched two, three times, and I had a bad feeling .

Uh…the school fair should be very ordinary, right?


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