Unique Legend

Chapter 10

Publishedat 7th of August 2019 05:37:01 AMChapter 10

Chapter 10: Truth and the Re-encounter

Location: Taiwan Time: 12:08 PM

Yǔ lǐ‘s words were like a bomb, detonating without any warning .

I was blasted till I was dizzy, and immediately stood up: “I don’t know anything about the Dark Cult . ” He said it too suddenly . If it’s an extinct race, how could there be me?

And I’m not from the sealed world!

He also stood up, first glancing at me very oddly, before seeming to be in deep thought about something: “It’s not very obvious . I’ve touched items of the Dark Cult before and it feels like the smells are very similar . ”

I really wanted to tell him: that doesn’t mean I’m also one of them, right?

If that is the case, why didn’t anyone tell me?

Since it’s that type of evil demonic race, there should have been people coming over to destroy me, right; but up to now, I still haven’t been destroyed, so it’s clear I shouldn’t be .

Seeing that I didn’t say anything at all, Yǔ lǐ opened his mouth after a long while: “I don’t know why you wouldn’t know this for whatever reason . The smell on you is very thin, to the point where it’s difficult to tell without careful identification . Someone is probably protecting you, but it’s also possible that you are protecting yourself . And I, will absolutely not admit to be wrong . ”

Pursing my lips, I didn’t know how to answer him .

The matter with the Dark Cult suddenly came too quickly, so quickly that I was caught unprepared . I didn’t know how I should verify it, or if I should even verify it . I don’t want to verify whether he…It seems like it isn’t something that can easily be uncovered .

But, why didn’t Senior tell me?

From the bottom of my heart, I felt that Senior must have known about this . He didn’t tell me about this . He would only say that it wasn’t important and told me to not bother with it .

A bright light drew past before my eyes .

The source came from Yǔ lǐ‘s hand . In his hand was a chain, and on the chain was a silver pendant similar to a triangular cone, tiny and engraved with many words that I couldn’t read .

“My original clan was one that came from the sealed world to the original world . This is something that has been handed down in our clan . I heard that early, early on, our ancestors were once favored by a member of the Dark Cult . ”

Dumbfounded as I looked at Yǔ lǐ, I suddenly thought that maybe this was the reason he expressed goodwill to me at the start?

“That Dark Cult member later died during the war . This is the only relic our ancestors brought out with them . Afterwards, in order to escape their pursuers, they came to the original world, all the way till now when I appeared here . ” Yǔ lǐ handed me the necklace and put it on my hand . For a moment, the necklace was so icy that I almost threw it away: “This is something of your people . You can take it with you . ”

Looking at the necklace in my hand, for some reason, I suddenly felt that it was familiar, as if I had seen something similar before .

I really wanted to retort that I shouldn’t be a member of the Dark Cult, something so extraordinary .

How could there be a Dark Cult member as unlucky as I am…

Based on what he said, the Dark Cult should aspire to destroy the world as demon kings from the moment they are born, and then stand on the peak of the world before the age of fifteen with great bloodshed; before, once again following the laws of animation, they are crusaded against by the brave, and finally turn into meteors that kill everyone in the world and temporarily end all life with a boom, right!?

No matter how I look at myself, it just doesn’t fit?

But strangely enough, I couldn’t even make a noise of protest . I could tell Yǔ lǐ that he made a mistake and then return the necklace to him like this, but I didn’t do it . I put that necklace away .

“Chu Ming Yang, nice to meet you . ”

Yǔ lǐ revealed a kind smile that I had never seen before, then stretched out his hand and patted my shoulder: “If there is a chance, I really hope to see you again . ”

He’s leaving .

I hope that we really can still meet again . I want to ask him more things .

“Goodbye . ”

Then, Yǔ lǐ left and returned to that room .

The moment after the door of the room closed, it suddenly vanished and became an empty wall, as if there was never a door there . The surroundings were quiet . Only the sound of someone talking occasionally drifted over from upstairs .

Looking at the necklace in my hand, I was a little hesitant but still put it on my neck .

After all, this is the last thing Yǔ lǐ gave me . It wouldn’t be good to throw it away .

While thinking like this, my stomach suddenly became hungry, even calling out a few times . After relaxing, I realized that a long time had already pa.s.sed .

It should be time to eat .

There were clearly a lot less people in the restaurant today . Probably because of that situation with the sea people, quite a lot of people had become a little jumpy, afraid that the ship would immediately sink or something, and took all their food to their rooms to eat .


Just as I walked to the restaurant entrance, there was immediately a guy inside who ignored that don’t-make-loud-noise sign and directly waved at me enthusiastically all of a sudden . Apart from that five-colored rooster, whom I didn’t even need to look at to know who it was, I also saw Thomas sitting next to him .

“Why are you two here?” I looked around and didn’t see Senior . The table was full of special on-the-house dishes taken from the kitchen, much better than what other people had .

“Senior is sleeping, so I had no choice but to go out to find food . I can’t bring it back to eat; if I don’t eat here, where else can I eat?” The five-colored rooster head answered in a tone like I was asking nonsense, then cheerfully took a big plate of fish salad on the table and started to swallow it down into his stomach .

To be honest, I suddenly felt that it really is a good thing the five-colored rooster head can always be so cheery—as long as he doesn’t frequently drag me down with him .

I sat down beside them, and Thomas, for some reason, kept staring at me .

Being stared at by him made me a bit creeped out . I hurriedly lowered my head and pretended to eat, taking a bowl and chopsticks and diligently starting to eat .

“This ship is expected to arrive at the port tomorrow night . ” Right after I ate half a bowl, Thomas suddenly opened his mouth and spoke, causing me to not know whether or not I should keep eating, “By then, it will certainly cause a commotion . ”

That goes without saying; the ship even has a hole…Although it’s been patched up, a commotion is definitely inevitable . But I think it’s bound to be the same as what happened with the highway: suppressed by the terrifying Guild .

You guys really are an all-pervasive organization!

I still continued to eat with my head lowered . I didn’t know how to discuss this type of too adult-like issue with him . It seems like it’s always been Senior or the others . It’s a bit weird now that he’s telling me this .

“Then that means this uncle has to wear his best clothes to let them snap photos to their heart’s content!” The five-colored rooster head suddenly threw out this sentence, and the whole mood was sent flying .

“Can you please not!?” I’m very afraid he’ll wear the “enjoy the cool air, brave one . ”

“How rude! This uncle didn’t even say anything about the prized possessions I’ll be taking out, and you dared to dislike it!?” Turning around, he looked at me with a very strange gaze, as if I wouldn’t live to see the ship enter the port tomorrow if I said I dare .

“It, it’s not that, I just think it’s better to keep them safe instead of taking them out . What if a lot of people like them and copy your style?” Pretending to have a serious expression, I began to make things up .

“That is true . ” The five-colored rooster head actually agreed .

“Ziray has a lot of prized possessions?” Thomas, who still didn’t have a full understanding of this a.s.sa.s.sin, asked very curiously .

“Do you want to see?” As if meeting a kindred spirit, the five-colored rooster head completely perked up: “This uncle’s prized possessions are all one in tens of millions in the world, I tell you! It’s absolutely impossible for ordinary people to get this sort of thing!”

I think ordinary people wouldn’t want to use this sort of thing either .

Contrary to expectation, Thomas seemed to find it very interesting, even forgetting what he was seemingly about to say, and began to happily discuss the five-colored rooster head’s weird prized possessions with him . They even arranged to go to his house to see them when they have time .

You will regret it…You really will regret it . When you see a pile of shiny clothes, you will definitely regret it .

I prayed for Thomas in advance in my heart .

After I was more or less full, I wasn’t interested in listening to the five-colored rooster head a.n.a.lyze his prized possessions one by one, so after asking the kitchen for lunchboxes, I quickly went in the direction of our room .

Who knows how long Senior will be sleeping, he’ll most likely be famished when he wakes up, right…

Turning past the corner of the stairs, I naturally wanted to go back to the room but stopped in front of the corridor .

I saw Andellar standing in the doorway of our room . He obviously looked like he was waiting for someone . I just don’t know whether he’s waiting for me or Senior .

In that second, I started to get gooseb.u.mps again .

You don’t have anything better to do than come to our doorway? Don’t create terror here . These past two days have been terrifying enough .

“I thought about it and still couldn’t let this opportunity go . You really aren’t willing to do me the favor of going for a drink?” Andellar’s disguised face revealed a strange smile, causing me to be simply terrified .

Can I say no?

But I looked at his expression, which seemed like something bad would happen if I say no .

“The bar downstairs, don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you . ” He then told me this .

Thinking about it, I braced myself and resisted agreeing out of fear: “I, I’m going back to the room to put my things away first . ” He gave way, and I immediately opened the door and ran into the room . Senior was sound asleep on the bed, practically even unaware that I had come in . I didn’t dare to wake him up to tell him about Andellar .

Putting away my stuff and going out of the room again, Andellar was still outside in the corridor waiting for me .

I really don want to just go with him to any place .

“You’re not even willing to spare the time for a single drink?” Unexpectedly, he didn’t directly escort me away .

Looking at him, I cautiously nodded .

Oh please, who would go have a drink with an enemy, especially since the other person was also a malicious member of the Ghost Tribe .

The incident with Yido that time still made me afraid even now .

“Then never mind, I won’t force you . Pressured drinks all lose their flavor . ” Shrugging, Andellar suddenly changed his mind, so quickly that I thought he might be similar to those zodiac air signs in girls’ magazines .

“I can go back to the room?” Since I don’t need to go drink, then I shouldn’t have to stand here face to face with him, right?

To tell the truth, the pressure Andellar gave me was still tremendous . It was the same when he was Ashis, and still the same when I now knew his true ident.i.ty . I stood in front of him and dared not look him straight in the eyes .

“You can . ” He took out a business card from his coat pocket, and actually handed it over like some kind of businessman: “Take it, you will definitely want to find me one day . ”

Subconsciously taking that business card, the whole thing was white and only had a phone number .

The Ghost Tribe nowadays has already advanced so much?

Even printing their own business cards, huh!?

I didn’t want this business card at all but I didn’t dare to throw it away either . I could only accept it, and then, under his very amused gaze, quickly opened the door, hid inside and slammed the door .

He wouldn’t chase me inside again after thinking about it, right?

Fortunately, I waited for a long time and it didn’t happen .

In the end, from today till midnight, Senior continued sleeping .

Just like what Thomas said, the ship really did return to where we first came onboard on the evening of the next day . A lot of media had already gathered on the sh.o.r.e . I could see photoflashes desperately shining nonstop far, far away from the window, and I even exaggeratedly saw a bunch of stations crowding around, as if they’d win by crowding the other people out .

At that time, I was miserably packing up my luggage, because it was earlier than the expected return time, and I even desperately ran to the designer goods area to buy souvenirs . The five-colored rooster head was currently eating the last bit of food in the fridge, and Senior, who had been sleeping until just recently, was holding the seafood porridge that Thomas gifted and had eaten half of it on the sofa .

“We’re there!” I watched as the flashing lights outside the window became closer and closer, and abruptly felt as if I haven’t seen the ground in a long time .

That said, because the accident this time caused us to return early, the ship company even specially gave every guest onboard complimentary pa.s.ses . Most of them were vouchers for joint food companies, such as afternoon tea, cakes and the like .

Maybe because of Senior, they were originally going to give us new three-days-and-two-nights voyage tickets, and in the end were rejected by my mom .

She’s probably afraid the ship will actually sink next time .

So all the voyage tickets became vouchers for the cake shop, able to be exchanged for twelve large cakes or something of equal value .

“Seriously, it’s gone just like this, I thought it would be more fun . ” Crouching in front of the fridge, after the five-colored rooster head stuffed the last piece of cake into his mouth, he uttered his thoughts .

It’s already been “fun” enough!

There were also sea people and the Ghost Tribe included within the ten days, or did you still want more fun?

“Chu, did you finish packing yet?” Putting his empty bowl on the table, Senior’s voice drifted over .

“I finished, I finished . ” Hurriedly zipping up my backpack, I looked around this place that I’d stayed in for more than a week .

To be honest, if the sea people situation didn’t happen, I would honestly miss this place, but now I just want to quickly get off the ship and return to my lovable home .

“What’s with that thing around your neck?” Regaining his spirit after eating his full, Senior immediately noticed the necklace on my neck .

“Yǔ lǐ gave it to me…” He said it was from the Dark Cult .

Senior frowned: “You accepted something like this?”

The problem is that the other person said I’m from the Dark Cult, and I didn’t know how to refute that…Senior, did you know about this at all?

Thinking very seriously, I looked at Senior and hoped that he can give me an answer .

“Don’t know . ” He gave me an answer that we all knew was a lie .

Then, I didn’t keep asking .

Come on, Senior’s mouth is even tighter than a dead clam sh.e.l.l . If I could get it out of him, I can change my name to G.o.d!

“You can also change your occupation to seer, how about that?” Cold words smashed over, and I immediately retreated far, far away .

“N, no need, thank you . ” I heard many seers…cough cough, are very ill-fated . I’m already unlucky enough . I don’t want to add unluckiness on top of unluckiness, it’s enough like this .

A knocking sound came from outside the room, interrupting our conversation .

The five-colored rooster head opened the door, and the three members of my family were all standing outside, and carrying their luggage as well: “Yang Yang, did you guys finish packing? We have to go wait in the hall first, and in ten more minutes, we’ll arrive on sh.o.r.e . ”

After nodding, I picked up my backpack and went out the door, finally about to say goodbye to this large room that I stayed in for several days . To be honest, I was a bit reluctant because it was too comfortable .

Senior and the five-colored rooster head’s luggage wasn’t that much in the first place (I suspect they used teleportation spells to send things back halfway through), so they practically didn’t need to pack, picking them up and just leaving .

The room’s door was closed with a “dong” sound, automatically locking .

Walking to the hall gathering place, there were many people waiting there already . The staff maintained order and sent out tea and snacks, but quite a lot of people clearly looked very impatient, most likely because they didn’t want to stay on the accident ship for too long . Some had already gone to the deck to wait .

After my dad settled the expenses of this trip at the counter, he came back, and even had a box of souvenirs that the ship company gave in his hand .

Then, the ship arrived at the port .

Just like when we got on the ship at the beginning, we also got off in the same order .

But this time there were a lot more media reporters, and as soon as they saw that we were about to disembark, they immediately surrounded the exit . You don’t even have to get close to hear them continuously asking whether we have any thoughts about the accident onboard this time, whether the ship company has any statements, etc .

The first person to come out was instantly surrounded, followed by the second person . Every person who came out pushed away the media with a long face and hurriedly finished procedures before rapidly leaving here . Occasionally there would even be a few media tactlessly chasing after them, but they soon turned back .

My family was also in a similar situation, and because we had more people, we almost got swallowed up and separated .

However, Senior and the five-colored rooster head really have a way of doing things . I was just about to turn my head to look for them, and they’d actually escaped already and stood at the other end waiting for us .

After shaking off the media and doing the procedures, my dad and them quickly left the main entrance .

It was different from the salty wind at sea . Although it was still very cold, I felt the wind on land blowing over and enveloping me .

Sure enough, it’s better on land!

“We’re not taking the car . ”

Just when Dad was about to take us to the car, Senior suddenly spoke .

Dad puzzledly turned to look at him, and Senior showed a faint smile: “Thank you Chu Mom and Chu Dad for inviting us on a cruise trip this time . Our families just called to say that they’ll be coming over here to pick us up, so there’s no need to trouble Chu Dad to carry us too . ” He explained this in a very polite tone .

Senior, are your parents really coming to pick you up?

I suddenly felt that this excuse was rather muddled, and then I was glared at by a vicious black eye for a few seconds .

“Eh? It’s pretty far from here to the mainland . Wouldn’t it be too exhausting for your family to specifically make a trip over here? It’ll be more convenient for me to bring you along back like this?” My dad froze for a moment and immediately asked .

“No need, it just so happens that our families have some things they need to do along the way . ” The rarely so cooperative five-colored rooster head split into a grin: “Can we still go to your house to play next time?”

“You’re welcome any time . ” My mom smiling replied: “Come by often to play . ”

“Hehe, we will . ”

I suddenly felt that my future was dark .

And so, we officially parted ways at the port . I know Senior and the five-colored rooster head must have used a teleportation array to directly return to the school or their own homes .

After these couple of days, everyone was tired .

When I got on the car and immediately fell asleep, there was still one week and four days left of my winter vacation .

Following the cruise trip back home, it was like my life abruptly fell from an alien planet movie to an ordinary person’s, so peaceful that it made me afraid .

In the end, nothing happened at all during that last part of the winter vacation . Other than Miao Miao, Chifuyu and the others occasionally calling to chat, nothing special happened .

I’m getting more and more numb to the weird things on the street too .

Even if I don’t want to accept it, I also know that soon I won’t be an ordinary person anymore, which is super sad .

Before leaving our house, the purpose of that thing that Senior and the five-colored rooster head had drawn on our doorway, I finally figured out what it’s for . On the night when there were only four days left of the winter vacation, I shut myself up in my room playing online games, and saw a secretive shadow outside my window—whenever I play video games, I always turn the lights off . He probably didn’t realize there was still someone awake in the room .

At that time, it was half past three in the morning .

The thief didn’t have time to succeed before he was sent screaming out . Some kind of unknown force had bounced him off into the air, waking up a lot of families . I heard he was directly sent into a nearby ditch, and then got caught by pa.s.sing patrol officers . It just so happened that he was also a wanted habitual thief, and thus, this matter came to a happy ending .

I looked at the two things Yuli and Yǔ lǐ gave me, the poison and the necklace . Both seem like they will disturb my future peaceful life…Alright, even though the school doesn’t seem that peaceful either .

These days, I do think about it, what will happen to the two of them?

If Yuli dies, will Yǔ lǐ tell me or the others?

I guess they probably wouldn’t . I’m not anything to them anyway; it’s useless to tell me .

The information about the new semester at school was soon sent over, which was pretty much the same as what I got last semester . However, I didn’t get that thick student handbook . Looks like they only send out one . I better put mine away carefully .

Inside was a registration form and some receipts, as well as the reward for when I fought the Ghost Tribe and sea people on the ship . The considerable deposit in my peaceful life once again made me afraid . It can’t be that this is the calm before the storm, right?

I poured out all the other things in the bag . The first thing I saw was an elective course list, which indicated that I have to continue taking some of my cla.s.ses from the last school year . Besides that, I can choose to drop some cla.s.ses and change them to something else . The set cla.s.ses that I need to continue taking have already been scheduled . The remaining free periods are up to me .

Next is the clubs list .

I haven’t joined any clubs nor looked at them carefully .

Then the last thing that floated down made me fully dumbstruck for ten minutes, because I kept thinking that I was probably having eye cramps and saw it wrong, otherwise, how could I possibly see such ridiculous words?

[This is the beginning of the new semester . Dear students, I have to inform you that your school gate has changed . Please be sure to find the designated car number at the designated location below . The school gate has been changed to the front of the public buses this semester, three shifts a day, without waiting . ]

F**k—the side .

[T/N: The word 靠 can be read as “lean against” or the f-bomb, so he basically tried to change the sentence at the last minute]

Are you messing with me!?

Is it necessary to mess with me at the start of the new semester!?

Never mind the train, that thing has enough speed and is steered in a way that makes it absolutely too late to hit the brakes, able to very smoothly collide . What’s with those shuttle buses of yours!? What if he suddenly stepped on the brakes and can’t crash through!?

Looking at the time and number on it, I suddenly wanted to cry .

Sure enough, after life becomes peaceful, it’s the start of disaster .

Is it possible at all for you guys to put the school gate at a more normal location…I started to be a little afraid of being hit half-dead by the shuttles when they slam on the brakes . Can you give me another school guide this semester?

And so, my winter vacation finally came to an end .

The new school semester is about to officially begin .

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